Top 3 Apps Similar to Manage My Incontinence

Incontinence Help 2.0
Dusko Savic
Try to relieve incontinence by using alternative medicinemethodsfrom this app.
My Multiple Sclerosis Diary 1.3
The app tracks the injection sites automatically and manage stockofinjections. It can be used for people with multiple sclerosisthatare using Copaxone, Avonex, Rebif or other injectablemedicines likeInsulin. This application can be beneficial topeople with multiplesclerosis (MS), diabetes, or other medicalconditions. Just fill outa quick and simple registration and willhave access to: * Alarm forremoving the medicinal product from therefrigerator ; (Optional) *Alarm for the injection and their localbody area where theinjection should be given; (Optional) *Notifications for when youare approaching the date of the end onyour stock of medicines;(Optional) * Notepad to write down yourconsultations, medicationdetails and any other situation you don'twant to forget; The app atthis time only works for medication thatare taken daily, once aweek or static days of the week. Email ifyou have any questions orsuggestions.
Manage My Headache 1.3
Manage My Headache is best applicationwithadvanced reporting features. This Headache Tracker andTreatmentapplication is all about keeping record of yourheadachesand migraines. With each headache and migraines you canrecord howsevere the headache was and when it happened/ ended, aswell aswhat type of headache, locations of the headache pain,effects ofheadache on life, possible causes of headache, anymedicationstaken and if they provided relief. This diary app alsohas detailedreports along with graphs with option to share withyour healthcareprovider.Interesting feature is to add your own medicines, effectsofheadaches on your life, possible causes and location ofheadaches,automated headache evaluation/test. Manage My Headacheapp alsoprovides treatment feature to take appropriate actionagainstheadache.Pro features of Manage My Headache Diary include detailedreportbased on automated headache test and treatment of headacheswithBinaural mix of Delta Brain Waves based on Dr. LeonardHorowitz'shealing frequency.MANAGE MY HEADACHE LITE FEATURES:☆ Record ongoing and past headaches / migraines☆ Keep track of Date, Time and Duration of Headaches, PainLevel,Headache Types, Effect of Headache, Causes, MedicationTaken,Headache Location☆ Notes about headaches to keep track of food, mood, detailforassistance of doctor☆ Acts like a migraine journal that helps to identifymigrainetriggers like stress, lack of sleep, menstruation etc☆ Option to add new medicines, effects on headaches, possiblecause,location of headache☆ Automated Headache Evaluation Test (Yes or No)☆ Quick way to skip test and resume at a later time☆ Headache Log History by Date☆ Test History by DateUPGRADE: MANAGE MY HEADACHE PRO FEATURES:☆ Animated Summary Graphs: Pain Level vs Dates☆ Headache Short Summary Report☆ Detailed Test results☆ Tests time line history with 1st, 2nd and 3rd dominant symptomsofheadaches☆ Animated graph of dominant symptoms of headaches based on thetestresult☆ Brain waves treatment based on Dr. Leonard Horowitz'shealingfrequency☆ Detailed Reports in PDF that can be shared with yourdoctorsThis diary app can be an effective headache diary, usefulforheadache tracking, headache journal, migraine log,migrainetracker, migraine diary, migraine journal, migraine app,migrainerelief, headache relief, headache prevention andstoppingheadaches.Download Manage My Headache and start living a happier andhealthierlife today!