Top 10 Apps Similar to Math Table

Numbers 7.0
Education doesn’t start when a childstartsgoing to school. Research shows that a child starts learningrightfrom the time it is in the womb. They learn and think a lotmorethan we can believe. Babies begin to engage many of theirsensesand learn about the world around them before they areborn.Subconsciously they can relate to music, numbers, differentsoundsand voices and touch.Taking this fact into account, there is nothing stoppingusstarting the learning process once a baby is born. Keepingthisthought in mind, Numbers App has been designed to keepchildrenfrom a very young age mentally active. The app has beendesignedkeeping in mind how children learn. Its colorful graphicscaptureand hold the child’s attention. The app teaches the numbers1 to 10using pictorials that the child can relate it to theireverydaylife.Numbers has been divided into three section.A. In the first section, the child will learns the numbers 1to10, recognize how they look, how that number is spelt and howitsounds. The child will also learn to count everyday objects.E.g.The number 5 will have the word FIVE alongside it as well asapicture of maybe five balls or butterflies. This will teachthechildren to count and remember the numbers.B. This section is the Puzzle screen. Here the child learns howtocount, identify and relate it to that number from a choice ofthreenumbers. E.g. the screen has two fish, which the child willcountand then select two from the choice of three numbersgiven.C. The third section is the listening section, whereby thechildlistens to the number that is being spoken and identify itfrom achoice of three numbers. E.g. The child will hear the numberbeingspoken, let’s say 8, after which he has to identify the number8,from the choice of three numbers given.Children can have lots of fun at home and on the go withNumbers,a two in one system of entertainment and educationcombinedtogether. Numbers has been designed in such a way that thechilddoesn’t realize that it is learning and not playing.
Basic Math 6.1
Ever noticed something interesting? Look out for this when youarenear a baby or a child. I never realized this until I had myownchildren. Put a baby, or a child, in a room where there isatelevision on. Their gaze automatically gets drawn tothetelevision. There is something about an interactive screenthatattracts everyone. As my children grew older, I realized thattheylearn a lot by just watching random television, to the extentthatmy daughter could recite whole advertisements verbatim. Thesameapplies to a mobile phone. Children tend to automaticallyoperatethe mobile and play games etc on it without any prompting.It istherefore natural that we capitalize on this and introducemobileapplications as the way forward in education. These days amobilephone has become a luxurious necessity. Everybody has one, orwantsone. And as the upgrades come into the market everyone wantsthelatest gadgets with the latest technology. So what better waythanto learn “On the go”. With this concept in mind, Basic Mathwasconceived. The app has been divided into three subsections:1.Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Test game ADDITION This screen teachesachild how to add two numbers. Alongside the numbers therearepictorial representations of that number. The children simplyhaveto count the objects and add them together. This teaches thechildto recognize and count a number at the same time. Forinstance, thesum 2 + 3 = comes up on screen. Beneath the two arepictures ofmaybe two balls. Beneath the three there will be apictorialrepresentation by way of the same three objects used in 2.Thechild simply counts the number of total objects and clicks onthescreen and the answer will come up automatically alongsidethetotal number of objects, say in this instance 5 balls will comeupbeneath the number 5. SUBTRACTION The same principal applies asforaddition but instead of addition, the child learns subtraction.Forexample 7 – 4 = will have a picture of seven cups. Theappautomatically shows the child how to subtract 4 from 7 bystrikingthrough 4 cups, leaving with 3, which the child learns istheanswer to the subtraction 7-4 = 3. TEST GAME Enough aboutlearning.Where is playtime here? Well a game has also been devisedon BasicMath. This section has been divided into two segments, aone minutesegment and a two minute segment. The objective of thisgame is toanswer as many questions correctly as they can in oneminute or twominutes, depending on the chosen option. Once the timeis up, thechild gets a score of how well they have done. If forexample, thechoice was one minute and the child answered 10questions correctlyout of 12 then the score will appear on thescreen as 10 correctand 2 wrong. This is represented by way of textboxes on theinteractive screen. The app is supported by a friendlyand happyvoice encouraging and teaching the children as they gothrough thescreens. Basic Math improves a child’s confidence.Children usuallytend to learn best by doing something bythemselves, rather thansit through a whole hour listening to ateacher teaching themaddition and subtraction on the blackboard.Apps have the abilityto hold the child’s concentration, which isalways a problem whenin school. Most importantly we have toremember that today’s appsare helping in defining tomorrow’sfuture.
