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CUBE : Blockchain Platform 0.1.1
1) Exclusive METAVERSE WORLD linked app - A wallet for Cube,NFTandvirtual assets of METAVERSE WORLD - Synergy withvariousservicesprovided by METAVERSE WORLD *To be updated 2)Complexmanagement ofadvanced virtual assets - Quick and intuitivelook atmy virtualassets - Planned asset management through assetdetailscheck -Double security for safe asset management 3) Simpleusageof thewallet just with one click - Convenient andsecuresending/receivingof assets - Simple wallet creation 4)Servicesfor various virtualassets - In-app NFT Shop - Purchase ofnew NFTsthrough Presaleservice
CryptoRank Tracker & Portfolio
Explore All crypto in One App: Manage Your DeFi Portfolio&PriceAlerts
Tradiny - Trading Analysis, Charts, Alerts 0.6.1
SPOT TRENDING MARKETS Browse assets by price andvolumechanges,long-term and intra-day trending (EMA, MVWAP),volatility(ATR),oversold and overbought (RSI), divergence,correlation,andpopularity (Google Trends). Conveniently, filterscan be appliedtothe list of assets. 700+ PAIRS GOLD, SILVER,BITCOIN, ETC.Forexand cryptocurrency, directly streamed from FXCMand Binance.XAU,XAG, GBP, JPY, EUR, USD, AUD, NZD, CHF, TRY, BTC,USDT, ETH,XRP,LTC, BNB, EOS, BCH, TRX, XLM, etc. MAKE EDUCATEDDECISIONSEachindicator has conditions to indicate a specific sign.Forexample,– the price above EMA 200 (condition) indicates along-termuptrend(sign) or – RSI below 30 (condition) indicates anoversoldmarket(sign) or – a double top pattern (condition)indicates atrendreversal to the downside (sign). Signs are a basisfor atrade. Atrader goes through the list of signs which help hertomake adecision to buy/sell. AUTOMATED DISCOVERYUNIQUEINDICATORSAutomatic recognition and prediction of supportandresistancelines, trend lines, triangles, wedges, channels,trendreversalpatterns, harmonic patterns, candlestick patterns,etc.ARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCE Artificial intelligence predictswhichlevels will bebroken or held based on raw market movement,EMA,HMA, MACD,Bollinger Bands, Keltner Bands, ATR, RSI, andIchimokucloud. BACKTESTED AND FORWARD TESTED 874 YEARS All ouralgorithmsare heavilyback-tested and forward-tested on Forex andBitcoin. Wetest ouralgorithms on 67 Forex assets from year 2000 orlaterdepending onavailability and Bitcoin from year 2011. MULTIPLETIMEFRAMEANALYSIS IN ONE CHART A trader can base her decisiononmultipletime frames or any number of indicators; all inonechart.Conveniently, the chart supports trendline drawing,aFibonaccitool, ruler, and text drawing. 3D CHARTING 3Dchartenables toutilize an extra dimension, observe the chartfromdifferentangles, discover 3D patterns such as spirals.ALERTINGAlerts canbe setup on top of the analysis and are evaluatedevery 3seconds.A trader can select rules or combinations to definecasesin whichan alert should be triggered. An alert is possibletotrigger nearautomatically-calculated support or resistance,triggeron trendline breaks (drawn or automatically detected trendlines),trianglebreakouts, trend reversals, harmonics, and more.FREE FORPART-TIMETRADERS Tradiny is a free service up to 50analyses perday(opening or refreshing the chart) and 2 alertswith5-minutesinterval. If you are a part-time trader, you probablywillnot hitthe limit. Tradiny Premium enables unlimited analysesandalertswith 3-seconds interval for $9.99 per month dependingonyourcountry or platform*. You can cancel any time. Learnmoreat Terms ofUse:
CoinMarketCal 0.1.13
CoinMarketCal is the leading economic calendarforreliablecryptocurrency news. It covers all events that helpcryptotradersmake better decisions. Stay up-to-date with thelatestevents andnews, track your entire portfolio in one place,createpushnotifications to act fast and add events directly withintheapp.Key Features: - Events Explore all CoinMarketCal eventsandkeeptrack of what's happening in the crypto market. -NewsStayup-to-date with the latest news. We only select themostimportantarticles so you can stay focused. - Portfolio Trackyourentireportfolio in one place. Simple and efficient, nocomplexsetup. -Market Get an overview of the state of cryptomarket(ranks,prices, market caps...). - Alerts Create pushnotificationsto makesure you don't miss anything and act fast. -ContributionAddevents to let the world know what's coming up aboutyourfavoritecrypto projects. Say hi! -Email: [email protected]
Dropstab: Crypto & Portfolio 1.0.0
