Top 15 Games Similar to Jiu Jitsu

BJJ Roadmap by Stephan Kesting 1.0
THE FASTEST WAY TO LEARN BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU! Do youwantlearnBrazilian Jiu-Jitsu the right way? Then grab the BJJRoadmapappand let the pieces of the puzzle immediately startcomingtogetherfor you. BJJ is the most effective grappling systemin theworld,but it can be very confusing for your first couple ofyearsoftraining. But BJJ can, and should, make sense! The BJJRoadmapappis the perfect tool for getting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsuright,rightfrom the start. - Master the sense of overwhelm soyoucanconfidently navigate your way among the differenttechniquesandsubmissions in BJJ - Learn exactly how thedifferentgroundpositions fit together so that you never feel loston the matagain- Find out what exactly you should do next to getbetteratgrappling - Discover the missing components you need togetyourtechniques to work in a real life sparring situationUsinghighquality video instruction this app will give youthestrategies,tactics, techniques and training methods you need togetgood atBJJ as fast as possible. WHAT YOU'LL GET IN THE FREESECTIONOF THEAPP - A complete overview of the major BJJ positionsand howtheyfit together - A detailed breakdown of the Closed Guard,OpenGuardand Half Guard positions - Guard sweeps that take youfromthebottom to the top - Guard passes you can use to cutyourwaythrough your opponent's defences - How to avoid themostcommonmistakes made on the top and the bottom WHAT YOU'LL GETINTHE PAIDSECTION OF THE APP - Four more positions to round outyourBJJgame, including Side Mount, Knee Mount, Rear Mount andtheTurtlePosition - Advanced details to take your game to thenextlevelquickly and easily. - The best transitions to improveyourpositionso you can keep your opponent continually on thedefensive.-Effective escapes you can use even if your opponent isbiggerthanyou - Overviews of the most common, most effectivesubmissionsfromeach position - How to avoid the mistakes that canlead toinjuryor months of wasted time and effort as you do thewrong thingagainand again. This app covers a complete system forlearning BJJ.Itstarts with the Roadmap concept so that you get thecompletebigpicture of the art of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (along withtheconcepts,techniques and strategies used by almost everyadvancedplayer). Iwant you to know the ‘why, where, when, who andwhat’ ofeverythingyou learn in BJJ, which is why in this app wecover: -Why certaintechniques work better than others. - Where yourarmsand legs MUSTbe to avoid giving your opponent an easysubmission!f- When is thebest time for trying specific moves? - Whois bestsuited forcertain positions and submissions? - What thecriticaltake-homedetails are, without which your technique justwon’t work!Many BJJstudents never end up learning the fundamentalsof the artproperlybecause these basics are so ‘obvious’ to theirinstructorsthatthey don’t bother to pass them on to their students.But iftheconcepts, strategies and tactics of BJJ get laid out foryou inaclear, concise and interesting manner (instead of youhavingtofigure it all out through trial and error) then yourskillswillliterally jump to a new level overnight. ABOUTSTEPHANKESTINGStephan Kesting is a BJJ black belt and an instructorinCombatSubmission Wrestling. In addition to hisgrapplingcertificationshe also has a Black Belt in Kajukenbo Karateand is acertifiedInstructor in Dan Inosanto’s Filipino MartialArts,Majaphait Silatand Jun Fan JKD. With his series ofbest-sellingapps, DVDs, andinstructional programs he has helpedtens ofthousands of martialartists lift the level of theirgrappling game.
Jiu Jitsu Scoreboard 1.2
This version is ad-supported. If you wantnoads or to support us, please buy Jiu Jitsu Scoreboard Pro(includesthemes selection and keeps track of your matches).__________________________________________________________This application is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) scoreboardandtimer that I use on my practices and wanted to share withthecommunity.The controls are very simple. Touch the timer to start/stopandthe points to increase them. To decrease the score, execute alongpress.In the Options Menu you can reset the timer and scoring,changethe duration of the match and enable a buzzer to be playedwhen thetimer runs out.
