Top 21 Apps Similar to Shakespeare Sonnets free

Shakespeare Complete Works 4.1
Complete works of William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare Quotes 1.6
The Application contains a hearttouchingcollection of William Shakespeare Quotes categorized invarioussubjects. Be motivated, or motivate others byreading/sharing mostpopular quotes of William Shakespeare. A greatway to live a truedaily life of achievements and pleasure with'Quote of the Day'functionality.
Poems - Shakespeare FREE 11.07.28
POEMS BY SHAKESPEARE:A collection of poems by the English playwright and princeofpoets William Shakespeare as a free e-book app with voiceoutput(TextToSpeech).This FREE edition of the Shakespeare poems app includes adswhichfinance the development. If the ads annoy you or you justwant tosupport this app's development, you can upgrade to the PROeditionwhich is completely ad-free. Apart from that both versionsareequal.Standalone software - no need for an eBook reader.E-BOOK FEATURES:* Options menu+ Help page+ Settings page- Text color- Background color- Text size- Text padding- Reset+ Link to all iwpSoftware appsin Android Market+ Go to bookmark+ Set bookmark+ Set current image as wallpaper+ Link to image/item/description* General features+ Voice output(text to speech, TTS)+ Move to SD card+ Clickable table of contents+ English and Germanprogram language+ Contents rotate(portrait/landscape)+ Fullscreen imageson/off by long click
A Poesia de Fernando Pessoa
Leia, de forma aleatória, poemas de FernandodePessoa (incluindo os seus heterónimos - Álvaro de Campos,RicardoReis e Alberto Caeiro). Estão disponíveis mais de 2000poemasRead randomly, poemsofFernando Pessoa (including his heteronyms - Alvaro deCampos,Ricardo Reis and Alberto Caeiro). Over 2000 poemsareavailable
Сонеты. Вильям Шекспир 8.3
This is the first complete translation of the sonnets into Russian
The Tragedy of Macbeth 7.4
World classic book: The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Hamlet by William Shakespeare 8.0
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare
Шекспир - Сонеты 3D книга 1.0
Шекспир – это признанный гений, одноимяэтогочеловека говорит о возведении его произведения врангшедеврамировой классической поэзии. 154 сонетов, опубликованныйв1609году, но созданный Шекспиром, несомненно,раньшеявляютсякультурным достоянием всего человечества в целом.Еготемымногогранны и глубоки. Жизнь, смерть, старость,юность,любовь,ревность и страсть вот лишь те немногие темы,которыеотражают егосонеты. Его язык грациозен, перо его словнокистьхудожника рисуетв наших сердцах неповторимые чувства исловновиртуозный скрипачиграет на них. Сонеты Шекспира этосамоепрекрасное, что создалоперо, когда-либо чертившеемысличеловеческого существа.Shakespeare -arecognizedgenius, one person's name says about the constructionofhis worksto the rank of a masterpiece of world classicalpoetry.154 sonnets,published in 1609, but was created byShakespeare, ofcourse, areused to the cultural heritage of mankindas a whole.His themes aremultifaceted and deep. Life, death, oldage, youth,love, jealousyand passion are just a few of those topicsthatreflect his sonnets.His language is graceful, his pen likethepainter's brush paints inour hearts a sense of unique and likeaviolin virtuoso playing onthem. Shakespeare's sonnets is themostbeautiful thing that hascreated a pen, ever thought traits ofahuman being.
