Top 16 Apps Similar to 스파이 카메라 (SpyCamera)

스파이 몰래 카메라 (무음/몰카) 1.6
Min Soft
.사진을 무음 으로 촬영 할 수있습니다.회의시나 조용해야 할 순간에 소리 없이 촬영 가능합니다..화면을 없이 촬영 할 수도 있고 다른 배경 화면을 지정해 촬영 가능 합니다.연속 촬영 시간(초)을 설정 해 촬영 가능합니다.일부 장치에서는 자동 촬용시간을 맞추고 촬영중 장치의 홈버튼으로 나가서 다른 작업을 하면서도 촬영할수있습니다(겔럭시S2 아이스크림 샌드위치 미만 버젼에서는 잘되는 편입니다 아무래도 장치와 버젼을 타더라구요).동영상 촬영은 소리가 납니다(유음) 사진촬영과 마찬가지로 검은 화면이나 배경을 지정 할 수 있습니다.일부 장치에서는 자동 촬용시간을 맞추고 촬영중 장치의 홈버튼으로 나가서 다른 작업을 하면서도 녹화할수있습니다(겔럭시S2 아이스크림 샌드위치 미만 버젼에서는 잘되는 편입니다 아무래도 장치와 버젼을 타더라구요).설명과 주의사항 및 환경설정을 잘 참고 해주세요.장치의 홈버튼으로 나가서 다른 작업을 하면서 촬영 및 녹화를 하다가 중지하려면 다시 프로그램으로 돌아오면 자동중지됩니다.중지가 안되면 [작업관리자]-[실행목록]에서 종료 시켜주세요(실행중에는 다른 카메라가 작동 하지 않습니다)
Transparent Handy Trick 1.0
Handy Liu
\u201cTransparent Handy Trick\u201d willbringatransparent screen to you! This application will showyourbackgroundscreen from back camera. Gives you the opportunitytouse your phoneas usual. which allows you to watch live cameraviewregardless whatyou do on your phone or what kind of apps yourun.You will avoid allkind of traps like puddles or MSW onthepavement.Suspect someone is stealing while you are busy? Usetransparentasyour spy tool to look over what they are doing as youare busyonyour phone. and the friend go bonkers.Transparent Handy Trick Feature:1. It does not overburden its speed or autonomy.2. Customize camera resuloutin, opacity level +autoopacityfeature.3. Buttery smooth Screen Transition Effects.4. Set the camera rotation angle (0 °, 90 °, 180 °, 270 °)5. Spy Camera mode. Read SMS, play games while Transparentscreenisworking for you behind the scenes!6. You will avoid the MSW.FAQ\uff1aWhy is the App requesting the permission"DISPLAYSYSTEM-LEVELALERTS"?This permission allows me to show the image of thecamera,whileyou're able to use the phone as usual.
