Top 7 Apps Similar to Mind

100% Confidence Builder 1.2
Boost your confidence and self-esteemandfeelgreat. It's all in here with this special programfromcertifiedhypnotherapist, Joel Thielke. It’s as easy as turningonthe trackand falling asleep!Over 2 Million of our apps Downloaded!!!* “Confidence” audio program included for FREE* Edit your Playlist to customize each session* Play multiple programs per session* Set the alarm to wake you in the morning* Purchase extra music tracks for only $.99 each!Download this Confidence & Self-Esteem app forFREE.Thenbrowse your in-app store for other great SleepLearningprograms,or use the UNLOCK ALL in-app for over 60% savingson yourENTIREin-app store list.Each in-app program included in this app hasbeenspecificallychosen to help you increase your self-esteem andfeelmoreconfident and fulfilled.The store offers the following programs:- Respect- Live in the Now- Inner Strength- Stop Self-Criticism- Be Proud- Social Confidence- Get Out of Your Way- Your Inner Child- Be Happy- You and Success- 3 relaxing Sleep Music tracks for only $.99 eachThe Sleep Learning System is specially designed to workwithyoursubconscious mind during your sleep cycle. Theguidedmeditation andsoothing background music will deeply relaxyourbody and mind forthe perfect night’s sleep, removingself-doubtand limiting beliefsthat are holding you back fromfeelingconfident and complete.Wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, and ready tostartyourday!The special Sleep Induction will gently guide you intoyourREMstage of sleep, working with your subconscious tomakelastingchange.It’s time to boost your confidence and feel great today!
Math Mind 1.0.3
Stimulate your brain with mental arithmetic
Kana Mind
Zeh Fernando
Are you studying or learning Japanese? Doyouwant to be able to read words in Japanese aloud?Well, you're in luck! Kana Mind is a completely freeeducationalgame that helps you practice recognizing the symbolsused inKatakana and Hiragana, the first two alphabet styles used intheJapanese language.But it is not a simple matching or "flash card" game! It usesanintelligent, adaptive memorization algorithm focused onteachingthe character combinations, and measuring the player'ssuccess witheach pair. You will progress at the right pace for you,regardlessof whether you're learning the language, or justpracticing whatyou already know!Do you want to achieve 100% proficiency in the Kana? You will dosobefore you even realize it!OTHER FEATURES• Two modes: learn reading and/or writing recognition• Learn the complete Hiragana and/or Katakana alphabet• Store multiple player profiles• 3 different romanization styles: Hepburn, Nippon-shiki,andKunrei-shiki. Pick from what your country/school uses!• Groups of characters can be toggled on or off for morefocusedexercises• Free application: no ads, no personal user datacollection,no in-app purchasesRead more about the motivations behind Kana Mind here: you have suggestions, questions or bug reports, please sendanemail to zeh at And thanks so much to ourkindreviewers for comments and suggestions!
Connected Mind (mind mapping) 1.5.0
Keith Coughtrey
Mind mapping apps fall into two camps:• true mind mapping - as first described by Tony Buzaninhisbookcalled "Use Your Head"• pseudo mind mapping - a chart where text ishorizontalandusuallyin bubbles with automatic layoutConnected Mind is the only app (other thanBuzan'sowniMindMap)that aims to support true mind mapping. Thekeydifferenceis thattrue mind maps are unique, personalisedanddistinctive,whichhelps make them memorable. In contrast,pseudomind maps alltendto look very similar.Revolutionary free hand drawingUsing Connected Mind’s revolutionary freehand drawingfeaturesyoucanquickly create unique mind maps that are very easytomaintain.It’sjust like using pen and paper but better.ConnectedMind takesfulladvantage of touch interfaces, which areperfect forthehand-drawnapproach. This gives you complete controloverthelayout of yourmaps. You can easily include images andshapesorselect from arainbow of colors and fonts to personalizeyourmaps.Simple touchscreen commands provide direct andintuitivecontrol.Tap anywhere ona branch to change or resize,press downtoreposition the branch onthe canvas or press the end ofthebranchto quickly relink it to anew parent.Safe, secure and available everywhereBacking up your mind maps in the Connected Mind cloudisabreeze,free of charge and ensures your masterpiecesalwaysstaysafe andsecure. Once in the cloud you can continue toplaywithyourfavorite mind maps on any other android tablet orphone,iPador awindows/mac/chromebook computer that hasChromeinstalled.What is Mind Mapping?Mind mapping helps you learn to visually organizeandlinkconcepts,ideas, words and images around a centraltopic.Intoday’s world wesuffer from information overload.ConnectedMindprovides you with acreative way to structure theinformationsothat it makes sense toyou personally.Helping students learnWhen you learn a new concept, you add it to theappropriateplaceinthe mind map. In order to do that, you have toanalyzethepatterns,structures, and connections of conceptswithinyourtopic. Thispromotes better understanding,memorization,andrecall, as well asthe ability to apply knowledgeinnewsituations. Connected Mindoffers enough flexibilitytomaintaininterest and encouragecuriosity while stillprovidingthestructure that keeps you ontrack as a learner.The Toolbox includes:✓ 34 funky fonts✓ 38 adjustable character sizes✓ 27 different resizable shapes✓ Gorgeous color gradient fills✓ An unlimited rainbow of colors✓ Any custom image you want✓ Size and clip images to any of the 27 shapes✓ Creative control over the layout of your map✓ Unlimited undo & redo (no mistakes!)✓ Share an image of your mind map with friendsBoring (but important) tech stuff:✓ Backup mind maps to the Connected Mind cloud✓ Play with you maps on multiple devices –Android,iOSandChrome✓ Delete or rename maps✓ Supports Froyo, Gingerbread, Ice Cream Sandwich,JellyBeanandKitKat✓ Pinch-zoom and double tap to zoom in/out✓ Autosaves when you leave the app✓ Works offline✓ Import mind maps created in Freemind formatviatheChromeversion✓ Share a Mind Map image with any installed appthatcanacceptimages, such as Messaging, GMail, Twitter, etc✓ Automatic smoothing of hand drawn lines✓ No account or login required - uses yourexistingGooglesignin✓ Supports 2 factor authentication
