Top 20 Apps Similar to Multilingual L Keyboard Free

嘸蝦米輸入法 Boshiamy IME 2.6.8
"Boshiamy IME" has been discontinued for sale. For trial use,pleasedownload "Shrimp Rice Input Method PRO (Android Version)".
嘸蝦米字根查詢 1.80
一、嘸蝦米輸入法嘸蝦米輸入法是由劉重次先生所創,在近十幾年來的全國性中文輸入競賽中大放異彩,幾乎前30名都是嘸蝦米使用者的天下。嘸蝦米輸入法採用形、音、義來拆字,雖然有些字根拆得很牽強,不過由於劉先生的有系統歸納整理,使得400多個字根,能夠在很短的時間熟記。近十年來嘸蝦米輸入法的旋風,已席捲了整個台灣的校園。由於它的規則簡單,學習容易,很快地受到老師及學生們的青睞。有成於此,特別設計了查碼的APP,供大家方便查詢。二、程式功能:1.查詢中文的嘸蝦米字根。2.可同時輸入多個中文字進行查詢。One,Boshiamy inputBoshiamy input by Mr. Liu Chongci created by the last decade ofthenational Chinese input Contest in Moscow, almost all former30Boshiamy users of the world. Boshiamy input method usingshape,sound and meaning to Chaizi, although some radical splitveryfar-fetched, but because Mr. Liu systematically collate,makingmore than 400 root, can in a very short time to memorize.Over thepast decade Boshiamy input whirlwind had swept acrossTaiwan'scampus. Because of its simple rules and easy to learn, veryquicklyby teachers and students of all ages. Successful here,speciallydesigned to check code APP, easy access for everyone.Second, the program features:1 Query Chinese Boshiamy root.2 can also enter multiple text to search.
嘸蝦米簡易查詢 1.0.5
Provide Boshiamy simple query.
嘸蝦米查詢快手 1.0.3
1. 快速查詢。2. 使用注音輸入方式查詢。3. 一般符號、簡體中文查詢。4. 中/日文、五十音、數字、字母、數理、圖形/其他類查詢。1. Quick Search.2. Use the phonetic input query.3. General symbol, Simplified Chinese inquiries.4. Chinese / Japanese, syllabary, letters,numbers,mathematics,graphics / other category queries.
Three Corner IME 5.0.0
Try out the new online Chinese IME! (testedonFirefox and Chrome) Corner IME三角編號法 (in Chinese)Enter KeyThe enter key automatically fills in the rest of the codewith"0".Example: "987 Enter" is the same as typingout"987000".Exception: "Enter" just inserts a return character,since"000000" is not a valid Three Corner code.WildcardIf you only remember two of the three parts of code, usethewildcard key "??" on the upper left of the keyboard. A listofcandidates with their corresponding code will be shown. The listisordered with the most frequently appearing character ontop.Example: "??9898", "98??98", "9898??"If you have any questions or comments, please feel free tocontactme.For anyone who wants to help contribute, the URL isat .
