Top 2 Games Similar to Focus - Math Exercise Game

Neuron Gym :Free Brain Trainer 2.1.6
Neuron Gym is a free brain trainingplatformwhich enhances your essential cognitive skills likememory,attention, visual perception, flexibility, problem solvingandprocessing speed. Neuron Gym has in built analytical tools totrackyour performance with time. It is a gym for exercisingyourneurons!With games spread over different categories with eachcategorytargeting a specific cognitive skill Neuron Gym will proveto bethe best workout station for your brain.FEATURES:Free brain training app.Free access to all the games of Neuron GymNeuron Gym is Multilingual- Presently in Arabic, Chinese,French,English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish,Korean,Hindi, Japanese & Turkish.Neuron Gym has 20+ gamesGraphs to show the detailed analysis of your braintrainingperformanceComparison with fellow Neuron Gym users on the basis of Age,Gender& LocationScores converted to standardized ANI (Average Neuron Index)Points out strong and weak areas of your brainPersonalized brain training through workout suggestions.Free Games:Dual Focus: Divided attentionIt helps you to pay attention at multiple things at a timethusenhancing your multitasking ability.Dual Focus Pro: Divided attentionDual Focus Pro helps to master the multitasking ability.Blink:Selective attentionIt is a perfect attention game that helps you perceive elementsofyour surroundings very accurately and quickly.Blink Pro: Selective attentionMastered blink go for the Pro!!Track the route:Working MemoryIt enhances your working as well as navigational memory .Ithelpsyour remember pathways and different routes.Memory Matrix: Spatial memoryIt enhances your spatial memory and enhances your ability torecallan object’s location.Memory Matrix Pro:Spatial memoryIt enhances your spatial memory and enhances your ability torecallan object’s location.Shapes:Visual discriminationIt helps you in making your brain capable of ignoring theredundantdata and at the same time taking up the required data.Dancing balls: Visual relationIt helps you to process information in visual form more easilyandefficiently.Match it:Response inhibitionIt enhances your mental flexibility especially in touch andgodecision making situation.Match it Pro:Response inhibitionTest your mental flexibility at extreme levels.Reversal:Task switchingIt helps you in improving your cognitive control by enhancingyourability of shifting tasks.Reversal Pro: Task switchingBecome a master in shifting task. Go Pro!!Money Game:Quantitative reasoningIt enhances your problem solving skills by stimulatingyourquantitative reasoning abilities.Solve it:Numerical calculationIt is a game which helps to increase your numericalcalculationskills.Aftermath:Quantitative Comparison.It helps you in decision making with respect to quantitativedataefficiently.Speed Shop:Decision processingIt increases your processing speed in small decision makingthusincreasing your overall efficiency.Spot it:Information processingIt increases the information processing speed of your brain.Spot it Pro:Information processingIt increases the information processing speed of your brain.Brain Flash: ReflexIt helps you to enhance your reflex action via increasingtheprocessing speed of your brain.BEHIND THE ‘SCREEN’-Neuron Gym is based on the concept of neuroplasticity. NeuronGymteamed with neuroscientists to come up with the best algorithmtoexercise the brain. Neuron Gym is a scientifically developedtooldesigned to rewire the neurons in order to increasetheproductivity, creativity, concentration and decision makingskillsof an individualStudies show that users who train every week regularly havereportedimprovements and boosted up memory. A gym with no fee forlife sodownload now and train your brain!Facebook:
Focus Game 2
O Focus Game é um jogo mobile paradispositivosAndroid, projetado para conscientizar crianças eadolescentes sobrea importância do combate ao mosquito AedesAegypti. Nossocompromisso é com a formação de futuros cidadãos,conscientes dasquestões sociais e ambientais que fazem parte domeio em que vivem,e ativos nas práticas que favoreçam a sociedade,sem deixar, éclaro, a diversão de lado.O game foi desenvolvido em tecnologia 2D na plataforma Unityeseu design ilustrado seguindo o estilo Cartoon, muito popularentreo público infantil, no Paint Tool SAI e Adobe Photoshop. Ahistóriado game gira em torno do próprio jogador, em primeirapessoa,cuidando da sua casa e recebendo gratificações por cadacômodolimpo, seguindo o conceito de gamification. Dessa forma, asaçõesrealizadas no game assemelham-se a realidade da criançaampliando apossibilidade dela obter conhecimento enquanto joga.The Focus Game is amobilegame for Android devices, designed to educate children andteenagersabout the importance of combating Aedes Aegypti mosquito.Ourcommitment is to train future citizens aware of socialandenvironmental issues that are part of the environment in whichtheylive and active practices that favor society, while, of course,thefun aside.The game was developed in 2D technology in Unity platform anditsdesign illustrated following the Cartoon style, very popularwithyounger audiences in Paint Tool SAI and Photoshop. The storyof thegame revolves around the player himself, in first person,takingcare of your home and getting bonuses for each clean room,followingthe concept of gamification. Thus, the actions taken inthe gameresemble the child's reality expanding the possibility ofhergaining knowledge while playing.