BJJ Building Blocks 17
Discover the basic, fundamental techniques you require to buildapowerful game - from the ground up. ABOUT NICOLASGREGORIADESWidely regarded as one of the best jiu jitsu instructorsin theworld, Nic is Roger Gracie’s first black belt and author ofthesuccessful book, The Black Belt Blueprint. He is also thefounderof The Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood and was awarded his black beltin justover 4 years. Nic is known for his holistic and effectiveapproachto jiu jitsu training and his detailed and effectiveteachingstyle. ABOUT BJJ BUILDING BLOCKS BJJ Building Blocksincludes acollection of the most essential jiu jitsu techniquesandprinciples that Nic has discovered and been taught during hisstudyof the art. Every one of these moves and principles hasbeenthrough dozens and dozens of hours of testing on the mat. Someofthem he learned from directly from his instructor RogerGracie,some during his travels to train in Brazil and Japan, andothersfrom his sparring partners and contemporaries. Nic prideshimselfin teaching only things that he knows to work, for both forhimselfand his hundreds of students around the world. Among thethingshe's going to show you are: - Vital principles from each ofthemajor positions - High-percentage submissions - The simplestandmost effective ways to pass the guard - Powerful sweeps andattacksfrom the bottom - Sure-fire ways to escape thefrustratingside-mount position - The most important throws andstandingattacks for sport jiu jitsu - Often overlooked takedownsfrom theknee-start position - Defences and counters against themostcommonly experienced attacks - How to break down astrongopponent's posture - One of the most powerful open-guardattackcombinations in jiu jitsu BJJ Building Blocks features over50studio-quality, professionally shot videos of Nic teaching youthefundamental techniques of bjj, presented in aconcise,easy-to-follow course. Module 1: Standing Techniques &TakedownModule 2: Passing the Guard Module 3: Attacking with theClosedGuard Module 4: Open Guard Sweeps Module 5: Escaping the SideMountModule 6: Attacking from the Side Mount Module 7: Defending&Submitting from the Mount Module 8: Escaping the Back MountModule9: Control and Finishes from the Back Mount Module10:Understanding the Half-Guard Module 11: Defending from&Defeating the Turtle Position Module 12: Knee on Chest &NorthSouth Tools The first module is available at no charge onceyou'veinstalled the BJJ Building Blocks app. The remaining modulescan bepurchased individually for $14.99 or all together for $149."Nicexplains all the material in a clear and easily accessiblefashion,making this a great resource for beginners to jiujitsu." -OliverGeddes, BJJ Black Belt "The most important moves are allcovered indetail and with clarity. If you're a beginner don'thesitate andget this course!" - Lorenzo Fraquelli, BJJ Black Belt"Flashytechniques go in and out of fashion but the fundamentalmoves inBJJ Building Blocks are the ones you'll use on the matevery day,for the rest of your life." - Liam Resnekov, BJJ BlackBelt
Jiu Jitsu 1.0
Flower Apps
If you face a krav maga guy or muay thaitortaekwondo guy or anyother martial arts guy you might thing about jiu jitsu; especialyifthe guyis bigger than you. Jiu jitsu made his tests and showed up to beoneof the mostefficent martial arts. This application will guide you troughtyoupractice.The great features in this application will explain how jiujitsuworks and howto exercice yoursel to be a better practicerFaitures:- The ability to relax while training- Basic Skills For Jiu Jitsu- The Straight-Armlock from Guard- Traditional Jujitsu Moves- Front Snap Punch- Front Snap Kick- Side Breakfall- Escape Front Strangle- Jiu Jitsu Lessons- The Double Armbar- Bicep Slicer Armbar Finish- The Scissor Sweep- Kneebar Guard Pass- Securing Your Triangles
Gracie Jiu Jitsu 26
Steve Maxwell is a six timePan-AmericanBrazilian Jiu Jitsu champion with over 50 years ofexperience infitness training and coaching.About This AppThis app is intended for the jiu-jitsu student who wants acatalogof techniques, the layperson intrigued by the possibilitiesof apractical self-defense system, or anyone who appreciatesSteve'sconsistent combination of ability, education, aesthetics,andentertainment value.There are five videos available for purchase within this app.Eachof which has a free preview video.
