Top 29 Apps Similar to তাস দ্বারা ভবিষ্যত্-গণনা

Tarot Card Reading & Horoscope 14.2.0
2023 daily tarot readings, love readings, destiny cards,horoscope& astrology!
Tarot Card Reading 1.4.6
Jose Varela
Easy to do a Tarot Reading
Tarot of fairy tales 1.3.0
Clairvoyance Game in english
Daily Tarot Card Reading 3.0
Know what the destiny holds for you
Basirly - Coffee Tarot reading 74.0
First app to have your Coffee, Palm, Face and all psychic readings
Hindi Tarot Card Reading 3.0.0
Are you curious to know what the present, past & thefutureholds for you?
The oldest gypsy divination 1.3.3
In front of you is a very special deck of cards, dissimilarofastandard deck. In fact, this is the divination-solitaire(inasolitaire is to necessarily something should converge).Itconsistsof simple drawings, symbols, intuitive everyone.TheGypsies drewthem exactly like this because everyone could usethem.Evenuneducated people who could not read the decryptionofthissymbols. For example, the sun. About a happy man alwayssaidthataround him the sun shines brightly. A gleam of swordstalkedaboutan enmity, symbolized quarrel - people with attitude"atsword'spoints" with each other. The most often cards used foracardspread of the coming day. In rare cases, they focused onaspecificquestion. You can lay out cards not more than three timesaday.Many results just only confuses and does not give an answerifyouoften tell fortune. So if you decide to lay out one dayoroneinmost question three times, you need to pay specialattentiontothose symbols that often converges, repeats. They arethemostprobable outcome. Why up to three times? During thesecardspreads,you can distract from the urgent problems and it isbetterto focuson your question.
Tarot cards reading 1.5.3
Ivan Stano
Divination in the Tarot cards. Prediction of the future andnothingsuperfluous.
Destiny Dove 1.03
Gives predictions and answers questions. Free!
Magic Lead - Fortune Teller 4.4
Are you curious about the future? Go ahead. Magic Lead -FortuneTeller is just for you. It makes you smile. Magic Leadreveals thesecrets of your mind and your heart. It tells whatexpects you innear future and reads your fortune. This fortuneteller makes yousmile with it's positive and motivating style. Thismotivatingapplication with simple use and inspiring fortunes makeyou feelrefreshed. You turn the phone over the person whose fortunewantsto be read. When you hear the sound your fortune is ready.Enjoyit. It is totally free. Simple use. Get it for freenow!Clairvoyance by the lead: Traditional Ritual Today this methodisnot the most popular but it still exists. It must be said thatthecards or the pendulum are means all the same simpler toimplementon a daily basis. However, in North Africa especially,clairvoyanceby the lead is very practiced as in Morocco forexample. Thetechnique of traditional ritual It is necessary to meltlead with alamp to be soldered and to pour the lead in water, inthis way onewill obtain a form and this form will be interpreted bytheclairvoyant. It is therefore advisable to address someone whoknowshow to interpret forms perfectly. The possibilities ofpredictionare then numerous in all the fields since the answers donot applyto a specific field like the love but to all that can holdto heartin the life, there is no specialization in the field."Thisapplication is for entertainment purposes only and does notprovidethe actual lead medically function."
Tarot Future Readings & Teller 4.3.0
Know what destiny holds for you with personalized future tarotcardreadings!
Egyptian Clairvoyance 1.3.0
Check out the Crystal Ball, the ball will tell you your destiny.
The Magic Crystal Ball 1.3.0
Your application of clairvoyance in English
Love clairvoyance fairy 1.4.0
This game of clairvoyance is in English.
TarotGenius - Tarot Cards App 2.1
Discover the wisdom of the tarotcards and find the answerswithpsychic reading.
Free Tarot Reading 1.3.0
The New Updated Version Of Free Tarot Reading App byappz360degreeDownload Now!
Tarot Card Reading 4.8
Tarot Reading along with trusted tarot card and yearlyhoroscope2023 prediction
Lenormand Divination Cards 1.1
Rhomb Apps
Discover the magical world of the Lenorman cards
Gypsy divination
Andy Brow
The application contains several types of gypsy fortune-telling-guessing on the feelings of a loved one, guessing for thefuture,guessing on relationships and choosing a path. Gipsy cardswillhelp you figure out the way out of a difficult situation orchoosethe right solution. And most importantly get the rightpredictionand find true love and happiness.
Crystal Ball 1.10.0
Your application of clairvoyance in English
Gypsy fortune-telling 2.13
RBM Studio
Guessing on playing cards.
Love Tarot 1.7.1
Love tarot of Marseille in English. Love clairvoyance tarot
How To Know My Future : Person 10.0.0
Ask for advice: Know your Personality: Strengths and Weakness
Cartomancy 1.1.0
Guessing will help deal with your love relationships and help makeadecision in a difficult situation. To wonder do not needspecialskills on the cards - all very simple. Are dealt 36 cardsand youonly need to choose the 3 cards in each direction. Yourpast,present and future. The result of divination may encourage orwarnyou from any unwanted action. Tell me what it takes to waitinromantic relationships and what to expect in the near future.