اختراق الكاميرات prank 1.0
السلام عليكمتطبيق اختراق الكاميرات من افضل تطبيقات متجر جوجل بلاي حيتسيساعدكفياختراق كاميرات المراقبة البنوك اواختراق كاميرات المحلاتالتجاريةاواختراق كاميرات الهواتف الذكية بالاضافة الى اختراقكاميراتالحواسبالمحمولة .طريقة استعمال التطبيق جد سهل و بسيطة لا تحتاج لاي خبرةمسبقةماعليكسوى تحميله و اتباع الخطوات اسفله .- فتح تطبيق اختراق الكاميرات و يجب ربطه بالأنترنيت.-انتظار فتح التطبيق.-اختيار نوعية الكاميرا المراد اختراقها.-توجيه كاميرا الهاتف نحو الكاميرا المراد اختراقها.-انتظار بضع دقائق لحين اكتمال الإختراق.- ومبروك عليك الاختراق- عند مواجهتك لبعض المشاكل قم باعادة بالمحاولة.إذا كنت تستخدم جهاز كمبيوتر محمول أو كمبيوتر شخصي، كاميراويبهواداتك الشخصية. ومع ذلك، من المهم أن تعرف أن أي شخص يمكنأنالاختراقفإنه في أي وقت. يمكن رؤية جاسوس كاميرا ويب يمكنكاستخدامالكمبيوترالمحمول الخاص بك دون الحصول على إذن منك. ومن الواضحأن كنتترغب فيالحصول على أقصى قدر من الأمن لكاميرا الويب الخاصة بك.منأجلحمايتها من المتسللين، يمكنك اتباع النصائح المذكورة أدناه:تمكين جدار الحمايةالخطوة الأولى وقبل كل شيء حماية كاميرا ويب الخاص بكلتمكينجدارالحماية الخاص بك. للقيام بذلك، ببساطة انقر على "ابدأ"،ثم"كافةالبرامج"، ومن ثم حدد "البرامج الملحقة". ستجد هناكالعديدمنالخيارات. اختر خيار "أدوات النظام"، ومن ثم انقر فوق"مركزالأمان".وبمجرد الوصول إلى هناك، سوف تشاهد بعض خيارات جدارالحماية.تمكينجدار حماية للكمبيوتر الخاص بك من هناك.على الرغم من أن هذه ميزة أمان موجودة بالفعل في النظام الخاصبك،لايزال يمكنك الذهاب لبعض جدار حماية أقوى لحماية كاميراالويبالخاصة بكمن جاسوس كاميرا ويب. يمكن الحصول على متقدمة خياراتالأمانلجدار حمايةمن الإنترنت. برمجيات حرة جدار الحماية أيضاالمتاحةهناك.تثبيت الكشف عن برامج التجسس وبرامج الحماية من الفيروساتالتأكد من أنك قمت بتثبيت برنامج الحماية من الفيروسات علىحدسواء،فضلا عن برنامج الكشف عن برامج التجسس. وجود كليهماضروريلحمايةكاميرا ويب الخاص بك. وبغية ضمان حماية قوية، كلا منهذهالبرامج ينبغيأن تعمل بشكل جيد. إذا لم يكن لديك أي من هذهالبرامجالمثبتة على جهازالكمبيوتر الخاص بك، ثم يمكنك تثبيتها الآن.يمكنكأيضا تحميل لهممجاناً school camera hackحتى قبل فترة ليست بعيدة، والمراقبة بالفيديو والأمن أنجز معالمعونةمنتلفزيون الدائرة المغلقة (الدوائر التلفزيونية المغلقة).وتشملهذهالتكنولوجيا التناظرية كاميرات ومسجلات أشرطةالفيديووالكابلاتالمحورية. كان إيذانا بالفيديو الأمن والمراقبة للعصرالرقميمع الأخذبأجهزة استشعار CCD التقاط الصور في الكاميراتالرقمية.في القائمة التالية كان ظهور "مسجلات الفيديو الرقمية"متصلةمباشرةبالكاميرات التناظرية. وهذه بتخزين والبحث، فضلا عناستردادالفيديوأكثر كفاءة. وأدخلت أجهزة الكمبيوتر الشخصية في وقتلاحق لعرضالصور.النظام برمته كان رقمية مع المقدمة من شبكة الأمنالكاميراتالتي تتضمنمعالجات على متن الطائرة، فضلا عن برنامج ملقمويب.hackphone cameraيمكن توصيل هذه الكاميرات الأمنية الشبكة مباشرةإلىالشبكات القائمة.يمكن مشاهدة هذه الصور طريقة بشكل مسهبوالكاميراتيمكن أن تدار من أيمكان باستخدام مستعرض ويب، ويمكن إعدادأي القرصالثابت على شبكةالاتصال لتسجيل إخراج الفيديو. تماما مثل أيمنتجآخر، قد حصلت علىكاميرات الأمن شبكة IP مزاياها وعيوبهامزاياصوت ثنائية الاتجاه باستخدام كبل شبكة اتصال واحديسمحhackwebcamلتبادل مباشر للمعلومات عبر شبكة الاتصالhack cameraweb .أعلىالصورة كاميرات الملكية الفكرية القرار قرارا أعلىبكثيربالمقارنة معالكاميرات التناظرية وأنها تعطي صورة ذات جودةعالية.يمكن نقلالمرونة في كاميرات الملكية الفكرية بحرية على شبكة IPحتىhackcamera surveillanceعلى اللاسلكي. الاستخبارات موزعة يمكنأنيتحقق معكاميرات الملكية الفكرية، وتحليلات الفيديو قادرة علىوضعهافيالكاميرا نفسها التي تسمح بالتوسع في الحلول تحليلات.كاميرات الملكية الفكرية تتيح نقل البيانات بشكل أمن منخلالآلياتالتشفير والمصادقة مثل WEP و WPA TKIP.و أؤكد لكم أني لا اتحمل مسؤولية استعمال الخاطئ لهذا التطبيق.HiApplication penetration of the best cameras saluting theGooglePlayStore application will help to break the bankssurveillancecamerasAwachtrac cameras shops or penetrate camerassmartphones inadditionto penetrating cameras laptops. How to use the application very easy and simple you do notneedanyprior experience you had to do only upload and followthestepsbelow it.