萊姆中文輸入法 - LIME IME 5.2.4
萊姆中文輸入法 - LIMEIME,是一套自由開源的輸入法程式。支援注音、倉頡、快倉、倉頡五、速成、大易、輕鬆、行列、行列10及華象等,並提供自定管理輸入法功能。您亦可透過設定工具新增、修改字根記錄,甚至將您建立的輸入法分享給朋友來使用**若輸入法運作異常請嚐試透過[回復原始設定] 功能進行資料及設定的修正, 透過輸入法喜好設定關閉部份功能可提高輸入法運作效率。**Lime開發團隊感謝各位使用者的使用及問題回報,我們持續的調整及修正輸入法功能,歡迎透過EMAIL([email protected])及 Facebook 與我們連繫##若您偏好舊版的萊姆輸入法亦可至頁面下載LIMEHD_391_334.apk版本。萊姆輸入法線上資源使用與操作說明(尚未更新) **軟體鍵盤快捷鍵 1. 滑動SPACE BAR 選擇輸入法 2. 長按SPACE BAR 顯示輸入法選單與簡繁互換 3. 按住SHIFT + (英|數) 鍵輸入大寫或符號 (Multi-TouchInput) ** 實體鍵盤快捷鍵 1.(SHIFT|FN) + 候選字右上標記 快速選字2. CTRL + SPACE混打/英文模式切換 3. CTRL + SHIFT顯示輸入法選單 4. MENU + SHIFT顯示輸入法選單 5. CTRL +(數字|符號) 鍵 輸入全型字 6. MENU +/ 顯示符號選單 7. 往下鍵 擴展候選字列表8. BACKSPACE關閉候選字列表 ** LIME-HD 的特點1.支援Android平板2.可自訂輸入法,目前支援10種輸入法:自建、注音、倉頡、快倉、倉頡五、速成、大易、輕鬆、行列、行列10,(行列及行列10使用老刀提供的對照表)3.注音輸入法鍵盤排列支援標準注音(大千)、倚天26鍵、倚天41鍵及許氏注音排列4.所有輸入法均支援連打,注音輸入法支援快拼(需另外下載注音連打快拼對照表) 5. 中英文混打,不用切換鍵盤6.虛擬鍵盤長按".",可輸入符號。實體鍵盤按Ctrl-/可輸入符號 7. Multi-touch虛擬鍵盤(可直接按Shift-X)8.虛擬鍵盤空白鍵左右滑動可快速切換輸入法 9. 支援實體鍵盤(藍牙鍵盤要Android3.0Honeycomb才支援),實體鍵盤Ctrl-A/C/V/X複製貼上、實體鍵盤Ctrl-1~9,0或單鍵選候選字、Shift-1~9,0選關聯字10.輸入法可選擇鍵盤排列11. 三排實體鍵盤手機鍵盤重對應 (不用按組合鍵) 12. 簡/繁字碼轉換 (打繁出簡,打簡出繁)13.反查輸入法字根 14.中/英關聯字典 由於Android裝置種類繁多,礙於專案團隊設備上的限制無法做全面的測試並兼顧到各種不同鍵盤配置,若LIME無法支援您的硬體設備還請見諒。**若文字無法正確輸入,建議您重置資料庫並重新下載或匯入字根檔案,如果選字與送出的字不同,請關閉喜好設定的中文簡/繁體字碼轉換.**感謝大易輸入法發明者王贊傑先生,萊姆中文輸入法正式獲得大易UNICODE 版使用授權
gcin 中文輸入法(含注音輸入&倉頡&行列)
Edward's Studio
gcin 中文輸入法(含注音、倉頡、行列)的特點-詞音&傳統注音:預選詞輸入部分注音時就可以選詞,自動選字。注音鍵盤支援:標準、21鍵注音(小手機用)、倚天26鍵、許氏、拼音。注音聲調符號「ˇˋˊ˙」輸入標點符號 「?、, 。」,標點符號輸入更方便。- 螢幕鍵盤&實體鍵盤支援[ㄅ…][ㄧㄨㄩ][ㄚ…] 聲韻母快速同時輸入&免刪除直接修正- 支援注音標準鍵盤動態放大,可減少按錯- 預選詞最多可選到10-20個(可設定),一般單列選擇區輸入法的只能選3個左右。提供選字列,如果自動選字不對可以直接選。-螢幕鍵盤上的長按鍵可快速切換各種鍵盤。不輸入時沒有工具列&編輯選字區佔據螢幕的缺點。也可以改成傳統編輯區內嵌的方式。- 可立即加詞 & 編輯詞庫,匯出&匯入詞庫,詞的長度可達32字- 大字編輯區,比在AP的編輯區修改編輯更容易,輸入標點符號自動送出編輯區- 簡體輸出,內附剪貼區 繁體<->簡體翻譯工具 & 注音查詢工具- 多種鍵盤背景主題可供選擇,螢幕鍵盤的高度 & 候選字的大小可以調整。可自己選擇鍵盤底圖照片。- 支援左右手單手操作模式,鍵盤縮小靠左 or 靠右。- 自訂使用者符號鍵盤,可匯出&匯入,可設定垂直&寬螢幕兩種- 方向鍵、剪貼鍵鍵盤。- 支援實體鍵盤(Bluetooth藍牙鍵盤, USB鍵盤OTG),可用 Windows logo 鍵開關螢幕鍵盤。