HAMLET - Shakespeare FREE 11.10.18
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE:HAMLET"The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark" or shortly "Hamlet"bythe great English playwright William Shakespeare as a premiume-bookapp with voice output (TextToSpeech).The play, set in the Kingdom of Denmark, recounts howPrinceHamlet exacts revenge on his uncle Claudius for murdering theoldKing Hamlet, and then succeeding to the throne andmarryingGertrude, the King Hamlet's widow and mother of PrinceHamlet.* ARCHAIC SPELLINGThis FREE edition of the app includes ads which financethedevelopment. If the ads annoy you or you just want to supportthisapp's development, you can upgrade to the PRO edition whichiscompletely ad-free. Apart from that both versions are equal.Standalone software - no need for an eBook reader.E-BOOK FEATURES:* Daylight & nighttime colors* Voice output (text to speech, TTS)* Move to SD card* Clickable table of contents* English and German program language* Contents rotate automatically (portrait/landscape)* Fullscreen images on/off by long click* Options menu+ Help page+ Settings page- Text color- Background color- Text size- Text padding- Reset+ Link to all iwpSoftware apps in Android Market+ Go to bookmark+ Set bookmark+ Set current image as wallpaper+ Link to image/item/description
Уильям Шекспир 1.4
Уильям Шекспир — великий английскийдраматургипоэт мирового значения, автор 37 пьес, 4 поэм и циклаиз154сонетов. Трагедии Шекспира — величайшие образцытрагическоговмировой литературе: «Ромео и Джульетта», «ЮлийЦезарь»,«Гамлет»,«Король Лир».Основные возможности:- Приложение включает в себя практически всесочиненияВ.Шекспира.- Настройка отображения: светлая/темная тема, ночной режим- Настройка размера шрифта- Быстрая публикация произведения в Facebook,Google+,Вконтакте,Gmail, Twitter, SMS.Для загрузки текстовпроизведенийиспользуетсяИнтернет-соединение.William Shakespeare-thegreat English playwright and poet of world importance,theauthorof 37 plays, poems and 4 cycle of 154 sonnets. Shakespeare-thegreatest examples of tragedy in world literature:"RomeoandJuliet", "Julius Caesar," "Hamlet," "King Lear."Key features:- The application includes almost all the worksofWilliamShakespeare.- Setting the display: light / dark theme, night mode- Adjust the font size- Rapid publication of works in Facebook, Google+,FaceBook,Gmail,Twitter, SMS.To download the texts of works using the Internetconnection.
Poesie 1.0
Dexter Web
More than 350 poems by the great Italian and foreign poets
Shakespeare SwipeSpeare 8.2.0
Shakespeare retold with a swipe!
Poezii Romanesti 1.4.2
