Top 20 Apps Similar to Snyer Best Price

Умные покупки
Taktik Labs
⚡⚡⚡ Победитель премии "Золотое приложение2016"в категории "Еда и напитки" ⚡⚡⚡"Умные покупки" - сервис, который помогает экономить сумом.Создайте список покупок и сравните цены на продукты из спискаповсем супермаркетам.NEW! Готовые списки покупок с рецептами - экономьте времянавыборе продуктов!NEW! Актуальные цены на продукты питания в супермаркетахNEW! Отзывы реальных пользователей о качестве продуктовА также:- Удобный список покупок, который можно отправитьвашемупартнеру- Информация о товарах с фотографиями- Карта с информацией о ближайших к вам магазинах«Умные покупки» - это лучший способ сравнить цены на продукты.Нехотите совершать дорогие покупки в кризис? Тогда простосоставьтесписок покупок, сравните цены продуктов, и выберитемагазин, гденаша система подберет для вас самые дешевые позиции.Жена составилаshopping list и отправила в супермаркет? Приложениепокажетближайшие продуктовые магазины и скидки на мясо, молоко,батонхлеба и любые другие продукты а-ля едадил, но круче! Нашсервиссравнивает стоимость продуктов во всех крупных магазинах,например:магнолия, виктория, пятерочка, седьмой континент, азбукавкуса,ашан, окей, избенка, вкусвилл, billa, spar, лента,магнит,перекресток, утконос. Купи все продукты из списка и докажи,что тыпродвинутый shopper!⚡⚡⚡ Prize Winner"GoldenApp 2016" in the category "Food and beverages" ⚡⚡⚡"Smart shopping" - a service that helps to save wisely. Createashopping list and compare prices of products from the list ofallthe supermarkets.NEW! Finished shopping lists from recipes - save time ontheselection of products!NEW! Actual prices of food products in supermarketsNEW! Reviews of actual users of the quality of productsAnd:- Convenient shopping list that you can send to your partner- With photos of the product information- Map with information about stores near you"Smart shopping" - is the best way to compare the pricesofproducts. You do not want to make expensive purchases in acrisis?Then just make a shopping list, compare the prices ofproducts andselect the store where our system will select thecheapest item foryou. My wife was shopping list and sent to thesupermarket? The appwill show the nearest grocery stores and pricesfor meat, milk, aloaf of bread or any other food a la edadil, butbetter! Ourservice compares the value of the products in all themajor stores,such as: Magnolia, Victoria, Pyaterochka, SeventhContinent, ABCtaste, Auchan, okay, izbenka, vkusvill, billa, spar,tape, amagnet, a crossroads, a platypus. Buy all the products fromthelist and prove that you are an advanced shopper!
Магнит: акции и скидки 6.21.0
Дарим каждому новому пользователю 10 Магнитиков. MagnitPayНовыйплатежный сервис у вас в кармане! • Платите с MagnitPay.Получите+0.5% бонусами по программе лояльности Магнит.•Пользуйтесьбесплатно! Никаких платежей за выпуск, пополнениеиобслуживание. •Получайте двойную выгоду! Ещё +0,5% бонусамивпервые 30 дней приоплате с Magnit Pay. • Платите удобно!Добавляйтекарту в GooglePay или оплачивайте QR-кодом. Приложение«Магнит»это: • Бесплатныйвыпуск виртуальной карты. • В 5 раз большебонусовза товары излюбимой категории. • Актуальный баланс бонусовиМагнитиков иистория покупок. • Оплата бонусами до 100% покупки.•Персональныекупоны и предложения. • Быстрый поиск акций и скидоквближайшихмагазинах «Магнит». «Магнит» Одна из ведущихрозничныхсетей вРоссии по торговле продуктами питания, лидерпоколичествумагазинов и географии их расположения.Компанияпредставлена вболее 3 800 населенных пунктах, ежедневномагазиныкомпаниипосещают почти 13 миллионов человек. «Магнит»работаетвмультиформатной модели, которая включает в себя магазиныудома,супермаркеты, аптеки и магазиныдрогери.Участникамикросс-форматной программы лояльности сетиявляются более50 млнчеловек. «Магнит» является уникальной компаниейвроссийскомритейле. Наряду с продажей товаров розничнаясетьзанимаетсяпроизводством продуктов питания подсобственнымиторговыми марками.Компания управляет несколькимипредприятиями повыращиванию овощей,производству бакалеи икондитерских изделий.«Магнит» владееттепличным и грибнымкомплексами, которые являютсяодними изкрупнейших в России. «Магнит»входит в список крупнейшихпубличныхкомпаний мира рейтинга Global2000 Forbes и возглавляетрейтингкрупнейших частных работодателейРоссии по версии Forbes.Общаячисленность сотрудников превысила 300тысяч человек. Радыобратнойсвязи: звоните 8-800-200-90-02:бесплатно и круглосуточно,илипишите на [email protected].
