Top 20 Apps Similar to Vyara Blood Bank

Blood Donor 2.13.0
Donating blood and platelets is easier than ever with TheAmericanRed Cross.
Blood Bank 1.0
Blood donation is a noble act. Thisapphelpsits user to find blood donor easily in a specificarea.Userneed toregister to use the application. User can alsocheck as adonor toenter into the global donor database. By checkingthedonationconsent, the user also confirming that thehis/herinformation canbe shown to all other user.The registereduser logininto thesearch donor page by providing right username andpassword.The theuser need to choose the Blood Group, City andCountry ofinterest.Available donor list will be shown and user canview userdetail aswell as can call or email them.
NHS Give Blood 3.9.0
An easier way to save and improve lives with an online donoraccount
BloodDonationCalculator 2020.09.13-0
Blood donation calculator will calculate the next possibledonationdate.
Blood Bank Directory 3.0
Give Blood for Money or Glory!Blood bank and plasma center directory. Locate plasma centersandget paid up to $40/hour! Review cordblood storage banks forkeepingstemcell and dna material. Over 3100 locations in UnitedStates andCanada listed with a growing community of over 6800ratings andreviews from our loyal users.Since 2002, has been THE resource forpromotingblood donation awareness education and providing avolunteer madedirectory.Here are the top 3 facts on blood donation on why it issoimportant:3. A serious car accident requires the amount of blood from50people!2. Cancer patients need blood from 8 people every week!1. Every 2 seconds someone in the USA needs blood!More on why donating blood is awesome...from author MichaelS.Williams.Though not controversial enough to qualify as front pagenews,sparse blood supply is affecting each person on this planet.Youhave a 25% likelihood to need a blood transfusion in yourlifetime.When that time comes, would you want to be on a waitinglistbecause there is no blood in stock at the hospital?Despite the scarcity of blood supply in Europe and theUnitedStates, donations make up 48% of the 91.8 million donationsin theworld. All that blood for people who make up just 15% oftheworld's population.Of the almost 92 million donations, only 4.3% donations havebeenreported from the 45 African countries. A blood supply thatisscarcer than scarce since these countries make up 12% of theglobalpopulation. The low turn-out of donors mean a very low supplyfortransfusions.Severe blood loss or hemorrhage is a leading cause of34%maternal deaths in Africa; this can occur during theirpregnantstate, on delivery and post partum. Low blood supply alsoaccountsfor 31% of maternal deaths in Asia and 21% deaths in LatinAmericaand the Caribbean.Transfusion is one of the life-saving steps hospitalsrecommendfor cases of severe bleeding anytime during pregnancy andafterdelivery. Without access to a healthy blood supply, mothersaredying. Access to a safe blood supply and life-saving measuresare abig issue in low income homes like the ones in Africa. Notonlyvolunteer blood donors are needed but volunteers for bloodbanks inthese parts of the world.Many recipients of donor blood have gone on to becomedonorsthemselves. If not for donors, they would have been deadorsuffered lingering pain. Once an accident happens and it hitscloseto home, having life-saving blood available lessens theburden.Blood donation may not be for everybody, there are many waystomake several hours of your time matter for the community.In 2009, Paul de Gelder, a NAVY diver got fatally bitten byashark in Sydney Harbor while on duty. He had lost a lot ofbloodand the time he got to the hospital he couldn’t breatheproperly ormove. He lost his right leg and his right forearm thatbledprofusely. He survived, thanks to 300 units of blood and the150donors who made it possible for the transfusion.In the United States, Brian Boyle had every major organdamagedand bones damaged in a terrible car accident. He died 8timesduring recovery and had 36 transfusions to replace 60% of thebloodhe lost. For Brian, a single pint from each person can helpnotonly strangers but loved ones who will be forever grateful. Henowvolunteers his and donates blood to the Red Cross. He is alsoanIronheart Triathlete.There is NO substitution for human blood when it comestooperations and treating a whole host of diseases. Don't letbloodshortages become common place, support blood donation becauseyounever know when you might need it!Also, if you want to donate more to this noble cause,pleasevisit and find our about us page to learnmoreabout how you can help.But, most importantly, spread the word about blood donationandwe all benefit.
