Top 33 Games Similar to Square Panda Farming

Learn to read - Crack the Read 1.7.3
A serious learning app for starting a daily reading practice.
Keiki Learning games for Kids 5.7.2
Kids math games, abc games for kids 4-5 years old.Kindergartenlearning games
Kids ABC Letter Phonics
Tip: Try our Kids ABC Letter PhonicsLitefirst, which contains the first four out of the eightactivities(see below). If you like it (and you will love it), thenget thispaid version.★★★ What activities are included in this game? ★★★This full version of the game has eight wonderfullychild-friendlysections.- Learn Letter Sounds. Kids hold and turn a picture-filledletterblock and hear the ABC phonics being pronounced.- Build Letter Blocks. Children have fun buildingphonicsrecognition skills by making their own ABC blocks.- Pop Letter Bubbles. Kids love to pop bubbles. But don'tbefooled. By the time children are done with this game, theywillknow what letter goes with which sound by heart.- Make Words. While putting puzzles together, kids learnthebasics of phonics blending. These skills will be furtherexercisedand expanded in the upcoming Kids Reading game.- Let's Get Rhyming. Children roll the bowling ball and learntoclearly distinguish word-ending syllables.- Ride the Ferris Wheel. Kids get more practice for theendingsounds.- Squirt the Duck. Children learn the concept of vowels.- Wack-a-Mole. This old time favorite is a new way topracticeletter sounds.Every section is designed so children enjoy success timeaftertime and receive positive reinforcement from the likableladyteacher. So they want to keep learning.★★★ This full version has all eight activities. ★★★★★★ Preceded by: ★★★Kids ABC Letters and followed by Kids ABC TrainsKids ABC Letter Phonics is the second app in our ReadingCurriculumSeries.✰ Have Suggestions or Issues?Email [email protected] and you'll get a promptresponse.★★★ Intended for: ★★★Kids ages 2-7 (Yes, parents tell us even two-year-olds areusingit!)★★★ "I couldn't get my phone back!" ★★★This delightful game invites preschool-aged children to listenandlearn the ABCs in ways that enchant them.★★★ What will my children learn? ★★★With Kids ABC Phonics, your kids will learn the alphabetlettersounds – guaranteed!★★★ What won't my children learn? ★★★Kids ABC Phonics teaches letter sounds and the basics ofblending,but does not teach the next step, which is fluency inactualreading. Developing reading skills is a separate educationalgoal,which is covered in a separate game, called Kids Learn toRead.Including in-depth reading skills in Kids ABC Phonics woulddetractfrom the focus of this game and make it too complex toinvite anddelight children.
Panda Preschool Activities 4.1.3
Active Panda
Try before buying. If you like this app,pleaseconsider purchasing the full version.Panda preschool activities app is a collection of 70excitingeducational games for your preschool children (Grades Pre-KandK)Features:* Developed by California credentialed teachers.* 70 different games that teach kids about colors, shapes,size,letters, numbers, words, matching and math.* Dozens of sounds and voice recordings of colors, letters,fruitnames, animals, numbers, shapes and more.* Designed for preschool children — no confusing menusornavigation.* Unlimited play! Each game flows right into the next.* Earn stickers as you complete the lessons.* "Child Lock" feature allows children to learn withoutparentalsupervision.* Child Lock feature allows children to learn withoutparentalsupervision.
Kids Academy: Sorting Puzzles for Kids 1.0.5
*** Fun EDUCATIONAL game for toddlers of AGE 2 and up ***SORTANDCLASSIFY by shape, color, seasons, vehicles, and muchmore***Developed with certified child psychologists ***12beautifulmini-game boards About the game: ----------------- Thisisthefirst and most simple game in the TinyHands Sortingseries.Thegame consists of 12 beautiful environments each focusedon a setofbasic concepts from the child's world such asshapes,colors,seasons, and animals. The game is designed to enhancethefollowingskills: - Sorting and classifying - Hand-eyecoordination-Concentration - Visual perception - Vocabulary GameBoards:Thegame consists of 12 boards ordered in an ascendinglevelofdifficulty. The boards were carefully chosen in ordertorepresentbasic concepts from the child's world. The field:Sortbutterfliesby COLOR. Dogs screen: Classify dogs by SIZE.Star,heart, andcircle screen: Classify geometric SHAPES. Thelaundry:Classify byCOLOR. Triangle, star, circle and squarescreen:Classify objectsby their SHAPES. Koalas: Sort clothes bytheirSIZE. Circle,triangle, orange and green screen: Classify bySHAPESAND COLOR.Squirrels screen: Classify squirrels by SIZE. Myfoodscreen:Classify by ANIMALS TYPICAL FOOD Day and nightscreen:Contextuallysort objects by TIME OF DAY My house screen:Classifyanimals bytheir HABITAT Summer and winter screen:Contextually sortby SEASONTinyHands Games: TinyHands Sorting SeriesA set of sortinggamesdesigned to help children acquire basicconcepts such asshape,color, size seasons and animals. Game boardsare organized inanascending difficulty level starting from basicsorting followedbymore complex context based sorting andclassificationenvironments.TinyHands Towers Series A set ofstacking games. Thegame isdesigned to help children acquire basicconcepts such as:big VS.small, before VS. after, and bottom Game boardsareorganized in an ascending difficulty level.TinyHands What'sMyPair Series A series of three pair matchinggames. Thegamechallenges the child to match pairs, initially basedonvisualaspects alone and in more advanced screens based onlogicandunderstanding of card content. TinyHands First Words SeriesAsetof vocabulary games for children of age 1.5 and up.Thegameconsists of 10 boards, each focused on a different themefromthechild's world such as shapes, colors, clothes,animalsandvehicles. TinyHands Raccoon TreeHouse This game isintendedfortoddlers aged 3+. The game presents 12 boards eachfocusedondeveloping a set of basic concepts such as size,colors,numbersand patterns using everyday objects from the child'sworldsuch asclothes, food and many more. TinyHands TownCenterEducational gamerecommended for age 3+. This game includes10beautiful boards eachfocused on developing a set of basicconceptssuch as size, colors,numbers and patterns using everydayobjectsfrom the child's worldsuch as clothes, food and manymore.TinyHands Connect The Dots Thegame consists of 12 mini gameboardseach presents a beautiful andmagical scene. Each boardcontainsseveral parts. The parts can becompleted by connecting thenumbereddots in a specific order. Uponcompletion, each part isdragged togradually build an object. Whenall parts are drawn thescene ismagically created and revealed.Designed for children aged3+. Notefor parents: Like all ourgames, this game is designed toprovidequality playtime forparents and children together. Playingalongwith your children ishighly recommended and will surely makethembenefit the most fromthis app and help them expandtheirvocabulary. We are sure thatyour children will enjoy thisexcitingeducational game that willencourage their thinking andcontributeto the development of theirbasic skills.
Skwids Tablet 3.8.12
SkWids is a character-based early learning system thatteachesschool subjects .
Letterland Stories BCD 1.0.5
Go on a reading adventure with your Letterland friends!Carefullydesigned imaginative stories which allow you to share thereadingexperience with levelled sections for your child to readwithminimal support. Features: • Each app contains threecarefullydesigned imaginative stories with levelled sections fordifferentstages of reading ability (Letterland Stories Annie AppleandZig-Zag Zebra only contain one story). • Fully narrated withtogglefeature so you can read with your child or listen as theyread toyou • Auto Play feature allows your child to enjoy listeningto thewhole book being read to them • Tap the words in theshortsentences to hear the pronunciation • Tap any Letterlandcharacterto hear their name and the sound they make • Simplecomprehensionquestions at the end of each story • Fun activitiesincludingmazes, word searches, spot the difference puzzles andmatchingpairs games • Trace lower and uppercase letters - thecorrectstrokes for writing are shown • Unique handwriting song foreachletter to ensure letter formation is correct, engagingandmemorable The Letterland Child-Friendly phonic apps aresuitablefor ages 3-8. **No in-app adverts** Trusted by parents,endorsed byteachers, loved by children. The Letterland Stories Appsare basedon My Alphabet Storyboooks which fully meet the DfE corecriteriafor high quality synthetic phonics resources. AboutLetterland: In2013 Letterland celebrated 45 years of publishingsuccess. In those45 years we've published hundreds of titles thathave sold in theirmillions around the world. Letterland is used inover 111 countriesworldwide and our award-winning books andsoftware have helpedcountless young children learn to read, writeand spell.
Phonics Farm Letter sounds & S 1.3.1
BeBlocky: Kids Code Easy 4.08
BeBlocky is a revolutionary app for kids that makeslearningcomputerprogramming interactive and fun. It requires nocodingknowledge orexperience thus is perfect for any child that’sjuststarting out.Inspired by the popular Scratch ProgrammingLanguageused by millionsaround the world, BeBlocky usesgraphicalprogramming blocks tointroduce kids to coding in aninteractivemanner. Children combinethese coding blocks to helptheircharacter, Blockys, solve differentgame puzzles all whilelearningto code. BeBlocky's interactive useof the curriculum makesitpossible for your child to learn at theirown pace.Codingtutorials are also available as your child unlocksnewlessons. Tomake the app more interactive and fun,BeBlockyleverages thecutting edge Augmented Reality Technology tobring theentire gameenvironment to the real world. As they work ontheirpuzzles, thekids can go around the environment to have abetterlook at thepuzzles and experience a new learning new.WithBeBlocky, kidslearn the basics of programming likesequencing,loops,conditionals, functions and variables with codinggames. Inthisapp, there are 80+ challenging levels that help yourchildbuild agood foundation. As they finish each level they willberewardedwith virtual coins depending on their performancewhichthey canlater use to buy new Blockys. Blockys are gamecharacterswithoversized head, large beautiful eyes anddisproportionatelysmallbody. Their cutesy design make them lookvery child friendlyandfun to play with. Parents can easily tracktheir kids progressaschildren can have their own account making iteasier for the apptoautomatically tracks their achievements as theyworkthroughlessons and activities. From your Parent Dashboard, youcanviewyour children’s progress through the courses, thelevelscompleted,time spent on the app and the concepts they’vecovered.ParentDashboard also allows you to set the screen time tocontrolyourkids playing time. Parents can purchase virtual coinsfromthein-app store and distribute it to your child’s wallet sothattheycan buy new Blockys. In creating BeBlocky, we have triedtowork onan interface, lesson material and character profile so astocreatea child-friendly platform by carefully integratingfeaturesthatmatch children's cognitive, personal, social,andemotionaldevelopment. In the process of learning to code,BeBlockyenableschildren to pick up invaluable skills as problemsolvingandlogical thinking. The app nurtures sequencing skills andthe useofmath as well as language in a meaningful context.Withthat,BeBlocky supports the development of early-childhoodnumeracyandliteracy. And these are all foundations for lateracademicsuccess.At BeBlocky, we believe coding is the new literacy.Just asreadingand writing help us comprehend the world we live in,thesame holdstrue for coding as part of the current digital age. Itisknownthat coding was thought to be a difficult task inthepast;unimaginable for many and far-fetched for most. Well nowisthetime to take it to the fore-front and make itaccessibleforeveryone. With BeBlocky, children aren't just learningtocode,they are coding to learn. TermsofUse:
Oxford Phonics World: Personal 1.9.4
Based on the books from Oxford University Press!
ParrotFish - Sight Words Readi 3.99
Learn how to read with our sight words program!