DropsTab is a cryptocurrency market tracker designedtofacilitateyour day-to-day crypto analytics, monitoringandportfoliomanagement. Track prices, volumes and detailedperformanceof coinsin your added portfolios. Get the most out ofour free app:-Trackand follow any coin, including the most popularones suchasBitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Polkadot or FLOW. We`velisted+9,000coins; -Read the latest news and updates from projects;-Seethetop influencers subscribed to coins; -Be notifiedofreal-timecrypto prices and volumes; -Select from a rangeofavailablecurrency pairs, including USD, EUR, GBP and manymore;-Follow thelatest crypto trends, including best orworstperformingcryptocurrencies; -Create and manage yourportfolioholdings. WeCare About User Experience While developingthe app,our mainpriority was to provide the best user experience.So it iseasy tonavigate, timely, reliable, to the penny. Thisensures ourusersare always on top of things and can always rely onus.GlobalCryptocurrency Stats At the top of the page we`veincludedsomevital stats so users are able to quickly gauge theoverallcryptomarket. We`ve included stats such as BTC dominance,ETH gwei,TotalMarket Cap, 24Hour volume. Search Coins, AddParameters&Watchlists From the main page, you can quickly findand accessanycoin. This can be easily done through the search tab.JusttypeBitcoin or BTC, for example. Alternatively, you can sortcoinsbyhighest/lowest market cap, highest price andotherparameters,including different time-frames, such as 1 Hour,24Hours, 7 Days,1 Month, 3 Months. You can easily add yourpreferredcrypto`s tothe watchlist. LIVE Crypto Prices &Performance vs.other CoinsWhilst on the coin`s page you can seeLIVE price of yourselectedcoin with charts that can be altered byselecting othercurrencypairs. We`ve introduced the performancesection to helpyouevaluate your coin`s score against other coins,blockchainsandindexes in a much faster and seamless way. You canalso seewhichexchanges support your token, showing currenttradingperformanceand volumes. You can always chose between CEX,DEX, orSpot foryour convenience. Browse through the news feed andupdatesof theproject from the "Twitter" tab. The "About" sectionwillprovideyou some brief information and list the topinfluencerssubscribedto your chosen coin. This way you see the fullpictureandperformance of a cryptocurrency. CryptocurrencyPortfolioThroughour app you can also track and manage your cryptoportfolioanytimeanywhere. Just select the cryptocurrency you wantto add toyourlist, type in the price, quantity, and you`re ready togo. Addasmany crypto`s you want, including EOS, Bitcoin Cash,Litecoin,DogeCoin, Tether, Cardano or Avalanche.This way you`llalways beontrack with your investing performance. It is a usefulfeatureforday-traders, long or short-term investors, aswellascrypto-spectators and newcomers who wish to create atestportfolioand see how they do. Flexible Settings Ouraccountsettings areflexible, too. Users can switch from day tonight mode,choose thedefault start screen (Market or Portfolio),select thedefaultcurrency/cryptocurrency and share the app withfriends. Youmayalso want to create a new account, if you haven`talready doneso,or login to your existing account with DropsTab.This way youcanalways manage your portfolio and account settingsnot just fromtheapp, but also from your PC. You`re welcome to joinour socialmediachannels: Telegram
Coingabbar: Crypto Price, News 0.0.9
Coin Gabbar is the India’s First Cryptocurrency Marketplacehelpstheuser - Research - Select – Invest. Coin Gabbar bringsyoufollowingkey features: • Detailed Gem Coin helping totakedecision wisely, •Research Papers of Cryptocurrency tounderstandentire project •Tracking of 13000+ Cryptocurrencies •OpenInteractive Forum • MockTrading to build & boostcryptotrading confidence • Latest News& Blogs – English &Hindi• User can add selected crypto andbuild a Watchlist totrack.Multiple Watchlist option are available& Watchlist canbeshared • User can maintain track record of allcryptotransactionin Portfolio. Multiple Portfolio options areavailable&Portfolio can be shared • Details of InitialCoinOffering,Airdrops & Events Coin Gabbar offers Trackingof13000+Cryptocurrencies at a single place with lots ofFeaturesrelated toCryptocurrency like Tracking of Live Prices inINR, USD& 126+Currencies options, Market Cap, Fully DilutedMarket Cap,24HVolumes Trading on Various Crypto Exchanges, All timehighPrice& All time Low price of the Crypto. Why ChooseUs?Livetracking of 13000+ cryptocurrencies, Top Gainer,Loser,TrendingCoins: Coin Gabbar is an global cryptocurrencymarketplaceapp andwebsite. Check out live crypto currency pricesand topgainers& loser charts. See the most accurate, realtimecryptocurrency market data from over 100 exchanges in oneplace.CryptoExchanges & Sectors: Get live updates &marketstatsfor:
