Top 12 Apps Similar to Chile Earthquakes

Earthquake Alert 1.6
Earthquake Monitor keeps you informed about earthquakes aroundtheworld.
PDI Chile
Aplicación oficial de la PDI. En esteespaciote podrás enterar de las últimas noticias del mundopolicialmediante nuestras redes sociales, además de información delosprófugos de la justicia y personas extraviadas.Formal implementationofthe PDI. In this space you can find out about the latestpoliceworld through our social networks, and information offugitives andmissing persons.
Vibration Meter 1.5.02
EXA Tools
Measure all vibrations and quakes using smartphone!
Vibration Meter 1.6.16
Measure phone's vibration and the earthquake with your phone.
Quake Alarm Easy free 1.20 Free
DEMO VERSION WITH SENSITIVITY LIMITED Newversion!Ver.1.20Application "Easy Quake Alarm free" is used to wakeup atthe righttime or in the event of an earthquake ... The useoftheapplication is intentionally simple and essential. It workseveninStandby The Apps provides alarm functions can be setto'desiredtime, (you can use as a night clock always on),immediatelyandemits an alarm sound in case of vibration , whichcould alsobecaused by an earthquake , enabling us to put ourselvesin safety.(A few seconds in the event of an earthquake couldbeimportant...). The level sensitivity to quake can be seteasily.(The paidversion offers manual calibration ) The earthquakealarmwill turnoff automatically at the sound of the alarm. Thealarm canbe mutedeven moving / shaking the terminal. The apps Couldbe usedas amotion sensor alarm / burglar alarm simply place thedevice itonthe door / window etc.. the limits are dictated onlybytheimagination ... Pressing the clock mode switches to " alwayson/night Clock " ( standby-off ) useful with someterminals.Werecommend using the battery charger when using the appsfor alongtime. Given the nature of the application (much tiedtohardware,accelerometer sensor) Operation is not guaranteedforallterminals. The apps is the first version surely otherswillfollow... is already in development operation in landscape.Wewelcomesuggestions, ideas, and confirmation of operation onyourdevice,and any bugs found. thanks The languages currentlysupportedareEnglish and Italian. For more information visit website(soon)Thisapplication is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.Copyright2012ilpesceweb
Levels - USGS Water Data 1.4
This app lets you quickly and easilycheckonyour favorite USGS water sites. After adding your favoritesitestothe app by the site number, it remembers them andquicklydisplaysup-to-date information.You can click on each site on your home screen toviewadditionaldata, including 7 day history of given values. Youcanalso view theweather for that location, as well as view it onamap. In thefuture, you will be able to specify the date rangeforthegraphs.This app is still very new and under activedevelopment.Checkback frequently for updates and changes!
Earthquake Shake Alert 1.3
Your smartphone or tablet asearthquakeshakesmonitor!Any data connection, any external service requested,workinkbasedonly on device accelerometerTested OK on Tablets too.Use your smartphone or tablet to alert or wake you up incaseofearthquake shakes!Provided accelerometer inside your mobile device couldbeeasilyconfigured in a fewtime to monitor and discover some earthquake shakes.Choose your best place, configure it with yourdesiredsensitivityand leave yourmobile device running with monitoring activity ... maybe case ofearthquake shakes it will wake you up raising an alarm sound.Better work condition is leaving monitoring runningwithdeviceconnected to its power supply.
EarthQuakes 1.0
د!این برنامه کاربردی اطلاعات دقیق و بروز رسانی شده تمامزمینلرزههای اخیر ایران، جهان و زمین لرزه های بزرگ را به همراه محلوقوعآنها، بزرگی، زمان و عمق آن را به شما گزارش می دهد.در این برنامه شما می توانید ببینید که دقیقا چند نفراحساساخرینزمین لرزه بزرگ را گزارش داده اند.اخرین اخطار سونامی کی و کجا بوده است؟ بزرگی آن چقدر و دردرچهعمقی رخ داده است.جای زمین لرزه کجا بوده است روی نقشه می توانید آن را ببینید.اخرین اطلاعات زمین لرزه های دنیا را به جزییات مشاهده کنید.Even before news agencies be alert, you get EarthQuake Alert!you can get latest information on Earthquakes occurring inIranorWorld Wide.Details and precise information gathered frommassiveEarthquakeResearch companies.You have Tsunami alert and information aboutlastSeniorEarthQuakes!
Ping & DNS
Ulf Dittmer
(For an explanation of the GPS permission,seebelow.)Displays network information and diagnostics: Ping a server(viaICMP over IPv4 or IPv6 and TCP), DNS lookup (withgeographicallookup of IP addresses), reverse DNS lookup, WHOISqueries,inspecting HTTP response headers, trace routes (also withIPaddress geo lookup), check whether a range of ports is open, scanahost for SSL versions and ciphers, and look up the locationofhosts and whether it's reachable from the public internet. Italsoshows details of the current network setup and connection ofthedevice, including netstat information. "Wake on LAN"functionalityfor waking up machines. Optional "NetSentry" monitorsnetworkinterfaces and warns of breaching usage limits.Includes a home screen widget for long-running pings.Recently used hosts, IP addresses and DNS servers are rememberedforauto-completion.The results can be copied (via long-click on the output text),sentvia email or stored in a file as text or PDF. A history oftheresults of recent operations is kept (swipe left and righttoswitch between tabs).Numerous options (like using an alternative name server, PingTTL,showing ping times for each traceroute step, Broadcast Ping,usingHTTPS, setting the HTTP port number, selection of DNS recordtypesto query, etc.) are available through a long-click on the"Go"button.Contains no ads.Please join the Google community "Ping & DNS" where Isupportthis app, especially if you're having problems.WHY THE GPS PERMISSION? First off, GPS is only accessed if the"ShowLocation" checkbox is set in the Ping Options dialog. Thischeckboxis turned off by default, so unless you explicitly set it,you don'tneed to worry about your location ever being tracked.Trackinglocation is useful for measuring ping times duringlong-runningpings across large areas, like a factory or auniversity campus.Once a long-running ping with location is done,a Google Earth file(.dmz) is created that shows the ping timesalong with the geolocation of each ping. Most people will neverneed this option, soyou don't have to worry. And even if you douse it, location data isstored on the device, it is not sent oruploaded anywhere (theexception being if you attach the GoogleEarth file to an outgoingemail - in which case you're in charge ofwhere the email is sentto). So all the negative comments you maysee in the Play Store areunfounded.
Seismometer 10.0
earthquake detector
Cell Towers 2.0.24
Locate the nearest GSM cell towers around you!
Vibration Alarm 16.02.9
Mobile Tools
Android devices have a vibration sensor - accelerometer. Itisasensitive sensor that reports the device vibrations. Thistoolispowerful vibration meter tool. It has the followingfeatures:-shows vibrations in real time - saves vibration data intoSD card-provides configurable sound alarm that may be used to: -detecttheearthquakes when you sleep - detect if somebody opens thedoorwhenyou sleep It is recommended to use the battery chargerwhenitworks for a long time. If you want to recommend thealarmfeaturethat mayrecognizeearthquake use this facebook page to keep you informed abouttheworkprogress and current activities and plans for thefuture.Thisapplication comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. Notice:There isaproblem that occurs on some devices. Some devices maynotprovidethe data when from the vibration sensor when the screenisoff.This is an Android error. We are trying to find agoodworkaround.Send us the information if the application doesnotwork, pleaseVery deeptechnicalinformation