Top 11 Games Similar to Model Aircraft Flying

UDisc+ Disc Golf App 7.6.8
The digital disc golf companion.Discovercourses. Keep score. Track stats. Improve your game."UDisc continues to be the top mobile disc golf app" - AllThingsDiscGolf( 5 star reviews! If you ever have a problem with UDisc,pleasereach out directly to the developer - matt at udisc dot com.Havingconstructive conversations via app reviews is challenging,soplease contact us directly and we'll resolve your issue.Discover Courses- 7000+ courses world wide- Hole-by-hole maps created by our users and only availableinUDisc- Multiple layouts per course (long tees, short tees, etc)- Driving directions and contact information for courses- Add courses to your wish list and track where you’ve playedKeep Score- Track strokes, penalties, and putts for each player- View hole maps and real time distance to the basket- Hear tee order announcements at every hole- Configure custom par values- Create custom scorecards for backyard games- View weather data for every round- Share your completed rounds via email or social media- Free 1 month trial of UDisc Pro! (UDisc Pro featuresoutlinedbelow)Track Stats- Accurately measure your throws and view statistics- Catalog your discs and link to throws- View hole averages and best scores while you play- Track steps and distance walked for all rounds- Review comprehensive statistics and chartsUpgrade to UDisc Pro to Unlock Even More- Automatically share scorecards with all players- Backup your UDisc data to the cloud- Easily transfer data to a new device when you upgrade- Participate in global and friends-only leaderboards- Export data and analyze on your ownFind us on social media - @udiscappUDisc is actively developed, constantly improving, and has averyactive community. Please reach out to us on social media orinsidethe app with any feedback, questions, or featurerequests.For a list of the permissions that UDisc requires to function,andwhy each permission is required, please see this article onourhelpwebsite:
Disc Golf Course Review 1.17
Kamal Saleh
Search for disc golf courses and record scores.
Disc Golf Companion 3.4
Scorekeeper, stat tracker, and flightchartallfor less than the cost of a single disc.Main Features:- keep score- keep track of previous rounds- track player and team stats- disc database (fully loaded)- export scorecard to image (Android 2.2 and higher only)Disc Golf Companion (DGC) provides a feature rich indepthscorekeeping experience combined with statistics tracking fordiscgolfplayers. Keep track of how well you play, not just byyourselfbutwith other players.The main feature that sets DGC apart is it'sextensivediscdatabase system. It comes loaded with over 180 discsfrom themostcommon brands. Easily find the disc you're looking for,findthedata of the discs you already have, and haveparticulardiscsrecommended to you by using the filter system. Userscan alsoaddtheir own discs to the database and search, sort, andfilterthemalong with all the rest.DGC also features an on board help and support system.Tiredoflooking for instructions for an app or trying to get intouchwitha developer over a bug issue? The help and supportsystemcontainsdetailed explanations of app workings along with an"inapp" methodfor sending suggestions and reporting bugs.(shouldthere ever beany :)The network permission is only for the builtinhelp/supportsystem. Disc Golf Companion will ONLY accessthenetwork when, andif, you choose to send any feedback reports.Ifyou choose to senda report, it will be sent from the emailclientof your choosing.This is so you have complete control of whatis inthe reportbefore you choose to send it.English only at this time. We do not have any translators.Tags: Disc Golf, Frisbee Golf, Flight Chart, DiscGolfDiscs,Scorecard, Disc Statistics, Disc Database,BlackwoodSoftware, DiscGolf
New Disc Golf Clock 1.4
This is a Live Wallpaper(( PLEASE RATE ))(( Check Screen Shots))To Use: long hold on your home screen, selectwallpaper,selectlive wallpaper and then select the live wallpaperyoudownloaded.In the preview screen you can select speed (FPS)andsize youprefer, then set as wallpaper.
DiscBot Disc Golf App 3.4.0
Find courses fast. Keep score simply. Measure throws easily.
Infinite Disc Golf Scorecard 2.12
Disc golf scorecard app. Tracks stats, provides ratings, uploadstothe cloud.
UDisc Live - Scorekeeper App 1.6.2
WARNING: this app has no functionality unless you arekeepingscorefor a pre-registered tournament using UDisc InstantScoring.UDiscLive allows score keepers for using UDisc InstantScoring toeasilyenter scores from a hand-crafted mobile app. Gohereforscorekeeper training: UDisc liveisafamiliar, but new take on scoring a round of disc golf -insteadofentering the number of strokes for each player, data isenteredforevery stroke - this level of detail allows dozens ofstatisticstobe calculated instantly for consumption by fans of theevent.Howto score with UDisc Live: 1.) It's best to havededicatedscorekeepers who have 1 job, which is to enter scores viaUDiscLive -if players are keeping score, enable "fast scoring"fromthesettings button on the tee timepage.See 2.) Since datahas tobeentered about every throw, try to enter the stroke as soonasthethrow happens so it's easier to remember. When enteringastroke,ask yourself, "where did the disc land?" One ofthefollowing canbe chosen: off fairway, fairway, circle 1(0-10m),circle 2(10-20m), OB or In The Basket. If the disc lands inthebasket,select the approximate distance of the made putt. Thereisoneexception: if the throw goes "OB" you will be asked toselectfromwhere the player is taking their drop throw from beforeyouenterthe next throw. This adds the OB stroke and tells us wherethedropzone is located. If you have feedback, please contactusonfacebook @udisclive - Thanks for using UDisc Live!
Discores - Disc Golf App 1.3.3
Keep track of your scores with this easy to use disc golf app!
Auburn Disc Golf 2.0
Jacob Varner
This app provides the easiest way toviewtheDisc Golf course located on Auburn University's campuswithimagesfor each hole and tee box as well as an overhead viewforeach holeso you know exactly what you should be aiming for.Thisapp makesit easy for anyone that wants to play the course to doso,allwhile enjoying Auburn's wonderful campus.Most of the time people want to play Disc Golf withfriends,andnow with Version 2, that's easier than ever with a brandnewbuildin scoring system that allows you to play with any numberofyourfriends where only one person has to keep up with thescoreswhileyou or the other players can each individually see theimagesandmaps for the course. The scoring allows you to add alltheplayersthat you are playing with, move through the course oneholeafteranother, and then set the score that each player gets oneachhole.From each hole you can also pull up a quick view thatshowsyou howeach player is doing. When you finish your game, anicetable atthe end will show you each player's score both as atotaland thedifference between their score and par for thecourse.
Disc Golf Fanatic Trial 1.1.4
Get ready to make the most of yourdiscgolfgame at over 5500 courses world-wide!Find nearby courses you haven't played before andsaveyourfavorites.Use GPS to mark every throw, or just keep score normally.Want to see how you've improved? View every throw youmadeinprevious games on a course, showing your path from the teetothebasket.View your career stats overall and per course. Want tobragaboutyour longest drive ever? Yeah, we have you covered!Mark tee and basket locations on course maps to seedistancetothe basket while playing.Sign in with Google+ to get course maps from other users,andsaveyour games to the cloud. View your games and stats fromanyandroiddevice.Earn badges for aces, eagles, birdies, andotherachievements.Play 5 games for free on the trial version before upgradingtothefull version. Your game history will carry over via themagicof thecloud.
Upsi Disc Golf 1.17.18
Upsiapp Oy
Plan, play and share disc golf