Top 19 Games Similar to Tap White Tiles Will Die

单机麻将 1.38
完美单机版麻将1,支持2.2以上的android手机,屏幕最小要在480*800以上(320*480也可玩,效果差些),高效性能,省电2,支持单机游戏,无需登录,无需注册直接游戏3,超强人工智能,高超的出牌技巧,为玩家提供了强劲的对手4,精美画面Mahjongperfectstand-alone version1, support android phone 2.2 and above, the minimum screen inmorethan 480 * 800 (320 * 480 also playable, less effective),highperformance, energy saving2, support single game, no login, no registration directly tothegame3, super artificial intelligence, superb skills of the cards,givesplayers a strong opponent4, beautiful picture
主公別戳我-放置型三國RPG 1.0.7
三國放置RPG遊戲,顛覆性的放置類遊戲。遊戲可以招募武將,收集寶物。**休閒小遊戲,玩家只要輕鬆放置PLAY,沒有網路也可以掛機的RPG**英明神武的主公,成就霸王之路的捷徑已經打開,您只需簡單的點點點,英雄美人,神技寶物,盡收囊中,這還不是全部,當您厭倦了無聊的點擊之後,您會發現原來您就寢之時,猛將們依然會替您征戰四方,蕩寇除魔,您只需在養精蓄銳之後,清點戰利即可,當您覺得莽夫們功高蓋主之時,您又會發現只有您禦駕親征,除魔之路才能勢如破竹。20多種稀世寶物供您使用30多名三國名將由您差遣40多張精美場景候您遠征50多種異界魔物等您掃蕩Place threeRPGgames,subversive placement games. Games can recruitgenerals,collecttreasures.** Casual games, players relaxed place PLAY, no networkcanalsohook RPG **Lord brilliant achievement King of the road shortcut isalreadyopen,you simply little point, Yingxiongmeiren,nirvanatreasures,collected in the bag, that's not all, when you'retiredof boringclick after you will find that the time you go tobed,they willstill be for you valiant campaign Quartet, PlasticCityslayer, youneed to recharge your batteries after, inventorytrophythen, whenyou feel when Mangfu they Gonggaogaizhu Lord Youwillfind thatonly you Yu Jia foreign crusades, slayer of theroadtogangbusters.20 kinds of rare treasures for you to useMore than 30 three star sent by yourMore than 40 sheets of fine scene waiting your expedition50 kinds outsider monster waiting for you sweep
斗地主单机Q版 2.3.2
斗地主单机Q版,是一款倍受大众欢迎的单机扑克游戏,抛弃了以往斗地主需要使用网络的条件,无需登录、无需注册、下载即可开始游戏,免费体验游戏的全部功能。斗地主单机Q版拥有强大的电脑AI,用户习惯参照QQ欢乐斗地主,富有乐趣性和挑战性,人工智能(AI)超过市场任何单机斗地主,游戏过程中会根据用户等级稍稍上调难度。界面美观大方,符合用户习惯的界面设计,模拟现实发牌规则,广受用户欢迎的斗地主游戏,等待你来挑战。Landlords Qstandaloneversion, is a stand-alone much popular poker games,abandoned theprevious Landlords need to use the network conditions,no login, noregistration, download to start the game, free toexperience thefull functionality of the game.Landlords stand-alone version of Q has a strong computer AI,usersaccustomed to referring to QQ Landlords joy, full of funandchallenging, artificial intelligence (AI) than any singlemarketLandlords, the game will slightly increase the difficultylevel ofthe user. Elegant interface, consistent user interface usedtodesign, simulate reality licensing rules, widely welcomed byusersLandlords game, waiting for you to challenge.
FunGames Plus
单机泡泡龙 1.0
单机泡泡龙一款经典的泡泡游戏,全新的UI设计,画面精致美观,大量的关卡设计,经典好玩,不消耗任何流量。A classic BubbleBobblesingle game, the new UI design, picture refined aesthetic, alargenumber of level design, classic fun, do not consumeanytraffic.
Bubble Journey 1.0.1
Most insteresting bubblepuzzlegamecomes!Use wisdom to defeat the Bubble and collect snowflake!Throw bubbles and match colors to pop,drop your waytovictory!Bubble Journey is now available for Android phones and tablets!Features:* Multiple levels of challenging puzzles.* Easy to play, but challenging.* Cheerful animations and playful music.* can play offline.* Google global rankings.* Multiple ways to share.* Various props, special effects design.Throw bubbles,to reach the target score and gathertogetherthetarget element.Well done,Bubble Journey! Unlimited Interesting iswaitingforyour!Play Bubble Journey today with your friends,and justenjoyit!