Crypto Exchanges: Binance, OKX, Coinbase, Crypto,Kucoin,DEX,CEX- Derivate & more. Coin Assets ranks andscoresexchangesbased on traffic, liquidity, trading volumes,andconfidence in thelegitimacy of trading volumes reported.CryptoEvents : Get updatesfor ICO : Initial coin offering - Thefullinitial coin offeringcalendar listed in date order.Airdrops:Participate in ourexclusive crypto airdrops. Participatein cryptoairdrops right onCoin Gabbar, see our full crypto airdropcalendar,includingcryptocurrencies, token and other crypto assetsforcurrent,upcoming and closed airdrops. Crypto Events: CoinEventsCalendarStay up-to-date with the Coin Gabbar Coin calendar.We listall themajor events in the Coin and blockchain ecosystems sothatyou canstay informed. Crypto Updates: Get Latest news, coinupdatesBlogsand videos related to crypto currencies. PersonalizedWatchlists& Updates Create a personalized watch list ofyourpreferredcoins and track the latest prices from Bitcoin(BTC),Ethereum(ETH) tokens, alt coins and digital currencies.EverythingaboutCrypto Research, Select and Invest Crypto TIPS,PMS,Index,Research papers and much more. You can earn withoutinvestingasingle rupee We are providing various opportunity toearn*150000+Cubs* which will be converted to *Gabbar Token* So havealook atIndia's First CRYPTO Marketplace (Information andResearchportal)Key Features : 1. 12000+ Cryptocurrencies data atone place2.Research and analysis of Cryptocurrencies at Singleplatform3.Guide for selection of Crypto for investment 4.CryptoKnowledgebank 5. Crypto Categories, Trending Coins, TopGainers,Top Losers& Many More 6. Crypto Exchange Data 7. LatestNews&Updated Blogs 8. How & where to trade Guide 9.Cubsallotmenton Registration, Email & Mobile Verification10.Referralbenefits 11. *Research Papers* 12. *Crypto TIPS* 13.*PMSservices*14. *Gabbar growth index* - you can just follow it toearnmaximumSocial MediaLinks:-Instagram Gabbar India’sfirstCryptocurrency Marketplace website &Mobile App shows youwiththe accurate live price of cryptocurrenciesand top gainers&loser crypto coins chart and get latest cryptonews, updates.
CoinTracking 2.0.2
The official CoinTracking app. Simply the best way tokeepaccuratetrack of your cryptocurrency portfolio.CoinTrackinganalyzes allyour trades and generates usefulinformation in realtime, such asthe profit / loss of your trades,the value of yourcoins,balances, realized and unrealized gains, andmuch more.AppFeatures: - Portfolio tracker supporting more than4000digitalcurrencies and tokens, including Bitcoin,Ethereum,Litecoin, Dash,Ripple, Bitshares, Golem, Dogecoin, Augur,IOTA,Monero, Cardano,and many more. - Select any fiat currency asyourbase currency,including USD, EUR, CAD, AUD, GBP, CNY, JPY, etc.-Summary Viewwith values in your preferred base fiat currencyorBitcoin: BTCprice, Total value of all coins, Total accountvalue,Amount ofeach coin, Value of each coin. - Gains View:Displaycurrent change% rate, Total cost, Current value, Realized/Unrealized gains, andprices for your portfolio andindividualcoins. View values basedon BTC or your base currency. -ChartsView: Includes value percurrency, Portfolio distribution,andhistorical balance chart.Switch between BTC and your basecurrency.- Balance View: Keeptrack of your balances across allExchanges andWallets. Groupbalances by Trade-Group or Trade-Type. -Stay up todate withCurrent and historic trends for all digitaltokens in themarket,and setup Price Alert notifications. - Day /Night Mode:Choosebetween two UI color templates. - Small 4x2Widget: Quickaccess toyour portfolio’s basic information, pluscurrent pricesfor Bitcoinand your other top 3 coins. - Large 4x4Summary Widget:Quickaccess to your portfolio’s Summary, and basicinformation forallyour coins. Through, you canimport allyourtrades directly from most exchanges and wallets,includingKraken,Poloniex, Bittrex, GDAX, Coinbase, Bitstamp,Gemini,Bitfinex,HitBTC, OKcoin,, Exodus, Trezor, andmanyothers. Italso supports imports from Bitcoin, Ethereum andotherAltcoinWallets and reports for tax declaration. DevelopedbyCitruslab forCoinTracking.