- Open an application penetration Cameras and must be linkedtotheinternet.-antzar Open the application.-achtaar Camera quality to be impenetrable.Directs camera phone towards the camera to be impenetrable.-antzar A few minutes until the hack is complete.- Congratulations to you and penetration- When you experience some problems Restart attempt.If you are using a laptop or PC, a webcam is apersonalgadget.However, it is important to know that anyone can bea breakit atany time. Can see the spy cam, you can use your laptopwithoutyourpermission. Obviously you want to get maximum securityfor yourWebcamera. In order to protect them from hackers, you canfollowthetips listed below:Enable the firewallThe first step and foremost protect your webcam toenableyourfirewall. To do this, simply click on the "Start,"then"AllPrograms," and then select "Accessories." You'll findtherearemany options. Select "System Tools" option, and thenclickthe"Security Center". Once you get there, you will seesomefirewalloptions. Enable a firewall for your computerfromthere.Although this is a security feature that already existinyoursystem, you can go to some of the most robust firewalltoprotectyour web of spy cam, still camera. You can getadvancedsecurityoptions for the firewall from the Internet. Freesoftwarefirewallis also available there.Install spyware detection and antivirus softwareMake sure you have installed antivirus software alike, aswellasspyware detection program. The presence of both isnecessarytoprotect your webcam. In order to ensure strongprotection, bothofthese programs should work well. If you do nothave any oftheseprograms installed on your computer, then you caninstall themnow.You can also download them for free school camerahackEven before the period is not far off, videosurveillanceandsecurity achieved with the aid of aclosed-circuittelevision(CCTV). These include analog cameras andrecorders techvideos andcoaxial cable. It was ushered in videosecurity andsurveillancefor the digital age with the introductionof CCDsensors captureimages in digital cameras.In the following list was "digital videorecorders"directlyrelated to the emergence of analog cameras. Thesestoresandresearch, as well as video recovery more efficient.Andintroduceda personal computer at a later time to displayimages.The wholesystem was provided with a digital securitynetworkcameras thatinclude processors on board, as well as Webserversoftware. Hackphone camera can be connected to this networkofsecurity camerasdirectly to existing networks. These images canbeviewed at lengththe way cameras can be managed from anywhereusinga Web browser,and can be set up any hard disk on the networktorecord the videooutput. Just like any other product, hasgotsecurity cameras,network IP advantages and disadvantagesAdvantagesBidirectional voice using a single network cable hack webcamallowsadirect exchange of information across the network hackcameraweb.Higher image resolution IP cameras is much higherresolutioncomparedto analog cameras, and they give a high qualityimage. Canbetransferred flexibility in IP cameras freely on the IPnetworkevenhack camera surveillance on the wireless.Distributedintelligencecan be achieved with IP cameras, videoanalytics andbe able to putit in the camera itself, which mayallow for greateranalysissolutions.IP cameras enable transport of data security throughencryptionandauthentication mechanisms such as WEP and WPATKIP.And I assure you that I will not take responsibility forthewronguse for this application.
