Top 2 Apps Similar to Uber Surge Notifier

Quick Switch for Uber & Lyft 2.4
This is the OLD version of the AppforAndroid4.0This is a simple but VERY productive app for UberandLyftdrivers. It gives you an Uber and Lyft button that floatovertheright edge of multiple apps that drivers use for rideshare.Makesdriving while manipulating your apps much easierandsafer.Floats over:Uber PartnerLyftUber PassengerGoogle MapsWazeThis app will switch between apps, and requires NO rootaccess.Ifyou have rooted your phone, you might prefer another appI'vebuiltcalled 'Driver Bar' this app allows for both switchingandclosing ofthe other driver apps. features:Hide the bar for 20 seconds: good if it's covering anonscreenfeature that you need to access.Quick Access to:- Gas Buddy- Uber Partners Dashboard Website- Uber Passenger App (to keep an eye on other cars and surges)There are absolutely NO ADS which is why I am charginganominalprice for it.
Easy Switch Uber & Lyft 3.0
JPazR Apps
Uber and Lyft Drivers who usebothapplicationsin a single phone know how frustrating it is toswitchbetween bothapplications. As soon as you accept a requestwitheither one youwant to quickly switch to the other one and turnitoff.This application allows you to do switch between both of themwithablink of an eye.Key features:- Single click to the icon to alternatebetweeneitherapplication- Icon can be placed anywhere you please and can also behiddenfromview- When neither application is focused you can still launcheitheronewith the launcher- No rooted phone required