Horoscopes & Tarot 5.7
Get your Daily Horoscopes,LoveCompatibility and Tarot Card Readings. Astrolisoffers awide selection of horoscopes covering everything from loveandromance to career and money issues.The best selection of free horoscopes and tarotcardreadings!This app uses planetary positions to provide relevant andtimelyhoroscopes.★★★★★ Sheila B.“I have not found any horoscope or tarot reasons that wasthisright on. I love having the combo of horoscope and tarot inonereading. It is very accurate and follows the things going on inmylife.”★★★★★ Doreen M.“This app was so accurate i began reading it art the end offmyday just to too make sure i wasn't influencing it. I also lovethemany areas of life that it covers and that some of the areasareshown a week at a time. Can recommend it forserioususers.”WIDE VARIETY OF HOROSCOPES: Reading your daily horoscope is agreatway to start the day, but it doesn't give you all theinformationyou need. That's why we provide many different types ofhoroscopes,covering everything from love and romance to career andmoneyissues. Check them all out:Daily, Love, Weekly, Monthly, Romance, Style, Career, Money,2017AnnualThis app uses planetary positions to provide relevant andtimelyhoroscopes. All of the zodiac signs are included: aries,taurus,gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius,capricorn,aquarius and pisces.TAROT CARD READINGS: Looking for insight into a particularquestionor issue in your life? Tarot cards can help to explain yourcurrentsituation and anticipate future events. In this app you geta freedaily three card tarot reading. This is a personal tarotreading,not one for everyone sharing your zodiac sign. It allowsyou toselect three cards, one for your Recent Past, one for yourCurrentSituation and one for your Future Influences.DAILY OUTLOOK: Looking for a quick summary of some key issuesinyour life? With our simple 5 star system, you getindividualratings for your Money, Energy, Love and Moodoutlook.LOVE COMPATIBILITY: Wondering who you are most compatiblewithtoday? Your daily forecast tells you which zodiac sign youarebeing drawn towards. Check the compatibility ratings for eachsignsevery day.CUSTOMIZATION: Once you install the app, you can set yourzodiacsign and choose a stylish sun sign icon. Once set, yourcustomizedforecasts will be available every time you open the app.No need tonavigate around trying to find your zodiac sign.VIEW ALL SIGNS: Interested in reading someone else's outlook fortheday? You can quickly and easily view any of the 12 zodiac signsfromwithin the app. Plus, you have the option to send your friendtheirforecast by email.SHARE YOUR OUTLOOK: Is there a forecast that resonates with youoris relevant to a situation you are currently in? You havetheoption to share it on Facebook and Twitter or send it tosomeoneprivately by email.★★★★★ John M.“A rare horoscope app that is both accurate and applicabletoboth the trivial and consequential issues of daily life.Attractiveand easy to use.”Please contact us with any questions or concerns using thefeedbackbutton within the app or by visiting: us on Twitter:
Сам себе хиромант - гадание по руке онлайн 159
Гадание по рукеВас всегда интересовало значение линий на Ваших ладонях илиналадонях друзей и близких?ПредсказанияС помощью этого приложения Вы сможете легко и быстронаучитьсяосновам хиромантии и узнать, что скрывается за линияминаладонях.Приложение позволяет поэтапно изучить все основныелинии,рассматриваемые в рамках хиромантии, а также понятьихзначение.Первое упоминание о хиромантии относится к 2000 году дон.э.(gadanie)Хиромантия – это греческое слово, переводится как гаданиеилипредсказание по руке. В средние века хиромантия считаласьнаукой, исегодня интерес к хиромантии так же не угас. У каждогочеловекасвоя судьба, которая зашифрована на ладони в виделиний.Ричард Вебстер считает, что умение читать человеческую судьбуполадони – это всего лишь знания, опыт и логическое мышление, анекакие-нибудь потусторонние явления.Хиромантия является развивающейся наукой, доступной для тех,ктоумеет думать и анализировать. Гадание по руке не требует знанийвмедицине и каких-либо других науках, поэтому ею можнозаниматьсявсем желающим.Guessing onthearmYou always wondered value lines on your palms or on the palmsofyour friends and relatives?The predictionsWith this app you can quickly and easily learn the basicsofpalmistry and find out what lies behind the lines onthepalms.The app allows you to explore all the main stages line, viewedinthe framework of palmistry, and to understand theirmeaning.The first mention of palmistry belongs to 2000 BC.e.(gadanie)Palmistry - a Greek word translated as divination or predictiononthe arm. In the Middle Ages it was considered a scienceofpalmistry and now interest in palmistry as not waned. Eachpersonhas his own destiny, which is encrypted in the palm of yourhand inthe form of lines.Richard Webster said that the ability to read human destiny onthepalm - it's just the knowledge, experience and logicalthinking,and not some otherworldly phenomena.Palmistry is a developing science, accessible to those who knowhowto think and analyze. Guessing on the arm does notrequireknowledge of medicine and some other science, so it ispossible todeal with all comers.
Love Fortune Teller 1.7.0
Fortune-telling game dedicated to love.
Love Fortune Teller (Girl) 1.12.0
Game of clairvoyance and love in english.
Love Fortune Teller (Color) 1.10.0
Love Clairvoyance Color. Game of clairvoyance and love in english.