Top 3 Apps Similar to getUnipa - Quiz universitari

Test ammissione università 1.0.0
Allenati anche tu con le nostresimulazionideitest di ammissione all'università fatte dastudentiperstudenti.Train yourselfwithoursimulations of university entrance tests made bystudentsforstudents.
Test Ingresso Sicuro 2015 1.0.2
TEST SICURO 2015L’APP test sicuro 2015 è stata creata dalleassociazionistudentescheUDU e Rete degli studenti medi con lafinalità diinformare epreparare le studentesse e gli studenti cheproverannoi test su cosadeve accadere in aula per prevenire,monitorare ericonoscerequalsiasi possibile ingiustizia.L’APP consente:- una rapida visualizzazione della guida al testsicurocontenenteogni informazione su ciò che deve accadere dentro efuorileaule;- la segnalazione diretta alle nostre associazionidiqualunqueerrore/scorrettezza prima durante e dopo losvolgimentodeitest;- tutte le FAQ e le spiegazioni fondamentali per saperequandoecome poter fare ricorso contro i test;Scarica l'APP, leggi la guida e segnalaqualsiasisituazionedubbia: aiuterai non solo te stesso ma tutti glistudentiitaliania smontare la lotteria dei testd'ingressouniversitari!Sviluppato da:Piromallo Alessio e Pelliccia ValentinaTEST SAFE 2015 The APP sure test in 2015 was created by the studentassociationsUDUand network of high school students with the aim toinformandprepare students and students who try the test on whatneedstohappen in the classroom to prevent, monitor andrecognizeanypossible injustice.The APP allows:- A quick guide display certain test containing anyinformationonwhat needs to happen in and out of the classrooms;- Direct reporting to our associations of any error/misconductbefore, during and after the performance of thetest;- All the FAQ and explanations fundamental to know whenandhowyou can appeal against the test;Download the APP, read the reports and anyquestionablesituationand help not only yourself but all the Italianstudentstodisassemble the lottery of the university entranceexam!Developed by:Piromallo Alessio and Valentina Fur
Coursera: Online courses 3.29.0
Learn on the go with the Coursera AppforAndroid. Access more than 1,000 courses andSpecializationsdeveloped by 140+ of the best colleges anduniversities in theworld, and advance your career or continue youreducation bymastering subjects from Python programming and datascience tophotography and music.Learn from top instructors in an engaging learningexperience:• Browse 1000+ courses in a variety of subject areas, from math,tomusic, to medicine• Stream lecture videos online any time, or download forofflineviewing• Transition seamlessly between web and app learning,withcoursework, quizzes and projects saved across bothplatforms• Learn in dozens of languages, including Chinese,Spanish,Portuguese, French, and Russian• Earn Course and Specialization Certificates and share yoursuccesswith employers, colleagues, and friendsAdvance your career or continue your education insubjectslike:• Computer Science: Programming, Mobile and Web Development• Data Science: Machine Learning, Statistics, ProbabilityandData• Business: Accounting, Marketing and Entrepreneurship• Sciences: Robotics, Chemistry, Nutrition, and Medicine• Art, including Design, Photography, Music, andCreativeWriting...and hundreds more!Earn a Certificate:Joining Coursera is free. To qualify to earn a certificate,enrollin a range of Specializations by paying per courseorSpecialization.Get to Know Us: http://www.coursera.orgLike Us on Facebook: Policy: of Service: