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BNI新都心分會 4.4.3
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如果您身處商界,那麼對您來說BNI就像是一個源源不斷地為您公司提供業務的系統。BNI的組織哲學建立在「付出者收穫」的概念上:若您提供生意機會給別人,別人自然也會介紹生意給你。BNI的任務為透過分會之組織架構、以正面的力量、與專業的「口碑式」引薦,幫助會員增加生意機會,並讓會員們能發展出長期、有意義的商務專業領域之人際網絡。加入BNI就如同擁有許多業務銷售人員替您工作,因為所有BNI會員均隨身攜帶著名片。當會員遇到某些可能使用你的產品或服務的人時,他們就會拿出您的名片並推薦您。就是這麼容易!而如此輕鬆容易的引薦方法就是基於BNI的創辦人IvanMisner博士所提出並經過證實的概念,稱之為「付出者收穫」。假如我給了你生意機會,而你也會提供適當的生意給我,進而創造出雙贏的局面。成為BNI的會員,就好像有一支出色的銷售團隊為您效勞。經過統計,2010年BNI的會員們引薦了超過650萬宗業務,其總價值超過30億美元。這裡是新北市最大分會:BNI新都心分會,歡迎您。If you're inbusiness,thenBNI is like for you a steady stream of business foryourcompany'ssystem.BNI's organizational philosophy based on the concept of"paybythe harvest" is: If you provide business opportunitiestoothers,they will naturally introduce business to you.BNI's mission is through the club's organizationalstructure,withpositive force, and professional "word of mouthtype"referrals tohelp members increase business opportunities andallowmembers todevelop a long-term, meaningful interpersonalnetworkbusiness areasof specialty.Join BNI just as with many business sales work foryou,becauseall BNI members have to carry the famous piece.Whenmembersencounter some might use your product or service, theywillcome upwith your business card and recommend you. Is so easy!Andso easyone referral method is based on the Dr. Ivan Misner,founderof BNIraised and proven concept, called "pay by theharvest." If Igaveyou a business opportunity, and you will providetheappropriatebusiness to me, and then create a win-winsituation.Become a member of BNI, as if there is an outstandingsalesteamfor you.Statistically, 2010 BNI referral of members more than6.5millionbusiness, the total value of over 3 billion USdollars.Here is the new Taipei biggest clubs: BNI Shintoshinclub,you'rewelcome.