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KARP Diamond 2.2
KARP a DTC Sightholder, has created a foundation ofpioneeringsuperlative manufacturing excellence and ingeniousindustry-leadinginnovation. Complimented by polished gradingstandards, dynamicsales, efficient distribution and creativemarketing. KARP,continues to grow market share and establishstandards for theindustry. We at KARP not only manufacture top ofthe line "bespoke"diamonds with 5 micron precision, but also excelin 3eX Round andprecise Fancy Cut diamonds with majority of ourproductionconsisting of Hearts and Arrows and Ideal Cut. With over2500craftsmen and a highly equipped state of the art technologydiamondmanufacturing unit has led to the campaign of "You think itweshape it". We at KARP being technical leaders in manufacturinghavethe strength and capability in creating one of a kind,masterpiece, cut stones specifically tailored to individuals needs.Inaddition, KARP's vision is to push relentlessly for excellence,todevelop innovative and productive concepts, researchorienteddevelopment planning, to continuously grow throughsuperlativeproducts, and compelling global strategic alliances.This has ledto KARP to be a DTC Sightholder since 1993. whilst suchprivilegesensures access to reliable and consistent supplies ofroughdiamonds across wide ranges of sizes, it also reflects thekind ofresponsibilities that we accept. KARP is committed to itssuppliersand channel partners and eventual consumers. Furthermore,KARPsupplies to world renowned luxury brands as well asleadingjewelers manufacturers, distributers and retailers coveringthemajor diamond markets worldwide. KARP complies with BPP(BestPractice Principles assessed and verified by SGS, Geneva),KARPassures adherence to the Kimberly Process and guaranteesconflictfree diamonds. In Addition, KARP ensures consumerconfidencemeasures and executes diamond manufacturing excellence(cut byworld standard craftsmen) and is compliant to PipelineIntegrity.
八方微店 1.0
八方微店為八方新聞旗下網站,提供商家開店並提供常用網購服務、第三方金流平台、發佈優惠卷、專屬商家平台...等內容。免安裝 APK 瀏覽八方微店,請直接瀏覽或輸入八方微店官方網址:http://www.nantouweb.comShop fortheOctagonOctagon Micro's news website that provides businessesandprovidecommon shop online shopping services, third-partycashflowplatform, released coupons, exclusive business platform ...andsoon.Free install APK browse Plus micro shop, please browse orentertheOctagon micro store official website:
Planeta Oczu 5.15.0
Shopgate GmbH
Sklep Internetowy www.planetaoczu.pljestprowadzony przez firmę:F.H.U. OpenAir Karol SzuszkiewiczAl. Wojska Polskiego 8665-762 Zielona GóraNIP: 9271774161Regon: 081007938TEL: 79 43 824 40E-mail: [email protected]: 82 1140 2004 0000 3102 7410 3960PlanetaOczu to wszystko co wiąże się ze świeżym powietrzemiwspólnym spędzaniem wolnego czasu na nim.Firma specjalizuje się w sprzedaży sprzętów optycznych,którepozwalają realizować swoje i/lub czyjeś marzenia. Każdy znasposiada własną pasję, a my pomagamy spełniać się w niejirealizować.Sprzęty jakie posiadamy w ofercie to:Teleskopy dla nocnych obserwatorów pragnących ujrzećpięknowszechświata i jego obiektów.Lunety i lornetki dla miłośników piękna naszego krajobrazuiprzyrody.Noktowizory dla myśliwych, nocnych obserwatorów przyrody,służbyochrony i służb porządkowych jak straż graniczna czypolicja.Lunety celownicze dla myśliwych jak i strzelców sportowych.Mikroskopy dla najmłodszych, którzy są ciekawi światamikroorganizmów, zawodowych badaczy przyrody, laborantówwyższychuczelni, szpitali i innych grup badawczych.Nasze hasło to „Sięgaj tam gdzie wzrok nie sięga”Dla tych, których nie wiedzą na co się zdecydować doradzamyipomagamy w doborze odpowiedniego sprzętu.Przeprowadzamy również pokazy z wykorzystaniem własnegosprzętu,połączone z dzieleniem się zdobytą wiedzą na tematastronomii,otaczającej nas przyrody.Specjalizujemy się również w szkoleniach z obsługiposiadanychsprzętów oraz prowadzimy szklenia z zakresu obsługisprzętu jak iporuszania się „po niebie” dla nauczycieli, osóbprywatnych,firm.Posiadamy sprzęty wiodących marek, najwyższej klasymiędzyinnymi:Celestron, Sky-Watcher, Baader Planetarium, Vixen, Steiner,Yukon,PULSAR, Dedal, Dipol, Tele Vue, Lunt, William Optics,Coronado,PENTAX, IMAGINGSOURCE, Takahashi, Atik, Slik, Velbon,HeliconSoft,Delta Optical, Delta GSO, ORION, 10 MICRON, LACERTA,PaneWave,OFFICINASTELLARE, PZO, Shelyak, FLIR, astrolumnia,SOFTWARE BISQUE,CLARUS, LED LENSER.Każdy znajdzie cos odpowiedniego dla siebie.Spełniaj Swoje marzenia!!!Poszerzaj swoje horyzonty!!!Zobacz więcej już dziś!!!Www.planetaoczu.plOnlineShop is owned by:F.H.U. OpenAir Charles ShoushkevichAl. Polish Army 8665-762 Zielona GoraTax ID: 9271774161Regon: 081007938TEL: 79 43 824 40E-mail: [email protected]: 82 1140 2004 0000 3102 7410 3960PlanetaOczu everything that is associated with fresh air andcommonspending free time on it.The company specializes in the sale of optical