X-Ray Body Scanner Prank 1.0.1
Its a real trick to make fun with yourfriendstell them that you're going to make them free radiographywith yoursmartphone you just need to place the camera in front ofbody organ"foot, teeth, hands, chest" of person you want toscanThis application will allow you to make a multiscanmanual1. Place the organ behind the camera of your smarthphone.2. start application x-ray.create good atmosphere with the application Prank x rayNB: This game is not a spy camera or real X-ray radiographyEnjoy with x ray scanner.
Scary Prank - Capture Them All 3.1
★Scare your friends, watch them jumpandscreamin horror;P . ★"Scary Prank++ : Spy Cam REC 18+" makes itselfanormalapp(contains several Scary Horror Pranks :$Scary Mirror$Scary Illusion$Scary Contact$Scary Game$Scary phone (android or iphone)$Scary Photo+COMING SOON$Scary Web$Scary YT(most recommended)...More themes and ghosts coming soon...waiting for you to explore) . Run the app, give it tosomeoneyou'dlike to scare and tell them it's an awesome game.Whilethe"victim" is playing, a scary ghost(you can useseveralIn-Appghosts or your own) suddenly and unexpectedly jumpout,togetherwith a loud and scary scream. The victim isbeingvideo-recordedwithout knowing ;)Tips:$Turn volume up and run the game before give ittoyourfriends.$Time Controller (shock occurs after the selected time) willputtheapp more scary , you can try it .Important:This application is too scary for some people.Your friendsmighthaveheart attack. Please consult a doctor before you play.Authorsofthis application do not take responsibility of any resultofusingthis application.* GUARANTEED:We have tested this app on 10 people and we've lots offun!Sometried to kick us afterward - but that was absolutelyworthit!Scary Prank++ don't let you do "stupid" things...alone.Enjoy:)SHOCK,SCARE,SURPRISE you and your friends NOW,Youarethedirector.Make your choice now!18+ WARNING: This app may be inappropriate for some users.The android version is FREE and the iphone version is for$2.99(4.5/5 stars, 500+ratings):
Night Vision Spy prank 1.0
Of the most wonderful things thatpeoplelovedthe stuff you see at night and you can see in the nightvisionthe best Night Vision HD Camera Prank .Night Vision Camera lets you see in the dark! Maximizeyourdevicecamera in the dark and click the coolest pictures!Takephotos evenin low light environments.Night Vision spy tries to use your phone's cameracapabilitiestoget better pictures and uses a luminance boostingalgorithmtoenhance the image brightness. We also try to configureyourphone'scamera for maximum visibility in the dark byconfiguringyourphone's shutter speed, scene mode, etc.Ever wanted to take photos but couldn’t because therewasnotenough light? Now you can learn with free Night VisionCamera!Itmakes automatic adjustments of image parts to improvevisibilityinlow light conditions.Amazing Feature:► Live Camera View► Adjustable light sensitivity .Click on thehighresolutionpictures► Control camera flash to maximize visibility► Save images by a single button press► Allow Spy Camera Zoom in zoom out just as a telescope.► Professional algorithm to simulate the nightvisionmodeeffect.► Adjustable Brightness / Light Sensitivity► Torch / Flashlight Feature for supported phonesCreate a cool night vision effect at any time youwant!Recreatethe cool feel of the night with Night Vision Camera,evenduringthe day when the sun is shining on you! Night VisionCamerais easyto use! Just launch the application to start nightvisionand viewthe world in a gorgeous green light! You can choosefrommanydifferent color filters.Your camera can be used as night vision devicesimulator!Rememberthat is can be used to make a joke. It'sprank.See in the dark with this camera app prank freenightvision.Impress your friends with thisNight Vision Spy app
Transparent Screen 1.2
Set the transparent screen as live wallpaper app
My phone screen cracked prank 1.0.2
Umut Apps