Kids Learn Shapes 2 1.3.4
Intellijoy Educational Games for Kids
Kids Shapes 2, which follows our Kids Shapes game,teachesaboutbasic geometrical shapes to small children (ages 3-5).Thegameshows how the world has many familiar objects that areshapedas acircle, a triangle, a rectangle, a square and an oval.Inthisgame, children play and learn within thesefiveinteractiveactivities: Learn – Kids put the shapes inside arobotwho convertsthem into real-life objects. Identify – Byidentifyingthe correctshape of the object on the train, kids makethe trainmove. Find –In a toy room filled with various objects,kids need tofindobjects that have a specific shape. Match – In thiscard game,kidsneed to find a card and its match – a card that hasan image ofashape and a card that has an object which correspondstothatshape. Sort – Kids load objects into the right cars ofaFerrisWheel. Each car has an image of a shape and the objectiveistofind an object that belongs in that car. With Shapes2yourchildren will have fun learning about shapes andunderstandinghowmany real-life objects have basic geometricalshapes.
Ignite by Hatch 4.5.0
Hatch Inc
Ignite by Hatch is a solution that assesses learningandkindergarten readiness.
Kids Reading Sight Words
Kids Sight Words is a delightful app acrosstheboard for children, parents and teachers!Join Tammy the frog on a journey through four exciting activitiesasshe hops from one activity to the next to learn and reviewcommonlyused English words from the list of 220 Dolch sight words.There arefive levels of vocabulary for the child to learn andreview.In Kids Sight Words, children will:- listen to common words and identify the correct sight word- learn to recognize common words at their reading level- improve reading skills by practicing words that they may haveseenor are familiar with- improve reading fluencyKids Sight Words is the newest addition to our dynamiccollectionof English apps. It is for children who are alreadycomfortable withthe basics of phonics and blending sounds. If yourchildren are notat this level yet, we recommend downloadingIntellijoy apps such as,Kids ABC Letters, Kids ABC Trains, KidsABC Phonics, and KidsReading apps.Intellijoy's educational games delight children through funandlearning. Children and parents love our distraction-free games.Allof the apps focus on specific learning concepts. They donotdistract the users with unnecessary sounds or images on thescreen,not to mention ads, pop-ups, and unrelated subjectmatter.
Pango is dreaming 1.5.2
Studio Pango
Discover 5 unpublished PANGO stories !An interactive book to share with your child.Pango is available in English, French, Spanish, German,Italian,Chinese, Korean and Japanese.Share quality time with your little one where the readingcomeswith action and games.TOUCH, SHAKE, RUB, SCRATCH, TICKLE... the young readerinteractswith the book and drives the story forward.Funny adventures, animated stories, brightly coloureddrawingsand sweet characters. Try PANGO !An application very easy to use and very reliable. You cansurfthrough your chosen story thanks to the differentillustratedtabs.In each new album, find 5 unpublished stories + 1 bonusgame(your little ones will love it).Sweet and lovable, everyone will adopt it !REVIEWS- Kids Best iPad Apps: « Pango is Dreaming usesfriendlyillustrations, sparkling colors, cute sound effects andsimpleinteractive stories to keep kids engaged. »- iPad Family: « Read this book WITH your child forfriendshipand joy.»
Super Sight Word Adventure - Sight Words Game
Fun sight words game to increase retention of sight words!
Sight Words Games in Candy Lan 1.1.1
ABCKidsTV - Tracing & Phonics 8.8
Unleash Creativity and Learn with Coloring & Doodles!