Candy Smash 10.0.8
Lovely Game
Connect colorful lines of candies to solve compelling levels!
單機遊戲連連看 3.5.30
經典的連連看單機小遊戲,但是不再休閒而是更加刺激,更具有挑戰性。通過不斷的努力從而獲取最高的分數!ClassictheLianliankanstandalone game, but no longer leisure but moreexcitingand morechallenging. Through continuous efforts in order togainthehighest score!
時空獵人OL 4.00
你的手機裡,一直都缺少一款像樣的格鬥遊戲……到今天為止!風靡全球的橫版格鬥之王,「Space Hunter(時空獵人)」全新改版!新職業;‘貓耳萌娘’萌動出擊!新技能;120種招式自由搭配,再掀格鬥狂潮!新玩法;個人競技挑戰賽激烈開戰。冠軍稱號等你加冕!很能打?那就來單挑吧! √ 多語言版全球累計下載超1200萬次,KitGuru評分五星級,被譽為手機版「DNF」√ 官方國際正體中文版,超高壓縮比,容量僅35MB√ 完全免費【免註冊:奇米會員帳號直接玩】 必備知識★ 每一隻怪物,都超愛你充滿誘惑的背影★ 手感超靈敏,所以請不要太大力按螢幕★ 競技很公正,操控的重要性遠超過衝裝★ 公頻免緊盯,隨機副本隨時開打太過癮★ 硬直與無敵,前輩們說卡踏摔過才學會 遊戲特性★ 最穩定 —— 無視網路強度,永無延遲★ 最順滑 —— 面板一手操控,流暢勁爆★ 最豐富 —— 連環副本設定,多線劇情★ 最平衡 —— 沒有無敵職業,只拼技巧★ 最輕鬆 —— 五分鐘戰一場,隨時開打 粉絲專頁 巴哈姆特哈拉區: 適配機型:系統版本:安卓2.2及以上系統解析度:320*480以上解析度 ★ 最穩定線上格鬥 ★格鬥當然單機最順,流暢又勁爆,但是AI打上幾百次也會厭。玩OLG網路格鬥與好友約戰,又要怕Lag,超煩網路不穩定! 玩「時空獵人」,Online戰鬥不受網路信號強度影響!優化資料壓縮方法與通信協議,保證連線品質,兼有自研次世代遊戲引擎,兼容主流智慧型手機機型,保證遊戲即時流暢度,視覺效果超華麗,讓你爽爽爽翻天!超好玩快打遊戲,盡在人氣首選「時空獵人」! ★ 最爽快觸控打擊 ★↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C … 不錯玩遊戲一定要這樣?看起來很酷,但在手機上就完全是痛楚! 玩「時空獵人」,告別單一繁瑣操作!專為觸控式螢幕精心設計的全觸控操作,指點拖拽滑動一個都不能少,真正的智慧型手機線上格鬥,像切水果一樣的滑動手勢發動必殺技,彈彈手指就可以釋放出全螢幕的華麗技能,比2D電玩更絢麗,比3D電動更流暢! ★ 最豐富連環副本 ★副本關卡一個連一個,打完只剩刷刷刷?劇情單線跑到底,對話從來懶得看? 玩「時空獵人」,體驗最豐富副本!遊戲世界存在遞進層級主線支線關係,劇情更加豐富多彩,人性化任務體系,連環副本獎勵翻倍,離線掛機也有點數拿,角色自由養成,萌Q帥氣角色完全日系風格,新增角色近期即將登場,不是限時免費,而是永久免費! ★ 最平衡競技體系 ★超級台戰1V10!超級台戰單殺王!超級台戰一人滅掉整個軍團!超級台戰,再見! 熱門格鬥遊戲的精髓就在於意識與操作,在「時空獵人」中更是精髓所在,操控不過關,衝裝衝再兇,也打不過真正的高手!超高壓縮比,容量Mini内容卻超強悍,多種線上交互模式,獲多家媒體編輯推薦精選好評,如同RPG般的角色扮演玩法令你欲罷不能! ★ 最輕鬆遊戲玩法 ★一個副本要打三小時?太瞎!好友不在線上無法組隊?太悶! 玩「時空獵人」,體驗最輕鬆遊戲玩法。遊戲僅僅佔用玩家的小憩時間,一局戰鬥僅需五分鐘,讓您隨時隨地都可以體驗最爽快最休閒格鬥!另有非強制線上交互體系,每天都有好康奉送,最新最有趣最刺激的多人線上格鬥「時空獵人」,捷運打發時間遊戲首選!保護級:六歲以上之人始得使用。粉絲專頁 巴哈姆特哈拉區:本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔15級本遊戲含有女性上半身裸露、不殘虐的血腥、殘暴畫面;本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。
對對碰單機遊戲 2.9.16
可愛的對對碰單機小遊戲,當三個相同的圖標,連成一橫線或豎線時就會消除並且得分。每次遊戲都有一個目標分數,在規定的時間內達到目標分數後遊戲勝利,否則遊戲失敗,每次遊戲默認提供一個時間道具使用一次可增加10秒鐘,道具使用完了還可以打開背包進入商城獲取更多額外的道具,合理的使用道具功能,將會幫助你闖過更多目標分數哦~ 趕緊試試看咯!Kind of cutesinglegame,when the same three icons, and even into a horizontalorverticalline will be eliminated, and when the score.Each game has a target score to reach the target scoreafterthevictory in the game within the stipulated time, otherwisethegamefails,Each game offers a default time of 10 seconds to increase theuseofprops once,Over the use of props can also open the backpack into the malltogetmore extra props,Rational use of props feature will help you get past thetargetscoremore quickly try slightly oh!
Tap Clicker 13
BEST CLICKER GAME EVAR. Tap, Tap, Tap,JustTap!Your finger hurts, Headache and Your Eyes sore but you can'tstoptapping, clicking and growing your heroes.Tap swiftly towards your goal, along with increasingly boostsandbuild billions of heroes and destroy mountains"my hands cramped...and fingers seized up" - TouchArcade
Heroes of Defence 2.09
90123 Mobile
★★In the legend, there was a hero classnamedMaster of defense, they led other heroes to uphold justiceanddefend the wall with consummate skills. At the chaotic timethatmagic thieves rose everywhere, the Master of defense protectedthelast pure land.★★After thousands of years, magic thieves are coming back againnow!But this time, only the one who get the name of legendaryMaster ofdefense can fight against the strong attacks from magicthievesarmy!【Game intro】★★Original combination of "fun single eliminationandcontrollable attack and cute tower defense"★★Passing massive hurdles bravely, and meet adorablemonsters.You'll be dauntless with the lead of magic.★★Lead the strongest league of legends, and feel the guidance ofthequeen.★★Challenge the fun achievements, earn big rewards.Welcome to the latest, coolest casual game to eliminateandfight!【Game features】1. Cute tower defense with diverting elimination gameplay!2. Super league of heroes fightback!3. Upgrade equipment to get extreme fighting capacity!4. Combo attacks, power explodes!5. Massive hurdles, the final fight is coming soon!6. Cool magic attack with various powerful defensive cannon!7. Excitement continues, big rewards everyday!【Contact us】Email:[email protected]:
唯舞獨尊 行動版 gametower 1.1.9
歡迎遊玩唯舞獨尊行動版,若您在使用上有任何建議、反應請利用此連結: 風靡全球800萬華人 舞蹈遊戲第1品牌 =√√ 華人音樂遊戲始祖,收錄最多、最新的中英日韓流行歌曲!√√ 音樂節奏遊戲、魚缸、社群互動,一網打盡所有豐富內容!√√ 挑戰你的指尖靈活度,華麗的場景給你最獨到的視覺饗宴!√√ 百萬玩家強力推薦,一機在手,隨時隨地飆音樂、交朋友!= 唯舞獨尊行動版 遊戲特色 =※※遊戲結合PC版泡泡及點點的玩法模式,隨時隨地欣賞最多、最夯的流行歌曲!※※與遊戲的魚缸系統連動,可以在APP中進行買賣魚、餵食、撿寶等動作,出門不怕魚缸內的魚沒吃飽!※※一機在手不怕冷落了線上的好友,隨時隨地想聊就聊,「唯舞獨尊」的好友動態一手掌握!更多精采內容請上唯舞獨尊行動版官網:依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法,本軟體分類為:輔12級Welcome to play onlydanceonly for mobile, if you have any suggestions on the useofreactionPlease use this link: Rage 8,000,000 Chinese dance game brand = 1√ √ ancestor of Chinese music game, included most of theUnitedKingdom, Japan and Korea the latest pop!√ √ music rhythm games, aquarium, community interaction, acleansweep of all the rich content!√ √ challenge your fingertips flexibility, gorgeous scene togiveyou the most unique visual feast!√ √ millions of players strongly recommended, a machine inhand,disco music anytime, anywhere, to make friends!= Only dance only mobile version of the game features =※ ※ PC version of the game combined with little bubbles andplaymodes, up to enjoy anytime, anywhere, for hot pop!※ ※ tank systems and games linked, can be traded in the APPinfish, feeding, picking up treasure and other actions, is notafraidto go inside the aquarium fish did not eat!※ ※ A phone line is not afraid neglected friends, anytime wanttotalk to talk, "the only dance only" friends moving in onehand!More exciting content, please Dancing Online Mobile ontheofficial website: Game Software hierarchical management approach, thesoftwareis classified as: auxiliary 12
明星志願 - 星之守護<暖暖星夢∞愛無限> 1.9.9
Treasure Looter 1.5.8
What's the definition aboutRPG?Yes,farming,leveling and refining for equipments.So now, that will be all about our new project,"Treasure Looter".*Feature*There are three classic classes for player to choose:Warrior, specializes in close combat fight but weakatflying-typemobs.Archer, the one who can fight against flying-type mobseasily,butweak at ground-type enemy.Sorcerer, skillful with area attack, but need timetospelling.Since players are able to change classes anytime when notinbattlescene, it is free to pick any class whencreatecharacters.The ability of player's equipment equals tothecharacter'sstrength. Players can refine the weapon, armororaccessory tolevel 30. Which means even a novice's gear canreachthe sameability with advance gear when refines to level30.The way to earn gold is from mob drops and sell them totheshop.Players can buy the different equipments to dressuptheircharacters. Of course, mobs will drop equipments, too.The bar offers the way for players to share theircharacterstoothers. Players can hire other players' charactertofighttogether. Players can also earn some commission fromsomeoneelsewhen your character was recruited.There are five chapters (ten stages in eachchapter)withdifferent themes and types of mobs. After theses, therewillhavethe challenge stage-The Abyss in daily quest. Just needtobewareof those mobs' powerful strength. You'll get points(PT)whenpassthe daily quest, it will raise player's rank inrankinglist.---------------------Welcome to visit our FB if any problem or comment :)
SuperAsteroid 1.21
Play SuperAsteroid like neverbefore.We'veredesigned the whole game from scratch, keep up oldcontentandadded new at the same time. We celebrating more than 1yearofawesome gameplay!Drag, aim - Shoot! Throw the asteroids into thecontainertounlock new levels and be the best.Collect achievements and reach the top oftheworldwideleaderboard.Discover the new adventures, levels, design andfunctionsofSuperAsteroid.Enjoy hours of funny gameplay. You can play alone or withfriendstocompare who is better and will reach the highscore -forfree!SuperAsteroid - Features- worldwide leaderboard for all player- Funny gameplay for every age- Unlock new features, levels and content- more than 30 levels- free to playQuestions, problems or ideas? Feel free to get in touchwithus:[email protected] for everyone playing or supportSuperAsteroidandKHAppSoftware.This translation was written by KHAppSoftware!________________________________________________________________________________KHAppSoftware is a indie game developer team from Germany.Wearea team of developer and graphic-artists.Visit our website: http://www.KevinHubert.deLike on Facebook: & CREDITSThis games use graphics or modified graphics madebyJohnEngelbrecht Madsen. Thanks for you awesome cooperation.This game use graphics or modified graphics releasedbyUnityTechnologies licensed under the Apache License, Version2.0.Youmay obtain a copy of theLicenseat original graphics can befoundhere:!/content/18684Unity3D and Unity are trademarks or registered trademarksofUnityTechnologies, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
眾神之怒 1.7.2
RenRen Games