Cracked / broken screen is a silly jokeappwhich simulates a broken mobile phone screen.Welcome to broken screen. A better crack screen effectforbreaking your mobile phone screen and shock friends. Displayglassor lcd with a transparent broken crack on top of a game,awallpaper or your lock screen with this broken screenprankapp.Perfect way to fool your friends with this amazing prankapp.3 different crack phone method- Shake to crack : Just one shake and screen will crack- Touch to crack : Just touch the screen and screen willcrackimmediately.- Auto crack : Screen will auto cracked immediatelyAfter screen cracked, you can use your phone withfullfunctionality, broken display image will be on the top of allyourapplications until you exit the app.Shake your device to go back repair screen or you shouldkillapplication for remove cracked style image.This is a prank app for fun, enjoy it with your best friends.Itwill not crack the screen really.Have a lot of fun
Transparent Screen 1.0.3
Have you been walking looking atyourphoneplaying a game or text and tripped over something?Want curious and funny wallpapers?Camera (back/front) use on any screen with game, sns,orotherapps overexposure to transparently even when other apps are runningyoucansee what is happening beforeTransparent screen shows what is happening in frontofyouusing(back/front) camerawhile you are using other apps(such asgame,sms,Fackbook,Instagram,LINE,Kakaotalk...)■ How to use ■▶ How to ApplyApp running -> touch the start button.※ easy to adjust to possible transparency.▶ How to DisableAfter applying the app running -> touch the stop button.★★ advantage of the Transparent Screen ★★✔ use method is simple.✔ will be applied on all screens (wallpapers,screenotherapps).✔ Text, games, SNS, yet always visible through the front ofthesmartphone.✔ 100% free app.※ Tip 1: kakaotalk, games, SMS, Facebook, sns etc., and itissafeto walk even see the front of the street.※ Tip 2: Try also utilized to fix the make-up before amirror,orselife taking !!!
Transparent Screen Wallpaper 1.0
SunT Apps
Transparent Screen Live Wallpaper makes your phone screenbackgroundtransparent by using the back camera of you device. Youwill useyour phone just like you are using a phone with atransparent livewallpaper launcher, it allows you to use yourphone as usual. It isa funny and useful app for you to prank yourfriends and show off.★★Attention: How to Use★★After you installing our Transparent Wallpaper, you need to gotothe system ""wallpaper setting"" to enable it, there are twowaysbelow:a. Settings -> display -> live wallpaper -> choseour""Transparent Screen Live Wallpaper"" -> click""setwallpaper""b. Long press the blank of the home screen -> Wallpaper->chose our ""Transparent Screen Live Wallpaper -> click""setwallpaper""
Video Effect – Video Fx 2.3.13 build 236
Video Effect – Video Fx iseditorapplicationfor editing and adding effects to videos. User canaddeffects tovideo like,sPy Cam, Rainbow, star.. etc. User canalsooverlay withbokeh images.You can recode a video with more effect in one clip andsharewithyour’s friend on Facebook or instagram. Create cool videoinretroand more style. if you want to have a lot of specialeffectsto yourvideo, please edit this app to be able to createbeautifulvideo butam giving you. more than 50 special effects foryou. feelfree tochoose the effect to your liking to videorecording.★ Key features:- Add effect on recode video- Export HD video file format.-  Filters: Select from several Instagram-inspiredfilterstoenhance your videos.- High resolution videos.-  Enjoy the best video editor app with aprofessionaltimelineediting interface-  Record a voice over for your movie, or addanaudiosoundtrack to enhance the mood- Share your final cut with friends on your favoritesocialmediaplatforms- Color adjustment tool: Brightness, contrast and saturation- Video quality is not reduce after trimming. so its bettertouseit- Save the edited video into the gallery of your phoneordirectlyshare on Facebook whatsapp, instagram and youtubethroughTestify:Video editor and sharing.-  Record video and select videos smoothly from galleryofyourphone.-  Select a perfect effect for the occasionfromourprofessionally-made variety of themes, includingspecialthemesdesigned for Instagram Thanks for user!!