Nosso Tatame 2.0 2.0
Nosso Tatame
O aplicativo do Nosso Tatame ficouaindamelhor!Assista técnicas, marque suas pontuações e cronometre suas lutasdeJiu-Jitsu agora! Baixe nosso aplicativo e compartilhe comseusamigos.The Tatami Mat Ourappjust got better!Watch techniques, check your scores and time your Jiu-Jitsufightsnow! Download our app and share it with your friends.
BJJ White to Blue Lvl.3CurriculumStep-By-StepJiu Jitsu SystemThe Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Step-by-Step White to BlueBeltCurriculumseries has 4 APPs with a total of 180techniques.The BJJ Curriculum series was created to develop allaspectsofthe fight game to take each student to their highestpossiblelevelfor each belt. You will "learn" effective positions,how toattackand defend, counters and re-counters, guardpasses,sweeps,submissions, escapes, and set-ups to use whenfightingmoreadvanced training partners.Marcello C. Monteiro is well know the world wide as ateacherandcoach for creating fighting strategies. In regard totheBrazilianJiu Jitsu Curriculum he teaches the most importanttricksanddetails that speed up the learning process andfacilitatestheperformance of eachmovement.Marcello is a certified and accredited TechnicalTeacherinBrazilian Jiu Jitsu, registered at the "Federacao deJiu-JitsudoEstado do Rio De Janeiro/Brazil". He is graduated andregisteredasa Professor at the "CREF - Conselho RegionaldeEducacaoFisica/Brazil". He has already prepared, trained andturnedregularstudents into State, National and World Champions."There is only one certain way to learn and improveyourskills,and that is through quality instruction."For more information on Marcello's USA Academy, hisWorldBJJAssociation, Books, DVDs, or to bring Marcello C. Monteirotoyouracademy for seminars check us out at: WWW.BJJCOACH.COM
Placar BJJ 1.3
Application with all the resources torefereefights of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.- Points (added and removed)- Benefits (added and removed)- Faults (added and removed)- Time (for now only 5, but next time with selection by age,version2.0)
FITE 7.5
Watch live sports and entertainment!
Roy Dean Academy BJJ 1.0
Judo, Aikido, and BJJ black belt Roy Dean introduces you to theartof jiu jitsu
Jiu-Jitsu Trainer JiuJitsuTrainer
Brian Silvers
Brazilian Jui Jitsu Logging application.Logyour training, mat time, and notes about techniques. Over100+techniques in the database categorized by position, type,anddifficulty. Techniques have videos that we contribute andfindacross the internet. Reports are available to view youroveralltraining.This release of the application is free as we are working onthemobile side. Feedback is welcome and enhancements are turnedaroundquickly.Visit foradditionalfunctions.For general posts and idea contributions as we would love tohearfrom you, please visit our Facebook community page at
Jiu Jitsu Cronometro Galeto
Aplicativo oficial Galeto brothers éumCronometro destinado aos praticantes de Jiu-Jitsu, o tempoestádefinido por faixa , branca 5 minutos a azul 6 minutos, a roxa7minutos a marrom 8 minutos e faixa preta 10 minutosApplication is anofficialGaleto brothers Cronometro intended for practitioners ofBrazilianJiu-Jitsu, time is defined by age, white blue 5 minutes 6minutes, 7minutes to purple to brown and black belt 8 minutes 10minutes
Drysdale Jiu Jitsu 1.399
Get your Jiu-Jitsu Training on the gowiththebest Jiu-Jitsu app available. Robert Drysdale for thefirsttimebrings his immense library of instructional videos tothemobileapp market place. Combining a level of instructiontypicallyonlyfound in the very best Jiu-Jitsu gyms, with themobilityandfreedom to learn whenever you want.BioProfessor Robert Drysdale is one of themostaccomplishedtournament decorated Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu BlackBelts inthe entirehistory of this martial art. He is also arguablythemostaccomplished North-American Grappler in both GiandNo-Gicompetitions in the World today. From 1999 to 2008Robertlivedfull time in Sao Paulo Brazil where trained in BJJ fulltime,ownedand operated a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu School. Whiletrainingandcompeting for Legendary JJ team, Brasa Club in Brazil,hereceivedhis Black Belt in 2004 from the famed Leo Vieira.Additionally, Robert Drysdale made the commitment tocompeteforalmost 10 years. In this time span he competed in morethan100traditional Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tournaments