- 五四三倉頡:有預選詞、自動選字 傳統倉頡 簡易(速成):兩鍵倉頡,有預選詞&自動選字- 大易、行列、希臘字母&可自行上載自己的中文輸入法.gtab。倉頡、大易、行列如果要用預選詞需要自行開啟。- 可以注音查詢倉頡、行列等 gtab 輸入法的拆碼,支援 * 萬用字元 & 同音字查詢這是贊助版,如果不想付費,也有免費版 gcinfree,在 Google Play 搜尋 gcinfree。gcin 詞音(類似新注音)的預選詞與取第一個注音的簡寫詞的方式相比,沒有底下的缺點:1. 不支援[ㄅ…][ㄧㄨㄩ][ㄚ…] 聲韻母快速同時輸入&免刪除直接修正2.簡寫詞輸入半天才發現詞庫沒這個詞,插入重新輸入加詞很麻煩 3.需要更改正常的注音輸入流程- 可開啟「念出發音」,對減少輸入錯誤有些幫助- 英文輸入預選詞支援有空白的詞、大小寫自動選擇、標點符號自動送出編輯區。可以設定成一開始用英文鍵盤。- 支援 google 語音輸入,可以把文字內容送到詞音編輯- 按鍵聲音、振動、跳動顯示可以設定開啟關閉- 可重複送出剛剛打的編輯區內容- 實體鍵盤可用 ctrl-shift 快速切換各種輸入法- 內建注音符號輸入法,免按空白,不用選字。詞音輸入法也可以直接輸入ㄉㄧㄤ、ㄉㄨㄞ、ㄘㄟˋ、ㄅㄧㄤˋ、ㄙㄨㄥˊ不用選字-內建剪貼區總管(剪貼簿),空白鍵顯示目前剪貼區的內容。長按空白鍵叫出剪貼簿,有「保留儲存格」&「歷史儲存格」兩種。重新開機內容不會不見。- 可下載中文&英文詞庫更新- 英數全半形切換- 支援 colemak& dvorak 英數鍵盤
极速五笔输入法 1.2
极速五笔在学习了电脑上主流五笔输入法的优点,结合手机输入的特色,全新设计而成。1、支持五笔拼音混合输入、五笔、拼音、笔画和英语等多种输入方式。2、精选超过30万的词条,收录了日常用到的很多生僻字,相信没有你打不出来的字。3、支持全键盘(26)、九宫格,数字,字符多种键盘,切换简单。4、侧重于五笔功能,更符合五笔用户者使用习惯。官方网址: in learningtheadvantages of speed on the computer mainstream Wubi inputmethod,combined with the mobile phone input features, the newdesign ismade.1, supports a variety of input methods Wubi Pinyin input mix,Wubi,Pinyin, Stroke and English.2, featured more than 300,000 entries, a collection of daily useofmany rare words, I believe there is no word that you do notcomeout to play.3, support full keyboard (26), squares, numbers,characters,multiple keyboard, switch simple.4, focusing on the five-stroke function, more in line withWubiusers who use habits.Official Website:
免費版 gcin 中文輸入法(含注音輸入&倉頡&行列) 5.26
gcin 中文輸入法(含注音、倉頡、行列)的特點-詞音&傳統注音:預選詞輸入部分注音時就可以選詞,自動選字。注音鍵盤支援:標準、21鍵注音(小手機用)、倚天26鍵、許氏、拼音。注音聲調符號「ˇˋˊ˙」輸入標點符號 「?、, 。」,標點符號輸入更方便。- 螢幕鍵盤&實體鍵盤支援[ㄅ…][ㄧㄨㄩ][ㄚ…] 聲韻母快速同時輸入&免刪除直接修正- 支援注音標準鍵盤動態放大,可減少按錯。- 預選詞最多可選到10-20個(可設定),一般單列選擇區輸入法的只能選3個左右。提供選字列,如果自動選字不對可以直接選。-螢幕鍵盤上的長按鍵可快速切換各種鍵盤。不輸入時沒有工具列&編輯選字區佔據螢幕的缺點。也可以改成傳統編輯區內嵌的方式。- 可立即加詞 & 編輯詞庫,匯出&匯入詞庫,詞的長度可達32字- 大字編輯區,比在AP的編輯區修改編輯更容易,輸入標點符號自動送出編輯區- 簡體輸出,內附剪貼區 繁體<->簡體翻譯工具 & 注音查詢工具- 多種鍵盤背景主題可供選擇,螢幕鍵盤的高度&候選字的大小可以調整。可自己選擇鍵盤底圖照片,大小位置可直接調整,不需要另外裁剪,圖片不會變形。可設定垂直&寬螢幕兩種- 自訂使用者符號鍵盤,可匯出&匯入,可設定垂直&寬螢幕兩種- 方向鍵、剪貼鍵鍵盤。- 支援實體鍵盤(Bluetooth藍牙鍵盤, USB鍵盤OTG),可用 Windows logo 鍵開關螢幕鍵盤。- 五四三倉頡:有預選詞、自動選字 傳統倉頡 簡易(速成):兩鍵倉頡,有預選詞&自動選字- 大易、行列、希臘字母&可自行上載自己的中文輸入法.gtab(*米)。倉頡、大易、行列如果要用預選詞需要自行開啟。- 可以注音查詢倉頡、行列等 gtab 輸入法的拆碼,支援 * 萬用字元 & 同音字查詢- .gtab 空白鍵不是用最簡碼提醒gcin 詞音(類似新注音)的預選詞與取第一個注音的簡寫詞的方式相比,沒有底下的缺點:1. 不支援[ㄅ…][ㄧㄨㄩ][ㄚ…] 聲韻母快速同時輸入&免刪除直接修正2.簡寫詞輸入半天才發現詞庫沒這個詞,插入重新輸入加詞很麻煩 3.需要更改正常的注音輸入流程- 可開啟「念出發音」,對減少輸入錯誤有些幫助- 英文輸入預選詞支援有空白的詞、大小寫自動選擇、標點符號自動送出編輯區。可以設定成一開始用英文鍵盤。- 支援 google 語音輸入,可以把文字內容送到詞音編輯- 支援左右手單手操作模式,鍵盤縮小靠左 or 靠右。- 按鍵聲音、振動、跳動顯示可以設定開啟關閉- 可重複送出剛剛打的編輯區內容- 實體鍵盤可用 ctrl-shift 快速切換各種輸入法- 內建注音符號輸入法,免按空白,不用選字。詞音輸入法也可以直接輸入ㄉㄧㄤ、ㄉㄨㄞ、ㄘㄟˋ、ㄅㄧㄤˋ、ㄙㄨㄥˊ不用選字- 注音鍵盤可設定向上滑直接輸入注音符號,對注音文愛好者是一大福音。內定是關閉-內建剪貼區總管(剪貼簿),空白鍵顯示目前剪貼區的內容。長按空白鍵叫出剪貼簿,有「保留儲存格」&「歷史儲存格」兩種。重新開機內容不會不見。- 可使用使用者自備字型- 可下載中文&英文詞庫更新- 英數全半形切換- 支援 colemak& dvorak 英數鍵盤
HKIME 中文輸入法 1.5.0
Sing Leung
Chinese input keyboard: Quick, Cangjie, Canton, Stroke
Another Cangjie Input Method
Hilary Cheng
This is a Cangjie / Quick (倉頡 3 / 速成輸入法)Chinese Input Method which is compatible with Android 4.2 NewSwypeKeyboard. Now you can toggle the English Keyboard by Press"英".Also, it doesn't required any special permission (ExceptVibratorPermission). It should be safe enough.** PLEASE EMAIL TO YOU IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, OTHERWISE,ICAN'T ANSWER FROM PLAYSTORE **** I am busy to debug the AOSP version whichhaveEnglish/Symbols/Cangjie together. Please stay tune. **If you wants the English Keyboard, you can go to get thebetaversion. You can configure the Android 4.2 English keyboard and itwillshow a "Earth" icon to change input method:"Language & Input" -> "Android keyboard Settings"->"Advanced settings" -> "Switch to other input methods"2. Key Vibration and Key Sound is turned off by default.Pleasego to Settings to turn it on.This project source code has been hosted at Github and it isveryfirst alpha project. You can get the code from thefollowinglinks: you find anythings problem on using latest version, youcandownload the previous version of apk from
TF101鍵盤專用注音輸入法 1.0
這是修改自注音倉頡輸入法的TF101鍵盤專用注音輸入主要是讓TF101(EEEPAD transformer)可以使用鍵盤來使用傳統注音輸入法功能:-可按123456789來選候選字-按SHIFT+123456789來選關聯字-按住SHIFT後,可暫時輸入英文或其他符號-CTRL+空白鍵可切換中英文模式-CTRL+『,』、『.』、『/』可在中文模式下輸入『,』、『。』、『?』
Jellybean Chinese Input Method 0.8.4
Hilary Cheng
This is a version of "Another CangjieInputMethod". It has been upgraded to use Jellybean AOSP codeandtogether with Cangjie3/Cangjie5/Quick/Stroke/Dayi/Cantonese.** PLEASE EMAIL TO YOU IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, OTHERWISE,ICAN'T ANSWER FROM PLAYSTORE **There is no **GESTURE** Keyboard for the right now. I havenotyet to implement it.Please keep in mind that it is development version. If youfoundany "Force Close" problem, please "Report" to me. I can helptofind out the bug.
Chinese Pinyin IME for Android 2020.12.20
Chinese Pinyin IME is an input method optimized forChinesecharacter input .
Chinese Alphabets IME Lite 1.21
Chinese Alphabets Logical LanguageSystem(CALLS/CCIME) is a new concept Chinese input method forenteringChinese characters and phrases (both Traditional andSimplifiedChinese) to your Android device with ease. This versionis a portof the Windows version for Android.For more information on this input method series, visit Android version features characters and phrases input.ThisLite version does not include Chinese-to-English dualmodetranslation, and only standard character database is availableforabout 10000 characters.Frequently-used data is available for both charactersandphrases.This input method supports hardware keyboard.After installation, enable the input method in SystemOptions-> Language and Keyboard, then open it by long-tapping ontextbox.
ZhuyinTablet 0.1
Zhuyin Chinese input method for 10 inch tabletProject:
中文輸入法字典 2.06
Jacky Lau
This program is mainly for people who do not understandChineseinput and set. Discover common Changjei, quick and T9 inChineseyards.
PChome注音輸入法 1.8.180
PChome Online
最新版本:1.將數字鍵盤獨立專屬位置「數」,優點是降低鍵盤整體高度。將輸入注音單鍵尺寸微調讓使用者輸入時可以更快速反應。2.提供鍵盤大、中、小三種尺寸之外,增設一新鍵盤尺寸:5列鍵盤。讓使用者在不同裝置上使用輸入法時,可以輕鬆調整鍵盤大小。提供免費授權,欲合作請來信洽談。「PChome注音輸入法」是專為網路輸入設計的輸入法,免費下載,無廣告,提供Android上快速操作輸入法;不同其他輸入法的部份是注音順序排列設計與ABC大小寫字母編排組合,搭配數字、符號顯示於按鍵上方,減少打字時轉換全形、半形與英數的時間與不便性。*免費提供「簡體字」輸入功能,以注音輸入概念由繁體字轉換為簡體字。*新增10個表情符號,可以運用在Skype、Line及Facebook上;調整英文字母排序方式。*「選」字功能:輸入注音後可以利用「選」「﹀」選項提供更多單字選擇,也可以利用上下滑動功能增加找尋速度。【HTC 手機安裝方式】1.請至Google Play商店搜尋「PChome注音輸入法」,下載至您所使用的裝置。2.畫面顯示「應用程式」權限,點選「接受」。3.下載完成後,至手機裝置「設定」中,開啟「語言與鍵盤」。4.選取 「PChome注音輸入法」後,請點選「預設」,選擇輸入法。5.「選取輸入法」項目中,選取「PChome注音輸入法」,即可使用。【Samsung、Sony手機安裝方式】1.請至Google Play商店搜尋「PChome注音輸入法」,下載至您所使用的裝置。2.畫面顯示「應用程式」權限,點選「接受」。3.下載完成後,至裝置「設定」中,開啟「語言與輸入」。4.選取「PChome注音輸入法」後,請點選「預設」,選擇輸入法。5.「選取輸入法」項目中,選取「PChome注音輸入法」,即可使用。【HTC ONE X手機安裝方式】1.請至Google Play商店搜尋「PChome注音輸入法」。2.點選開啟「PChome注音輸入法」,選擇「安裝」。3.畫面顯示「應用程式」權限,點選「接受」。4.由手機螢幕上方下拉,顯示 「PChome注音輸入法」安裝成功。5.找到手機「設定」功能,並點選進入。6.在「設定」中找到「語言與鍵盤」,並點選進入。7.找到 「PChome注音輸入法」選項將狀態由「關」改為「開」。8.開啟手機任一輸入功能(例如:簡訊或是通訊錄)。9.從螢幕頂端往下拉,找到「選擇輸入法」,並點選。10.選擇「PChome注音輸入法」,即可開始使用。以上安裝方式圖文詳解,請參考: latest version:1. The dedicated numeric keypad independent position "number",theadvantage is to reduce the overall height of the keyboard.Trimmingthe size of the input phonetic touch can make more rapidresponsewhen user input.2 offers a large keypad, except in a small three sizes, theadditionof a new keyboard Dimensions: 5 keyboard. Allows the userto use theinput method on different devices, you can easily adjustthekeyboard size.Offers free license, please email want todiscusscooperation."PChome phonetic input method" is designed specificallyfornetwork input input method, free download, no ads, offersfastoperation on Android input method; various other input methodsarephonetic order part of the design and layout combinationsofuppercase and lowercase letters ABC , with numbers,symbolsdisplayed on the top of the key, full-width conversion toreducetyping, and the half-width alphanumeric time andinconvenience.* Provide free "simplified" input function to converttraditionalChinese phonetic input is simplified by theconcept.* Added 10 emoticons, you can use the Skype, Line andFacebook;adjust alphabetical sort.* "Choose" the word function: phonetic input can "choose"between"﹀" option provides more word choices can also use the Findfunctionto increase the speed up and down the slide.[Installation] HTC phones1 Go to the Google Play Store search "PChome phoneticinputmethod" to download to the device you are using.2 Display "Application" permission, click "Accept."3 After the download is complete, the phone device to"Settings",open the "Language and Keyboard."4 Select "PChome phonetic input method" after, click the"default",select the input method.5. "Select Input Method" item, select "PChome phonetic inputmethod"can be used.[Samsung, Sony Mobile Installation]1 Go to the Google Play Store search "PChome phoneticinputmethod" to download to the device you are using.2 Display "Application" permission, click "Accept."3 After the download is complete, to the device "Settings", openthe"Language & input."4 Select "PChome phonetic input method" after, click the"default",select the input method.5. "Select Input Method" item, select "PChome phonetic inputmethod"can be used.[HTC ONE X Mobile installation]1 Go to the Google Play Store search "PChome phoneticinputmethod."2 Tap to open "PChome phonetic input method",choose"Install."3 Display "Application" permission, click "Accept."4 drop-down top of the screen from the phone displays"PChomephonetic input method" successfully installed.5 Locate the phone "Settings" feature, and click enter.6 Find the "Language and Keyboard" in "Settings" andclickenter.7 found "PChome phonetic input method" option status from"closed"to "open."8 Open the phone any input function (eg: SMS or contacts).9 pull down from the top of the screen to find the "SelectInputMethod" and click.10 Select "PChome phonetic input method" to get started.Detailed installation graphic above, please refer to:
Changjie Input Method 0.3.1
The is another Changjie (Cangjie) ChineseInputKeyborad for Android.Supported Changjie ( Cangjie ) version 3 and 5, andQuickMethod,with Phases support.It also supported Japanese Hiragana and Katakana Input byusingprefix ZJ with Gojuon.e.g. ね (ZJNE ), も (ZJMO), と (ZJTO )ゆ (ZJYU ), か (ZJKA ), こ (ZJKO ).The project is base on the new ibus-cangjie basedlibrarylibcangjie.More Detail: program is free software: you can redistribute itand/ormodifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License aspublishedbythe Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of theLicense,or(at your option) any later version.Source Code:
手心输入法是一款纯净、好用的输入法,不仅包含了一般输入法的中英文输入、词库、皮肤等功能。同时在功能上做了多项创新与改进,使其兼具以下特点:1 干净、无骚扰无广告。2 拼音输入,在拼音方面做了大量改进,使拼音输入更加高效易用。- 支持云输入,通过云计算提供更精准候选词;- 支持混合词语,无需切换可以输入“android手机”、“1号楼”;- 支持个性短语,提供编辑及导入功能;- 支持按键纠错,输入“logn”,会出现“龙”;- 候选笔画过滤,轻松输入生僻字。输入“kun丶一”,“堃”就会被提前;- 支持拆字输入,可以通过部件读音输入汉字,输入“huohua”,会出现“烨”;- 支持拼音提示,对常见易混词语提示正确拼音,输入“chu'lou'feng'mang”,会出现“初露(lù)锋芒”;- 支持颜表情及emoji表情;3 双拼输入,支持多种双拼方案及自定义辅助码。4 笔画输入,支持部件,支持自动分词,输入 “丿一丿丨”出现“我们”。5 手写输入,支持连写、叠写等模式。6 语音输入。7 外接键盘输入,包括蓝牙或OTG等外设键盘。Palms input method isapure, easy to use input method, English input includes not onlythegeneral input method, thesaurus, skin and other functions. Whileinfunction to do a number of innovations and improvements to bothofthe following characteristics:A clean, no harassment without advertising.2 pinyin input, the spelling has done a lot to improve, makemoreefficient and easy to use pinyin input.- Support for cloud input, computing provide more accuratecandidateword cloud;- Support for mixed words, no need to switch you can enter"androidphone", "Building 1";- Support for personalized phrases, providing editing andimportingfunctions;- Support key correction, enter "logn", there willbe"Dragon";- Short-stroke filtered easily enter uncommon words. Enter "kunDianone", "Kun" will be in advance;- Support for Separation of Chinese input, you can inputChinesecharacters, enter "huohua" pronunciation by members, therewill be"Ye";- Support Pinyin tips, correct spelling, enter"chu'lou'feng'mang",there will be "burst on the scene (lù) edge" ofcommon wordsprompted the Confusing;- Supports color emoji expression and expression;3 Larry input, support a variety of programs and customLarryauxiliary code.4 strokes input, support member, supports automaticsegmentation,enter "a Pie Pie | 'or a" we. "5 handwriting input, support for ligatures, overwritingmodes.6 voice input.7 External keyboard input, including Bluetooth or OTGperipheraldevices such as a keyboard.