Mind Palace 1.34
Create your own personal Mind Palace(alsoreferred to as a Memory Palace) with this app. A good MindPalaceis built from familiar places, people and things in your lifewhichyou will NEVER forget. The object is to put unfamiliar thingsyouwish to remember within the Mind Palace places usingvariousassociation techniques.The Mind Palace concept is over 2500 years old. Now with the useofa phone or tablet, this technique is available to the casualuseras well as the memory expert.By placing items to memorize in your Mind Palace throughassociationyou will possess a structure to memorize many, and morecomplexthings than you ever thought possible. A well-constructedMindPalace can last a lifetime. It can grow and evolve over timeand isalways with you as a vivid image in your mind. Enjoy theexperienceof going through your Mind Palace and getting the memoryitems thatyou know are stored there.Mind Palace is a welcome addition to the student preparingforexams, persons who need to remember speeches or to anyonewishingto improve their ability to memorize things.FLASHCARD FORMATMind Palace stores the items you wish to memorize in the formoftext or images. These text and image items (3 of each)areorganized in a FlashCard format consisting of an Answer,Questionand Hint. How these items are actually used is totally upto theuser. As a bonus the Flash Card format makes available ahugeinstalled base of Flash Cards on the internet. This app has anAPIto, the most popular flash card site on theplanet,containing millions of sets of flashcards, covering everysubjectimaginable. If constructing items to memorize proves tediouson aphone or tablet, Quizlet allows for registered users (free)toconstruct their own Flash Card sets online.
renewing My MIND 5.0
Thomas Okai
This application contains devotionals,morethan 1500 Negative thoughts and appropriate scripturalresponses,great number of inspired comments, scripturalmeditations, powerfulbible concordance and a bible with powerfulbible cross referencesall designed for the the renewing of the mindThis application is a part of the ongoing project named'TheGlory Project" being spearheaded by Sent WordInternationalMinistries. This project aims at providing easilyaccessible andpractical resources for the renewal of the mind,healthy spiritualfellowship and spiritual growth. Please visit to find out more about this project and howyoucan be a part of it. God's grace be multiplied to you.
A Worldly Mind 1.76
Love Geography? How Worldly is your Mind?Themost comprehensive resource for World Geography - 238 Countries/Territories with up to 22 Human Geography Elements Each!No other app has as much in one download! A great Atlas - withnodata connection needed! It's much more....We have 15 geography quizzes to choose from to help youlearncountries or just brush up on your world geography trivia. Youcanguess the flags with the national flags quiz to help you knowmoreabout countries. We have countries and their capitals quiz andacurrency quiz. We have a countries quiz to look at a locationmapsto pick which one is the country. We also have a quiz to learnthevarious religions of world.All of the screens have lots of content to help yourknowledgebeyond a more interactive world atlas. Yes we have a localmap foreach country and territory, but we have a lot more! Weprovideworld countries knowledge; currency, their trade balance,majorcops and industries. And we put this snapshot the worldcountrydetails on one screen and mostly visual to help you learnthe basicgeography of the world.Did I mention there are NO LIMITATIONS, NO ADS?This is a new App Model called Free-To-HelpOut. We do nothavein-app purchases or banner ads everywhere to fund the app.Insteadwe give it to you free and ask you to HelpOut. There aremany wayyou can help out for free, downloading another app or game,take ashort survey - this gives us a little income to make theappbetter, make more apps like it and Change the World!But seriously, we need your help - take a look at the app, itisin our opinion better than any other World Geography appavailable.And then spread the word and HelpOut! And do tell us whatyou wouldlike to see in the future versions - we have a link tosubmit aticket inside the app!Learn countries and their human geography of the world. Knowthelocation of countries quiz. Study and guess the flags withthenational flags quiz for fun. Take all the geography quizzes –knowforeign cities with the countries and their capitals quiz.Whatabout the religions of the world? Or about a countriescurrency? Wehave the most comprehensive world geography triviaavailable.Specific Human Geography Elements - Country, Capital City,Area,Life Expectancy, Standard Time GMT/UTC Offset, LocationMaps,In-Country Maps, Flags, Industries, Crops, PopulationChart,Population Total, Percentage Urban, Official Languages, MaleandFemale Literacy, Currency, US Dollar Equivalent,InternationalTrade, Avg. Income PerDay, Religion and percent ofpopulation,Percentage of GDP by Sector - And that is all with NoInternetAccess! With Access you can reach additional informationfor eachcountry!Element Quizzes - You can test your learning on 10 differentElementQuizzes to show your knowledge in one Element across theworld with20 random questions.Region Quizzes - You can prove your proficiency withmultipleElements within a specific region. So you can focus on justoneRegion like Africa and study and test yourself!If you are a Geography Geek, or a AP Human Geography Student oraperson that likes to have great information when they watchthenews - this app is for you!Our other videos: Geography Trivia on our Social Media Accounts...Twitter: