Top 18 Games Similar to UFO

Roswell UFO Incident 1.0
Samir Tirmizi
Roswell UFO incident took place atRoswell,Mexico in 1947... The story is as follows:Brave alien woman called 'Sigourney' was on expedition tonewworlds. When she was passing by a blue looking planet,herspaceship sensed heavy radio waves activity. Soon'Sigourney'realized that life form must be existing on this planet.She coulddecrypt radio frequency network and came to know that thisplanetis called 'Earth' and there is virtual currency called'Bitcoins'which she can use to transact with local species called'Humans'.She decided to land her spaceship at desert area nearRoswell,Mexico and she entered atmosphere of blue planet... due tounknownatmospheric effect, her spaceship's batteries becamedysfunctionaland it started falling. Soon she crashed in desert atnight and gotunconscious...Someone from local species saw bright light offallingunidentified flying object and that life-form traced outspaceshipof 'Sigourney'. That male of human species saw UFO for thefirsttime in life!!! He took some parts of UFO and talked withfamilyand neighbors about it. Someone contacted local authoritiesnextmorning. Locals started gathering to see aliens and UFO.Theystarted taking UFO videos and pictures. One person opened doorofspaceship and saw an alien woman was there inside. Soon News ofUFOcrash spread like wild fire and next day 'Roswell UFO Incident'washeading of major news articles. Authorities came into action,theyrushed to site immediately as they wanted Roswell UFOIncidentconfirmed. They took UFO in custody and transported it tonearbyair base.Local species were shocked and surprised. For the first timeinlife they got visual answer of questions like ‘Are Aliens Real?’or‘Do Aliens Exist?’ Before their own eyes, they could see alienonearth!!! Alien had landed. Previously they were justdiscussingextraterrestrial activity and now there was an alienwoman betweenthem. Some were very excited and for others UFOsightings was alike unwanted nightmare. They feared that soonplanet earth wouldbe taken over by these unknown aliens and soonsky will be full ofenemy flying saucers. Authorities were alsoworried that RoswellUFO incident facts will create fear psychosisin people and theymust take firm steps to negate facts about spacealiens.Next day authorities had to claim that it was notalienspaceship, but a weather balloon. There was nothingparanormalwhich did apocalypse possibility of aliens. It was hard,yet theymanaged to suppress Roswell UFO crash facts. But then'Sigourney' -the alien woman came to consciousness and she foundherselfcaptivated at local airbase with her spaceship. She triedtocommunicate with local species and tried to convince them thatshewas alien for them, but she will not harm them in any way iftheyallow her to return back to her planet. She promised friendshipandharmonious living between species, but humans were so fearfultheydecided to destroy her spaceship and execute her. Now there wasnooption left for her other than try to escape. That night, atverylate hours she could manage to reach to her spaceship andreplacednon-working batteries with emergency power cells and shestartedher spaceship. Humans woke up hearing sound of UFO usingwhich shewas trying to escape. They ordered military to firemissiles atspaceship and destroy it immediately. It was do or dietime for'Sigourney' as well as humans!!! She started flying herspaceshipand now she needs power and protection to cover lot ofdistancesafely, so she can move herself enough away from Roswellthat localspecies cannot catch her again. And hopefully after sometime shemay get help from her planet fellows.I don't know about your species, but for the sake of alllivingthings, I urge you to help this dare devil alien woman toescapefrom planet called earth alive...For more info about this science fiction story, please dovisit…
UFO Defense! 1.1
Protect the planet from the attacking aliens with fun one tapgameplay!
Shooting UFO 1.0
Shooting game. Like outer space war gameorstarwar. You will enjoy the actions. Mission is to destroyallUFOsbefore they destroy the spaceship. You have threedifferenttype ofweapons, laser, missile and bundle rockets. Eachwill havedifferentsounds effect, as well as explosion and fireburning.Will work on any Android devices,including Android tabletsCheck out the Video and try out the game.Thank you for purchase the game.
Nostalgic UFO Battler 1.1.2
An old-fashioned shooting game that uses Japanesenostalgicbackground music.
UFO Wars 1.0
Ready to collect ammo, power-ups and fireatthe enemy all while dodging enemy missiles?- Unlock power-ups, UFO customisation, level elementsandmore- Plenty of challenges to complete, including fightingspikedopponents, UFOs with gravity machines, shielded and halfshieldedopponents, insta-fire modes, two opponents at once, andmanymore!- Hide behind asteroids and use wormholes to your advantage- Awesome space themed backgrounds- Loads of fun!This is the first game produced by me, Esaptonor, so supportmelearning and making more and download now!You can find the free versionhere:
超UFO 1.2
空を埋め尽くすUFOの超大群が迫り来る!UFOから放たれる怪しげな光線を避けつつ前へ進もう!■遊び方画面下の2つの矢印ボタンで主人公を操作できます。【←】と【→】をタイミングよくタップして、UFOから放たれる光線を避けつつ右へ進みましょう。光線に触れてしまうとゲームオーバーです。あなたはUFOのアブダクション(誘拐)から逃げ切ることができるのか?!Super horde ofUFOthatfill the sky looming!You intend to move it forward while avoiding dubiouslightemittedfrom UFO!■ How to playYou can operate the main character in the two arrow buttonsatthebottom of the screen.Tap timely [→] and [←], and go straight to the rightwhileavoidingthe light emitted from the UFO.The game is over and would touch the beam.Are you able to outrun the UFO abduction from (kidnapping)? !
