Top 14 Apps Similar to How To Build Muscle

iMuscle 2 1.9
Benefit of teaching you more about the muscles that help yourbodymove
Ultimate Ab & Core Workouts 2.0.1
The ultimate home workout app for sculpting your abs andlosingbelly fat.
Fitway: Daily Abs Workout free 1.2.1
A simple and effective free ab workout app to achievethebestresults in no time at home or anywhere. Fitway DailyAbsWorkoutcontains three different abs workouts: 5, 8 and 10minutes.Workingout your abs couldn’t be simpler: just follow thedetailedvideoinstructions and get better abs in a matter of weeks.The bestpartof it: no equipment necessary, no excuses, get startednow andgetthe abs you always wanted to have. FEATURES: ° Shortabworkouts:5, 8 or 10 minutes ° HD Videos showing you exactly howtoperformthe ab exercise ° Developed by professionalpersonaltrainers °FREE: no payment or subscription required Theseexercisesare notonly made to help you get a six pack but also tostrengthenthemuscles you already built and increase theirendurance. The appismade for everyone, men and women, threedifferent difficultiesareavailable: beginner (level 1), medium(level 2) and advanced(level3). Different types of ab exercises areused in theprograms:crunch, plank, sit-ups, medicine ball twist,leg raise…DownloadFitway Daily Abs Workout today and see how easyit willhelp youget the perfect abs eliminate any belly fat.
Home Workout Guide for Men; Exercises & fitness 1.0.8
Leftover Web
Home workouts and fitness exercises in video is availablehere.Bodybuilding and six packs abs are everyone's dream. Careabouttheir health and fitness along with. If you train theseworkoutsand exercises daily and make it a part of your lifestyle,youachieve six packs abs and strong body for sure. An exerciseguideor trainer is a must for that. Men think some random exercisesmakeit possible, but studies prove that we have to perform orpracticeparticular workouts for a definite time for each muscles.Forabdominal muscles, you perform one, for chest muscles, youdoanother. Either you get a fitness trainer or join a fitness cluborinstall this and train yourselves. These workouts givesyouphysical as well as mental strength. Healthy diets will doubletheimpact. Do you know that running, ride motionboard orskateboard,swimming or even walking is an exercise? In this app,you getspecific and different exercises for each muscles andillustratedwith videos. It includes workouts for Abs, Chest, Neck,Back,Shoulder, Biceps, Triceps, Forearm, Glutes, Hamstrings, ThighsandCalves muscles. It includes squat, sit up, push up, pull up,chinup, stretch, swing, crunch, press and other workouts. This appisan essential exercise guide for self trained bodybuilders andthusit act as a personal trainer for each one of you. Do you wonderwhythese are called home workouts or exercises? These areperformedwithout any gym equipments. If you perform these fitnessexercisesdaily and make it as routine, you can get rid or at leastcontrolof chronic diseases like diabetes, heart or cardiodiseases,Asthma, Back pain, Arthritis, etc. HEART DISEASES: Regularexercisecan help improve your heart health. Recent studies haveshown thatinterval training is often tolerated well in people withheartdisease, and it can produce significant benefits. DIABETES:Regularexercise can help insulin more effectively lower your bloodsugarlevel. Physical activity also can help you control your weightandboost your energy. ASTHMA: Often, exercise can help controlthefrequency and severity of asthma attacks. BACK PAIN:Regularlow-impact aerobic activities can increase strength andendurancein your back and improve muscle function. Abdominal andback muscleexercises (core-strengthening exercises) may help reducesymptomsby strengthening the muscles around your spine. ARTHRITIS:Exercisecan reduce pain, help maintain muscle strength in affectedjointsand reduce joint stiffness. Now you know how these workoutsprovideyou health and fitness. Hard workouts like power liftingwillstrengthen your body muscles very fast. Soft workouts likewalkingmay take time but you don't have to take much strain. Mostpeopleneed six pack stomach and flat belly. They have to dobodybuildingworkouts as a routine everyday and make a life style.This appallow you to achieve great results, within a short periodof time.It allows you to create your own program that will fit yourneeds.In addition, It has an extensive collection of exercises foreverymuscle, with a detailed description and video for eachexercise.Our App provides workout plans for bodybuilding,power-lifting andfitness. Wish you everyone all the physical andmental strength,fitness, success and great health in your life. Useour app and letus know the feedback.