Learn Math Table 1.01
Learn Math Table is a basic kidfriendlyapp,which allows you to see Math Table.Currently it does not have any features, in future Iwillstartadding new feature every month.Please provide your feedback as in review.
Consonants 4.2
Consonants is an application that has been designed to teachanyone,especially children who want to learn Gujarati. It hasbeendeveloped for teachers and parents even, who want to teachtheirchildren at home. Consonants has three unique features,namely: 1.Interactive listening and pronunciation of word/consonant2.Learning by auto writing 3. Learning by writing on thedesktopitself INTERACTIVE LISTENING This screen has a visual imageof theGujarati consonant, the way it reads in English and one canlistento how it will sound and has to be pronounced. It also givesapicture of an object whereby the consonant has been used inthename of the object e.g. a picture of a house will be shown withthewords GHAR and ઘર alongside the consonant ઘ. An easy way tolearnby sound and picture illustration. AUTOWRITING There is ananimatedillustration of the consonant that will allow one to writetheconsonant by themselves. HANDWRITING This feature allows theuserto write and erase the consonant by themselves. Consonants hasbeendeveloped in such a way that if used regularly and religiouslyonewill be able to speak, read and write Gujarati in no time.Itsbright colours animations, and graphics make it appealing tothechildren. The menus, commands etc are easy to follow. The beautyofConsonants is that should a deaf person use it, they will beableto read and write Gujarati. Consonants is definitely one ofthefinest apps as far as Gujarati learning is concerned.
Alphabet 8.0
Learn by fun, is a well popular saying which we areenormouslyexecuting in the form of our new app for toddlers. Thisis theapplication efficiently developed in order to make your kidslearnEnglish alphabets quickly and in very interactive mannerthroughvery friendly approaches such as sounds and pictorialexamples. Weare here with the Alphabet app that solves your problemof teachingyour mischievous kid who is not at all interested inlearningEnglish alphabets through old traditional methods. Here, inthisapp, the examples of alphabets are like D for Duck, I forIcecream, J for Joker and like that get memorized very easilythroughtoddlers. So, now all you need to do is just install the apponyour phone and let your kid explore it. Consequently, your kidwilllearn the English alphabet happily without any hard work ofyours.Now, let’s have a look at how different interactive waysthisapplication provide to efficiently and happily learn theEnglishalphabet. Basic Objects This will be showing the picturesandsounds of basic object on the earth to easily memorize theEnglishalphabets. Animals In this option, we will get the A to Zanimalname through which your toddler can quickly recognize andlearn thealphabet. One of the other advantages of this featurewould be thatyour kid will learn the 26 names of animals too, soyou can makeyour kid benefit in a dual manner. Fruits This ismostly one of thefavorite food stuff for toddlers. Learningalphabets through thename of fruits can be more beneficial aninteresting for your kids.So, in this way also your kid is learningEnglish alphabets as wellas the 26 names of fruits as well.Vegetables Vegetables aresomething that a regular intake of ourhome. When a child learnEnglish alphabet through vegetables, theycan easily relate them intheir everyday meal and learn thealphabets so quickly. Sweets Theother favorite food stuff a toddlercan have is sweets. In the formof sweets name your toddler willlearn English alphabetsefficiently and you would not need toseriously bother about theirlearning. So, these are very frequentand fun ways to learn Englishalphabets since they can relate theseexamples with their everydayeating activities and with what kind ofanimals and pets they seein television and zoo etc. Hence we cansee that teaching a kidEnglish alphabets is now not at all verycritical task because theapp get all this done so efficiently aswell as in a very fun wayso that the toddler doesn’t get bored.