and earnedover90different Titles.That list of championships includes6differentmedals in the adult division at the Jiu-JitsuMundials(Worldchampionships) and the Jiu-Jisu World Cup, along withanumber ofother National and International tournaments. In2005Drysdale wasthe only Black Belt to win both the JJ World Cupandthe Mundialsthe same year.In 2007, Robert Drysdale won the Absolute weightclassOpendivision at the ADCC (Abu Dhabi Combat Club)SubmissionWrestlingWorld Championship. This is the single mostprestigioussubmissiongrappling tournament in the world and thisevent onlytakes placeevery 2 years going back to 1998. There areonly ahand-full ofADCC open weight Champions in the World.In 2008 Robert Drysdale moved from Sao Paulo, Brazil toLasVegas,NV and promptly started training. In February of 2008RobertDrysdaletrained at the living legend Randy “the Natural”CoturesMMA trainingcamp Xtreme Coture. Robert had the privilegeoftraining with thebest and was hired directly by Randy Coturetohead up Xtreme CoturesSubmission grappling and BrazilianJiu-Jitsuprogram. From February2008 to December 2008 Roberttrained andcoached at Extreme Cotureand rapidly made a name forhimself asone of the top BrazilianJiu-Jitsu coaches in Las Vegas.He trainedand coached some of thetop MMA fighters in the worldsuch as VitorBelfort, Forrest Griffin,Frank Mir, Randy Couture,WanderleiSilva, Kevin Randleman, MartinKampmann, Evan Dunham,JamesMcsweeney, Matt Riddle amongst manyothers.In December of 2008 Robert Drysdale opened hisfirstofficialacademy in the usa, Robert Drysdale BrazilianJiu-Jitsuwhere heteaches, trains, and coaches full time.In July 2010 Robert started his professional career inMMA.Going6-0 and winning all his matches by submission in undertwominutes.Robert recently signed with the UFC where he plansonmaking a namefor himself amongst the best fighters intheworld.Main Achievements:• World Champion (2005);• 2x World Cup Champion (2005, 2006);• 2x World Silver Medallist (2006, 2007);• ADCC Absolute Champion (2007 absolute)
Martial Arts Free 1.00
Martial Arts. Learn different MartialArtstechniques and disciplines with this app. We have lessonsofdifferent kinds of martial arts such as Karate, Judo,Taekwondo,Krav Maga, Jiu-Jitsu and other self-defense techniques.Learn the basic moves of these sports and also watch thebestOlympic combats of each martial art. If you like fightingandmartial arts or kung-fu, you will love this app. All ourmartialarts lessons are free.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Beginners 1.02
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, also known as BJJ,isamartial art, self defense system that focuses ongrapplingandespecially ground fighting. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teacheshowasmaller person can defend himself against a largeradversarybyusing leverage and proper technique. While therearestand-upmaneuvers, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is most famous foritsdevastatingground fighting techniques. Gaining superiorpositioningin orderto apply the style’s numerous chokes, holds,locks andjointmanipulations on an opponent is the key in BrazilianJiuJitsu.With its roots in the Japanese Jiu Jitsu of the late19thcentury,the art found its way to Brazil in 1910, whenMitsuyoMaeda, aJapanese Jiu Jitsu and judo expert, emigrated tothecountry. Hebecame friends with Gastao Gracie, an businessmanwhohelped Maedaestablish himself. In return, Maeda taught JiuJitsuto Gracie’ssons, who became very proficient in the artandeventually passing onMaeda’s teaching in their own schools.Theadditions, modifications,and refinements to the art, made bytheGracie family, were testedagainst other styles with greatsuccess.This success has help topropel Brazilian Jiu Jitsu intothemartial arts world.In this app get the latest news and tweets on BrazilianJiuJitsuas well as some videos on some basic andadvancedtechniques.<><><><><><><>PLEASE NOTE: The content in the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu appispubliclyavailable on YouTube. We have not created it or modifieditin anyway, nor have we uploaded any of these videos to YouTube.Thevalueof this app is that it searches out, finds, andcollectstheinformation for you, providing you easy and convenientaccessallin one handy place, so that all you have to do isdownloadandlaunch the app. We have done the legwork for youanddeliveredstraight to your mobile device.