Adrian Nistor
Read a poem or looking for a particular verse in over 2300 poems
唐诗三百首 1.1
Ming Shen
凡 例  一、是书名日《补注》,但诠实事,以资检阅。若诗中义蕴之深,意境之妙,读者宜自领取,无庸强就我范,曲为之说,反汨初学性灵也。识者鉴诸。  一、取证之书,当以最先者为主。目王逸注《离骚》于“玄圃”引《淮南子》,李善注《洛神赋》之“远游履”引繁钦《定情诗》,使后人藉口。至近世笺唐诗者,遂有引宋人诗为证,且杂以俗语,殊乖体例。兹编援引,未敢效尤。  一、是编引注之义有二:凡诗中用事,即引本事以证之者为正注。至寻源溯流,博采他书以相证者为互注。正注非陈、隋以上之书不列于篇,而互注则自唐、宋及明,间为采入,然必有按某书、某某云字样以别之,终不敢以口吻为策府也。  一、诗中有误用事者,如少伯之龙城飞将是也;有借用事者,如右丞之卫青天幸是也。诸如此类,不可枚举。今误者辨之,借者证之,非如宋、元诸人,窜易古书,为之立解。  一、诗中字有疑误,必索古本订正,其无可参订者,则云当作某字。字有两可者,则云一作某字,或云某本作某字。至于点画讹舛,鲁鱼混淆,则寄目以视,假腕以书,亦不能保其必无也。尚冀世之君子是正焉。一、诗人爵里、姓氏,原书阙注。今博览史传诸书,更为广注,俱列于诸公诗之初见者题上,俾读是公诗即得梗概。其余行事,有关于诗,则随篇分附,此不备载。  一、凡诗中所咏邑里、山川、古迹,必稽之前籍,参以唐志,又实以明地志及《大清一统志》。盖陵谷既迁,名号数易,非本诸唐志,则不知所自来,非证以今名,则不复可寻考,兼而列之,庶几览古之一助。阅者幸不以妄引后世书传概之。  一、凡宋、元、明诸家诗话,有关词义,间采一二。他如品骘高下,较量浅深等语,概置弗录。正以是编专注而未及评解,雕龙之论,姑俟异日。  一、诗中有一事屡见者,设俱为繁引,未免词复言重。今凡有事已见前者,后不复赘。间有重见者,引用之字面虽同,而引证之字义要自有辨。  一、是书原刻旁批,往复周详。有讥其浅陋者,然意在启迪初学,并非 概语宏通,其诱掖苦心,不可没也,今悉仍之。上元女史陈婉俊识四藤吟社主人序  《唐诗三百首》为蘅塘退士定本,风行海内,几至家置一编,惜笺注太疏,读者病之。上元陈伯英女史,手辑补注八卷,字梳句栉,考核精严,能令读者不假祭獭而坐获食蹠,津逮初学,功匪浅鲜。第其书版藏李氏餐花阁中,坊问罕有其本,所以沾丐士林者恐未能遍也。爰取其书,重加厘订,付之手民,以广其传。书中体例,悉仍其旧。惟少陵《咏怀古迹》诗本五首,蘅塘止录其二,不免挂漏。今刻仍为补入,俾读者得窥全豹。注则悉依《杜诗镜诠》,未敢窜易一字焉。刻成,悉心雠校,尚无淮雨别风之谬,较餐花阁本似更精致云。光绪十一年仲夏月中浣四藤吟社主人识。姚莹序  上元伯英女史,余外孙李镜缘世芬内也,为陈叔良观察女。幼聪慧,喜读书,叔良钟爱之,二相攸綦严。适余侄倩李仲甫以其尊人海帆先生官西蜀,侨寓金陵,因得为镜缘缔婚焉。余时权两淮鹾政,会晋省,得悉良缘,知女史为闺中之秀,然不意其能著述也。越数载,女史来归镜缘,余已移官海外。寓书问讯,于邮筒中获睹女史诗词,为欣赏者久之。迨余左迁西蜀,道出里门,镜缘亦归里。见其案头有补注唐诗,询知为伯英女史所辑。考核援引,俱能精当,殆所谓读书难字过者欤。属付枣梨,津逮初学。镜缘则逊谢不遑,为不欲为詅痴符比也。余谓不然,自古注书,得之闺阁者恒鲜,而精当尤难。兹所补注,倩梓人传之,亦一时佳话也。余老矣,且远处西陲,是刻之成,尤以先睹为快,镜缘志之。其终韪余言,是则老人之殷盼也夫。道光二十四年嘉平月石甫老人姚莹书。蘅塘退士原序  世俗儿童就学,即授《千家诗》,取其易于成诵,故流传不废。但其诗随手掇拾,工拙莫辨,且止五七律绝二体,而唐、宋人又杂出其间,殊乖体制。因专就唐诗中脍炙人口之作,择其尤要者,每体得数十首,共三百余首,录成一编,为家塾课本。俾童而习之,白首亦莫能废,较《千家诗》不远胜耶?谚云:“熟读唐诗三百首,不会吟诗也会吟。”请以是编验之。keywords: Tang Dynasty Poem Poetry 300 three hundred 唐诗 三百首---------------”唐诗三百首“是建立在九步應用平台上的實例應用。九步是上海名申科技創建並維護的內容應用平台,目標是發布各種圖書內容,不限於已經出版的讀物或者未出版的圖書內容,最大的受益者是所有希望發布圖書內容並擁有自己的Andr​​oid的圖書應用程序的作者,內容收集者和編輯者。人們不需要通過出版機構即可在九步快速發布一款應用,向手機內容讀者呈現自己的作品,發布者直接通過應用內插入的廣告點擊盈利。九步是一個發布內容讀物的Andr​​oid的應用模板,可以發布電子書籍,擁有諸多強大功能,包括,標準的佈局,靈活的個性化設置,快捷的創建過程和直接的盈利模式,令Android的內容應用的創建和發布成為人人可以完成的簡單工作。簡單的九個步驟,完整的Andr​​oid的應用,無需編程能力,有東西就可以發布!內容作者或發布者是通過簡單易操作的步驟自行發布電子書。作者不必是Android的技術開發者,不需要掌握任何開發技術。發布的電子書應用程序預先植入了作者指定的廣告橫幅(AdMob的),在讀者閱讀電子書並點擊廣告橫幅時,便為作者或發布者帶來現金收入。發布者可以是圖書的原作者,也可以是發布免費圖書的內容蒐集者。九步還在開發過程中,目前已經進入初級版本的測試階段,僅限於內部使用,本應用便是本階段的測試產品,希望廣大讀者提出寶貴意見和建議。一旦九步進入公測階段,我們會公佈九步實例應用的發布網站,到時歡迎大家踴躍發布自己的作品,實現擁有自己的手機應用產品和通過應用產品直接獲取經濟收益。九步的最終版本確定之後,屆時會告知廣大作者和內容發布者.請訪問 http://aoandroid.com查看九步的發布狀態。© 2010-2011上海名申科技有限公司版權所有 http://www.mingsh.com意見反饋:[email protected]
The Sonnets, by Shakespeare 1.4.0
Enjoy all the world as seen through Shakespeare's eyes.