ABC Infinito - Spanish 2.8
Welcome to ABC Infinito. ABC Infinito helps kids to progressswiftlyin their vocabs and ability to speak and understand words.FeatureList 1. Learn Over 104 Interactive words with intuitivedesigns forkids 2. Interactive and funny alphabet puzzle for kidswith funnyanimations 3. combination of mellifluous voice with cuteanimationis ineffable 4. Expressive visual bring words to lifewith pleasantanimations 5. All-time favorite characters in KIDkife make it easyto remember words with actions. Without asufficient understandingof the word, kids can not understand andexpress their creativityandimagination.--------------------------------------------------------------------------Pleaseread below to understand the importance of vocabulary andit'svisual forunderstanding--------------------------------------------------------------------------Vocabularyis important across the curriculum from language artsand socialstudies to mathematics and science. It is intimatelyconnected toboth effective reading and writing skills, and theseskills arenecessary for doing well in schools and life. Researchstudies haveshown that in most cases students have to see, readand interactwith words 5-7 times before they are admitted tolong-term memory.Words are more easily learned if your child isactive - drawing apicture of the word, writing her definition ofit, and thinking ofan example sentence to use it in. This isbetter than simply writingthe word over and over again. What isphonics? Why is it important?We often hear educators say, 'Whatchildren can say today forms thebasis for what they can read andwrite in the future'. But this onlytells part of the story. Toread English successfully, children mustlearn to turn the wordsthey see in a text into sounds and makesense of these sounds. Itis important for children to learnletter-sound relationshipsbecause English uses letters in thealphabet to represent sounds.Phonics teaches this information tohelp children learn how toread. Children learn the sounds that eachletter makes, and how achange in the order of letters changes aword’s meaning. Forexample, if we don’t pay attention to letterorder, words such as‘dog’ and ‘pat’ might be misread as ‘god’ and‘tap’ respectively.
Montessori Words & Phonics 2.1.5
Learn word building, reading, writing and spelling -320phonics-enabled words
Foundations Memory Work Cycle 3 2.0.1
Classical Conversations Inc
Now updated for the Fifth Edition of the FoundationsCurriculum!Strengthen your brain by memorizing quality content withart andsong in a beautiful, interactive format in seven subjectareas. Newfeatures include enhanced graphics and interactivity,ClassicalConversations® Classical Acts & Facts® timeline, andthe U.S.presidents! Classical educators know the importance ofmemorizingthe grammar—the basic facts and vocabulary—of a subject.Now youcan memorize the foundational knowledge of seven topics in afun,interactive Android application. In Cycle 3,ClassicalConversations students memorize 161 events and people inthetimeline, including the U.S. presidents; 24 U.S. historysentences,including the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution and theBill ofRights; 120 locations and geographical features in NorthAmerica(emphasis, the United States); 24 science questions andanswers onanatomy and chemistry; multiplication tables (1 through15),squares, roots, cubes, and basic math laws and conversions;Latinrules and vocabulary, including the text of John 1:1-7 inLatin andEnglish; and English grammar facts, including theprincipal partsof eleven irregular verbs. This app corresponds tothe FoundationsCurriculum, Fifth Edition, released in 2018. U.S.history ispresented in an interactive application with songs andartworkdesigned to make memorizing enjoyable. Now integrated withotherClassical Conversations resources, each history sentenceandscience question points you to the corresponding ClassicalActs& Facts® card, handy flashcards for classical educatorsthatwill expand your memory work in depth and breadth. No matteryourage, you can build a firm foundation of knowledge bymemorizingthese building blocks of education. ClassicalConversationsFoundations students, ages four through twelve, havebeen usingthese same tools in our iOS apps and online subscriptionservice,CC Connected®. The new Android application offers thesefeatures: •Touch screen slides horizontally to reveal memory workby subject •Touch screen slides vertically to study each subject byweek •Touch screen allows students to slide back and forth throughtheU.S. presidents • Navigates easily back and forth andhomeClassical Conversations® empowers homeschooling parentsandestablishes classical, Christian communities that equipchildrenwith a biblical worldview and the classical tools oflearning inorder to impact the world for God’s glory. Visit usonline to learnmore: ClassicalConversations.comClassicalConversationsBooks.comPlease send questions or commentsto:[email protected]
Puzzle games for toddlers 1.0.0
