Top 17 Apps Similar to 宝宝巴士3D

Baby Panda's Bath Time
Tick tack, Tick tack! It’s bath time! Take a bath while learningandhaving fun!
Baby Panda's Number Friends
Addition and subtraction games to help children learnmathematicalskills!
Little Panda Fireman
Take on exciting challenges with the roles you play!
Baby Panda Care
Feed babies, play with them, and put them to sleep!
My Baby Panda Chef
Develop your children's creative thinking with culinary art!
Little Panda Captain
A gentle start of exploring the sea!
Baby Panda’s Numbers
Learning to write and memorize numbers with baby panda!
Baby Panda's Color Mixing
Be creative and get rich colors by means of color mixing!
男生女生不一样 - 宝宝巴士
宝宝是不是经常好奇地问,为什么他(她)长得跟我不一样?为什么妈妈跟爸爸不一样?什么是男生,什么是女生?你会怎么回答孩子的问题呢?让【男生女生不一样】来帮忙吧!宝宝的性别意识一般从3岁开始建立。从小让宝宝了解男女间的差异,有助于孩子培养健全的人格,避免出现性格偏差,为TA以后的健康成长打好基础。男人女人的区别表现在很多方面。【男生女生不一样】,让宝宝学会用服装、发型、嗓音等特点分辨男女,以后再也不担心宝宝上错厕所、穿错衣服、认错性别了!~产品特色:*配音+动画,视听结合,让宝宝感受男女差异;*换装+上厕所两大情景,让孩子上对厕所、穿对衣服;*通过让宝宝辨认物品,检验TA能否正确认识性别,巩固学习成果。—————————————▶设计理念:我们专注于启发,而不只是学习。我们专注于能力培养,而不只是单一认知。我们专注于寓教于乐,而不是填鸭式教学。宝宝巴士,快乐童年!_________▶系列介绍:宝宝巴士(BabyBus),专注启蒙,而不仅仅是教育。我们的产品包含了启蒙站和探索站两个系列。探索站系列结合3-6岁宝宝的早教重点,设计了百科馆、智力园、文化宫等类别,旨在开发宝宝百科、音乐、美术等全面认知能力和左右脑思维分析能力。PS:在搜索框里面输入babybus或“宝宝巴士”可以检索到宝宝巴士(BabyBus)的所有产品。_________▶欢迎联系:邮箱:[email protected]微博:官网:http://www.babybus.comBaby is not alwayscuriousto ask why he (she) looks than I do?Why not the same mother and father?What is the boy, what a girl?How would you answer the child's problem?Let [boys and girls] is not the same to help it!The baby's gender awareness generally 3 years from thebeginningof the establishment. Let your baby from an early age tounderstandthe differences between men and women, to help childrendevelop ahealthy personality, to avoid bias character, lay thefoundationfor future healthy growth of TA.The difference between men and women behave in many ways.[Boysand girls] is not the same, let your baby learn to usetheclothing, hair, voice and other characteristics todistinguishbetween men and women, do not worry about it later onthe wrongbaby toilet, wearing the wrong clothes, sex admit it!~Product Features:* Dubbing + animation, audio-visual integration, let the babyfeelthe difference between men and women;* Dress + toilet two scenarios, let the children on to thetoilet,wear the right clothes;* Let your baby to recognize objects by inspection TAcorrectunderstanding of sex, consolidate learning outcomes.-------------▶ design concepts:We focus on inspiration, not just learning.We focus on capacity-building, rather than a singlecognition.We focus on entertaining, rather than spoon-feeding teaching.Baby Bus, happy childhood!_________▶ The series introduction:Baby Bus (BabyBus), focused on enlightenment, not justeducation.Our products include enlightenment station and explorethe stationtwo series. Exploration Station series combines 3-6years old babyearly childhood focus encyclopedia designed museum,intellectualPark, Palace of Culture and other categories, aimed atdevelopingbaby words, music, art and other comprehensive cognitiveandanalytical skills left and right brain thinking.PS: Enter babybus or "Baby Bus" in the search box which youcanretrieve the baby bus (BabyBus) for all products._________▶ please contact:E-mail: [email protected]: http: // website: http: //
漢字家園-學前教育-寶寶巴士 8.7.01
寶寶巴士首款漢字學習應用——【漢字家園】登場!~緊扣幼稚園、小學教學大綱,兒童學習漢字必備應用;海量漢字持續更新,每天10分鐘,漢字輕鬆學,輕鬆超越90%的同齡寶寶;6重識字過程,反復鞏固,漢字、拼音全掌握,讓寶寶記得又快又牢;6大類別漢字辭彙,創新“順口溜”記憶方式,讓漢字學習不再無聊枯燥~寶寶們還可以用學習成果建造屬於自己的【漢字家園】哦!拋掉枯燥的漢字學習,跟著奇奇妙妙開啟屬於自己的漢字之旅吧!我的學習我做主,我的世界我建造,打造自己專屬的【漢字家園】吧!~產品特色:1.畫面精美,動畫流暢,讓漢字學習更加具象化和形象化;2.全新學習模式,6重識字+順口溜+家園建設,為漢字學習帶來不一樣的體驗;3.多個互動板塊,加入不同有趣互動漢字小遊戲,讓學習變得更有意思;4.海量漢字和家園建築持續更新中,等小朋友們一起來探索。如果您對我們的產品有任何問題或建議,歡迎加入寶寶巴士官方討論群(群號:59800848),一起為孩子做更多、更好的產品。_________▶設計理念:寶寶巴士(BabyBus),專注啟蒙,而不僅僅是教育。我們專注於啟發,而不只是學習。我們專注於能力培養,而不只是單一認知。我們專注於寓教於樂,而不是填鴨式教學。寶寶巴士,快樂童年!8000萬家庭的早教首選,您身邊的幼兒教育專家!PS:在搜索框裏面輸入“寶寶巴士”可以檢索到寶寶巴士(BabyBus)的所有產品。_________▶歡迎聯繫:微信:寶寶巴士微博:@寶寶巴士官網:http://www.babybus.com郵箱:[email protected]