Poésie Française 0.1.0
SSII Webnet
Plus de 6000 poèmes de langue française.====== Fonctionnalités ======* Les grands classiques : 6000 poèmes* Liste des poèmes par auteur* Recherche par mot clé dans le titre ou dans lecontenudupoème* Gestion des poèmes favoris.* Consultation off-line des poèmes favorisRetrouvez la plupart des plus grands poètes de languefrançaise,duMoyen-âge au XXème siècle, représentés parleursoeuvresphares.Parmi lesquels : Théodore de BANVILLE (61poèmes),CharlesBAUDELAIRE (159 poèmes), François COPPÉE (53poèmes),TristanCORBIERE (50 poèmes), Charles CROS (71poèmes),MarcelineDESBORDES-VALMORE (112 poèmes), Joachim DU BELLAY(198poèmes),Théophile GAUTIER (102 poèmes), José-Maria de HEREDIA(115poèmes),Victor HUGO (420 poèmes), Jean de LA FONTAINE (140 poèmes), Jules LAFORGUE(86poèmes),Alphonse de LAMARTINE (87 poèmes), Charles-Marie LECONTEDELISLE(163 poèmes), François de MALHERBE (41 poèmes),StéphaneMALLARME(58 poèmes), Alfred de MUSSET (98 poèmes), Gérardde NERVAL(55poèmes), Anna de NOAILLES (41 poèmes), Jean RICHEPIN(32poèmes),Rainer Maria RILKE (84 poèmes), Arthur RIMBAUD (61poèmes),MauriceROLLINAT (65 poèmes), Pierre de RONSARD (109poèmes),René-FrançoisSULLY PRUDHOMME (83 poèmes), Paul-Jean TOULET(89poèmes), ÉmileVERHAEREN (315 poèmes), Paul VERLAINE (194poèmes),Théophile deVIAU (33 poèmes), Alfred de VIGNY (28 poèmes),FrançoisVILLON (34poèmes), etc.http://poesie.webnet.frMore than 6000poemsinFrench.Features ====== ======* The classic: 6000 poems* List of poems by author* Search by key word in the title or content of the poem* Management of favorite poems.* Consultation off-line favorite poemsFind most of the largest French-language poets of the MiddleAgestothe twentieth century, represented by their flagshipworks.Including: Theodore BANVILLE (61 poems), CharlesBaudelaire(159poems), François COPPÉE (53 poems), Tristan CORBIERE(50poems),Charles Cros (71 poems), Marceline Desbordes-Valmore(112poems),Joachim OF BELLAY (198 poems), Théophile Gautier(102poems),José-Maria de Heredia (115 poems), Victor Hugo(420poems)Jean de La Fontaine (140 poems), Jules Laforgue (86poems),Alphonsede Lamartine (87 poems), Charles-Marie Leconte DELISLE(163 poems),François de Malherbe (41 poems), Stephane Mallarme(58poems) Alfredde Musset (98 poems), Gerard de NERVAL (55poems),Anna de Noailles(41 poems), Jean RICHEPIN (32 poems), RainerMariaRilke (84 poems),Arthur Rimbaud (61 poems), Maurice ROLLINAT (65poems), Pierre deRonsard (109 poems), René-FrançoisSullyPRUDHOMME (83 poems),Jean-Paul TOULET (89 poems), EmileVERHAEREN(315 poems), PaulVerlaine (194 poems), Théophile de Viau(33poems), Alfred de Vigny(28 poems), François Villon (34poems),etc..
Classic of poetry 1.0
"Classic of poetry" is theearliestexistingcollection of Chinese poems and songs.
OTHELLO - Shakespeare FREE
The tragedy "Othello, the Moor ofVenice"orshortly "Othello" by the great EnglishplaywrightWilliamShakespeare as an e-book app with voiceoutput(TextToSpeech).Because of its varied and current themes ofracism,love,jealousy, and betrayal, Othello is still oftenperformedintheatres and has been the basis for numerous operatic,film,andliterary adaptations.* ENGLISH TEXT* ENGLISH VOICE OUTPUT* ARCHAIC SPELLINGThis FREE edition of the app includes ads whichfinancethedevelopment. If the ads annoy you or you just want tosupportthisapp's development, you can upgrade to the PRO editionwhichiscompletely ad-free. Apart from that both versions areequal.Standalone software - no need for an eBook reader.E-BOOK FEATURES:* Daylight & nighttime colors* Voice output (text to speech, TTS)* Move to SD card* Clickable table of contents* English and German program language* Contents rotate automatically (portrait/landscape)* Fullscreen images on/off by long click* Options menu+ Help page+ Settings page- Text color- Background color- Text size- Text padding- Reset+ Link to all iwpSoftware apps in Android Market+ Go to bookmark+ Set bookmark+ Set current image as wallpaper+ Link to image/item/description
全唐诗 4.47
Poèmes & Poètes 2.1
Nekoko SARL
French poetry classic on your phone, offline, without ads!
唐詩三百首(簡繁版) 1.2.4
《唐詩三百首》是一部流傳很廣的唐詩選集。唐朝(618年—907年)二百九十年間,是中國詩歌發展的黃金時代,雲蒸霞蔚,名家輩出,唐詩數量多達五萬首。孫琴安《唐詩選本六百種提要·自序》指出,「唐詩選本經大量散佚,至今尚存三百餘種。當中最流行而家傳戶曉的,要算《唐詩三百首》。」《唐詩三百首》選詩範圍相當廣泛,收錄了77家詩,共311首,在數量以杜甫詩數多,有38首、王維詩29首、李白詩27首、李商隱詩22首。是仿《詩經》三百篇(共311篇)之作,從前是家弦戶誦的兒童詩教啟蒙書,所以比較淺顯,讀者容易接受,俗話說:「熟讀唐詩三百首,不會作詩也會吟。」(原序作:「熟讀唐詩三百首,不會吟詩也會吟。」)是中小學生接觸中國古典詩歌最好的入門書籍。"Three Hundred TangPoems"is a very wide spread of Tang poetry anthology. TangDynasty(618-907) 290 years between, the development of China'sgolden ageof poetry, cloud steaming Xia Wei, famous men, Tangnumber of up tofifty thousand. Sunqin An "election of the sixhundred kinds offeeds Tang preface" that "the election by a largenumber of SanyiTang, surviving three hundred species. Among themost popular andwell known household names, to calculate the" ThreeHundred TangPoems. " "" Three Hundred Tang Poems "choose a widerange ofpoetry, a collection of 77 poems, a total of 311, thenumber of DuFu's poetry to a few more, there are 38, 29 poems byWang Wei, LiBai poem 27, verse 22 Li Shang-yin. Imitation "Book ofSongs" threehundred (of 311) to make, a former children's homechord householdrecite poetry to teach enlightenment books, sorelatively simple,the reader is easy to accept, saying: "ThreeHundred Tang Poemsfamiliar, does not write poetry "(originalsequence as:" familiarwith the Three Hundred Tang Poems, poetrywill not Yin. "). was theprimary contact with Chinese classicalpoetry best introductorybook.