Cómo Aumentar Masa Muscular 3.0
Gato Apps
Learn to know how quickly Increase Muscle Mass correctly
How To Gain Muscle 1.0
How to gain muscle mass is yourproblem?withHow To Gain Muscle app you will be able to achievegreatresults,within a brief period of time. This App gives you tobuildyour ownprogram that will fit your preferences and you willlearnhow togain muscle fast.Furthermore, Fitness & Bodybuilding can beancomprehensivedatabase of exercises for each and every muscle,Youwill get alldetails that help you know how to lose fat andgainmuscle.How to lose weight and gain muscle App providesworkoutsprogramsfor bodybuilding, fitness and powerlifting. Whypurchaseexpensiveteachers when it could be done by you yourself andyouwill neverask how long does it take to gain muscle?By choosing how to gain muscle weight app foryourworkoutroutines you will get:-A set of the very best workouts for each andeverymusclegroup;-Text training with pictures for every single exercise;-Exercise databases with new exercises addedaftereveryupdate;-Ability to save and track data about your weight and thenumberofrepetitions for every single performed exercise;-Exercises include illustrations of the trained muscles;-Interactive graphs for your workout routinesimprovementbyperformance, repetitions and weight;-Ability to save lots of the annals of performed exercises;-Built-in timer;-Built-in calendar that automatically represents yourworkouttimes;-Ability to produce personalized workout strategiesandaddimages;-Capacity to choose way of measuring models(kilogramsorpounds).You do not need gamma rays to get big and strong - simplyagoodhealth club, this work out plan and a need to smashandpracticesof how to gain muscle weight app materiels.So, we live super duper blessed to have around today oneofthevery most massive routines to load up serious muscles inonlythreemonths!Now, everyone guys are most likely dying to ask "howtogainweight and muscle fast?!". Well, wait around no more,folks,causetoday, you should understand the answer! The answer isinsidethisapp!This program was designed based after research intowhatbuildsmuscle and causes fat-loss actually. I've read andresearchedthethousand roughly pages that provide knowledge abouthow togainmuscle and lose fat within the last few years so youdon't needtoknow about how to gain lean muscle or how to gain leanmusclemass.I've condensed it whenever you can, but it should takesometime tolearn how to gain muscle quickly. If you don't haveenoughtime tolearn it, you probably don't have the time toaccomplishyourfitness and workout goals.How to gain muscle quickly and building muscle will takemorethanphysical fortitude. It requires a certain drive andattitudeto makeat the very top body.Even though you lift big, you will not get big unlessyoulearnhow to think big. That's your first lessons fromMuscleTrainer.You can not be one of the world's best bodybuildersunlessyou holdthe mental toughness to just work at it, day in anddaytrip.To build the body, you must master your brain andtuneoutdistractions.People think pro bodybuilders have top-secrettrainingprotocols.The truth is, most bodybuilders follow basictrainingandnourishment programs with extreme determination.Eat at least 3 to 4 foods before you struck theflatiron.Although that exact quantity of meals might not exactlyhelpyourschedule, it is critical to fuel your workouts. Youcan'tdesire to"train large" if you don't have energy. Rest iscriticalequally ifyou want to gain muscle mass quickly. If youplace it inworkingout time, ensure you put equal focus onrecovery.Download our How To Gain Muscle App, it's FREE!
Home Workouts Personal Trainer 3.530
Home workouts & bodyweight training. Home exercises programformen and women
Bodybuilding Workout Trainer 6.8
Welcome to Bodybuilding WorkoutTrainerprogramDon't waste your time and follow the best bodybuildingworkouttrainer program.If you want to become a bodybuilder and gaining muscle. thenyouhave to choose the best bodybuilding workout trainer ever.In this app you will find all gym workouts, exercisesandpowerlifting routines to get maximum muscles and will get theabsweight loss, amazing back, workouts for chest, dumbbell forbiceps,triceps exercises, and forearm exercise, awesome legworkout, buttworkouts, shoulders workout, glutes workouts, calves,exercises forthighs, inner thigh workouts and thigh gapexercises.You will get muscular and a fit body is a dream ofeverybodybuilder.For building your mass like professional bodybuilders justchooseyour workouts (exercises) from more than 300 of the bestWorkoutsand Exercises in this Professional App.You can set your DAILY WORKOUT PLAN - sort or add or deleteworkoutsin your daily program.**Just follow our workout trainer and you will get the bestbodywith detailed descriptions, animations and an assortmentofworkoutsThe major muscle groups in Bodybuilding Workout Trainer App is:- Biceps- Triceps- Forearms- Abs (Abdominals)- Back- Chest- Shoulders- Legs (Calves - Thighs)This App Contains Preset plans for:- Bodybuilding Workouts- Cardio trainer- Fitness Exercises- Powerlifting**Don't forget to rate this app
MuscleMatics 3.13
At MuscleMatics, our goal is to provide simple and beautifulvisualrepresentations of the human anatomy when performing variousformsof exercise, with emphasis on technique and muscles utilized.SAVETIME Enjoy more time focused on your workouts. No moresearchingfor exercise videos only to have to wait dreadfullythrough ads,promos, and requests to sign up, subscribe, share,like, tweet,etc. KEEP FOCUSED Get what you need when you need it.Use simplefilters to find the exercises you need. Save them to yourfavoritesfor quick access to your mostly used exercises forfuturereference. DISCOVER PROPER MUSCLE-MOVEMENT SYNTHESIS Seeyourmuscles in action. These state-of-the-art animations illustratetheactivated muscles, while multiple angles demonstrate exactly howtoperform the movements. Watch them looping continuouslywithoutinterruption. AVOID INJURY Imagine yourself succeeding.Byfollowing correct form and activating the right muscles, youwillreduce injuries and progressively see quicker results. SELECTFROMA VARIETY OF EXERCISES Have some fun! Choose exercises fromourunique database containing isolated movementstofull-body-activation movements. Science has proven thatvarietypromotes adherence, so browse, choose, and FOLLOW THEMOVEMENT!