Ank 4.4
Numbers, in any language are important as they form part ofourdaily conversation. A language is incomplete withoutnumbers.Therefore, it is important that one learns numbers as wellasvowels and consonants of a language. It is therefore imperativetoknow what the role of numbers is in the structure ofGujaratigrammar. However ANK app has been designed to teachcardinalnumbers. It helps the user learn, pronounce, recognize andwritenumbers. It is a relatively easy app to use and teaches therightway to write numbers. ANK has three unique features, namely:1.Interactive listening and pronunciation of numbers,alongsideobject graphics representing the number 2. Learning byauto writing3. Learning by writing on the mobile screen itselfINTERACTIVELISTENING This screen has a visual image of the Gujaratinumbers,the way it reads in English and one can listen to how thenumberwill sound like. It also gives a picture of an objectrepresentingthat particular number. E.g. the Gujarati digit ૪ willbe writtenas ચાર, alongside its English counterpart 4. Alongsidethe digitthere will be a pictorial representation of 4, maybe fourballs sothat the user can relate the number correctly by counting.An easyway to learn by sound and picture illustration. AUTOWRITINGThereis an animated illustration of the number that will allow onetowrite the number by themselves. HANDWRITING This feature allowstheuser to write and erase the numbers by themselves. ANK is a funwayto learn Gujarati numbers. The wonderful graphics andillustrationstake away the boredom that is associated with anylanguagelearning, especially numbers. The menus, commands etc areeasy tofollow. Get your kids the app and let them play with it forabout20 minutes before going to sleep. See how fast they learnthenumbers. You can also play games with them on a particularnumber.Everyone spends so much time, money and energy on games thatthisapplication makes learning numbers fun and connects the usertotheir Gujarati roots.
Phonetic Alphabets 4.2
Most of the parents can teach their children basic vowelsandconsonants in a language easily. Children usually know these bythetime they are four years old. But how do you teach them howtoread? A language like English can still be picked up bydailyreading but what about Gujarati? The solution to this problemisphonics. Phonics is a method of teaching people to readbycorrelating sounds with symbols in an alphabetic writing system.Inshort, it is the science of words whereby every letter hasapeculiar sound and when you know the sound, you can readeasily.With the way technology is moving forward and its use ineducatingchildren, it was only a matter of time when the need for aGujaratiPhonetics App became imperative. This is turn gave birth tothePhonetic Alphabets App in Gujarati. The app has been designedtogive kids practice with basic phonic skills, includingrecognizingthe letters of the alphabet, alphabet and vowelmatching, andblending them to make words. The app works by teachingchildren thesound of a particular alphabet and how it is blendedwith anothervowel or consonant to make a word. For example, theconsonant M(મ્) represents the sound M and the vowel Aa (આં)represents thesound Aa. When Ma and Aa are blended together theygive birth to anew word Maa. (મ્ + આં=માં) (M + Aa = Maa) Thefollowing featuresmake Phonetic Alphabets App a friendly app touse. 1. Use ofattractive graphics and colors to attract and holdthe children’sattention 2. Easy navigation 3. Interactive wordpictures that areeasy to read 4. Sound of each word is very clearPhonetic AlphabetsApp helps children work on their listening skillswhile alsopracticing recognizing the vowels and consonants of theGujaratialphabet as well as building their vocabulary. It is thebest toolto learn reading. With the development of technology wearebecoming more and more dependent on computers, mobiles andonlinebased learning. Phonics is recommended as the first strategythatchildren should be taught in helping them learn to read andwhatbetter way than to have the Phonetic Alphabets App? The childcanaccess it at anytime from anywhere. The perfect answer to wardawaya child’s boredom and at the same time making them doaneducational activity that they are not even aware that theyarelearning something new!!
