Top 13 Apps Similar to Suhba.Connect

Calls Blacklist PRO - Blocker
Vlad Lee
Block numbers: unwanted calls and texts, call blocker. Fullversion,no ads.
Perfect Blacklist 1.2
Description:• Perfect Blacklist is an application that avoid unwanted,annoying,calls, by reject, or mute, like annoying advertisingcompanies, yourEx, your manager that calls you after workhours.• With this app, you can set a schedule for eachnumberindividually, for when to reject, or allow thecallsautomatically.• And if you’re really annoyed from him/her, just let the settingbydefault (All the time).• Perfect blacklist gives you a notification when a“blacklistedcaller” gets blocked.• You can disable this feature from the settings.• You can secure the app by setting a password to stop anyonefromchanging your app settings without your permission.• A new UNIQUE feature that you can set another “fake” passwordthatopens the app, but hides all your information, settings, andthepeople you set to block. It also make the app useless tothe“Unauthorized” user, until the actual password is entered.Features:• Block or mute a Number from Contact.• Block or mute a Number from Call logs.• Block or mute a Number you write manually.• Schedule for each number separately.• Password for entering the program.• Another fake password that enter you on a fake interface.• Enable and disable blocking by one click.Advantages:• Reliable.• Lightweight.• Works on all devices.• Simple, beautiful interface.• Doesn’t have a great load on the device resources(Memory,Battery, …) .• All Features in the app is FREE.Features only in this app:• Another fake password that enter you on a fake interface.• To mute a specific caller during his call withoutblockinghim.• The Ability to appear not available or the number isn't aworkingnumber in the PRO version.If you have any questions about the program, have adesignsuggestion, please let us know by e-mail: [email protected]:
Root Call SMS Manager 1.23gp
Manager block calls and SMS with support of DualSim.
Антипрозвон: умный блокиратор 1.4
Ваш телефон снова Ваш друг!Часто нам приходят звонки от незнакомых номеров. Некоторыеабонентывообще теряют совесть и названивают по несколько раз надню,несмотря на то, что знают о нашем нежелании общаться сними.Теперь все изменилось. С приложением «Антипрозвон» Вы будетезнатьсвоего абонента, будь это банк, коллектор, реклама илидажемошенник еще до поднятия телефона. Приложение оградит Васотнадоедливых, ненужных или даже опасных абонентов, нопропуститнужные звонки по индивидуальным настройкам.Без блокировки при звонке всплывает окно с общими данными онем:Наименование абонента, категория (банк, коллектор,реклама,мошенник, …), Уровень вежливости и регион.Более того, Вы всегда сможете держать руку на пульсе и знать,ктопытался до Вас прозвониться. Позволяет блокировать звонкиповремени, по количеству звонков от одного абонента, по«Вежливости»,по категории и типу абонента.Нежелательные звонки теперь можно не только блокировать, ноипереадресовывать. Также предусмотрена функция выключениязвука.Присутствуют функция Черный список, причем теперьможнозаблокировать сразу целый пакет телефонных номеров, создавПравило.Например, +7495* заблокирует все номера, начинающиеся с+7495. Дляудобства отправки номера в базу реализованоавтозаполнение.В базе более 88 000 номеров!В версии PRO Вы получаете:- базу номеров своего региона (по каждому региону более 17000номеров)- доступ к огромной информационной базе номеров- проверку номеров через приложениеПодробнее об Антипрозвон можно прочитать здесь:Внимание! Андроид 5 версии (из-за особенностей версии)непозволяет выключать звук и отображать информацию об абонентепринеактивном телефоне. Все остальные функции доступны.Внимание! Приложение может конфликтовать с аналогами.Передустановкой Антипрозвон рекомендуется аналоги удалить иливыключить(если такая функция у них предусмотрена).Важно!1. После установки приложения не забудьте скачать базутелефонов.Для этого необходимо нажать кнопку "Загрузить базу".Базаскачивается мгновенно и в течении 10-15 минутполностьюразархивируется. Полное скачивание необходимо только одинраз,впоследствии база пополняется и актуализируется автоматическииливручную. Для автоматического обновления в настройкахнеобходимопоставить галочку напротив "Автоматическоеобновление"2. Если номер телефона одновременно занесен в КонтактыВашегоустройства и в Черный список приложения "Антипрозвон",тоблокировка номера не произойдет (Контакты телефона выступаютсвоегорода Белым списком). Чтобы блокировка номера была, необходимоснятьв настройках галочку "Не блокировать контакты телефона".3. При возникновении вопросов по работе приложения,просьбаобращаться в техническую поддержку.