pic2shop Barcode & QR Scanner 7.0.0
Vision Smarts
Point the camera at the barcode of a product (even ifblurry)andinstantly compare the prices at thousands of onlineandlocalretailers. Product information, user reviews, etc., arejustonetap away! QUICK FACTS: - Supports all devices (camerascan,noaccessory needed) even fixed-focus cameras - OnlineStores:Amazon,eBay, Target, Walmart,, Barnes & Noble,BestBuy,Capitol Supply, Computer World, CDUniverse,,Ritz Camera, Office Depot, Sam's Club,Kmart,Walgreens, Sears,TigerDirect, eCost, NewEgg, Radio Shack,andthousands more(really!) -QR codes: visit link, add contacttoaddress book, etc.HOW IT WORKS: 1. Download the FREE pic2shopappand open it 2.Point the camera at the barcode until the redlineturns green(super fast!) 3. Find out where the product ischeaperand savemoney. (Yeah…. It’s really that easy.) 4. Each scancreatesawebpage that you can share and access from any computer(not forQRcodes) FEATURES: ALL DEVICES: Not just the latestmodels,scansbarcodes on phones and tablets without autofocuscamerasONLINESEARCH: Thousands of online retailers help you get thebestpricesLIBRARY SEARCH: Why pay when you can check thingsout?Pic2Shopsearches local libraries for what you are interested inandwilleven tell you if it’s checked out (and when it’s dueback!).WISH:Add an item to in one tap SHARE: OnFacebook,Twitterand many others EMAIL: Send a link to the fullresults, orthe last20 scans to yourself or a friend via emailFAST:Identifiesbarcodes faster and more accurately, even if blurryWEBFRIENDLY:The web sites of retailers are one tap away,withoutleaving theapp QR CODES: Even if they are difficult toread,blurry, skewed,etc. Watch real consumers trying pic2shop onYouTube: If you like the new Pic2Shop,pleasetellyour friends! Thank you for your support. ** Pleasereportanyproblem to [email protected] **
Умные покупки PRO 1.0.0
Taktik Labs
⚡⚡⚡ Победитель премии "Золотоеприложение2016"в категории "Еда и напитки" ⚡⚡⚡"Умные покупки PRO" - это сервис, который помогаетэкономитьсумом. Создайте список покупок и сравните цены на продуктыизспискапо всем супермаркетам.PRO-версия это:- Актуальные цены на продукты питания в супермаркетах- Отзывы реальных пользователей о качестве продуктов- Возможность отправить список покупок партнеру- Удобная навигация по каталогу товаров- Информация о товарах с фотографиями- Карта с информацией о ближайших к вам магазинахЕще одна весьма ценная функция — встроенныеспискипокупок,которые станут доступны уже в следующей версии!Где бы вы ни находились, вы всегда можетевоспользоватьсяспискомпокупок продуктов и других необходимыхтоваров. Вамостанется лишьпосетить ближайший супермаркет илиотослать списокдругу.«Умные покупки» - это лучший способ сравнить цены напродукты.Нехотите совершать дорогие покупки в кризис? Тогдапростосоставьтесписок покупок, сравните цены продуктов, ивыберитемагазин, гденаша система подберет для вас самые дешевыепозиции.Жена составилаshopping list и отправила в супермаркет?Приложениепокажетближайшие продуктовые магазины и скидки на мясо,молоко,батонхлеба и любые другие продукты а-ля едадил, но круче!Нашсервиссравнивает стоимость продуктов во всех крупныхмагазинах,например:магнолия, виктория, пятерочка, седьмойконтинент, азбукавкуса,ашан, окей, избенка, вкусвилл, billa, spar,лента,магнит,перекресток, утконос. Купи все продукты из списка идокажи,что тыпродвинутый shopper!