Vowels 4.0
With the pressure to give our kids adecentupbringing and the growing expense of basic survival, goneare thedays when one parent, usually the mother, stayed at home toteachthe kids. Both parents have to work to have a decent lifestyleandby the time they come home, they are so tired that apartfromhaving dinner and relaxing a little, there is very little theycando before going to bed in readiness for the next day. As aworkingMum, I personally feel the pressure and guilt all the timethat Icannot spend time with my two daughters and help them withtheirstudies. This is the problem faced by most families today. Wedon’thave enough time to teach our kids. Thanks to technology andmobileapplications our children can now study without our presence.Thatdoes not mean that we shirk from our responsibilities but atleastthe kids have something to help them with their studies.Mothers like me don’t even know Gujarati, then how can I helpmychildren learn it? For us Vowels application is a Godsend. Thisisa mobile application that has been specifically designed foranyonewho wants to learn Gujarati. This app will help you andyourchildren to learn Gujarati. It is also a helpful app for anyonewhowants to teach the language.Vowels has three unique features, namely:1. Interactive listening and pronunciation of word/vowels2. Learning by auto writing3. Learning by writing on the desktop itselfINTERACTIVE LISTENINGThis screen has a visual image of the Gujarati vowels, the wayitreads in English and one can listen to how the character willsoundlike. It also gives a picture of an object whereby the vowelshasbeen used in the name of the object e.g. a picture of apomegranatewill be shown with the words A and અનાર alongside thevowel અ . Aneasy way to learn by sound and pictureillustration.AUTOWRITINGThere is an animated illustration of the vowel that willallowone to write the vowel by themselves.HANDWRITINGThis feature allows the user to write and erase the vowelsbythemselves.Vowels has been developed in such a way that if usedregularlyand religiously one will be able to speak, read and writeGujaratiin no time. The application is fun to use. The wonderfulgraphicsand illustrations take away the boredom that is associatedwith anylanguage learning. The menus, commands etc are easy tofollow.Vowels application is accessible from anywhere andeverywhere inthe world, at any time, day or night. Mobile learningis fastbecoming the future of all education so why notGujarati?
MathAble - الرياضيات 2.0
طبعا يوجد في هذا التطبيق جميع القوانينالهندسيةوالجبرية مع شروحات مفصلة , تمكنك من فهم الرياضياتوالمراجعة علىالأساسيات المهمة , وأيضا تحتوي على القوانين الرياضيةللامتحاناتالدولية مثل البسيخومتري أو الامتحانات المدرسية لمرحلةالاعداديةوالثانوية , بالاضافة الى الحاسبة المتقدمة التي تمكنك منحل المعادلاتالجبرية المختلفة مثل المعادلة التربيعية أو رسم بيانيوحل دوال fxوالكثير من الأشياء المهمة التي يحتاجها المتعلم لفهمموضوعالرياضيات.** لتواصل معنا عن التطبيق اذا كان به أية سلبيات أوموادلتطويرهاالرجاء ارسال الى البريد الالكتروني الموجود بالصفحة.**Of course there is inthisapplication all engineering laws and arrest withdetailedexplanations, enables you to understand math and reviewtheimportant basics, and also contains the mathematical lawsofinternational exams such as psychometric or school exams tothestage of junior high and high school, as well asadvancedcalculator that lets you solve different algebraicequations suchas quadratic equation or graph functions fx and solvea lot ofimportant things needed by the learner to understand thesubject ofmathematics.  ** To contact us about the application if it wasanycons Ooumouad to develop them, please send e-mail to theexistingpage. **
ORATARO is a smart communication Platform for school,parentsandteachers with a real time updates on Classactivities,Homework,Circulars, Academic calendars, Progress updatesandgroupdiscussion for brainstorming and other project work withinaclassor at a school level. Super smart features of ORATORwillreinforcethe scale of teacher and parent interaction andwillinfluence moreinvolvement of parents and teachers inadvancementsof the childeducation. Here are some silent features ofORATARO •Real timeHomework / Class work updates to parents Mobile.• Testand Examschedule calendar or academic calendar alertsviapushnotification. • Student can update status with coursework,andother things on personal wall and share within hisgroup,friendsor publically • Share pictures or albums andotherimportantmaterials among the group, projects or within friends•Student canDownload test exam papers to practice at Home.