Blood Donation Blood Donors 2.0
Jinga Inc
Red Blood Donor Cross India is Free MapbasedBlood donation to find Donors near youThis App can be used anywhere in the world for Free ! Allyouhave to do is open and post a listing saying you would liketodonate blood for Free. Anybody searching for blood donors nearyouwill find you in the app and and contact you in real world!The best part of the app is that it shows visually for Freewhereyou are and where the blood donors !1000+ Donors available on the platform and they are allupdatedwith phone numbers and blood group !
Blood Donation 1.0
The blood you donate givessomeoneanotherchance at life. One day that someone may be acloserelative, afriend, a loved one — or even.
Blood Banking 1.0.6
The Blood Banking app was developedbytheIndian Red Cross Society, Karnataka in a bid to resonatetheIRCS’mission of emergency relief and promoting health care. Initsmostliteral sense, it’s a destination where you can save,withdrawandtransfer blood, as and when you wish to, or require.This isaninitiative to urge people to be prepared in the faceofanemergency, wherein they have an available reserve ofbloodwhenthey, or their loved ones, need it the most.
My Blood for You 1.1.2
This is an This app helps you to find nearest blooddonorondemand and this also makes you a good blood donor. Youcansearchby specifying blood group and maximum distance withthedonor. Thesearch result will be sorted from nearest one to farone.Byclicking on the search result you can view the detailsofthedonor. The details contains name, profile picture, addressofhislast location (location when last updating occurred),circularandon road distance from the donor, on road duration (timetakesthedonor to reach your place), last updating time,willingnessofdonating blood etc. Showing other personal details ofdonorisrestricting here to avoid misusing. You can call thedonorbyclicking on the call button from donor profile view.The donor search process is as follows. First searchdonorbyspecifying blood group and distance. Then selectanappropriatedonor from the search result and call him. If heisready fordonate blood for you send him a request from hisprofileview afterthe call. A donor must see the request and verifytheprofile ofcalled person before going to the called placeforsecurity. If youare verified his profile, you can accepthisrequest and go to thecalled place. After you donate yourblooddelete the request youhave received and update your lastdonateddate.The location of all members will be update if they areonline.Ifthey become offline, their location updating will bestopped.Butall online and offline members will be displayed onthesearchresult. But the visibility of the offline members willbedependsup on their last updated location while they were online.Sowhiledeciding your donor please mentions their last updatingtimealso.The search result will only shows the donors with theagerangingfrom 17 to 65.If a member donated blood, he must update his lastdonateddatebecause there must be need an average gap of 56 daysbetweeneachdonation. Then he will automatically avoid from thesearchingandbecome active on searches after the blood donation duedate. Anewmember can search only after the activation period. Thiswillbemaximum 30 days from registration. This is foravoidingthetemporary registrations only for searching withoutreadytodonating blood.If a member logged out from his account, he will become similartoanoffline member. His location updating will be stopped. Sohewill beavailable with his last updated location on searches. Ifamemberwants to stop donating blood, he must need to deletehisaccount.Username once registered cannot change again. Somembersmust usememorable usernames.This is a location based application. But it takes thetowerlocationof the donor to avoid security issues with actualandaccuratelocation. So the distance between the donor andsearchingperson mayhave some minute difference from actualcalculation. Butit does notaffect badly because it should be lessthan 2 km.These services are also available on Ifyoufeelany problem with this app on your device, please send itasafeedback. Hope that My Blood for You will help you a lot.
Donate Blood 1.1
This is free application to help needypeopletosearch out nearest possible donors to save precious humanlife.Thisapplication will be accessible throughout the world andwillsearchout the registered donors for specified area /locationwhile sendingSMS to the filtered people matching yourblood grouprequirements.If you are a Blood Donor, please register so that needypeoplemaycontact you in case of emergency.Give Blood, Save Precious Human life!