⚡⚡⚡ PrizeWinner"GoldenApp 2016" in the category "Food and beverages" ⚡⚡⚡"Smart shopping PRO" - is a service that helps tosavewisely.Create a shopping list and compare prices of productsfromthe listof all the supermarkets.PRO-version of it:- Current prices of food products in supermarkets- Reviews of actual users of the quality of products- Ability to send a list of the partner purchases- Easy navigation through CATALOGUE- With photos of the product information- Map with information about stores near youAnother extremely valuable feature - built shoppingliststhatwill be available in the next version!Wherever you are, you can always use the list of purchasesoffoodand other necessary goods. You just have to visitthenearestsupermarket or send the list to a friend."Smart shopping" - is the best way to compare the pricesofproducts.You do not want to make expensive purchases in acrisis?Then justmake a shopping list, compare the prices ofproducts andselect thestore where our system will select thecheapest item foryou. My wifewas shopping list and sent to thesupermarket? The appwill show thenearest grocery stores and pricesfor meat, milk, aloaf of bread orany other food a la edadil, butbetter! Ourservice compares thevalue of the products in all themajor stores,such as: Magnolia,Victoria, Pyaterochka, SeventhContinent, ABCtaste, Auchan, okay,izbenka, vkusvill, billa, spar,tape, amagnet, a crossroads, aplatypus. Buy all the products fromthelist and prove that you arean advanced shopper!
Keep shopping 3.9
«Shopping» allows you to make a shopping list easily
Grocery Point 0.8.10
Grocery Point
A mobile application that will makeyourshopping trip easier, more pleasant and more profitable.Features:- Search products by barcode or name, ang get detailed infoaboutit;- An independent assessment of insalubrity, based onproductcomposition, nutrition facts and other parameters;- Offer of more healthy products available in the database;- Adding products to the database by users;- The nearest shops with phones and operating time;- User reviews and ratings for products and stores;Do not forget, we constantly develop and supplementthefunctionality of the application. Each update will bring younotonly bug fixes, but also new opportunities for easy selectionandpurchase of goods of daily demand.
Barcode Scanner Pro 1.3.10
Most fast and professional QR barcode scanner, easy to use.
Barcode it Checker 1.4.7
Plan B
Check any product before buying!
Barcode Price 1.0
Help you manage your budgeteasilywhileshopping.This software will keep all your shopping detail and it allowsyoutotrace back all your shopping record.It will let you know instantly all the variation oftheproductprice and it will help you make the smart choicedecidingwhen andwhere to buy the product.According to all the information as above, you will definitelybethewiser shopper and save more money and energy byusingthissoftware.Features:1 ShoppingEnter the barcode to purchaseIf this merchandise bought beforeThe system will automatically bring out thepreviouspurchasepriceInput quantity archive.2 recordsLists all purchase records.Click the Date column enter the date of purchase details.3 queriesInquiries prior to the purchase date and price.First, enter the barcode click query will show thedetailinformationof all purchases.Keywords: shopping, shopping list, purchase products,shops,LIST,shopping cart, buy, matter, shoppinglist, grocerystore,checklist,list, Barcode, price, scan, Shopping
Barcode scanner 2.6.7
Country Checker - upc, qr and barcode reader! We show morethannumbers!
Shopping list 1.6
"Shopping list" - an application for managing shopping lists.
Online Shopping India SHOP.7.82
This small Online Shopping app is an excellent solutionsforyourdaily online shopping in India. Here are almost100shoppingwebsites including - Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal,Myntra,Shopclues,Paytm, Jabong, Voonik, Quikr, craftsvilla, ebayindia,homeshop18,askmebazaar, justdial, makemytrip, cleartrip,cardekho,cartrade,yepme, naaptol, koovs and many more websites...You neednot visitall website and install their individual appforshopping.This appincludes all popular shopping websites inIndiaincluding flipkart,amazon, snapdeal, myntra, shopclues. YoucanShop, Recharge yourmobile , book train,flight throughtravelwebsites, movie ticket,buy grocery items and many more. OneSmallApp- Every solutions foryour daily online shopping.. 100% SAFEandSECURE and Risk Free wayto shop on your favorite websitethroughthis app. We assure youthat this shopping app doesn'tcollect anypersonal data includingyour log in details, Card no orany other.We use only Googleanalytic to understand end userbehavior andapplicationperformance. However you can also turn offthat too . Toturn offthat go to settings and deselect anonymoususage datacollectionbutton. This App doesn't required anypermission exceptNetwork. Wehave asked permission from respectivewebsites toreproduce theircontent in our apps through email andtelephone andalso by 3rdparty trademark (IP - Intellectualproperty) andaffiliatemanagement service. But if you (respectivewebsite'sowner) noticeanything which violates your terms andconditions,please inform usthrough email , we will immediately(within hour)take action tofollow your terms. Disclaimer: Allcontents of thewebsite areowned by respective website. We have nocopyright overthe contentof other websites. For any help pleasemail us. Thesethird partysites have separate and independentprivacy policies andterms.Please Read their privacy policy andterms andconditionscarefully.
Best Price Comparison Shopping gives you Best DealsfromOnline Shopping Sites like Flipkart Big Billion Day Sale,SnapdealDiwali Sale Electronics Monday, Amazon Great Indian FestiveSaleall at one place.- Flipkart Big Billion Day Sale- Amazon Great Indian Festive Sale- Snapdeal Diwali Sale Electronics Monday- Free Recharge Offers- Free Coupons For Ticket, Flight, Cab Uber & Ola is India’s best price comparisonshoppingapp to buy online. Millions of users are openingSmartprixevery day to save their time and money. You can comparepricesonline across all major online stores like Flipkart,Amazon,Snapdeal, Jabong, Myntra, Infibeam, eBay, PayTM, Shopcluesand manymore. 10 million products are listed across many categorieslikeMobile Phones, Tablets, Laptops, Cameras, TVs, PersonalAppliances,Books and more accessible on just one click.In addition to this you can also find money saving coupons,promo& promotional codes, exciting offers and best deals tosavemoney on your online shopping. Get amazing deals, discountcoupons,best prices and offers over 500 online Indian shoppingsites.Why we created this app?After analysing behavior of online shoppers, found out that more than 92% of users are likelytopay more when they don’t use Price Comparison App, and the rest8%users are likely to spend 400% more time on shopping sites tofindout the best deals. That’s where Smartprix comes into thepicture:if you use Smartprix app before shopping, you are morelikely tosave more than 45% money and 400% of your precious time onshoppingsites.Smartprix App provides you the following things when youshoponline:• One Click Online Price Comparison feature• Instant Price Drop Alert Notifications• Compare multiple products and see their Advantages&Disadvantages• Authentic Expert Reviews and unbiased Genuine User Reviews• Detailed Product Specifications & Analysis• Exclusive Best Deals and Offers• Discover Products across multiple categories• Browse store specific online deals, offers and coupons• Filter specifications as per your needsHassle Free Experience with Smartprix Online Shopping&Comparison App:• No need to waste time for finding lowest prices online &bestdeals• Prompt help in online shopping• Smooth and intuitive user experience• Exclusive coupons & cashbacksOur whole team strive to save your money and precious time,nevershop without using Smartprix App. Some other apps in samecategoryare junglee and mysmartprice. If you like the Smartprix Apptellyour friends about the awesome shopping experience, and ifyoudon’t like the app tell us [email protected] Us:
Shopping List - Buy Me a Pie! 3.5.30
It’s the best grocery list app makingalife-simplifying tool out of a simple grocery shopping list.Createa grocery list, share it with anyone and keep itupdated!This simple grocery list app is fully compatible with theiOSversion and lets you create shopping lists and share them withyourfamily, college friends, and colleagues on Android and iOSdevices,as well as on the site
Kaypu Goods 3.983
Kaypu Goods is all for quick and deliberate purchases in onefreeapp!
