Top 24 Apps Similar to Maritime Glossary ⚓

Seabook Maritime is a freeware handbook application forallSeafarers!
Maritime abbreviations 1.2
This app is a dictionary for maritimeandoffshore abbreviations. The app should be useful forseafarers,offshore-workers and within maritim and offshoreengineering. Moreinformation about the app is to be found at
Denizci Rehberi 📖 1.6.0
Denizci Rehberi donanma,sivilbahriyevedenizciliğe ilgi duyan tüm denizcileriçinhazırlanmıştır.Seyiresnasında ihtiyaç duyabileceğiniz tümkaynakkitaplara,İNTERNETEGEREK OLMADAN,offline olarakulaşabilirsiniz.İnternetsiz kullanabileceğiniz Denizci Rehberi ileemniyetliseyiryapmanız artık daha da kolay olacak.Dahaanlaşılabilir olmasıiçingörsellerle anlatılan seyirkuralları,fenerler vs. size büyükbirkolaylık sağlayacaktır.Uygulamada bulunan kitaplar & yayınlar;- DÇÖT - COLREG (Uluslararası Denizde Çatışmayı ÖnlemeTüzüğü)-[Türkçe,İngilizce & Orjinal,Resimli]- Montrö Boğazlar Sözleşmesi (MontreuxConvention)-[Türkçe,Orjinal]- Denizde Çatışmayı Önleme İşaretleri (Resimli)- Denizde Çatışmayı Önleme Manevraları (Resimli)!! Ve daha bir çoğu çok yakında uygulamanızda..Guide navysailors,forsailors of all civilian naval and maritime interests inallthetextbooks you may need during the hazırlanmıştır.sey,WITHOUTNEEDINTERNET, you can be offline.Sailors Guide to do with safe navigation even easier youcanusean internet olacak.dah described by visual navigational rulestobeunderstood, lanterns, etc. you will provideagreatconvenience.Application that books & publications;- DÇÖT - COLREG (International RegulationsforPreventingCollisions at Sea) - [Turkish, English&Original,Picture]- Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of theStraits(MontreuxConvention) - [Turkish, the original]- Preventing Collisions at Sea Marks (Picture)- Preventing Collisions at Sea Maneuvers (Picture)!! Your application and many more coming soon ..
✅ Английский для моряков (Бесп 1.2.6
CWG Demo
⚓ The best app for learning marine English!
SOLAS Consolidated 2015 1.0
This App involves In-App purchase which isayearly subscription. All updates during this subscription willbefree.The International Convention for the Safety of Life atSea(SOLAS), 1974 in its present form is the most widelyfollowedInternational convention relating to ships. It is alsoconsideredto be one of the most important legal instrumentsgoverning safetyof ships, which particularly specifies minimumstandards for theconstruction, equipment and operation ofships.Conventions and other multilateral instrumentscreateinternational treaty obligations. Governments which ratifyoraccept them agree to bring their laws and measures intoconformitywith the provisions of such treaties. The purpose ofanyinternational instrument is to establish standards whichareacceptable to as many countries as possible and beimplementedglobally, thereby eliminating differences betweennationalpractices. The International Maritime Organization cameintoexistence in 1959. Since then the organisation adoptedmultilateraltreaties on a number of subjects concerned especiallywith thesafety of shipping, the prevention of pollution fromships,compensation and liability and other matters such asfacilitationand tonnage measurement. Most of these are calledconventions but afew are referred to as protocols or agreements.However, theirlegal status is the same. When a proposal is formallyagreed adraft of the treaty is then prepared in one of theOrganization’sprincipal committees or sub-committees. When thedraft is approvedby either the Maritime Safety Committee, theMarine EnvironmentProtection Committee or the Legal Committee it issubmitted to anInternational Diplomatic Conference to which allmembers of theUnited Nations and its specialised agencies areinvited. With thesuccessful adoption of the Convention, the onusfor action moves toGovernments. The speed with which the conventionenters into force(that is, becomes binding on States which haveagreed to be boundby it) depends upon the time taken by Governmentsto ratify oraccept it. The consent to be bound may be expressed bysignature,ratification, acceptance, approval or accession,depending on thewish of the States concerned. This procedure isgenerally referredto as "ratification". IMO treaties enter intoforce after aspecific number of States have ratified them with acertainproportion of the world’s total tonnage. This ensuresacceptance bymajority of shipping interest. After the requirementsfor entryinto force of a treaty have been achieved, there is a"period ofgrace" before it actually comes into force. This periodvaries froma few months to a year or even two years, and isdesigned to enablethe Governments concerned to take the necessarylegislative oradministrative measures for implementing theprovisions of theconvention.The main responsibility for the enforcement of aninternationaltreaty lies on the State under whose flag the shipsconcernedoperate. Basically each Government is responsible forensuring thatships which fly its flag conform to the requirementsof treatieswhich it has ratified. However, recent IMO treaties alsocontainprovisions requiring States, particularly port States, toenforcethe requirements of the convention. This means that whethera shipflies the flag of a party to the convention or not it mustcomplywith the requirements of a convention whenever it is callingin aport belonging to a party to the convention.InternationalOrganizations such as IMO have no authority or meansto enforce orimplement conventions. The Organization’s role is toencourage theGovernments concerned to take the required measures.Wherenecessary, the Organization provides technical adviceandassistance to Governments which may need such advice andassistancein taking the requisite action.
