Top 2 Apps Similar to Pet Age Calculator

Dog Age Calculator 1.1
Working out your dog's true age used tobeacase of simply multiplying it by seven. But it'smorecomplicatedthan that, and here's a handy calculator to do itforyou.A recent Magazine feature explained that:Different breeds of dog age at varying speedsDogs age at varying speeds at different stages of their livesWith that in mind, we've built a calculator for you to workoutyourdog's true age - its age in "dog years".Alternatively, you can find out how old you would be if youwereadog. You can choose to be a labrador, a spaniel, a whippet,oranyone of 20 breeds.The calculator uses these multipliers for the first two yearsofadog's life:12.5 for small dogs10.5 for medium-sized dogs9 for large dogsThen, for the third and subsequent years of the dog'slife,eachhuman year has to be multiplied by between 4.3 and13.4years,depending on the breed:Small: Dachshund (Miniature) 4.32, Border Terrier 4.47,LhasaApso4.49, Shih Tzu 4.78, Whippet Medium 5.30, Chihuahua4.87,WestHighland White Terrier 4.96, Beagle 5.20, MiniatureSchnauzer5.46,Spaniel (Cocker) 5.55, Cavalier King Charles 5.77,Pug 5.95,FrenchBulldog 7.65Medium: Spaniel 5.46, Retriever (Labrador) 5.74,GoldenRetriever5.74, Staffordshire Bull Terrier 5.33, Bulldog13.42Large: German Shepherd 7.84, Boxer 8.90The calculator does not work for cross breeds, sadly, butonaveragethese live 1.22 years longer than pure breeds, accordingtoDanO'Neill (from Petts Wood in London...) who isresearchingthesubject for a PhD at the Royal VeterinaryCollege.Source: BBC calculations on data from UK Kennel ClubandUSVeterinary Medical Database
Dog Age Calculator 1.0
Calcular la edad de un perro solíasersencillo:se multiplicaban los años que había vivido por siete yseconsiderabaque el total era el equivalente en años humanos.Sinembargo, comodescubrió el periodista de la BBC Ben Cartercuandomurió su perro,es más complicado.Resulta que no todas las razas envejecen igual y quelosperrosenvejecen a diferentes ritmos en las distintas etapas desusvidas.Fuente: cálculos hechos por la BBC sobre datos delKennelClubbritánico y la base de datos médicos veterinarios deEE.UU.La aplicación usa estos multiplicadores para los primerosdosañosde la vida del perro:12,5 para perros pequeños10,5 para perros medianos9 para perros grandesPara los años siguientes de la vida del perro, cada añotienequeser multiplicado por entre 4,3 y 13,4 años, dependiendodelaraza.Pequeño: Dachshund (Miniatura) 4.32, Border Terrier 4.47,LhasaApso4.49, Shih Tzu 4.78, Whippet Mediano 5.30, Chihuahua4.87,WestHighland White Terrier 4.96, Beagle 5.20, SchnauzerMiniatura5.46,Spaniel (Cocker) 5.55, Cavalier King Charles 5.77,Pug 5.95,BulldogFrancés 7.65Mediano: Spaniel 5.46, Labrador 5.74, GoldenRetriever5.74,Staffordshire Bull Terrier 5.33, Bulldog 13.42Grande: Pastor Alemán 7.84, Boxer 8.90La aplicación sólo funciona para perros de pura raza perolosderaza cruzada viven en promedio 1,22 años más que lospuros,segúnDan O'Neill, de Petts Wood, quien está investigando eltemapara unPhD en el Royal Veterinary College, en Londres.Calculate the age ofadogused to be simple: they multiplied the years he had livedforsevenand it was considered that the total was equivalent inhumanyears.However, as discovered BBC journalist Ben Carter whenherdog, ismore complicated.It turns out that not all races equally and that older dogsageatdifferent rates at different stages of their lives.Source: Calculations by the BBC British Kennel Clubdataanddatabase U.S. veterinariansThe application uses these multipliers for the first twoyearsofthe dog's life:12.5 for small dogs10.5 for medium dogs9 for large dogsFor subsequent years of the dog's life, each year hastobemultiplied by 4.3 to 13.4 years, depending on the breed.Small: Dachshund (Miniature) 4.32, Border Terrier 4.47,4.49LhasaApso, Shih Tzu 4.78, 5.30 Medium Whippet, Chihuahua 4.87,4.96WestHighland White Terrier, Beagle 5.20, 5.46MiniatureSchnauzer,Spaniel (Cocker) 5.55, Cavalier King Charles5.77 , Pug5.95, 7.65French BulldogMedium: Spaniel 5.46, 5.74 Labrador, Golden Retriever5.74,5.33Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Bulldog 13.42Large: 7.84 German Shepherd, Boxer 8.90The app only works for purebred dogs cross breed butliveonaverage 1.22 years more than the pure, according toDanO'Neill,Petts Wood, who is researching the subject for a PhD attheRoyalVeterinary College, in London.