Будем рады узнать Ваше мнение о приложенииYour phone is yourfriendagain! Often we come calls from unknown numbers. Some subscribersgenerallylose conscience and nazvanivayut several times a day,despite thefact that they know about our unwillingness tocommunicate withthem. Now everything has changed. With the app "Antiprozvon" You willknowthe other party, be it a bank, collector, advertising or evenacrook before lifting the phone. The application will protectyoufrom annoying, useless, or even dangerous subscribers, butwillmiss the dates of the calls for individual settings. Without lock when you call a popup with general data about him:username, category (bank, collector, advertising, swindler,...),courtesy level and region. Moreover, you can always keep a hand on the pulse and know whoyoutried to ring a chime. It allows you to block calls by time,numberof calls per subscriber by "polite", by category and typeofsubscriber.Unwanted calls can now be not only block but also forward.Youalso have the mute function.Present function blacklist, and now you can immediately blockapackage of phone numbers, create a rule. For example, + 7495 *willblock all numbers starting with 7495. For the convenienceofsending numbers to the database implemented autocomplete.At the base of more than 88 000 rooms!In the PRO version you get:- Base numbers in their region (for each region, more than 17000rooms)- Access to a huge information base numbers- Check room through the appLearn more about Antiprozvon can be read here:! Android version 5 (because of thepeculiaritiesversion) does not allow to turn off the sound anddisplayinformation about the caller during an inactive phone. Allotherfeatures are available.Attention! The application may conflict with peers. itisrecommended to remove or disable analogues beforeinstallingAntiprozvon (if this is provided for them).Important!1. After installing the app do not forget to download thephonebase. To do this, click the "Download database" button.Thedatabase is downloaded instantly, and within 10-15minutescompletely unzipped. The full download is necessary onlyonce, thenthe base is maintained and updated automatically ormanually. Toautomatically update the settings you need to put atick next to"Automatic Updates"2. If the phone number is listed at the same time as a contactonyour device and in the Black list "Antiprozvon" application,thenumbers will not lock (Contact Phone advocate a kind ofWhiteList). To lock numbers was necessary to uncheck "Do not lockyourphone contacts" in the settings.3. If you have any questions about the application, pleasecontacttechnical support.We will be glad to hear your opinion about the application
Call Block - number blacklist 6.9
Call Block is a useful tool forblockingunwanted incoming or outgoing calls, including:- blocking all numbers- blocking numbers that are hidden / private- blocking all unknown numbers - effectively allow only numbersthatare in the contact list- blocking any number you want by specifying it directly- blocking range of numbers matching given prefix or suffix,forexample:0123* will block all the numbers that start with 0123*789 will block all the numbers that end with 789- viewing logs of blocked callsNow in the latest version you can also specify number listwhichwill be allowed regardless the other blocking settings. Thisisuseful if for example you want to block all unknown numbersbutallow specific numbers (eg. emergency numbers or the onesstartingwith the given prefix)
Call Blocker 1.6
Good app to block incoming calls withasimpleand very user friendly interface and good functionality:Applications without ads!Black list - allows you to block certain numbersfromyourcontact list, call log, it is also possible toenternumbersmanually.Whitelist - Blocks numbers are not in thislist(Addingnumbers is carried out as well as in the Blacklist).Complete blocking - blocks all incoming callsonyourphone.Partial lock - locks unfamiliar numbers are notinyourcontacts list.Lock Hidden Numbers - blocks incoming callsfromhiddennumbers.Lock Hidden Numbers - blocks incoming callsfromhiddennumbers.Call Blocking is done almost instantly!features:- Black List.- White list.- Full blocking.- Partial blocking (blocking numbers are not inyourcontactlist).- Lock the hidden numbers.
Jaqqa black list with timer 1.1.1
Jaqqa is a modern version of the "blacklist"unwished calls for Android users.Managing of phone numbers of unwished calls from coldcalls,scams, prank calls and other “persona non grata”. Blocknumbers forany time: an hour, a day, a week, forever.Integraded timer, will remove number from the listautomaticallyin end of selected time.Other features of the application:Completely hide unwanted SMS;Work in the background;Adding a number manually, and from the call log list;Optimized for different screen resolutions;It supports both Russian and English languagesEasy to use;Completely ad-free.
Kcell Filter 1.8
Kcell JSC
Kcell Filter app allows Activ and Kcell subscribers tomanageIncoming Call Filter and Outgoing call Filter services.IncomingCall Filter 
The Incoming Call Filter service allows tomanage yourown incoming traffic. You can both block and permitincoming callsand SMS only from the prior defined numbers. 

Black andWhite lists are provided within the scope of theService.

 TheBlack list affords grounds for setting a ban toincoming calls andSMS from certain numbers.

 The White listaffords grounds forsetting only those numbers, from which you wantto receive incomingcalls and SMS

 Black and White lists may bedefined in respect ofthe following communication services:

 1.Incoming voice calls andSMS
 2. Incoming voice calls only 
3.Incoming SMS only 

In caseof a blocked subscriber tries to make acall to you, he/she willhear the short ring tones. Short ring tonesmay be changed withspecial operator’s prompt or with your owngreeting message. Afterthe service is activated, the Black listautomatically becomesactive. After activation of the White list,the Black list isdeactivated, in this case all numbers of the Blacklist survive.After activation of the Black list, the White list isdeactivated,in this case all numbers of the White list survive.

Attention! Ifyou activated the White list and it is empty, then theincomingvoice calls and SMS will be unavailable for you. Subscriberfee forthe service per day - 10 tenge (Price is shown inclusive ofVAT)Service connection/disconnection - free Service management -freeOutgoing Call Filter The Outgoing Call Filter service allowsyou tomanage your outgoing calls. You can block/unblock outgoingcalls topre-defined numbers only.  You can create your Blackand WhiteLists. 
 The Black List allows blocking calls topre-definednumbers, while the While List allows you to select thephonenumbers which you want to call.   