Barcode Scanner 1.2.08
A compact tool for reading, generating and sharing QR codeandbarcode
Товары Mail.Ru - сравните цены 2.1.23
Mail.Ru Group
Товары Mail.Ru — легкий и удобный способнайтивыгодные цены и доставку для ваших покупок, всего за 3 клика.Скачайте каталог из 40 000 000 товаров, и вы всегда будетезнать,в каком магазине выгоднее всего купить понравившийсятелефон,ювелирное изделие или модную одежду. Полные характеристикитоваров,лучшие цены и адреса магазинов, где можно сделать покупку— все этоможно найти в приложении.Хотите заранее узнать, как новая покупка поведет себявиспользовании? Читайте отзывы покупателей и ориентируйтесьнаоценки, которые ставят товару. За достоверностью всехпредложений,представленных в Товарах Mail.Ru, следит службаконтролякачества.С помощью Товаров Mail.Ru можно:- узнать технические характеристики и полное описаниетовара;- сравнить цены в разных интернет-магазинах;- читать отзывы покупателей о товарах и оставить свой отзывопокупке;- увидеть расположение ближайшего магазина на карте ипрочитатьотзывы о нём;- позвонить в магазин и заказать доставку можно прямоизприложения.Нашли выгодное предложение? Приложение Товары Mail.Ruпокажетадрес интернет-магазина, в котором можно сделать заказонлайн.Установите Товары Mail.Ru, и ваш шоппинг всегдабудетуспешным!Goods Mail.Ru - aneasyand convenient way to find the best prices and delivery foryourpurchases in just 3 clicks.Download the catalog of 40 million products, and you'llalwaysknow which product is most advantageous to buy your favoritephone,jewelry or fancy clothes. Full product specifications, bestpricesand addresses of shops where you can make a purchase - all ofthiscan be found in the appendix.Do you want to know in advance how the new purchase willbehavein use? Read customer reviews and guided by the assessmentthat putthe items. The reliability of all the proposals in theGoodsMail.Ru, monitors quality control service.Use of Products Mail.Ru you can:- Learn the technical specifications and a completedescriptionof the goods;- To compare prices at different online stores;- Read customer reviews about the product and leave yourreviewon the purchase;- See the location of the nearest store on the map andreadreviews about it;- Call the store and order a delivery is possible directlyfromthe application.Found a better offer? Appendix Goods Mail.Ru will addressanonline store where you can make a booking online.Install Products Mail.Ru, and your shopping will alwaysbesuccessful!
PriceSpy - price comparison 4.4.17
Compare prices and features of over 850,000 products, fromover3,000 shops
Super Simple Shopping List
One of the simplest shopping listappsavailable!To add an item, press the + button. Type the item and selectcolor.That's it.It's dummies approved.Use comma or enter to add multiple items at the same time.Longpress on item to edit, swipe to delete it. Shake phone todeletechecked items. You can also double-tap on background toadditems.Colors represent categories, and can be anything you want.Forexample: names of the grocery stores (Tesco, Kroger, Aldi,Costco,...), opportunities (birthday, anniversary, Christmas, ...),shopsections (butcher, vegetables, drinks, ...), or whatever youwish.You may label the colors.When you're in the shop buying stuff from the list, just taptheitem to check it.You can share your grocery list with your friends or family. Youcansync between your devices.Note: when you install the app, it will be named just"ShoppingList".
Shopping list
"Shopping list" is an application thathelpsyou organize, share with others, and manage your shoppingorgrocery lists using your phone. Easily add new items you needtobuy, set quantity, and pick a category.When organizing your products, you can add prices, picturesandbarcodes to items you need to buy!In store, just open your list and tick off every item youbought.Depending on your preferences, items are marked as "bought",movedto the end of the list or deleted from list.Synchronize your Shopping list with another person. Let onepersonenter shopping items on one phone, and see them appear onanotherone! Coordinated shopping at its peak!If the other person has not installed this app, you can sendyourlist via text message or email.Advanced features to enhance your trip to purchase grocerieslikemanagement of items with same name across different lists fromoneplace and more...Highlights:* Categories* Instant synchronization between two phones* Barcode scanner* Remembers what you put on list once, reuse it again* Backup and restore your data* Many customizing possibilities* App design for quick manipulationPrivacy:We take your privacy very seriously. Our app never saves yourdatato our servers unless you use Synchronization feature. If youuseSynchronization feature, your data is stored on our serversinanonymous way and is permanently deleted after no longer thantwomonths time. Data stored on our servers is only used toenableSynchronization process and is not and will not be used inotherpurposes.Required permissions:* SD card access is used to allow you to backup your shoppinglists,products and preferences.* Internet access is used for synchronizing with other users.