Doshi 1.0.130
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dSPAC: SPACs, IPOs & Stocks 3.8.5
dSPAC Digital
dSPAC. The one-stop destination for SPAC investing. SPACinvestingisa 250 billion dollar market that is here to stay. Thisuniquemarketopportunity has been controlled by institutionalinvestorswith theirproprietary data and Wall Street access. Hereto levelthe playingfield is dSPAC – the world’s first investmentplatformdesignedspecifically for investing in the SPAC market.Created bySPACinvestors, dSPAC mobile app provides commission-freeinvestingwith aprofessional SPAC dataset that will put you incontrol ofyour SPACportfolio. Get access to SPAC IPOs and executeSPAC unitseparations,SPAC redemptions, and shareholder votesinside the appwith justone-click. Manage your digital account withconfidence -all yourpersonal information and digital coins areprotected.Trade the stockmarket, invest in options, and buy cryptoassetslike Bitcoin (BTC),Ethereum (ETH) & Dogecoin (DOGE) witheasethrough the dSPACplatform. ☑️Manage your SPACInvestmentPortfolio: Enjoy customizedand institutional qualitySPAC data,all at your fingertips. ☑️Accessto SPAC IPOs: Enjoydirect accessto SPAC IPOs through mobileapp-based IPOsubscriptions ☑️Get in atthe IPO Price: dSPAC providesearlyinvestment opportunities inupcoming IPO companies☑️Commission-Free Stock Trading: Trade USequities and ETFs withnocommissions or platform fee; no minimumdeposit required☑️Real-TimeMarket Data: Consolidated real-timemarket data, robustcharting,options strategies, analyst ratings,company financialdata, andmore across all trading sessions, allassets. ☑️ Track theStockMarket: Keep up with current investingstrategies, globaltechnologycompanies and key investing thoughtleaders ☑️CryptocurrencyTrading: Buy & Sell Bitcoin (BTC),Ethereum (ETH),and Dogecoin(DOGE), and other crypto assets 24/7,all via the dSPACmobile app.☑️ Margin Trading: Margin accountslet you increase yourbuyingpower and sell stocks short to makethe most of bear andbullmarkets ☑️ Pre Market & After Hours:Never miss asuccessfultrading opportunity. Enjoy pre market (from4:00AM EST)& afterhours (until 8:00PM EST) trading sessionswith dSPACAssetProtection with Peace of Mind dSPAC Digital LLC isoperatedbyRedbridge Securities LLC, a FINRA registered brokerdealerRedbridgeSecurities is a member of SIPC, which protectscustomeraccounts upto $500,000 for securities and cash (including$250,000for cashonly). Crypto assets are not securities and arenot SIPCinsured.Cryptocurrency trading on the dSPAC platform isofferedthrough APEXCrypto LLC, which is not a FINRA member.Cryptoinvesting involvessignificant risks.
CoinMetro 4.0.2585
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United Network 8.022.1
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Swapcard. Real-Life Networking 4.70.0
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Dreamezer - gifts & wishlist 2.0.15
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Cake DeFi – Cashflow from crypto 3.0.0
Cake DeFi
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Continuum: Learn & Earn Crypto 0.0.1849
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Coinglass - Crypto Data App
Coinglass is the best, FREE crypto app to track Bitcoin&cryptocurrency prices. You can find the BitcoinLiquidations,Bitcoin open interest, Grayscale Bitcoin Trust,Bitcoinlongs vsshorts ratio and actively compare funding rates for cryptofutures.Keep track of all crypto coins in one app! Live cryptopricealerts, price tracking, crypto portfoliotracker,exchangeliquidations - And so much more in the best cryptoapp! Here's fewof the many great features that Coinglass has tooffer: ✔TRACKCRYPTO PRICES - With our cryptocurrency tracker you'llcan trackall crypto assets you choose, such as Bitcoin(BTC),Binance Coin(BNB),Bitcoin SV (BSV), Ethereum (ETH), BitcoinCash (BCH), Ripple(XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Dash, NEO, IOTA (MIOTA),Monero (XMR), NEM(XEM), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Qtum, EOS, Zcash(ZEC), Cardano(ADA), Tether (USDT), Stellar Lumens (XLM), etc, andgetpersonalized alerts. Access real-time prices and market chartsinyour local currency. We support over 1000+ crypto bases (BTC,ETH,LTC, XRP, BCH,LINK,SOL,ADA,LUNA,BNB, XLM, EOS ...). ✔GETCRYPTOALERTS - Coinglass, to get realtime price alerts andreminders forany cryptocurrency like for example Bitcoin, Ethereumor altcoinprices. "Coinglass - Widgets, Alerts, Bitcoin Prices" isthe bestapp to track Bitcoin and altcoin rates. ✔COIN MARKETCAP -Knowingthe coin market cap is always interesting and useful. Simplyvisitthe frequently updated coinmarketcap data for any cryptocurrencyin our separate crypto market cap section. ✔News-Mediacoverage -Yahoo finance, Investing , Cointelegraph, CoinDesk,YouTube, CCN✔WHY YOU’LL LOVE Coinglass APP - Coinglass App is themost uniqueamong all Bitcoin and crypto price tracking apps. Hereare thefeatures that make this Bitcoin price tracker app unique:✅EXCHANGES - View markets for crypto exchanges,includingBinance,Binance.US,FTX US, Coinbase, Kraken, Kucoin, OKEx,Bitget,FTX, Deribit, Bitmex, DYDX,Huobi,Bybit and many more. ✅ Youcanalso check real-time market dataon:Sushi,UniSwap,Pancakeswap.Gettop DeFi coins price movementsalerts. ✅ GLOBAL MARKET - Trackglobal market data, including totalmarket cap, volume, marketshares and more. ✅ DETAILED COIN DATA -See the current price,chart,longs vs shorts, liquidation,openinterest ,market cap,volume, project website, blockchain, socialdata and more. ✅ Searchand filter through more than 1000+ altcoins✅ Set priority coinlist to define your favorite assets ✅ Detailedview of currentcryptocurrency with chart ✅ Set price alerts ✅ Addwidgets We hopeyou will enjoy Coinglass! Download now! - Twitter: - Telegram:
Coinlive - Crypto Price & News
Coinlive is a most trusted and comprehensive cryptocurrency dataapp
Finblox - Earn Crypto Yield 0.34.0
Finblox - buy and earn yield on your crypto 🚀 Buy and earnonyourcrypto while you sleep 😴 You can easily buy and earn upto90%yield on cryptocurrencies and USD-backedstablecoinsincludingBitcoin (BTC), Avalanche (AVAX), USD (USDC) andAxieInfinityShards (AXS). Start earning yield shortly afteryouraccount isfunded with yield paid out daily. Sign Up andStartEarning 💰Opening a Finblox account is quick and easy - buyyourfirst cryptoin the first minutes or instantly deposit directlyfromyour cryptowallet. There are no hidden fees, no minimumbalancesand you canget started in minutes. Security and Protection🔒Keeping yourassets safe is our business - this is how we buildyourtrust. Ourcrypto storage system and wallet have beenbuiltbyindustry-leading security experts. Your funds areprotectedwithInternational bank-grade security and stored safelywithFireblocks- one of world’s largest digital asset custodians.Buildby astrong and experienced team 🏋🏻‍♀️ Finblox was builtbytheexperienced team with background from Coins(Philippines'largestcrypto exchange with 16M+ users),Gotrade(zero-commissioninvestment platform backed by Y Combinator),Lazada(SoutheastAsia's leading e-commerce platform), VNG (Vietnam'sfirststartupunicorn) and Grab (Southeast Asia's leading superapp)Backedbyleading investors 💫 Finblox is backed byleadinginvestorsincluding Sequoia Capital, MSA Capital, VenturraCapital,SaisonCapital and Coinfund - one of the largestcrypto-focusedinvestmentfunds that has backed large crypto projectssuch asCoinlist,Dfinity, Dapper Labs and Rarible. Visitus:www.finbloxapp.comContact us: [email protected]
Deepcoin 4.8.2
Deepcoin is a global leading comprehensivecryptocurrencyderivativetrading platform, providing spot,derivatives, wealthmanagement,DEFI investment and othercomprehensive financialservices. Deepcoinwas founded in Singaporein 2018,and currentlyobtained severallicenses in Canada and USA.Meanwhile, the globalservice team ofDeepcoin has also completed inmany countries andregions.
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Syfe: Invest Better 4.80
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