Top 3 Apps Similar to Skyfitness Member

Skyfitness Trainer 1.0
Taking care of member’s fitness recordandtheirdaily routine is a big question mark for the fitnessindustrytodayand paying attention individually is a daunting task.So, wehavefound an easy and pain free solution, to connectthemembers,trainers so that these health experts can keep a trackoftheirmembers.Numa Assist is our fastest growing fitness assistantsolutionforTrainers. It helps trainers to monitor and trackmemberperformanceand understand what works best and plantailor-madeworkout plansfor them.This Application is designed tohelptrainers tocommunicate with members and engage infitnessplans.Features (For Trainers):Helps in providing up to date information of membersCreate, maintain and follow workout plans ingoalorientedbundlesKeep a complete track of membership programProvide continual motivational tipsUser Friendly DesignAvailable in Android and iOS appMany more features, enjoy them, we wish you a veryhappyandhealthy living- Numa Team
+++ SKY 휘트니스 클럽 +++양산시 물금읍 범어리 2711-10 세정에스타 8F055-364-0080홈페이지 휘트니스 클럽에서는회원님의 건강한 라이프스타일 변화를 위해 올바른 운동법을 제시해드립니다.SKY 휘트니스 클럽에서건강한 몸을 만들어보세요!+++ +++ SKY FitnessYangsan mulgeumeup beomeori cleaning the 2711-10 Star 8F055-364-0080Main SKY FitnessFor your healthy lifestyle change I will suggest thecorrectundongbeop.Create a SKY fitness in a healthy body!
Фитнес клуб "SKYFITNESS" 1.0
Новый элитный фитнес клуб«SkyFitness»расположен в самом сердце столицы на крыше новогоТЦ«Гулливер».Площадь 2500 м2 - поистине впечатляющиеразмерытерритории, накоторой действительно есть где«развернуться»,расправить крылья,чтобы сделать шаг в будущее, всвое лучшее,здоровое, полноценноебудущее, где мечтыстановятсяреальностью!«Sky Fitness» — это клуб, вмещающий в себе всенеобходимоедлякомфортных тренировок. Современный и стильныйдизайнпомещения,лучшие тренажеры, безграничный выборуникальныхфитнес-программ длякаждого, высококвалифицированные,опытныеинструкторы итренеры.New elite fitnessclub«SkyFitness» located on the roof in the heart of the capitalofthe newshopping center "Gulliver". Area 2,500 m2 - atrulyimpressive sizeof the territory, which really is where the"turnaround", spread itswings, to take a step into the future, intheirbest, healthy,confident future where dreams becomereality!«Sky Fitness» - is a club that can accommodate everythingyouneedfor a comfortable workout. Modern and stylish roomdesign,bestsimulators, limitless selection of unique fitnessprogramforeveryone, highly qualified, experiencedinstructorsandcoaches.