Top 1 Games Similar to HomeDown

Froggy Crosses The Road! 1.1.4
Little froggy has got lost. Help him tofindhisway back home! Play this amazing free game for all ages!The rules are very simple! First, you need to tap acharactertochoose it. Playing the game, try to avoid differentobstacles.Onyour way, you will run across a river to swim over, aroad tojumpover, and many other things and dangerous creatures.NEW SKILLSYou will train your logic, learn to find bypasses quickly,andsimplyenjoy its colorful design.EXTRA LIVESYou will have a several extra lives, which will help youtomasterthe game. Besides, you will not get frustrated if youmakeamistake, as you will have a chance to continue playingwithanotherlife!EXTRA CHARACTERSControl the frog by tappingit. Achieve goals, and collectcoinsandother different bonuses. Having collected enough coins, youwillbeable to buy another character to play with. There are8charactersin the game to choose from, including a duck, a koala,aturtle,and others.CONTROLIf you need to do your job at home or at school and you havenotimeto proceed with the game, you can pause it. The appalsoallows toturn sound effects off and to play in a silentmode.A journey with a frog is not just a game. It isaneducationalapp! It will help you to improve your attention,mentalspeed andvisual memory.