Find the blood donors near you and helpyourfellow beings by registering with us.Features.--------------> Easy registration-> Find the donor in a single touch.-> Call him and check whether he is available-> Send a donation request-> Give thanks to the donor by ratingHow to use?.----------------------FIND DONOR->Search by blood group. You will get the nearest donors.-> Choose donor from the list and confirm his profile.->Send a blood donation request-> After accepted request contact him by call.-> Finally rate your donor for good help.INVITE FRIENDS->Invite all your friends and become hero.->We strongly encourage you to invite your friends to joinblooddonation.NOTIFICATIONS->All notifications can be seen here. It will movetoinbox/sent.MY LOCATION->Keep update location every time. It will helps blooddonorseekers to find http://mybloodcare.netemail: [email protected]
Marwadi Yuva Manch 1.0
Marwadi Yuva Manch Gandhidham is Launching BloodDonationapplicationfor All India Marwari Yuva Manch, NationalDevelopment& Unity.This app contains list of Voluntary andblood donorsdetails. Anybody can Register in this application asBlood Donorsor Seekers withtheir contact information. The main aimof theMarwadi Yuva MANCH isto organize the youth forcescattereddirectionless for want ofappropriate leadership and topreparethem for making duecontribution to the progress of thecommunityas well as of thenation through the process ofindividualdevelopment by mobilizingtheir youth power inconstructivedirections and making themconscious about their socialobligationsso that the dignity of thecommunity may bereestablished. Manchgives ample opportunity to theyouths who maygive leadership inany sector. It is, therefore, thefundamentaldesire of the MarwadiYuva Manch that the youth force beorganizedto become duty boundfor all round development of thenation atsocial, economical,political, physical as well as morallevel alongwith that of theMarwadi community.
Kind Hearts 1.0
Kind Hearts app aims on bridging thegapbetweenblood donor and a patient in need. Kind Hearts takes uptherole of amiddle social worker who has a detailed database ofallthe donors inhis area. Hence it helps a patient in need ofbloodto find a blooddonor near his area with ease and thus reduceshisstrain and effortin a tensed situation.The application identifies the location and lists outblooddonorswho are available in near by area.the user can providethelocationas per the requirement. This Application also allowstheuser to callthe blood donor directly.Kind hearts is a service which helps patients tofindthosekind-hearts who are willing to donate their blood.Thosewhounderstands the need for donating the blood, they know "ablooddonor is a life saver". Be a life saver!
I Save Lives - REDConnect 1.7
It feels great to donate ! Donate bloodandsave lives.REDConnect is a free community owned application tohelprecipients to connect with blood donors.One can raise request for blood and the application willconnectand send the request to registered donors. When a donoraccepts therequest for blood, the recipient is notified about thesame in realtime.For more detais browse to
SAGA 1.1
blood donors and recipients app
My Blood Bank 2.0
Would you like to do more than justdonateblood? Download this app and become a hub for blooddonation.This is what the app will let you do,1) It will message the contacts you select, asking themfortheirblood group2) It will read their messages and automatically updatetheirbloodgroup3) When there is an urgent need for a particular blood group,youcanuse the app to automatically message only the peoplehavingtherequired blood groupUse it for social work/community work.
Mother Blood Bank 1.0
Akash MS
Mother blood bank is a Largest onlinebloodbank. It has huge details of blood donor's who are willingtodonate* Easily search blood donor's with complete details along withphonenumber by your location.*Easily search blood bank's details by your location
GiveBlood is the Canadian Blood Servicesmobileapp for Canadians looking to Give Life. Quickly and easilyfind aclinic and book an appointment. Not only will this appautomaticallyplace a reminder in your calendar, it will track yourdonations eachand every time, keeping your life saving gift top ofmind all thetime. With instant reminders, dynamic locationservices and embeddedsocial networking, all you need to do is login and find an openappointment slot. So why not Give Life today?It’s in you togive.Features:•Search for donation clinics near you•Use your current location to map local clinics, and viewtheirservices and amenities•View available time slots•Book, view or reschedule a donation appointment•Add appointments and reminders to your calendar•Use your digital donor card in clinic•Easily sign-up or sign-in to access your account information•View and modify your personal details•View your donation history•Send feedbackGiveBlood is available in English and French. The displayedversioncorresponds to the language that you have selected in yourdevicesettings.
Blood Donation Reminder 1.3.10
Allows you to easily calculate the date of your next possibleblooddonation.