Top 16 Apps Similar to Seismometer 6th

Vibration Meter 1.6.16
Measure phone's vibration and the earthquake with your phone.
Vibration Meter 1.2
Gamma Play
Measure vibrations or earthquakes with your device.
Seismometer 10.0
earthquake detector
Seismograph 3.0.0
jubo co
EarthQuake Detector for android
Hamm Seismograph
Hamm Seismograph visualizes vibrations similar to a seismometer.
Vibration Meter
Vibration Meter, also known as seismograph,seismometermeasuresvibrations using your Android’s sensors andshows referencetoearthquake vibrations as classified by Mercalliintensityscale.Vibrations are shown in all directions: X, Y, Zindifferentcolors. Place your device on stable surface andmeasurevibrations.Mercalli intensity scale I. Instrumental - Notfelt.Recorded byseismographs. II. Weak - Rarely felt, usually onlyontop floors ofhigh buildings. III. Slight - Felt indoors, likeapassing lighttruck. IV. Moderate - Windows, dishes, doorsrattle.Like passingtrain. V. Rather Strong - Felt by all. Smallobjectsupset. VI.Strong - Books off shelves. Trees shake. Isolateddamage.VII. VeryStrong - Difficult to stand. Many poor buildingsdamaged.VIII.Destructive - Significant damage. Branches broken fromtrees.IX.Violent - General panic. Serious damage. Groundcracking.X.Intense - Most buildings destroyed. Rails bentslightly.XI.Extreme - Rails bent greatly. Pipelinesdestroyed.XII.Catastrophic - Near total damage. Objects thrown intothe air.
Perfect Vibration Meter 2.0
Measure the vibration with Best Vibration Meter!
SeismoCloud 4.0.3
Contribute to earthquake early warnings. You will be notifiedinreal time.
Earthquake Alarm 5.2
Use your phone to get alert in case of earthquake shakes!
Sound Meter Pro 2.6.8
Measure and save environmental noise and vibration with yourdevice.
Earthquake Detector 2.0
The Earth Quake detector is designed toprovideinstant warning of seismic activity by detecting thecompressionwave of an earthquake which does travels faster thanthe moredestructive shear wave. Hence, This Earth Quake detectorperfect appsaves valuable seconds by removing the guesswork inearthquakedetection and When its comes to its one very importantadvantage ofthis App is that it can wake you up and alert you themoment thequake starts so that you can immediately take cover ortend to otherfamily members to escape.How to use app:Just open the App and leave it on clean and smooth surface andclickthe button and then go to sleep. Thank you for supportingus.App features:* Well designed Alarm* Notify you by your mobile default ring tone* Ads are used to support developersPrivacy Notice:We do not, nor do we have any desire to, spy on you.We do not collect or store any information about the users ofthisapplication. Once you download it, it runs on your phone andnevercommunicates with our servers.DisclaimerUse common sense and caution. When you download and installthissoftware, you agree that you are going to use this applicationonyour own risk. In no event shall developer be liable foranydamages including personal injuries and health damage causedbyusing this application.CopyRight: All images and other parts are designed bysenniksoftin assosiated by sennikpower.
Toolbox - Handy Pro Tools 2.6.1
Measure length, height, distance, angle, direction, sound levelwithyour device
Sismo Nica 1.0
Reportes de incidentes sísmicos de INETER.Estaaplicación lee información de INETER pero no es unaaplicaciónoficial de INETER. Muestra en mapa ubicación de lossismos. seismicincidentsof seismometers. This application reads information ofseismometersbut is not an official application of seismometers.Show on maplocation of earthquakes.
Physics Toolbox Accelerometer 2021.08.07
Displays g-Force, linear acc., gyroscope, and inclinometer.Exportas .csv file.
3D Compass and Magnetometer 1.2
First realtime Vector Magnetometer, Gravitometer in 3D onAndroidfor free.
LINE Tools 1.3.0
* Ruler and Spaghettie Scale do notsupportiPhone6/6plus. We will fix and update it.Over 5 million downloads in 219 countries!No.1 in the Utilities category at app stores and no.2 in theTopFree section!An all-in-one app featuring all the essential toolsyouneed!Of course it features all the lovely LINE characters too!Small font size giving you a head-ache? Want to use themirrorfunction in the dark? Need a flashlight, quick? Well “LINETools”is the app for you! It solves all these problems and somuchmore!★★★★★ Main Features ★★★★★First set of tools include measuring tools, clocks, calculatorsandother convenient stuff! In fact there will be over 17 tools in4separate genres!Many more tools are being developed as we write this, so keepyoureyes open!【The Lineup So Far】★Measurement Tools●Ruler, Protractor, Horizontal Gauge, Audio LevelMonitor,Compass★Time●Stopwatch, Timer, Japanese Calendar★Convenient Stuff●Flashlight, Mirror, Magnifying Glass, Spaghetti Measurer, QRCodeReader★Calculator●Calculator, Japanese Year Converter, Unit Converter, SizeTableDon’t worry! We’ll be adding many more soon!■Information:Supported OS: Android 2.2 / 4.0 or higher*Please note that some features may not work on deviceswithoutcameras, flashlights, and sensors, or when the program isrun ondevices which are otherwise not supported.Also, please be aware that on devices other than those listedunderthe Recommended Devices above, there may be errors with therulersand spaghetti measurers.■Please give us your feedback!If you come across any problems please get in touch with us andtellus what went wrong. We will work on making it better!You can contact us via the page below. tell us the make and model of the device you areusing,together with your OS version.