*** Fun EDUCATIONAL game for toddlers of AGE 3 and up***SORT,ORDER, MATCH and COUNT by shape, pattern, colorandeverydayobjects *** Developed with certified childpsychologists*** 10beautiful mini-game boards About the game:-----------------Thegame consists of 10 beautiful shops eachfocused on developingaset of basic concepts such as size, colors,numbers andpatternsusing everyday objects from the child's worldsuch asclothes, foodand many more. The game is designed to enhancethefollowingskills: - Numbers and counting - Sorting andclassifying -Hand-eyecoordination - Concentration - Visualperception -Vocabulary GameBoards: ------------ The game consistsof 10 boards.The boardswere carefully chosen in order to representbasicelements from thechild's world. Diner: Match different dishesbySIZE. Watchmaker:Match each hand with a watch by COLORcombination.ClothingBoutique: Match each character with its outfitby PATTERN.Bakery:Classify pastries by NUMBER. Houseware Store:Order theitems bySIZE and NUMBER. Minimart: Match the groceriesbySILHOUETTES. AutoRepair Shop: Match car parts by NUMBER.SmoothiesBooth: Classifyfruits by COLOR. The Hatter: Match hatsbySILHOUETTE and COLOR.Gift Shop: Find the misplaced items byLOGIC.TinyHands Games:TinyHands Sorting Series A set of sortinggamesdesigned to helpchildren acquire basic concepts such asshape,color, size seasonsand animals. Game boards are organized inanascending difficultylevel starting from basic sorting followedbymore complex contextbased sorting and classificationenvironments.TinyHands TowersSeries A set of stacking games. Thegame isdesigned to helpchildren acquire basic concepts such as: bigVS.small, before VS.after, and bottom VS. top. Game boardsareorganized in anascending difficulty level. TinyHands What's MyPairSeries Aseries of three pair matching games. The gamechallengesthe childto match pairs, initially based on visualaspects aloneand in moreadvanced screens based on logic andunderstanding ofcard content.TinyHands First Words Series A set ofvocabulary gamesfor childrenof age 1.5 and up. The game consists of10 boards, eachfocused ona different theme from the child's worldsuch as shapes,colors,clothes, animals and vehicles. TinyHandsRaccoon TreeHouseThisgame is intended for toddlers aged 3+. Thegame presents 12boardseach focused on developing a set of basicconcepts such assize,colors, numbers and patterns using everydayobjects fromthechild's world such as clothes, food and manymore.TinyHandsConnect The Dots The game consists of 12 mini gameboardseachpresents a beautiful and magical scene. Each boardcontainsseveralparts. The parts can be completed by connecting thenumbereddotsin a specific order. Upon completion, each part isdraggedtogradually build an object. When all parts are drawn thesceneismagically created and revealed. Designed for children aged3+.Notefor parents: Like all our games, this game is designedtoprovidequality playtime for parents and children together.Playingalongwith your children is highly recommended and willsurely makethembenefit the most from this app and help themexpandtheirvocabulary. We are sure that your children will enjoythisexcitingeducational game that will encourage their thinkingandcontributeto the development of their basic skills. About theTeam:Webelieve that children learn best through playing. We teamedupwithcertified child psychologists and experienced educatorsoutofdesire to create fun games that will help our childrenacquirenewconcepts and improve their skills. In addition, we designourgamesto provide quality playtime for parents and childrentogether.
Kids Learn Colors
Your child will learn:✔ The names of colors by splashing colors onto an easel.✔ How to recognize colors by being asked to do thingslike"Choose the purple jellyfish."✔ Build memory skills by matching a color they've just seen.Kids Learn Colors lets toddlers and preschoolers learntorecognize colors and name them in ways that are really fun.In the first lesson, children listen to the names of colorswhilea fun brush puts a big splash of the color on an easel,accompaniedby an entertaining sound effect that makes the splashagainst theeasel sound real.Then children learn how to recognize colors with a seriesofcolorful jellyfish that float down with likable expressionsontheir faces. The pleasant lady announcer asks kids to choosetheblue, yellow, purple, or black jellyfish. Each time childrenchoosethe correct one, she congratulates them with encouragingwords like"Perfect!" and "You're Good!"Next, children discover how to build their color memories.Anidentical, pretty design shows up on the screen in rows. Whenkidstap on one of the designs, a color is revealed. Then thecolordisappears behind the design. Kids keep tapping until theyrememberwhere some of the colors are. Then when they tap on adesign thatmatches one of the colors they remember the location of,they goback and tap it.★★★★★ Hey, how did you take the top spots in the Educationsection?★★★★★✔ Our games are laser focused. For example, the numbersgamedoesn't teach letters, and the letters game doesn't teach math.Wekeep the games simple but magically inviting and nourishing.✔ We strive to give children just the right balancebetweeneducation and fun. So our games don't feature fun at theexpense ofeducation – or education at the expense of fun. We alsoknow gamesthat are too complicated don’t involve and delightkids.