Spynoculars - Night Vision Cam 2.4.4
Ever entertained fantasies of becoming a spy,acommando, or a one man Rambo? If yes, Spy Binoculars is thebesttool for you. You can take pictures in infrared, normal andnightvision modes. Spy Binoculars also allows you to zoom and lockin toyour subject. Whether it is to gather incriminating evidenceorjust plain artistic purposes, Spy Binoculars is the only appyou'llever need.Features:- Capture pictures with different effects - normal, night visionandinfrared- Choose normal view or use binoculars. Use crosshairs for amorerealistic effect!- Choose between different kinds of scopesUses the zoom and capture features of your device's cameraWe hope you like our app, and we want to keep them free foryou.In order to do that, we are using a search service to generatesomerevenue from this app. The app might add an icon, a bookmarklinkand browser homepage on your device, but you can always removethemeasily. Of course, we would be even happier if you choose tousethem! Thanks for your support!
fitUin-Wardrobe & style editor 1.5.2
■ Main Features of FitUinTry the outfit of your dream! Cut out the trendiest itemsfrompictures and create your personal Stylebook!REMODEL YOUR BODY IN SIMPLE STEPS, LOOK FABULOUS! (NEW)- Get model-like body to make this dress look perfect on you!- Get those dream legs and waist, make your eyes appear biggerandjaw sharper- One touch corrections to remove any flawDRESS UP IN ANY STYLE YOU WANT!- Seemlessly cut, remove, keep and compose your look- Get your ideas from stylish models and create your wardrobe- Fill your fitting room with new collections and use youroutfitplanner- International creators in your closet, a dream life!COMPLETE YOUR DAILY LOOK AND HAVE FUN WITH YOUR FRIENDS!- Want to dress your friends in secret? Enjoy our silentshutter& photo editing!- Share your styles and looks on Facebook, Instagram, Twitterandmore!- Share your creations via messengers: WhatsApp, Kik, Skype,Viber,Wechat, Line etc..[COMING SOON]- Change/remove the background: You can change the backgroundatwill!- Create and share your collage: You can create and shareyourfashion collages with your friends.■ Supported languagesFitUin supports English, Chinese (Simplified), Japanese,Korean,German, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.If you have any questions about FitUin, please contact [email protected].
Night vision camera prank 1.0
Night-vision camera joke to laughwithfriendsis a placebo application to capture images in the formofespionagecamera night just so you are a professionalofnightphotography.Application works without Internet and its good graphicsandgoodimaging background as if a night vision camera.NB :The application does not Bkhq what under clothingThere are four modes available to enable the nightvisioncamerawhich will adjust visibility according to thelightavailable. Thisapplication is for fun purpose only.Application gives good results rather impressive results, notsotheapplication is used for entertainment purposesandentertainmentwith your friends and your familyYou can not spying in secretNot by the camera face purification
Spy On Camera and Videos Prank 1.0
This is a free spy prank phone app toimpressyour friends when you look like you spy camera and videorecorderfree to watch from another phone in 3 simple steps1 - enter you phone number2 - enter the victim's phone number3 - hack the Camera and Videos recorderDownload the spy camera and video recorder prank and enjoy itnote:our app is a prank that it's free to use please share itwithyour friends, this will motivate us to make other useful prankappsfor freeThank you for stopping by our application please take a lookatour others application that we made and don't hesitate toleaveyour review and rate them as well, we have been working onothergreat apps that you will enjoy in the future, stay tuned
Secret Agent 2.6.1
A set of tools with a unique interface!