Baby Panda’s Potty Training
Potty Training - no longer a hard task!Start potty trainingwithbaby panda!
Car Safety - Seats
Welcome to Car Safety by Babyauto&Babybus!Kiki, our little panda, and all his friends want to travel bycarbut they will need your help! They know that safety isveryimportant! Therefore, our cute animals want to learn more aboutitwhile playing and having fun! Join them in thiswonderfuladventure! They are waiting for you! Let’s travelsafe!Fun features:- Help your friends to choose the right chair!- Spot the poor behaviors on the road!- Maintain cars and keep them clean!- Interactive scenarios and puzzles!Watch your children point out and fix unsafe actions!With many child-friendly scenarios, this educational gameprovideschildren with puzzles and exercises that promote properbehaviorsand the importance of follow some safety tips when theybecomepassengers in a moving vehicle. Remember: Safety comesfirst!___________▶About Babyauto:The panda is the most important Characters ofourappsWe know that the safety of our little ones when out and about inthecar is your most important priority, and it's ours too. Wearepassionate about Child Safety and as such we strive tocontinuouslydesign and develop CarSeats that give your child the best in safety, securityandcomfort.Children grow quickly and our range provides safe andpracticalcarseats solutions for all stages of your baby's 12 years old.At Babyauto, our engineers work every day to bring parentsthelatest in functionality and style, with safety being aforemostconcern. All of our car seats are designed and intensivelytestedat levels above ECE, CCC and international normatives.Contact us: www.babyauto.com___________▶ About Babybus:Baby Bus is the first trusted brand in early childhoodeducationalsoftware. The mobile applications are designed anddevelopedspecifically for kids.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find greateducationalgames!Feel free to tell us your thoughts on our games and servicesusingthe contact methods listed below:E-mail: [email protected]: http://www.babybus.comFacebook:
Connect Numbers
Easy to learn the numbers and enjoy the fun!The numbers of 1-10 are quite easy for children aged 3 to 4tomaster. Tasks requiring fine motoric skills, however, arefairlydifficult for them. This app brings those 2 aspects together:kidsconnect different numbers one by one to form differentobjects.This will help them strengthen their coordination abilityand willreward their efforts with a sense of achievement, and makethemlove learning numbers.___________▶design concepts:We focus on inspiration, not just learning.We focus on capacity-building, rather than a singlecognition.We focus on entertaining, rather than spoon-feeding teaching.Take the baby bus, which is loaded with a happy childhood!___________▶The series introduction:Baby Bus is the first brand in early childhood educationalsoftware(field of mobile Internet), which is developed specificallyforpreschoolers, and includes two series which are the Age(1-3)andthe Age(3-6). The series of the Age(3-6) combines the mainconceptsof early childhood education for 3-6 year-old babies andcovers theCognition Pavilion, Brain Training, Art Center and otherrelevantcategories, the applications of Age(3-6) are aimed atthedevelopment of the comprehensive cognitive abilities of thebaby’spedia, music, art, and the analytical thinking capabilitiesof theleft and right brain.▶The corresponding Korean language version is availablefordownloading.Korean version link: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" or " sinyee", tofindall of our products.As parents ourselves, we at BabyBus take great importance onthechildren's privacy and health. Before you download our app,pleaseread our privacy statement here.▶Welcome to contact us on:Facebook: [email protected]:
彩虹岛,是一个神奇的地方。它能让宝宝爱上讲故事哦!~担心宝宝的口头表达能力弱、不爱说话?就让充满爱和知识的彩虹岛,成为宝宝的故事起点吧!~【彩虹岛】,比故事书更精彩!超多剧情互动,让宝宝学会帮助他人,独立思考;比有声故事更贴心!内置语音互动系统,锻炼宝宝口头表达能力;比游戏更有意义!彩虹小知识+实验,让宝宝轻松学习彩虹知识!奇奇、妙妙和大笨熊,在巴士精灵的带领下,出发寻找神秘的彩虹岛。奇幻的丛林,湍急的河流,陡峭的悬崖……寻找彩虹岛的路上困难重重。关键时刻,巴士精灵会变身,帮助小伙伴们解决难题!最后,奇奇、妙妙和大笨熊能顺利到达彩虹岛吗?快来帮帮他们吧~_________▶设计理念:我们专注于启发,而不只是学习。我们专注于能力培养,而不只是单一认知。我们专注于寓教于乐,而不是填鸭式教学。宝宝巴士,快乐童年!_________▶系列介绍:宝宝巴士(BabyBus),专注启蒙,而不仅仅是教育。我们的产品包含了包含了启蒙站和探索站两个系列。探索站系列结合3-6岁宝宝的早教重点,设计了百科馆、智力园、文化宫等类别,旨在开发宝宝百科、音乐、美术等全面认知能力和左右脑思维分析能力。PS:在搜索框里面输入BabyBus或“宝宝巴士”可以检索到宝宝巴士(BabyBus)的所有产品。在宝宝巴士,我们自己也身为父母,所以非常重视儿童的健康和隐私。下载应用前,您可以从这里阅读我们的隐私政策:▶欢迎联系:邮箱:[email protected]微信:baobaobashi(宝宝巴士)微博:官网:
Little Panda Travel Safety
Little panda seems in danger. Give him a hand and learn safetytips!
Baby Panda Gets Organized
Love our little helping hands! Keep rooms tidy!
Safety at Home
In the eyes of our children the world is sonewand exciting that they want to explore all of its littlemysteries.Parents are happy about this enthusiasm but at the sametime worryabout their children's safety. How can we make childrenbecome awareof safety risks?"Safety at Home" aims to address such concerns. Theapplicationdeals with different safety issues children encounter athome, suchas going down stairs, opening the door to strangers,slipping onthe floor, bumping on table corners etc. Each of thesesituationsis accompanied by animations and audio material helpingthemunderstand issues and learning about right behavior. Theoperationof the app is simple and child-friendly so kids can easilynavigatethe different scenarios.Feature overview1. Scenarios: simulates life at home to teach children about6major safety issues.2. Role playing: Children can play the role of the panda at homeinorder to experience and understand the safety points.3. Didactic: animations and audio material comment on thebehaviorto deepen their understanting and incentivize rightbehavior4. Information for parents: the app contains a“ToParents”sectionwith tips on how to create a safer living space forchildren.“Safety at home” is one app within the “SafetySeries”whichincludes other themes such as safety outdoor, carsafety etc.Currently there are new apps in development.___________▶design concepts:We focus on inspiration, not just learning.We focus on capacity-building, rather than a singlecognition.We focus on entertaining, rather than spoon-feeding teaching.Take the baby bus, which is loaded with a happy childhood!___________▶The series introduction:BabyBus is the first brand in early childhood educationalsoftware(field of mobile Internet), which is developed specificallyforpreschoolers, and includes two series which are the Age(1-3)andthe Age(3-6). The series of the Age(1-3) combines the mainconceptsof early childhood education for 1-3 year-old babies andcovers thecognitive development, games, songs and other relevantcategories.The applications of Age(1-3) are designed to train thebaby’scognition ability and hand-eye coordination skills.Tips: In the search bar, enter ""BabyBus"" or "" sinyee"", tofindall of our products.Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all ofourproducts.Feel free to tell us your thoughts on our games andservicesusing the contact methods listed below:E-mail: [email protected]: http://www.babybus.comFacebook: