Top 21 Games Similar to SOMOSFUT

SOCCER iD 2.0.6
All about your soccer team.
Bracket Maker & Tournament App 1.2.5
The best league organizer app for tournament manager andbracketcreator
Crear Liga de Futbol 6.0.0
Versión reducida de Tú Compites App. Sitegusta esta "demo" puedes instalar la versión completa(gratuita)buscando en Play Store Tú Compites App sin que por ellopierdasninguna información grabada como usuari@ registrad@ en estaversiónreducida. Esta versión reducida permite:Registrarte en la B.D. de Tu Compites App para no perdertuinformación de rendimiento deportivo si decides instalar enalgúnmomento la versión completa de la App.Crear y administrar ligas de pádel de forma gratuita.Llevar un control del rendimiento personal mediante un históricodeestadísticas y resultados.Permite saber las últimas noticias deportivas.Permite publicar para la inscripción de jugadores/as tus torneosoligas poniéndose en contacto con el desarrollador.Permite publicar resultados directamente en Facebook.Pincha en Play Store en el video promocional y encontrarásnuestrocanal de Yuotube de Tu Compites donde puedes consultar losvideostutoriales para sacar el mayor rendimiento a la App.Reduced version of YouYoucompete App. If you like this "demo" You can install the full(free)version you looking at Play Store App You compete withouttherebylose any information recorded as a registered user @ @ inthisshortened version. This version allows reduced:Sign in B. D. You compete in Your App to keep yourathleticperformance information if you decide at some point toinstall thefull version of the App.Create and manage leagues paddle for free.Keep track of staff performance through historical statisticsandresults.Lets find out the latest sports news.It allows publishing for the registration of players / asyourtournaments or leagues by contacting the developer.It allows publishing results directly on Facebook.Click on Play Store in the promotional video and find our channelTuyuotube You compete where you can view the tutorial videos togetthe most out of the App.
Fixture Maker 1.0
Kuark Dijital
Fixture Maker, when you play console football games orpcfootballgames with your friends, you arrange league bythisapplication.You can create league or tournament with many teamsyouwant.
Tournament Creator
No more excuses to continue organizingyourtournaments of FIFA, PES or any other sport on sheets of paperormobile's notes:- Create, save and retrieve a tournament in an instant.- Clear and intuitive interface.- Autosave state tournament each round.- Random Playoffs.- Groups Stage.- Share on Facebook- In constant development.We continue working to implement additional functions bothassocial, for it is your reference application when you wanttoorganize a tournament with friends. Any suggestion or bugiswelcome, hope your feedbacks.
Terni League 4.1.8
Terni League is the App disegned to enjoy your competitions.
Tournament Organizer 1.0
T.O. allows easy management of Knockout tournaments and RoundRobinleagues.
LEVERADE - Real Play 3.6.1
Follow competitions and championships. Organize friendlygames.YOUMAKE THE GAME
versus tournament 4.3.0
Tournament app for elimination, round-robin, king of the hill&team tournaments
Tournament Manager 1.3.16
Create and manage your own tournaments.
Tournament Manager 1.30.1
The application manages perfectly sporting results 3.0.4
Porgoleada es una herramienta que te ayudaráaorganizar y jugar partidos de fútbol con amigos y gente detulocalidad.- Puedes organizar o participar de partidos de 5 vs. 5 / 6 vs. 6 /7vs. 7 / 8 vs. 8 / 9 vs. 9 / 10 vs. 10 / 11 vs. 11.- Un día antes de jugar y el mismo día se enviarán notificacionesalos jugadores.- Puedes llamar a la cancha.- Chat individual y de grupos de cada partido- Listado y perfiles de tuscontactos- Valorar las características individuales de cada jugador ydelestablecimiento en el que juegas.- Encontrar otros jugadores de tu localidad.- Recibir notificaciones de la actividad de tus amigos.- La aplicación no almacena nada en tu móvil, pesa tan solo2MB.Porgoleada is a toolthatwill help you organize and play football with friends andpeople inyour locality.- You can organize or participate in games 5 vs. 5/6 vs. 6/7 vs.7/8vs. 8/9 vs. 9/10 vs. 10/11 vs. eleven.- One day before the day playing and notifications will be senttoplayers.- You can call the court.- Individual and group chat each party- List and profiles tuscontactos- Assess the individual characteristics of each player andtheestablishment in which you play.- Find other players from your area.- Receive notifications of your friends' activity.- The application does not store anything on your phone, weighsonly2 MB.
Liga Nacional Fut7 5.0.0
Aplicativo criado com a intenção de facilitaraorganização dos campeonatos e facilicar a comunicação entreosorganizadores para levar mais informações para os atletas e paraopúblico que acompanha futebol amador.ClassificaçãoJogo OnlineTabela de JogosLista de ArtilheirosKeywords: futebol, amador, fut7, campeonatos, liga,torneio,jogador, competições, atleta, torcida, timeApplication createdwiththe intention to facilitate the organization of championshipsandfacilicar communication between the organizers to bringmoreinformation to athletes and the public accompanyingamateurfootball.ClassificationOnline gameTable GamesScorers ListKeywords: football, amateur, Fut7, championships,league,tournament, player, competition, athlete, fans, team
Tournament & league manager 4.2.6
Organise tournaments, manage leagues: create brackets,tables,standings, games
Tú Compites App 3.0.0
Tú Compites es una App gratis y permitelacreación, gestión y administración de torneos y ligas dediferentesdeportes a nivel aficionado a través de la tecnologíamóvil. Los/asusuarios/as pueden auto-gestionar sus competicionespues lespermite grabar y actualizar sus resultados yclasificaciones entiempo real con el ahorro de trabajo que ello lesupone a losorganizadores/as de torneos, ligas, tours, etc....Permite registrar los resultados para el control delrendimientopersonal a lo largo del tiempo. También ofrece consejosparacompetir a un mayor nivel e informa de torneos y ligas enprocesode inscripción para toda aquella persona que quieraparticipar.Informa de la meteorología, permite leer la prensadeportivanacional e internacional con un solo clic, se puedenpublicarinstalaciones deportivas para alquilar en cada provinciayservicios de monitores y entrenadores. Para anunciarse hayquecontactar con los desarrolladores.Novedades: Esta versión permite la publicación en el murodeFacebook de tu resultado deportivo obtenido en tu liga otorneo(desde la sección "Resultados y Clasificaciones"), o delosresultados de tus partidos amistosos desde la sección"RendimientoPersonal".You You compete is afreeApp and enables the creation, management and administrationoftournaments and leagues of different sports at the amateurlevelthrough mobile technology. The / as users / as canself-managetheir competitions because it allows them to record andupdatetheir results and standings in real time with saving workthat hadassumed the organizers / as tournaments, leagues, tours,etc ... .Allows record results for the control of staff performanceovertime. It also offers advice to compete at a higher levelandreports tournaments and leagues registration process for anyonewhowants to participate.Weather reports, can read national and international sportspresswith a single click, you can publish sports facilities forrent ineach province and services of coaches and trainers. Toadvertisemust contact the developers.New: This version allows the publication in the Facebook wallofyour sports result in your league or tournament (from the"Resultsand Standings"), or the results of your friendly matchesfrom the"Personal Performance" section.
ServerSports Competitions
Follow all the information of the competitions managedwithServerSports
Gestor Liga 2.0
Gestor Ligas es un software onlineygratuitodirigido a organizadores deportivos quenecesitanadministrar,organizar y gestionar sus ligas y torneos.Podrás actualizar en tiempo real todos los datos de tusligasytorneos a través de Internet. Entre sus muchasherramientasGestorLigas permite:- Inscripción pública o privada de equipos y resultados- Emparejamientos automáticos- Estadísticas de partidos- Tablas de goleadores- Red social facebook- Tablón de anuncios- Geolocalización- Y más ...Crea tu cuenta y prueba Gestor Ligas sin compromiso.League Manager isanonlineand free software aimed at sports organizers who needtomanage,organize and manage their leagues and tournaments.You can update in real time all the data of yourleaguesandtournaments over the Internet. Among its many toolsLeagueManagerallows:- Public or private registration teams and results- Automatic Matches- Statistics of matches- Tables scorers- Social network facebook- Bulletin board- Geolocation- And more ...Create your account and test withoutobligationLeagueManager.
Virtual Competition Manager 2.14.0
VCM is ideal for managing your PES / FIFA tournaments withyourfriends.
Info La Liga 2.3.1
Follow the Santander League! Results, classification,notificationsand more.
ForPadel is an app that is based on thesystemof continuous Padel League, all against all, and designedtoorganize the games played outside official tournaments,littleleagues weekend, loose games or championships organized withourfriends. Its handling is very simple but is able to handle thedataof players, pairs, games, matches and, ultimately, everythingthatinvolves creating and organizing the matches from aPadelchampionship. I hope you enjoy it.
The Tournaments Manager v1.9 Android
Manage any kind of tournament. Save your stats and shareonfacebook!