equipment thatallowyou to pursue your and / or someone else's dreams. Each of ushashis own passion, and we are helping meet with her andpursue.Facilities that we offer are:Telescopes for night watchers who want to see the beauty oftheuniverse and its objects.Telescopes and binoculars for lovers of the beauty of ourlandscapeand wildlife.Night vision for hunters, wildlife watchers night, securityservicesand the police as border guards or the police.Rifle scopes for hunters and sport shooters.Microscopes for kids who are curious about the world ofmicroorganisms professional wildlife researchers, laboratorytechniciansuniversities, hospitals and other research groups.Our motto is "Reach where eyes can not reach"For those who do not know what to choose advise and assistinselecting the right equipment.We also conduct demonstrations using their own equipment,combinedwith sharing their knowledge on astronomy,surroundingnature.We also specialize in training in the handling of equipmentownedand run glazing on the handling and movement "in the sky"forteachers, individuals, companies.We have equipment of leading brands, top class, amongotherthings:Celestron, Sky-Watcher, Baader Planetarium, Vixen, Steiner,Yukon,PULSAR, Daedalus, Dipole, Tele Vue, Lunt, William Optics,Coronado,PENTAX, IMAGINGSOURCE, Takahashi, Atik, Slik, Velbon,HeliconSoft,Delta Optical, Delta GSO , ORION, 10 MICRON, Lacerta,PaneWave,OFFICINASTELLARE, CB, Shelyak, FLIR, astrolumnia, SOFTWAREBISQUE,CLARUS, LED LENSER.Everyone will find something suitable for everyone.Fulfill Your Dreams!Broaden your horizons!See more today!
JS-Technik 5.14.0
Shopgate GmbH
Unser qualifiziertes Team engagiert sichfürSie mit dem Gespür für das Machbare. Dabei liefern wirQualitätnach ISO 9001 und CE und garantieren Ihnen stets einoptimalesPreis-Leistungsverhältnis. Wir finden intelligenteLösungen fürIhre Energie- und Antriebsprojekte, denn unser Zielsind nachhaltigzufriedene Kunden.JS-Technik Motoren sind...- dreiphasige asynchron Kurzschlussläufermotoren,komplettgeschlossen, ventilatorgekühlt (TEFC).- Die JS-Technik Motoren sind in Grauguss-Ausführung lieferbarvonBaugröße 80 – 400 in 2 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 10 und 12 polig,verschiedeneKombinationen von zwei- oder mehrpoliger Ausführung indenBaugrößen 160 – 315. Die Klemmenkastenposition istserienmäßigrechts. Die Klemmenkastenposition links oder oben istauf Anfragelieferbar.- Ebenfalls bietet JS-Technik dreiphasigeasynchronKurzschlussläufermotoren in Aluminium-Ausführung,komplettgeschlossen und ventilatorgekühlt (TEFC).- Die JS-Technik Motoren sind von Baugröße 56 – 132 in 2 – 4 – 6und8 polig lieferbar. Die Klemmenkastenposition istserienmäßigoben.- Die Baugrößen 63 – 132 sind auf Anfrage mitKlemmenkastenpositionrechts oder links lieferbar.- Alle JS-Technik Motoren sind in Übereinstimmung mit IEC 34 –1/9,IEC 85, DIN 57530 / VDE 0530-1291.- Die JS-Technik Motoren ab Baugröße 160 – 400 sindinklusiveantriebseitigem und nicht antriebseitigem SchildausGrauguss.- Schutzart: IP55, gemäß IEC 35-5 / DIN VDE 0530 Teil 5- Isolationsklasse: F- Temperaturanstieg: Klasse F- Oberflächenlackierung: Farbe RAL 5010 (Enzianblau)- Farbanstrich: Grundanstrich (ca. 30 μm) undDeckanstrichschichtfür allgemeine Industrieeinsätze (ca. 45 – 90μm) Klimazone„weltweit“ gemäß IEC 721-2-1.Our qualified teamiscommitted to you with a feel for what is possible. Wesupplyquality according to ISO 9001 and CE standards, alwaysguaranteeingan optimal price-performance ratio. We find intelligentsolutionsfor your energy and drive projects, because our goal istosustainably satisfy customers.JS-technology engines are ...- Three-phase asynchronous squirrel-cage motors, totallyenclosedfan cooled (TEFC).- The JS-technology engines are cast iron version availablefromsize 80-400 in 2 - 4 - 06/08/10 and 12 poles, variouscombinationsof two or more pole versions in sizes 160 - 315 Theterminal boxposition is right as standard. The terminal boxposition to theleft or above is available on request.- Also provides three-phase asynchronous JS techniquesquirrel-cagemotors in aluminum type, completely closed and fancooled(TEFC).- The JS-technology engines are of size 56-132 in 2 - 4 - 6 and8pole available. The terminal box position is standard above.- The sizes 63-132 are right or left available on requestwithterminal box position.- All JS-technology engines are in accordance with IEC 34 - 1/9,IEC85, DIN 57530 / VDE 0530-1291.- The JS-art motors from frame size 160-400 areincludedantriebseitigem and not antriebseitigem plate made ofcastiron.- Degree of protection: IP55, according to IEC 35-5 / DIN VDE0530part 5- Insulation class: F- Temperature rise: Class F- Surface finish: RAL 5010 (gentian blue)- Paint: undercoat (about 30 microns), and a topcoat layerforgeneral industrial use (about 45-90 microns) climate zone"aroundthe world" according to IEC 721-2-1.