Top 2 Apps Similar to Moov booking

Moov Coach & Guided Workouts 4.5.1850
Moov Inc
Moov is the firstArtificial-Intelligencefitness app that guides you through running,cycling, swimming,cardio boxing, bodyweight and heart rate basedhigh intensityworkouts with real-time audio feedback.Whether you want to stay healthy, lose weight, improve yourfitnessand performance, or just want a short and effective workout,Moovwill help you take your fitness to the next level. Expect tosweatthrough Moov’s guided workouts while hearing coachingandmotivation like:“Way to go, you crushed that round”“Increase your cadence to hit the target”“Time to push your heart rate to Zone 4!”The Moov App is designed to work with all of the Moovwearables;including the Moov HR Sweat™ and Moov HR Burn™ heart ratemonitors,as well as the Moov Now™ and Moov Classic™ motiontrackerwearables!------------------------------------GUIDED WORKOUTS FOR ALL LEVELSRUNNING & WALKING - pace, cadence & heart ratebasedworkoutsSWIM TRACKING - with advanced stroke recognitionBODYWEIGHT CIRCUIT TRAINING - high intensity interval trainingorrep counting programsCYCLING - indoor and outdoor training optionsCARDIO BOXING - fun, rhythm based cardio training------------------------------------COACHES YOU AS YOU WORK OUTAnalyzes and improves your formPushes you to the right intensity with heart coachingWorkout anytime, anywhereSee your results, track progress and reach your goalsShare and compete with friends on the leaderboardIntense activity tracking + sleep trackingFor more information please visit usat use of GPS can significantly decrease battery life.Make sure to follow Moov on social media for thelatestupdates!
Health Coach 1.5
wide apps
This is one of best health app that can beaBMI calculator and can tell you if you need to reduce weightorgain weight and can give you all health and fitness tipsforhealthy food , healthy diet and exercises which will keepyouhealthy and fit.If you are overweight then this app will give youfollowingadvice:-Healthy food to reduce weight.-Healthy diet tips which will help you to reduce weight and foodtoreduce fat and stomach.-Exercise tips.-Exercise for weight loss and exercise to reduce abdomen orstomach.If you are underweight:-Healthy food and diet tips to gain weight and stay fit.-Exercise tips for weight gain along with weight gain food tips