顛覆魔幻手遊鉅作,黑暗與光明的終極决鬥!「眾神之怒」繁中版震撼現世,全民英雄總動員!「眾神之怒」採用目前最先進的Unity3D引擎開發,豪華夢幻般的遊戲場景再現眾神之怒!流暢的操作界面,即時戰鬥的表現形式讓玩傢體驗前所未有的戰鬥係統!以神話為故事背景,富有激情的作戰樂趣,帶你進入混沌般的世界!四大職業介紹泰坦族:為希臘神話為揹景的種族-崇尚秩序-職業-聖堂軒轅族:為脩仙為揹景的種族-崇尚自然-職業-弓手尼羅組:為埃及神話為揹景的種族-崇尚魔法-職業-法師蚩尤族:為上古神為揹景的種族-崇尚力量-職業-戰士遊戲特點Unity 3D引擎,遊戲畫麵流暢細膩,3D效果幻境錶現的淋灕儘緻。千餘個任務,讓你體驗最真實的故事情節。即時戰鬥係統,讓你體驗零等待直接進入打鬥。寵物昇級係統,技能由你來加,不同加點展現你的個性。界麵簡潔,易操控,新人入手性極強。Facebook粉絲頁: themagichandtravel giant, dark and light ultimate duel! "Wrath oftheGods"Traditional Chinese version of shock secular, nationalheroStory!"Wrath of the Gods," using the most advancedUnity3Denginedevelopment, luxury fantastic game scene reproductionWrathof theGods! Smooth user interface, real-time combatmanifestationsofallowing the player to experience an unprecedentedbattlesystem!In mythology as the background story, fun combatpassionate,takeyou into a world of chaos like!Four Employment AgenciesTitans: Greek mythology as the background for the race-advocatingorder - Occupation - ChurchRegulus family: ethnic background for the Cultivation -respectfornature - Occupation - ArcherNile Group: Egyptian mythology as the background for therace-advocating Magic - Career - MasterChi family: God as the background for the ancient race-advocatingforce - occupation - WarriorGame FeaturesUnity 3D engine, the game screen is smooth and delicate,3Deffectsfantasy performance of the head.More than a thousand tasks, allowing you to experiencethemostrealistic storyline.Real-time combat system that allows you to experiencezerowaitdirectly into the fighting.Allowed to upgrade the system, skills you to add, addalittledifferent to show your personality.Interface is simple and easy to manipulate,newstart-resistance.Facebook fan page:
疯狂戳你妹 1.0
戳你妹预警:亲,请小心保管好的你的手机,游戏时,不要太过用力,戳坏手机屏幕可不能怪游戏哟~界面风格类似:别踩白块儿,一个都不能死,十分简洁,但又有着很虐心的玩法,免费单机游戏,安装包也不大,即刻下载下来玩玩就知道狠不狠。可分享成绩到朋友圈和朋友比拼成绩,看谁是戳屏高手,但又没有把屏幕给戳坏!戳你妹即刻开始吧~Poke yoursisterwarning:pro, please take good care of your cell phone good,thegame, nottoo hard, like poking a bad phone screen can not blamethegame yo~ interface style: Do not step on the white pieces, onecannotdie, very simple, but has a very child playcenter,freestand-alone game, the installation package is notlarge,instantlydownload and play hard is not hard to know. Circleoffriends toshare the results to friends and competitionresults,poke thescreen to see who is the master, but did not putthe screento pokebad! Immediately started poking your sister~
疯狂看图猜电影 1.0.4
如果你是个电影迷,如果你喜欢看电影,那就赶紧来玩疯狂看图猜电影吧。无需联网,单机畅玩,最好玩的娱乐休闲类游戏。回味电影,重温感动与欢乐,海量精彩电影和剧照,不断更新中。疯狂热度不减,猜图依然疯狂。史上最好玩的单机游戏。免费即可通关,更优丰富多彩的道具帮助你快速通关。遇到不会的可以通过微信,微博,qq等求助好友。跟你的好友一起疯狂猜猜看吧。If you are a moviefan,ifyou like to watch movies, play crazy plug itquicklyguessmovie.Without networking, single smooth play, the mostfunrecreationalgame.Memorable movies, relive touched with joy, wonderfulmoviesandstills massive, constantly updated. Crazy alive, stillcrazyguessFig. The history of the most fun single game.Free to customs clearance, better variety of props to helpyoufasttrack.Can not be met through the micro-letters, microblogging,qq, a friend.Together with your friends crazy guess and see.