Baby Piano games for 2 year ol 2.1.1
Baby Piano & Musical Puzzles games is a musical toy forbabiesand toddlers.
SkWids 3.8.11
Welcome to the SkWids App
Kids Learning Word Games prem
A Learning game for preschool and KS1childrento teach English Letters, phonic concepts,wordformation,rhymingwords etc.Supporting parents/teachers to get theirchild ready toread.** Games are designed to enhance following skills1. Basic English2. Letter recognition3. Hand-eye coordination4. Concentration5. Visual perception6. Vocabulary7. Classification8. Symmetry9. Organizing10. Memory11. Matching12. Attention to detail** List of games1. Color balls2. Vertical match3. Bingo4. Odd one out5. Crossword6. Complete The Words7. Rhyming words8. Letter grid9. Find The Rhyme** About Greysprings** Visit us at** Contact us: [email protected]** Applications from Greysprings Play and Learn series:1. Kids Preschool Learning Games2. Kids Preschool Numbers & math3. Kids Preschool Learn Letters4. Shapes & Colors Nursery games5. Kids Toddler Learning Games6. Kids Learning Word Games7. Kids Games Learning Math Basic** Privacy1. Privacy policy: We do not collect any personal information about kids
Phonics Island - Letter Sounds 2.4.1
The best phonics school - Parents' Choice Award winner, arrivesonAndroid!
Baby Bubble Activity School wi
Full version FEATURES: 10 Educational categories and 220 Firstwordsflash cards
Kids ABC Letters
Kids ABC Letters invites yourpreschool-agedchildren to join along on an enchanting voyagethrough the alphabetwaters, to learn the names and shapes of thealphabet letters,practice letter recognition, and easily findletters in context ofwords and the alphabetical order. Eachactivity has a separatelearning objective and a differentgame.The game teaches the alphabet to the children one set of lettersata time. We split the alphabet into seven sets: ABC, DEF,GHIJ,KLMN, OPQR, STUV, WXYZ. As the children complete theactivities fora particular letter set, they build a specific boat.This givesthem motivation to play and learn.This app does not teach the phonetic sounds that thealphabetletters make. Knowing how the letters are pronounced is aseparateeducational goal, which is covered in Intellijoy's separateapp,Kids ABC Phonics. Including phonics in this app would detractfromthe focus and delight of this game.This game covers seven activities:✔ Naming Letters: A delightful way for kids to learn the namesandappearances of each ABC alphabet letter at their own pace.✔ Forming Letters: Kids assemble alphabet letters withcolorfulpuzzle pieces to recall the familiar letters they'velearned.✔ Recognizing Letters: Fishing for alphabet fish as they swimbyreinforces letter familiarity and its pronunciation.✔ Identifying Letters in Context: This simple game teaches kidstorecognize the alphabet letters as they appear in words. Asaresult, they learn that words are made up of letters.✔ Matching Upper Case to Lower Case Letters: Thisactivityreinforces that each letter has two variations; one upperand onelower case letter. The child will enjoy matching the letterstoeach other to build a raft.✔ Distinguish between Upper Case and Lower Case Letters: Listenandsearch for the upper case or lower case letter and toss it tothedolphin for some fun!✔ Ordering the ABC's: The child explores the deep sea tofindletter-coins, and uses these to create a segment of fourletters ina row within the alphabet.Kids ABC Letters is the first app in our Reading CurriculumSeries.It is followed by Kids ABC Trains, Kids ABC Phonics, KidsLearn toRead, and Kids Sight Words.