Muscle & Fitness 6.5
Now available: the FREE 2015 UltimateStarter'sGuide Android phone app.Download ithere: the publishers of Muscle & Fitness comes this collectionofFREE digital issues.Muscle&Fitness is the premier publication for workouts,thescience of muscle growth, and nutrition fordedicatedweightlifters.Download now to get the Ultimate Starter's Guide, ClearResultsProgram, or 2014 Training Trends, all free!Please note: this app contains free digital issues only, it is notadigital edition of the print magazine.Digital editions of the print magazine can be foundhere: to the gym? Check out our 2015 Ultimate Starter'sGuide:
30 Day Ab Workout Challenge 1.0.18
RFit Apps
This app provides custom workout focus training for six packs absin30 days.
Muscle Builder 30.0
Our personal trainers will help youlooseweight and burn muscle in just a few weeks.Don't do it alone, do it with Muscle Builder.Build Muscle- Create customer workouts around your schedule with theWorkoutWizard.- Choose from over 200 exercises to target Chest, Arms, Legs,Absand Back.- Find nearby Gyms with TripAdvisor- Access to a Personal Trainer 24/7.Knowledge is Power, Learn About Muscle- Muscle School 150 articles covering all topics.- 200 Motivation quotes from famous athletes.- Interactive muscle diagrams- Burn fat with daily step challenges- Find the best gyms in your area with TripAdvisorRecover: If your muscles don't recover they don't grow- Recovery Tracker tracks your muscle recovery.- Workout Calendar tracks recovery- Track most used muscles to prevent over-training- Track least used muscles to blast weak points.Progress:- Get out of your comfort zone.- Recover faster with the recovery planner.- Track your progress with stunning graphs.- Track bodyweight as you burn fat and build muscle.LocationYour privacy is key, so we don't store, track or sell anydataever.If you choose to talk to one of our fitness trainers we emailyouthe responsesso you have a copy of everything. We never email you otherwiseorsell your information.Muscle Builder uses your location only to find Gyms inyourarea.It does not keep, store or give away your location.FACT the location only works in Find A Gym Feature.StorageMuscle Builder exports all your workouts to XML.So if you decide not to use Muscle Builder, you still have allyourworkout data.Now that's freedom of information.
FitIt Pro for FitBit® 1.1.21
Android Widgets for FitBitThe ultimate widget for FitBit android users to keep trackofprogress in the Home screen. You can place 12 differentresizablewidgets (between 4x1, 3x1 and 2x1) in the Home screen. Tapon awidget; then it will launch the FitBit application to easilyaccessyour activities and calories. (Tapping the main "FitIt Pro"widgetstill displays the Settings for options and colors.) You canalsopersonalize the widgets with your favorite color. You have 20colorthemes to choose from (Default, Antique, Cadet Blue, Coral,CornSilk, Dark Olive, Fire Brick, Golden Rod, Hot Pink, IndianRed,Ivory, Maroon, Orange, Orchid, Plum, Purple, Spring Green,SteelBlue, Turquoise and Tan).Widgets:1) FitIt Pro widget (Automatically rotates every 20 sec; tapthiswidget opens Settings)2) Device widget (Displays the last sync, alarm & batterystatusfor tracker)3) Steps widget4) Distance widget5) Calories burned widget6) Sleep widget7) Food Calories intake widget8) Water consumption widget9) Active Minutes widget10) Weight widget11) Floors widget12) Scale widget (Displays the last sync, & battery statusforscale)WHAT'S NEW:- support Fitbit SURGE, CHARGE HR, CHARGE, FLEX, ALTA, BLAZEandmore.Installation setup:FitIt-Pro is a set of Widgets. You will find 11 widgetsunderApp/Widget tray after purchasing from Google Play. (tap on"App"button from Home screen and select 'WIDGETS' tab). Drag &dropone of FitIt Pro widgets on Home screen will initiatetheinstallation process. Please follow the instruction.*** If you experience any syncing issues after thesuccessfulinstall, then it may be caused by the rate limit set byFitBitserver. Please wait for few minutes. It will start to updateyouractivity soon. ***We own ourselves the FitBit gadgets (eg. SURGE, Flex, One,Ariaand more ) and FitIt Widget is helping us to monitor ourprogressand activities. If you have suggestions, email us and helpus takethe app to the next level.  Your email will bepromptlyresponded to and acted on!   We work hard to improveour appsand we value your inputs.Disclaimer:No warranty is expressed or implied that the application oritsauthor is liable in any manner for any direct, incidental,indirector punitive damages arising out of your access, use orinability touse this application, or any errors or omissions inthisinformation on this application. Author shall not be liable toyouor to any other third party for any additional,modification,suspension or discontinuance of the application.
