Top 6 Games Similar to Fill The Pot

Urine Trouble 1.01
Behold Games
Urine Trouble is a game that everyonecanrelateto. The idea of the game is to rush from your locationtothe nearestrest room before time runs out. Each level is setindifferentscenarios where such an event may occur such astheclassroom, theoffice, a construction site, and even some thatonlya few experiencesuch as a space station! Push throughobstacles,avoid rushing water,and find your way to relief inthisaction/puzzle game!
Drink Your Pee: Free 1.1.5
You've been stranded on this deadlyislandfordays with nothing to eat and nothing to drink...Or so you thought!Drink Your Pee is the classic arcade tale of islandsurvival!Featuring:- Cutting edge 1980's graphics- A pulse pounding chiptune soundtrack- The ability to score points with a futuristic "scoreboard"- Drink Your Pee has all the hot arcade action you'll need!How To Play: Normal- Pressing either the left half or right half of thescreenwillmove your Pee dude in that direction!- Avoid birds! They're hungry for man flesh like orcs,onlythesebirds are good at getting their food!- Power Up!! Collect the pineapple for triple pointsorcollectthe small coconut a.k.a bird bomb to destroy ALLbirdsonscreen!- Power down! Don't get hit by the Nega-nut! That guy sucksandhemakes you pee blood! Nasty.Follow Us!Instragram: @wastedcircuitgamesTwitter: @WastedCircuit
Pee Marksman 1.0
A man suddenly wanted to pee...But wait... why there are coins and bubbles droppingfromthesky?Enjoy this funny and entertaining game!- lots of costumes to customise your character- upgrades- different colors of pee stream to unlock- achievements and online leaderboards- online player vs player coming soon!
Pot Man 2.0
Have you ever played totallystonedrunningarcade games? If yes, you will sure love the neverendingarcaderunning game Pot Man. It’s easy and funny and above alltherunningfrenzy of the Pot Man will offer a stimulating dynamicsforall itsplayers….an extra advantage indeed!!The game play of Pot Man is simple and super high,butmasteringthe control on Pot Man’s movement is challenging…youwillsure loveto take the test!!! Pot Man is being chased by policeandhe has toeat lot many weed to gain his super score. You needtohelp him toeat all the leaves. Once finished grabbing leavesandpink candies,Pot Man turns sturdy and now the chasing policesareturned intoyummy hamburger. Pot Man can swallow them and getextrascore.Tap on screen to move Pot Man, grab weed, avoid the cops.ThemorePot Man eats leaves, candy, and converted hamburgers, themoreyouwill get to bag high score. It's up to you to share yourscoreinsocial networks and ask your friends if they can beatyou.Before you download Pot Man app, take a look at itssuperhighfeatures:* Simple and attractive user interface: you will find nohassletonavigate.* Pot Man looks perfect: the chaser police looksequallyfunny,* The objective of the game is like in real: to avoid policeandeatas many weed as possible to survive on board,* Despite the apparently random nature of the enemypolices,theiractions are sternly deterministic, which Pot Man canuse tohisadvantage: the biggest twist of the game occurs whenpoliceturnsinto hamburgers and Pot Man eats them.* This eating game also features high scores* You can share the game score in social networking sites,* Stimulating music at the background will keep you extrahighandalert on the running frenzy.Are you a Pot Man? If yes – download now and startenjoyingPotMan.P.S. If you think that Pot Man description you have justreadiswasted, you can send your own description to our email. IfPotManlikes your description – it can be published here. Peace!
Pot The Ball 1.0
You have to pot a ball in a hole withthehelpof a striker. Rebound the ball from the walls and aimittowardsthe hole. Try to put the ball before the time runs out.Itgetstougher as you proceed to the next levels.Play this simple but addictive game, but don’t forget torateandreview it.
Baby licence to pee 15
The baby is lost in jungle , amongwildanimals, and there is only one way to protect itself.......peethem.....Eleni for you ..........