Top 4 Apps Similar to Meme Generator Funny

NSSVideos Reproductor 1.3.1
!Mira y diviértete viendo tus seriesfavoritascon el reproductor NSSVideos!• Muchas series disponibles• Fácil de usar• Soportado en la mayoría de los dispositivos• Puedes moverlo a tu tarjeta SD• Reproductor de archivo compatible con los formatos:DivX/Xvid,WMV, FLV ,TS/TP ,RMVB ,MKV ,MOV ,M4V ,AVI ,MP4 ,3GPMira todas las series disponibles en:••••••••• vericarlylatino.comNOTA: No todos los dispositivos soportan los codecs devideo,pero la mayoria lo hace.Todos los vídeos y contenido son obtenidos de laspaginasadministradas por distintos usuarios.! Watch and enjoywatchingyour favorite shows with NSSVideos player!• Many series available• Easy to use• supported on most devices• You can move it to your SD card• Player compatible file formats: DivX / Xvid, WMV, FLV, TS /TP,RMVB, MKV, MOV, M4V, AVI, MP4, 3GPSee all series available at:••••••••• vericarlylatino.comNOTE: Not all devices support video codecs, but most do.All videos and content are obtained from the pages managedbydifferent users.
Toynami 1.5.2
Toynami is a manufacturer and distributoroftoys and collectibles based in Van Nuys, California. Formed infall2000, Toynami has quickly made a name for itself as the homeforhigh-quality, highly detailed toys based on some of today'shottestmedia licenses. The company’s mission is simple: figure outwhatthe fans want, and give it to them at the highest qualitypossible.It may sound like common sense, but pulling it off takes akeenknowledge of the current pop-culture trends, and the skillsanddetermination to follow through with first-rate product.Toynami has made a name for itself with character properties suchasMatt Groening's FUTURAMA, SKELANIMALS, VOLTRON, ROBOTECH andSTREETFIGHTER x SANRIO. With such a wide variety of product lines,Toynamihas established itself as the top specialtymanufacturer.
Meme Generator Free 1.0.15
Meme Generator Free is an app where you can create the mostfunmemes and share them with your friends. The app comprisesbestcompilation of picture meme available on the web. Importimagesfrom your gallery or camera. Insert text at the top andbottom ofthe images or wherever you want, you can also change thestyle andsize of the text to create the best memes. Turn the photosof yourfriends, family or whatever you want into funny memes withthe helpof our app. ¡Laugh out loud with your friends! MainFeatures: * Ithas over 1000 meme templates. * Fast scrolling andgrid view. *Select from the most popular memes and add any text youlike. *Choose from different fonts and give a different style toyourcreation. * Change text size, color and style when creatingmemes.* Share all your memes on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp orwhereveryou like. * Add stickers to memes - ¡more than 1400 tochoose! *Save all your memes to the SD card. * You can also useyour ownphotos and other images to make any meme you like or take anewphoto and use it. (This app does not automatically upload thememeyou've created - your privacy is a higher priority). * View alistof all your stored memes, you can share them or delete them ifyoudo not need them anymore. * The app does not add any watermarkstothe memes you create. * Search / Filter - you can findyourfavorite meme in seconds. * New memes are added frequentlySomememes included: 1. Bad Luck Brian 2. Grumpy cat 3. Advice Dog4.Courage Wolf 5. Foul Bachelor Frog 6. Stoner Dog 7. Chuck NorrisisBetter Than You 8. The Most Interesting Man in the World 9.That'sOne Grumpy Cat 10. Willy Wonka 11. Filosoraptor 12.AnnoyingFacebook girl 13. Success kid 14. Disaster Girl 15. Ay Si16.Ceiling Cat 17. Hipster Ariel 18. First World Problem 19.OneDirection Fans Are the Worst 20. The Chemestry Cat Notice: *Photosand pictures on your device are not saved or shared withoutyourpermission. The memes you create are only saved on your device.*Any natural or legal person who owns some of the images used inourapp, can accredit it to [email protected]. If wecheckthe intellectual property of the image, we are committed toremovethat image from the app. * If you want to contact us or sendussome suggestions, please write to [email protected]
綜藝節目- 我看你有戲
LBB apps
第1集 20150206 北影保安諷刺中國電影 街舞王獲李冰冰邀戲第2集 20150213 李冰冰被馮導嗆聲崩潰 成龍怒扔張國立抱枕第3集 20150220 好萊塢影星驚喜亮相 成龍挖苦張國立不懂武第4集 20150227 成家班踢館惹成龍震怒 嘎子哥重戰江湖引讚賞第5集 20150306 多才甄嬛引導師搶約 文藝女兵神似范爺第6集 20150313 馮小剛被弄哭向文青女撒嬌_成龍憐香惜玉狂護犢第7集 20150320 街頭美女藝人搶成龍風頭_機靈太監揶揄皇帝張國立第8集 20150327 李冰冰被嗆向大哥撒嬌_馮小剛吹笛張國立銷魂伴舞第9集 20150403 王力宏驚喜現身助陣_馮小剛陷害成龍做惡人Episode 120,150,206Northshadow security satire Chinese movie theater invitedhip-hopking iseligible JokeEpisode 2 is Fengdao audibles 20,150,213 Joke collapseJackieZhangGuoli anger throw pillowEpisode 3 20,150,220 surprise appearance Hollywood actorJackieChan,Zhang Guoli not understand sarcasm WuEpisode 4 20,150,227 stunt Tiguan provoke the wrath ofGazibrotherJackie Battle itinerant heavy lead appreciationEpisode 5 over 20,150,306 Zhen Huan was robbed aboutliteraryfemaleteacher guide likeness Fan YeEpisode 6 20,150,313 to Wen Qing Feng was cry like a baby_JackieLianxiangxiyu mad woman HuduEpisode 7 20150320 beautiful street artist Jackie grabthelimelight_ teasing emperor clever eunuch Zhang GuoliEpisode 8 20,150,327 Joke choked to a baby brother _ FengZhangGuoliecstasy dancers PiperEpisode 9 20,150,403 Wang Feng framed surprise appearance tohelpout_ Jackie do wicked