Top 11 Apps Similar to Sober Recovery

eye sight recovery PRO 1.2
This application is a version as which theeyesight recovery is not displayed.There are someone whose sight have recovered from 0.6 to 1.2forjust 4 weeks (It depends on people)"eye sight recovery" is for an application for your eyesightrecovery■Function■Access history-This function helps you to confirm your exercise history-You cannot feel soon the effect of eye sight recovering,sometimesit makes you reluctant to continue exercises.-This access history function keeps your motivation because youcansee how much you have made efforts.Offering 2 patterns exercises-We offer you 2 kinds of exercisesOffering some photos at exersice2-We offer you many kinds of photos at excercises2■Attention■This application doesn't guarantee eye sight recovering. Theeffectdepends on each peopleWhen you see the screen, please see it from over 40cm away .Don'texercise over 5 minutes onceIn case of feeling tired on your eyes or something bad, pleasestopexercises and consult to doctors.When you record access history, please checking
WRAP – Wellness Recovery Plan 3.0.1
WRAP® is universal - it is for anyone,anytime, and for any of life's challenges.WRAP® involves listing your personal resources (WellnessTools),and then using these resources to develop Action Plans touse inspecific situations which are determined by you.The Wellness Recovery Action Plan® (WRAP) is anevidence-basedsystem that is used world-wide by people who aredealing withmental health and other kinds of health challenges, andby peoplewho want to attain the highest possible level of wellness.It wasdeveloped by a group of people who have a lived experienceofmental health difficulties; people who were searching for waystoresolve issues that had been troubling them for a long time.WRAP includes:Developing a Wellness ToolboxDaily Maintenance PlanTriggers and an Action PlanEarly Warning Signs and An Action PlanWhen Things Are Breaking Down and an Action PlanCrisis PlanPost Crisis PlanThe WRAP app guides you in creating and using your WRAP daytoday. Use the WRAP App and take control with yourpersonalizedaction plans that help you feel better, get well, andstay well forlife.
Sobriety Clock
According to the US National Institute onDrugAbuse, the rate of relapse for drug and alcohol abuse as almost66%within the first twelve months of sobriety. However the longeronestays clean and sober, the more likely one is to remain cleanandsober. By the time someone has been sober for 3 years, the rateofrelapse drops to 33%. By five years, rate of relapse falls tolessthan 15%.Source:( who has struggled with drug or alcohol abuse knowsthatsobriety is hard-won. Even though some moments are easierthanothers, every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and yearis avictory, and you ought to remind yourself of thataccomplishmentevery now and then; just how long you've been sober,and just howmuch every second of that time is worth. None of itshould be takenfor granted.And sometimes, no matter how much or how little time you'vebeensober, some moments are harder than others to get through,(asurprise urge to go out can happen to anyone), and thissimplelittle clock can remind you of how far you've come, and howfar youcan yet go, if only you just hang on to each second ofsobriety, ifnecessary.Only you can do the work, this is just one tool.
Recovered: #1 Recovery Podcast 2.4.61
This is podcast about people who have recovered. Recovered fromaseemingly hopeless state of mind and body otherwise knownasalcoholism. This is a show about seeing life through a12-steplens. So pull up a couch and join us on this journey calledlife.
Addicaid - Addiction Support 6.1.0
Addicaid is a new way to begin or maintainyourrecovery. We cater to moderation management and sobriety. Findandrate meetings, track your progress with custom daily goals withthesupport of our intimate community. And when you're doneclickingaround there, you can stay inspired and motivated with ourcuratednews, videos, and music feed.We have both 12-step and alternative support groups inourdirectory, including:• Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)• Narcotics Anonymous (NA)• Pills Anonymous• Cocaine Anonymous• Crystal Meth Anonymous• Marijuana Anonymous• Moderation Management• Harm Reduction for Alcohol• Gamblers Anonymous• Overeaters Anonymous• Eating Disorders Anonymous• Codependents Anonymous• Al-anon• Sex Addicts Anonymous• Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous• Debtors Anonymous• Nicotine Anonymous• Ala-teen• Adult Children of Alcoholics• Self Help Substance Abuse & Addiction Recovery• Codependents of Sexual Addicts• Sexaholics Anonymous• Sexual Compulsive AnonymousApp features include:Meetings• List meetings so you can read them.• Map out meetings so you can see them.• Provides directions so you can get there.• Save to calendar so you remember to go there.• Check in to meetings so you can prove you were there.• Favorite, comment, and tag meetings so people know whatyouthink.Social• Comment on member goals to give and get community support.• Add friends• Public and private chats• SOS Alerts for times of needPersonal• Journal entries• Daily check-ins• Custom goals with audio/text responseResources• Hotlines• Inpatient treatment• Spending calculator• Eating regimen to reduce cravings• Relapse prevention tips
NA Meeting Search 9.10
Locate an NA Meeting anywhere in the world, plus helplines,websites& more.