EduKid: Fun Educational Games for Toddlers 👶👧 1.6.9
Meemu Kids
* Ever since of inclusion of educational games into mobilephonesand tablets, they have become amazingly useful educationaltoys inimproving young children’s fine motor skills and childeducation.Take full advantage of what technology has to offer andenjoy aselection of 50+ educational games for kids we havedevelopedspecially for your child’s early learning. * Raise yourtoddlers,preschoolers and kids’ entertainment to the next levelwith gamebased learning to balance the time they spend on a mobilephonewhile learning educational content at the same time.Ourinteractive games are also thinking games. Games fortoddlersinclude number games, kids puzzles, matching games,flashcards,shapes and colors. Games contain cute adorable animalssuch askoala 🐨, rabbit 🐰, giraffe 🦒, fox 🦊 and elephant 🐘, whichtake yourtoddler on an educational entertainment journey thatdevelopsmemory, concentration and imagination. * We have createdperfecttoddler and children games for you to use as educationaltoys andthinking games. Our animal games make learning of numbers,shapesand colors easier than ever before. Get your child to countnumbersand identify shapes while solving a colorful puzzle.Educationalgames also include pronunciation mode of game items,which is anadditional benefit for child education and earlylearning. * Thisapp is all-in-one educational kids academy meantfor your toddler’searly learning of numbers, shapes and colors,flashcards, matchingand puzzles through fun interactive animalgames. Educational appsfor kids are new educational toys for braindevelopment and reallyfun learning. With Meemu, games are no longerjust games. We havetransformed them into entertaining educationaltools and thinkinggames that make learning fun and interactive. Theeducationalcomponents of the learning game sets include: ✳️Shapegames: Kidssort and match items by shapes to develop opticalperception.🎨Color games: Kids match items by colors and learn howtodifferentiate them. 🃏Flashcards games: By matchingdigitalflashcards kids enhance their visual scanning skills.🍂Big-Smallgames: Kids sort between big and small objects to learnabout thesize concept and how items can be compared. 💮Puzzles game:Up to10-pieces drag and drop puzzles that challenge the kids tolocateshapes and recognize how the shapes fit into each other.🐙Numbergames: By assigning a number to each of the objects groupkids willget a basic understanding of the relationship betweennumbers andquantities. 🔊The educational games also have“Pronunciation” mode,which articulates the titles of the game itemsverbally and helpskids learn their names. ✔️The content of Meemueducationalmini-games series is kept simple and is adapted to behandledeasily with tiny hands of 1, 2, 3, 4+ aged babies.
Phonics Farm Letter sounds sch 1.3.1
Join Farmer Frank and his animals to learn how to read!
Code Adventures : Coding Puzzl 3.1
Cyborc Games
Teach your kids the wonders of programming
Kids Reading Sight Words Lite 2.1.4
In our "Reading Games for Kids" series, Kids Reading SightWordsisthe next step after our Kids Learn to Read game. JoinTammythefrog on a journey through four exciting activities(thisLiteversion contains only two activities) as she hops fromonescreento the next to learn and review commonly used Englishwordsfromthe list of 220 Dolch sight words. There are fivelevelsofvocabulary for the child to learn and review. In KidsSightWords,children will: - listen to common words and identifythecorrectsight word - learn to recognize common words attheirreading level- improve reading skills by practicing words thattheymay haveseen or are familiar with - improve reading fluencyKidsSightWords is the newest addition to our "Reading GamesforKids"series. It is for children who are already familiarwithlettersounds and blending words. If your children are not atthislevelyet, we recommend downloading Intellijoy apps such as,KidsABCLetters, Kids ABC Trains, Kids ABC Phonics, and Kids LearntoReadapps. Intellijoy's educational games delight childrenthroughfunand learning. Children and parents love ourdistraction-freegames.All of the apps focus on specific learningconcepts. They arenotdistracted by unnecessary sounds or images onthe screen, orbyads, pop-ups, and unrelated subject matter. In our"ReadingGamesfor Kids" series, children are motivated to learnphonicsandreading skills, due to attractive graphics, easyinstructionsandinteresting challenges.