Burger UFO 1.2.10
Control the spaceship and get the burgers!
UFO Blitz 1.0.0
In the end they came from space, they came with one mission,destroythe cities.
Shoot UFO 1.2
KaitOng Games
How to play UFO Shooter :Go on a UFO hunt today! Use the accelerometer or touchscreentoshoot the flying UFO Shoot the UFO as they fly out of the totheleft and right of the screen. The higher the level is difficult-faster UFO move. Try to do the best possible and come up to theendof the game, check your reaction and be careful.Features UFO Shoot :*Unlimited ammo*Precision rifles*Simple controls*Massive armoryNow, you are a UFO hunter. Start it now !Tip:1. Try to control the shooting time.2. You can compete with your friends with your highest scorestoprove you are the best shooter..... of UFOKeywords:UFO hunter, Shoot the UFO, UFO hunting, UFO shooter
UFO Hunter 1.0
Aris Pattakos
Have you ever believedthatextraterrestrialshave visited us? Has it come to mindthatcountless unidentifiedflying objects swarm through the nightskywithout us noticing it?It's time to prove their existence. You are a photographerandyoumust capture photos of UFO's. But be careful, if you failtocapturea photo of one you'll lose health.Gear up, download UFO Hunter and get thehighestscorepossible!
Your mission: To defend the sheepfromthehordes of UFOs eager to abduct them. You take control ofalasercannon that shoots in a straight line with a simple taponthescreen. Line up your targets and time your shotstoeliminatemultiple UFOs at once, granting you higher scoresandslowing downtime in the process.If one of the sheep gets taken, don’t panic. You’re notgameoveruntil both sheep are gone. Keep cool, and you willbeatyourhighscore. Hopefully, the real military has the sameweaponswhenearth gets invaded.Features:Easy to learn – difficult to masterShoot lasers simply by tapping the screenChallenge your Facebook friends and compare scoresHighly addictive gameplay.
UFO Defense Game 1.0
Ethio apps brings you UFO DefenseTiltingSideAndroid GameThe aim of the player is to catch as many UFO as he canwhilekeepaway from dangerous items (bombs and towers).FeaturesUses Accelerometer – The device inbuilt accelerometer isusedtodetect tilting and move the plane. You have to tiltyourphonewhile the airplane flies. Collect UFOS but avoidcrashingintobuildings. that’s the game about. The game usesaccelerometersowhen user tilts phone right or left the airplanegoes upordown.Infinite Scrolling – This is a never ending game. Itcontinuesuntilthe player can’t handle anymore.Boost Feature – The player can push a boost buttonduringgame-playto speed up the plane.Pause Feature – Player can pause game during game play.Top 10 High Scores – The game saves the top 10 High Scoresontheuser’s Device. Enjoy!
UFO Fighter 2.5
Bazinga Inc
In this game, you have to destroy theUFO'sinorder to advance to next level and as you advances fromleveltolevel, your planes selection increases along withhigherfiringcapabilities. The is even an online score syncingsystembuiltright into the game itself. So get your mobile phonesand Trytodestroy as much Ufo's as possible
Ufo-Killer 1.11
UFOs are coming from above, they must be stopped.
UFO Catch 1.1
Help the alien cat to save generator from importunate slugs togetoff this planet. Grab slugs and drop them in a blender toobtainenergy. Count out the time of capture. Collect as many slugsas youcan.
Super UFO Shooter 1.2
Classic arcade side shooter, can you defeat the invasion ofdeadlyUFOs ? The aliens are invading from space again, this timeits acity landscape with the invaders perching on the top of ourcitysky scrapers. You must save mankind, and the city, by blastingtheUFO fleet out of this world. Your plutonium red rocket shipisequipped with a rapid fire laser cannon and unlimited smartbombs.Your task is to blast everything that moves, … er and theones thatdon't move as well. Tilt your phone to control your rocketand tapanywhere on the screen to fire. There are six levels tocomplete,if you manage to get that far then you'll start again withevenmore action! Download “Super UFO Shooter” now, the city needsyou!
Tappy UFO 1.0.2
Experience the adventure of TappyUFO,theflying UFO disk, through the world by dodging obstacles.Gainthebest score and collect Tappy trophies and alien orbs.Tappy UFO is and arcade style platform game.The player who is in control of a UFO must dodge all thecolumnsbygoing through the empty gaps in order to gain thebestscore.Also, depending on the score the player gets, hewillreceivedifferent Tappy UFO Trophies.Start playing now and gain the best scores in theglobalranking.FEATURES- Great graphics and crisp sound effects- Tappy UFO is Easy to understand and fun to play- Small, download- Google Play leaderboards, achievements- Powered by Unreal Engine 4Tappy UFO is made using Epic Games Unreal Engine 4,thegroupbehind Infinity Blade, Fortnite, Unreal TournamentandUnrealEngine technology.If you experience any issues with Tappy UFO, you canreachoursupport at [email protected]
UFO 1.0
Помогите НЛО выжить на этой Планете!Отстреливайте врагов из оружий, установленных на корабле!Help UFOs tosurviveonthis planet!Shoot the enemies of the weapons mounted on the ship!