FitIt Pebble Pro for FitBit® 2.0.7
Android Widget with Pebble smartwatchsupportfor Fitbit®Now you can have a Pebble watchface or watchapp with Fitbitdatashown using this widget. Your Pebble acts like a mini dashboardforyour Fitbit wristband!FitIt Pebble Pro widget is built on top of our popular FitItProwidget. You have all the widgets on your Home screen plus nowyoucan have a Pebble smartwatch to display your progress.The ultimate widget for FitBit android users to keep trackofprogress in the Home screen. You can place 12 differentresizablewidgets (between 4x1, 3x1 and 2x1) in the Home screen. Tapon awidget; then it will launch the FitBit application to easilyaccessyour activities and calories. (Tapping the main "FitIt Pro"widgetstill displays the Settings for options and colors.) You canalsopersonalize the widgets with your favorite color. You have 20colorthemes to choose from (Default, Antique, Cadet Blue, Coral,CornSilk, Dark Olive, Fire Brick, Golden Rod, Hot Pink, IndianRed,Ivory, Maroon, Orange, Orchid, Plum, Purple, Spring Green,SteelBlue, Turquoise and Tan).Whats new:- support Fitbit SURGE, CHARGE HR, CHARGE, FLEX and more.On Android device:1) FitIt Pro widget (Automatically rotates every 20 sec; tapthiswidget opens Settings)2) Device widget (Displays the last sync, alarm & batterystatusfor tracker)3) Steps widget4) Distance widget5) Calories burned widget6) Sleep widget7) Food Calories intake widget8) Water consumption widget9) Active Minutes widget10) Weight widget11) Floors widget12) Scale widget (Displays the last sync, & battery statusforscale)On Pebble:Data- Active Minutes and Goal- Battery for Device and Scale- Calories burned and Goal- Distance and Goal- Food Calories intake and Goal- Steps and Goal- Water consumption and Goal- Weight and Goal- Sleep and number of wakeImages- Activity, Calories burned, Device, Distance, Food, Sleep,Stairs,Steps, Water and WeightInstallation setup:FitIt-Pro is a set of Widgets. You will find 11 widgetsunderApp/Widget tray after purchasing from Google Play. (tap on"App"button from Home screen and select 'WIDGETS' tab). Drag &dropone of FitIt Pro widgets on Home screen will initiatetheinstallation process. Please follow the instruction.Once linked, then your Fitbit data is available for yourPebblesmartwatch. The widgets are plugin for Pebble Canvas.Pleaseinstall PebbleCanvas.( Pebble Canvas, you can create new dynamic watchface orwatch appwith your data & images.Recommendation:- We recommend to have a good internet data connection atinitialsetup. FitIt-Pro Widget may experience timeout due topoorconnection and results to an incomplete setup. If happens,thenuninstall the FitIt-Pro Widget from Settings->Apps and waitfewminutes before download the widget from Google Play.Note: Some Android device manufactures modify the Home Screensothe widget tray may be hidden and hard to find. Please consultyourdevice's user guide for widgets.Note: If you don't see the FitIt Pro widget afterinstallation,please uninstall and reinstall again. Some devices,most notablySamsung devices, fail to register the FitIt widget atthe firsttime. It needs to be reinstalled to recognize thewidgets.Disclaimer:No warranty is expressed or implied that the application oritsauthor is liable in any manner for any direct, incidental,indirector punitive damages arising out of your access, use orinability touse this application, or any errors or omissions inthisinformation on this application. Author shall not be liable toyouor to any other third party for any additional,modification,suspension or discontinuance of the application.