CompMan Maritime Exam Reviewer 1.6
In BriefCompetence Management (CompMan) & Consultancy Inc.recognizesthe value of training and review for the boardexamination inbuilding up the confidence and competence ofFilipino seafarers inorder to compete and excel globally.To achieve this goal, CompMan introduced into the ReviewProcessthe element of identifying and monitoring the strengthsandweaknesses of the learner and use these as basis foreffectivecounselling. These are basic but proven methodology incompetencedevelopment; strengts motivates and increases the levelofconfidence while the weakness, once accepted, opens thedoortowards continuous improvement.ServicesDeck Officer Review for Operational and Management level.Engine Officer Review for Operational and Management level.Counselling for continues improvementTutorial focusing on weaknessMore Details
Vessel Lights v14rc2
In three stages learn to identify vessels by their lights (fromallangles).
Maths at Sea PLUS 2.0.1
This maths course is for students undertaking OOW or higherSTCWcertification
Simpleng: Учить английский 6.0.0
Useful materials for learning English without the Internet.
Maritime Signal Flags FREE 2.2
ih Games
Maritime Signal Flags is an app that allowsyouto know, study and learn the meaning of the naval flags, knownasthe international nautical code.In the application are also available on quiz to testyourpreparation (maybe in preparation for the nauticallicense).TO REMOVE THE BANNER ADVERTISING AND SUPPORT THE DEVELOPER,YOUCAN BUY THE VERSION WITH PAYMENT!Languages ​​available: English, Italian.
Английский язык - "полиглот". 1.34
Изучение иностранных языков в современном мире ужедавнопревратилосьиз увлекательного хобби впрофессиональнуюнеобходимость. Обучениедолжно и может бытьинтересным! Мобильноеприложение для Android«Английский язык –полиглот» поможетдобиться заметного прогресса визучениианглийского языка задостаточно короткий срок. Оно идеальноподходиттем, чей уровеньвладения языка равен нулю. Установитьприложение насвой смартфонбудет полезно и тем, кто хочет регулярнопрактиковатьязыковыенавыки. Самоучитель английского языка нацеленнаэффективное иувлекательное обучение. После прохождения курсавыполучите базовыезнания грамматики, сможете выстраиватьлогическиправильныепредложения и свободно общаться на несложныебытовыетемы.Лексическая база приложения расширяется по мерепрохождениякурса.Уже выученные слова регулярно повторяютсявпоследующихупражнениях, что не даёт вам позабытьпройденныйматериал. Крометого, у вас всегда есть возможностьвернуться квыполненнымзаданиям и улучшить предыдущий уровень.Приятный имаксимальнопонятный интерфейс позволяет с легкостьюпользоватьсяприложениемне только взрослым, но и школьникам.Английский длядетей черезприложение станет превосходной помощью восвоениишкольнойпрограммы. Возможности приложения: • 16 полноценныхуроковсразносторонними заданиями, направленными наизучениеграмматики,новых слов и их дальнейшее использованиевконструированиипредложений. • 2 раздела «Учимся говорить» и«Учимслова». • Вконце каждого урока вас ждет тестирование,котороепомогает оценитьуспешность усвоения материала. За каждоезадание вызарабатываетебаллы. Минимальный порог для перехода кновому уроку -4 балла. •Приложение постоянно улучшается идополняется новымивозможностями.Учитываются многие отзывы,замечания, пожеланияпользователей •Доступна функция озвучиванияслов и предложений. •Короткое и ясноеобъяснение теоретическогоматериала. • Возможностьустного вводаслов и предложений дляпроверки и улучшенияпроизношения. В основеобучающей технологиилежит методикаизвестного лингвиста ипереводчика Д.Ю. Петрова. Онявляется авторомэффективного курса«Полиглот, английский за 16часов». Высокуюрезультативность егоподхода оценили российскиезвезды театра и киново времяодноименного шоу на канале «Культура».Помимо этого, вприложениииспользованы материалы книги Д. Петрова«Английский языкза 16часов». Разговорный английский у пользователейтренируется изасчет использования аутентичных источников «EnglishGrammar inUse».Английский язык для начинающих доступен в платнойибесплатнойверсиях. P.S. Заранее приношу всем свои извинения заточтообновления выходят не так часто как хотелосьбы,ввидузагруженности на основной работе. Однако проектбросатьнесобираюсь и новые версии буду выкладывать по мере ихготовности.
Denizci Sözlük 1.0
Denizciler ve denizle ilgili meslekleriçinİngilizce - Türkçe sözlük. Denizcilik ile ilgili 5000kelimebarındıran bu sözlük girilen son harf içinbayraklarıdagöstermektedir.Turgut Kıran Denizcilik Yüksek Okulu için özel hazırlandı.English forSeafarersrelated to your profession and also - Turkish dictionary.Thisdictionary contains 5000 words related to maritime flagstoindicate the last letter entered. Turgut Kiran Marine private was prepared for High School.
Writing at Sea 1.0.0
Get to grips with the fundamentals ofwrittenEnglish including report writing, formal letters andgrammaressentials. This course is tailor made for the maritimesector withexamples, assignments, and tests using familiarseafaring languageand imagery.Writing@Sea helps you to:- Organise ideas and express them with confidence- Draft written reports, letters and email- Identify common mistakes made with apostrophes, spellingandpunctuationThe course is authored by a specialist English tutor withawealth of experience as an external assessor for the mainexaminingbodies. It's hosted and promoted by the Marine Societywhich aimsto be the first in learning and personal developmentforseafarers.This App is a free download however you will need to purchasealicense (£15) from The Marine Society to access.
Maine Maritime Academy Mobile 2.4
Connect with Maine Maritime Academy on-the-go with theofficialcollege app.
Dicionário Naval 1.2.0
Dicionário com definições e ilustraçõesdetermos navais.Permite aos usuários sugerir correções das definições ou sugerirumanova palavra com sua definição.Dictionary definitionsandnaval terms of illustrations.It allows users to suggest corrections settings or suggest anewword with its definition.
MARPOL 73/78 Consolidated 2015 1.02
MARPOL, Commentary on Mobile applicationismeant to make available updated MARPOL document at yourfingertipsas a reference material without the need to be online.Itseasy-to-use features are a stepping stone to makingimportantlegislative material available whenever required through amobilephone. It is going to be updated as and when required.Marpol was conceived and delivered under 'Tacit' methodofacceptance and has proven to be a potent force in the fightforcleaner seas, irrespective of various criticism fromdifferentparties, there is no doubt that there has beensignificantreduction of pollution emanating from ships in the lastthreedecades.This App involves InApp Purchase which is a yearlysubscription.All updates during this subscription will be free.
Oceanography Dictionary : Ocea 1.1.7
Know the physical & biological depth of sea withOceanographyDictionary app.
Rules Of the Road 1.3
This R.O.R. Mobile application has beendevisedto assist Educators, Navigators and Students appearingforexaminations as a ready reference, self-help tool andoperationalinstruction manual for the safe and operationalworthiness of theseafaring community in the world.It includes Day & Night Signals displayed by vessels as wellasthe Buoyage systems and Alphabetical numeral flags andtheirmeanings.Following features have been incorporated:1) Sound signals as heard out at sea.2) Flashing lights displayed as required by the Collisionavoidancerules.3) Buoyage system with flashing lights4) Light Characteristics as displayed by various light houses,buoysetc.5) Self test. At the end of each self test a candidate will getascore to assess his/her progress.6) General Principles of IALA buoyage system7) Flag etiquetteYou can even send us an email with suggestions, criticismetcdirectly from the application home page provided your handsetisconfigured to send emails. Just CLICK on the web address and amailbox opens. Type your message and SEND. We will promptlyevaluateyour input and make the appropriate updates. Thank you inadvancefor your feedback.BHANDARKAR PUBLICATIONS,
How to say it in English 1.0.1
Данная программа поможет выучитьанглийскийязыклегко и с удовольствием. Вы научитесь строитьпредложениялюбойстепени сложности, правильно писать слова, фразы идажедумать наанглийском! Функция подсказки помогает сделатьпроцессобученияпростым и приятным.This program willhelptolearn English easily and with pleasure. You learntoconstructsentences of any complexity, how to write words,phrases,and eventhink in English! Feature tips helps make thelearningprocess easyand enjoyable.
Boating Free 2.4
Acquire, Practice, Improve Boating Knowledge withBOATINGapplication.
Deniz Ticaret Sözlüğü 2.0
Argede Mobile
Deniz Ticaret Deyimleri sözlüğü,Denizişletmeciliği, sigorta, kiralama, brokerlik, denizhukukukonularında önemli deyimleri ve ticarette kullanılankısaltmalarıaçıklar. Deniz ticareti ile ilgilenen her profesyonelelazım olur.sahibi. Kaptan Münip BAŞ www.turkishmaritime.comStatements GlossaryofMerchant Marine, Marine management, insurance, leasing,brokerage,law of the sea issues important statements and explainstheabbreviations used in trade. Each professional is interestedinmaritime trade have. owner. Captain Mü
Cheers Works
ITU GİMDER applications at the service of shipbuilding andmaritimeindustry.
English at Sea 2.0.2
The award winning @Sea series adds English@Sea to the coursesonoffer.