With Outgoing CallFilteryou can easily block your outbound calls to both standard andshortnumbers. Once the service is activated you can set both theBlackand the White lists. For instance, if you want to limityouroutbound calls to predefined numbers, simply add all yourcontactsto the Black list by clicking “All” and then add thecontacts towhich you want to make calls to your White list. Whencalling ablocked number, you will hear a message informing you thatcalls tothat number are restricted. While roaming, you will hearthe busytones and later you will receive SMS notifying you thatcalls tothat number are blocked. This service also allows you tosetfilters on someone else’s numbers, e.g. your kid’s number.Forthat, you have to know the password to your kid’s profile. Inthiscase, the service fee will be charged to your kid’saccount.Subscriber fee for the service per day - 10 tenge (Price isshowninclusive of VAT) Service connection/disconnection - freeServicemanagement - free
Caller ID & Number Locator 8.6.3
Caller ID & Number Locator: find caller location,identifyincoming call
Call and Message Blocker 1.0
Are you receiving messages andcallsfromunknown numbers ? Use the Call and SMS Blocker to blockallthemessages and calls from the unknown numbers or blockthecontactsfrom the contact list. Make a contact list intheapplication.Application is easy to use and learn, with an effectiveanduserfriendly interface. The blocked call and SMS are stored intheappand notified to the user, from the notifications displayedonthestatus bar, so inform the user if messages or calls arereceivedonthe device. User can view those SMS and callsafterwards.A list of contacts can be made or numbers can be added intheblacklist. Contacts can be added in the black list eitherfromthecontacts or from the call logs or manually by the users.Theappgives an option to block the call, or messages or both,foranycontact, and according to the option selected thespecificcontentis blocked by the application. From the app themessage canbe sentor call can be made to the user whose call ormessages isreceivedand stores in the Blocked Calls or BlockedMessages.All these features are available in the free version andnoneedto buy the app. The app contains ads.Like the app., please share with your friends and otherpeopleyouknow. Face any problem, let us know so that it shouldberesolved.All the comments for improvements and positivecriticismwill beappreciated.
Blokirator caller ID anti-spam 2.8.8
Get rid of unwanted calls from collectors, banks,microfinanceorganizations and other spam once and for good. Theblocker willprotect you from unwanted calls. You can fine-tune thelevel ofprotection to suit your needs, from simple notification ofunwantedcalls to complete blocking. Safe and completely free.Theapplication has many options for blocking incoming calls frombothhidden and unknown callers, a personal blacklist, blocking SMStextmessages, a blocked call log and many options forfine-tuning.Calls are blocked imperceptibly, without disturbing youever again!Caller Information Caller ID displays information aboutan incomingor missed call from an unknown number, including thename of theorganization, it's category and number rating. Theblocker canimmediately warn you that a scammer is calling, and canalsoautomatically block a known spammer to keep you from anunpleasantconversation. Application features: - Effective blockingofincoming calls and SMS messages. - Advanced automatic callerID,the ability to find out who called, even if the number is notinthe contact list. - Personal black list - blocking anyphonenumber, area code, as well as blocking by mask. - Blocking bytime,rating and category: banks, MFOs, collectors, spam. - Abilitytochange the blocking method: drop the call, mute, accept andreset.Additional functions: - Dark and light theme. - Blocking SMSandMMS messages. - Setting for phones with 2 SIM cards (Dual SIM).-Blocking calls from hidden and unknown numbers. - Protectionofcontacts - you will never miss an important call from a callerfromyour contacts list. - Caller ID: During an incoming call, youcanimmediately see who is calling. - Block any area code, forexample:+1 202, +1 302. - Support for blocking by mask, forexample: +1305-555-????. Advantages: - Finished and constantlyupdateddatabase of numbers: collectors, banks, microfinanceorganizationsand other unwanted numbers. - Protection against spam(anti-spam),phone scammers, advertising, surveys, resellers,financial pyramidsand other intruders. - You can find out who iscalling from anunknown incoming phone number, caller ID. - Worksoffline - uses anoffline database, does not require an Internetconnection. Choose aprotection level and get rid of unwanted callsfor good.
AntiVirus Security 2017 2.5.6
AntiVirus for Android Mobile Web SecurityVipPremium Full version with advanced features and facilities fortheperfect operation of your mobile phone (Smartphone) or TabletandWeb security in any situations, with a tablet's lifelonglicense.During installation and start of work, it quicklydiscoverstroubled places to repair them and, in case of deviationsof systemoperation, it immediately reacts by counter-measures foroptimaloperation of device. Continuous automatic scanning of alltypessettings in real time mode.This app uses the Device Administrator permission.+ Free regular updates, bonuses and presents, andalsoreinstallation when it is accidentally deleted+ Remote siren switching on when lost or stolen+ Sound notification when any harmful programs or virusesaredetected +double scan+ Anti-spam: Blocker of entering and outgoing calls/sms+ Black list of phone numbers+ Various filtration options+ Privacy protection- view of potentially dangerous applicationsandtheir rights+ Phone location via the Internet or GPS with a link toGoogleMaps+ Remote phone lockout/unlock+ Quarantine+ Performance info+ Backups of installed apps+ Block apps by password+ Traffic monitoring+ Statistics+ Web-security+ Cache Cleaner+ Applications Manager+ Recommendations+ Ad detector+ Task killerSms – commands:• locate – locate your phone by Internet/GPS• wipe – delete all data• callme – call to your phone• siren – remote siren• lock – lock your phone with password• unlock – unlock your phoneStructure: password commandExamples:• 123 callme• 123 locate• 123 lock password 1
Suhba.Network Beta 1.3
Suhba LLC
Suhba is an international,innovativeandmulti-lingual Muslim social network.We have created a model of a virtual community ofpeaceandharmony, which will be a platform for variousInternetservices,interesting modern Muslim. Suhba relies on thepotentialof Halalindustry, one of the most rapidly developingsectors of theworldeconomy.