Drug Addiction 0.0.3
Drug Addiction is for drug addicts, familyofaddicts or friends or anyone who needs and want help to breaktheaddiction. This apps is created to help the world and also armyouwith knowledge about drugs and how you can deal with it.Several emotional or psychological reasons may drive youintotaking drugs. At times it is mere curiosity that propels youtodevelop drug addiction over time. Drug addiction refers tothecompulsive use of psychoactive drugs to such a level at whichtheuser of drugs has no other way out and continues to use it.Though drugs addiction like opium have been commonsincehistorical times it is in recent times that the problem hasbeenexacerbated significantly. This is mainly due to thecultivation ofplants yielding drugs, advancements in biochemistryandimprovements in means of getting access to drugs. Theintroductionof purified forms of active biological agents and thesynthesis ofnew substances like methamphetamine has made drugs morewidespread.Clinically, the word ‘addiction’ has been replaced bythe word‘dependency’ in relation to drugs.It may be noted that not all persons are equally pronetoaddiction. Some persons are psychologically or geneticallymorepredisposed to drug addiction. Again, some kinds of drugs getthebetter of some particular types of persons more easily.Similarly,the manner of treatment and method of recovery fromaddiction varywidely according to the types of drugs, amount ofdrugs, durationof drug addiction, medical complications and socialnecessities ofthe patient.There is the 12-step program among the many recoverymethods.Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are prominentexamplesincluded herein. These are popularly used for a varietyofaddictions concerning the individual addicted and the family oftheindividual. Then there are the substance-abuserehabilitationcenters that frequently offer a residential treatmentprogram forthe seriously addicted and strive to isolate the drugaddicts fromother drug users and drug dealers.The cognitive-behavior therapy, rational-emotive theory orothertypes of psychological behavior modification methods areemployedin the treatment of drug addiction. Replacement drugslikemethadone are also used. This methadone is in itself a drug butinorder to reduce dependency on stronger drugs like opium itproveshelpful. Acupuncture is also a treatment of choice thathelpsalleviate drug addiction symptoms.Carrying out the suitable treatment from the varioustreatmentsavailable can bring about recovery from drug addiction.The objectis to somehow bring about abstinence from the variousaddictivesubstances called drugs.Download Drug Addiction apps now!
New2Recovery for Addictions 1.0.3
If you think you have a problem withalcoholordrugs, or you’re new or early in recovery from addictions–todrugs, alcohol, or both - New2Recovery helps you stay awareofwhatyou’re feeling and thinking so you can make the choicesyouwant tomake.When you’re feeling like using or drinking, there’snosureformula for staying clean and sober, but we’ve done ourbestwithNew2Recovery to help you be present in the moment andchangewhatyou used to do into what you want to do.With New2Recovery you can:- Pause before you act so you can respond rather than react.- Check in with yourself: What are you feeling and thinking?- Check out positive choices that are hard to rememberinthemoment.- Share with people in your network what you’re feeling,thinkingandchoosing through text, email, and social media.-Track your feelings, thoughts and choices over time andshareyourprogress with friends, sponsors, counselors,cliniciansandphysicians who are helping you become aware of what’sgoing onwithyou when you make choices.New2Recovery is there for you:- When a feeling is coming up for you.- When you have a thought that can be a problem for you.- When you feel like doing something you’re trying not to do.- When you can’t reach someone in your network or aprofessionalorget to a group meeting.If any of these apply, New2Recovery is for you:- You think you have a problem.- You’re making changes and want to keep them going.- Your family, friends and co-workers have asked you to stop.- You’ve had consequences from the law, school or work and wanttodowhat it takes not to have those again.- You’re just out of treatment and want tosupportyourrecovery.- You’ve been in treatment before and you’re ready to makeitworkthis time.- Aftercare isn’t available or isn’t offered often enoughtomeetyour needs.- You know you have a problem and are ready to dosomethingaboutit.New2Recovery respects your privacy.- It’s free.- Graphics are discrete.- Apps require permissions from the device to install. Weusetheminimum permissions possible. We do not ask forpermissiontoaccess your contacts.- Registration or account creation is not required.- Your feelings, thoughts and choices data is only savedonyourphone or mobile device, not on a server. You can deletethedataany time within the app and start fresh, or you can deletetheappand the data will be deleted as well.- When we release updates, your stored data stays protectedonyourdevice so you can track your progress over time.- The Internet is accessed only if you access options ontheMorescreen, or use social media Share features.We hope you have a great experience with New2Recovery.Wewelcomequestions and feedback!New2Recovery(TM) is informed by a synthesis of bestpracticesforaddictions recovery, including Cognitive BehaviorTherapy(CBT),mindfulness meditation, 12-step recoveryandadditionalevidence-based supportive processes.New2Recovery is for informational purposes only and isnotasubstitute for medical or professional advice. Pleaseconsultaqualified health care professional for personalizedmedicalandprofessional advice.Support URL: http://www.new2recovery.comSupport email: [email protected]
RI Recovery Resources 2.0
The RI Recovery Resources app isdesignedtohelp people in recovery from addiction to findsupport,housing,health insurance, and legal help. This app ismaintained byRhodeIsland Communities for Addiction Recovery Efforts(RICARES,Inc.).RICARES is a grassroots alliance of people inrecovery,theirfamily and friends, and concerned members of thecommunity,whosegoal is to advocate for, and improve the publicperceptionabout,those in recovery from substance use disorders.RICARES asserts that all individuals suffering fromaddictionhavethe ability to recover. With this affirmation inmind, weempower ourmembers by providing resource and skilldevelopmentthrough ouradvocacy, peer services and community socialevents. Wecelebraterecovery and provide support for continuedsuccess as therecoveryprocess progresses.For more information please email [email protected].
Squirrel Recovery; Addiction 3.0
This is an app to help recovering addictswiththeir sobriety. Squirrel Recovery; Addiction App ispersonalized toeach person. It sets up a recovery circle with sobersupport peoplethat you choose. You can set personal check in timesfor the app tocheck in when using was most likely to occur. Thisinformation withbe sent in a text message to people you have chosento be yourrecovery circle. A Panic button by passes all check insso thathelp can be given immediately. Squirrel Recovery; AddictionAppalso keeps track of sober days, gives "coins" when milestonesareachieved and offers motivational quotes for encouragement.
Marijuana Anonymous Δ MA 1.6.0
This is the official 12 Step recovery app of Marijuana Anonymous