Top 33 Apps Similar to Dr ECG

ECG EKG Interpretation Mastery 6.30.5598
Gain confidence in ECG EKG interpretation. Interpret HeartRhythmson EKG Strips
12-Lead ECG Challenge 2.1.1
12-Lead ECG Challenge is the ideal way to sharpenyourinterpretation skills.
ECG Pro - Real World ECG / EKG 1.4
WMS, Inc
Sharpen ECG / EKG interpreting skills with over 2000 Real lifecasesand videos
Medicos ECG :Clinical Guide & 4.0.9
Easy guide for ECG / EKG interpretation & practice withmorethan Real 100 cases
ECG Challenge 2.1.1
150 clinically obtained ECGs to provide the practice&confidence you need.
ECG Guide by QxMD 2.0.0
Succinct yet authoritative, ECG Guide is a critical companionforclinicians.
Cardiac Device Challenge 2.0
Cardiac Device Challenge
ACLS Rhythms and Quiz 1.0.5
"Best ACLS App for the Android" - ACLS RHYTHMS AND QUIZ
Canadian ACLS Mastery 6.31.5606
Master your ACLS. Review 250+ practice questions, quizzes &tipsanywhere
CCU Guide
60+ calculators. 20+ classifications systems. 100+cardiologytrials.
PALS MegaCodes Amer Heart 2015 1.15
MegaCodes Pediatric Advanced Life Support reflects themostrecentAmerican Hrt Guidelines needed by paramedics, EMTs,nurses,medicalstudents, and physicians. Participate in PALSMegaCodeswhere youare the team leader and you make the decisions tosave thelives ofchildren with acute illnesses and injuries. Pleaseviewthescreenshots before purchasing. Features: •RealisticPALSAmericanHrt code simulations. •Make the life-and-deathdecisions inPALSscenarios
Code Blue Pro 6.0.1
Code Blue is a specialized cardiopulmonary event timer andactivitylogger.
Preventicus Heartbeats. ECG alike medical test. 1.6.15
With the digital medical product Preventicus Heartbeatsyoucaneasily check your heart rhythm with a smartphonecamera.Regularusage supports the identification of undetectedheartrhythmdiseases, especially atrial fibrillation, forstrokeprevention.Analysis and documentation of your measurementscan beperformed inECG-comparable quality. The high accuracy oftheapplication hasbeen confirmed in international clinicalstudies.With >10million performed analyses, PreventicusHeartbeats isone of themost successful German health apps.Regularself-measurement of theheart rhythm, especially"atrialfibrillation screening", isrecommended in the guidelines oftheEuropean Society of Cardiology(ESC) and the European HeartRhythmAssociation and is particularlysuitable for people withanincreasing risk of stroke: - generallyfrom the age of 65 - from55years of age in the presence of othercardiovascular riskfactors(e.g. high blood pressure, diabetes,after a stroke or heartattack,in case of felt palpitations) -according to doctor'srecommendationThe purpose of the app is todetect evidences(suspected ortentative diagnoses) of cardiacarrhythmias, inparticular -Extremely irregular pulse (absolutearrhythmia) withsuspectedatrial fibrillation - Suspected othercardiac arrhythmiaswithfrequent irregular heartbeats (e.g.ectopic heartbeats)-Determination of the heart rate withindications or suspicionofbradycardia (pulse too low) ortachycardia (pulse too high),withouttheir further diagnosticdifferentiation All results aresuspected(tentative) diagnoses ofa digital medical device, not anactualdiagnosis in the medicalsense. Suspected (tentative)diagnoses areunder no circumstances asubstitute for personalconsultation,diagnosis or treatment by aphysician. This app may notbe used tomake decisions in situationsthat are consideredlife-threatening. Amajor risk factor forstroke is untreated atrialfibrillation (AF).It is oftenunnoticeable and only occursoccasionally, making itdifficult todetect in a doctor's office.Therefore, guidelinesrecommendregular self-checking of the heartrhythm. After medicaldiagnosisof AF, a (mostly drug-based) therapycan almost normalizethe riskof stroke. Use the free basic versionto get to know themeasuringprocess, determine your heart rate andget first hints ifthe appdetects possible heart rhythmdisturbances. The full versionoffersyou additional features: - adetailed analysis andpresentation ofthe measurement results in ECGcomparable manner -saving andsharing measurements as anECG-comparable PDF document -a longer5-minute measurement option,especially if recommended by adoctor,in order to be able to recordless frequent arrhythmicevents moreprobably - optionally thepossibility for ECGtechnicians ofTelecare centers to perform anevaluation of themeasurements toexclude possible measurement errorsand to verifyrhythmdisturbances from a medical-technical point ofview. Usethispossibility especially after a doctor'srecommendation, sinceamedical-technical pre-qualification of yourmeasurementscanconsiderably support the subsequent diagnostics ofyourdoctorLegal information: The Preventicus Heartbeats applicationisaclinically validated Class IIa medical device certified byTÜVNORDCERT GmbH and meets the basic requirements ofthe93/42/EECDirective or its national implementations. Thequalitymanagementsystem of Preventicus GmbH is certified accordingtoISO13485:2016. This standard formulates anddefinestheinternationally valid requirements for qualitymanagementsystems,especially for medical device manufacturers.
ACLS Rhythm Quiz 2.0.0
Anesoft 'ACLS Rhythm Quiz' is one of theseriesof apps from Anesoft Corporation to improve your ACLSresuscitationskills. This app will test your ability toidentifyelectrocardiogram rhythms. Recognition of ECG rhythms asthe waveforms sweep across a monitor screen is a different skillthandiagnosing cardiac rhythms on a static tracing. This appwillevaluate your resuscitation skills better than reviewing withabook because you have to diagnose the rhythms as theydynamicallymove across the screen.The app utilizes an organized four Criteria approach toidentifythe rhythms. You can also study the Description of therhythm toreview the electrophysiology. Use the same process to testyourselfand review all the ECG rhythms.When you feel you have mastered the rhythms in this programyoushould review the American Heart Association Advanced CardiacLifeSupport algorithms using the app Anesoft 'ACLS Sim 2016'.
ACLS Booster 7.7.15
Trivie Inc
The AHA ACLS Booster app was created to reinforce criticalCPRandemergency cardiovascular care information in an effort tosavemorelives. This booster app is ideal for those who havejustcompletedtheir ACLS course and want to keep informationfresh.Thisquiz-based application will feature different typesofquestionswith topics including: * Rhythms * Medications *CPRandDefibrillation * Airway Management Our adaptivelearningalgorithmanalyzes a users’ interaction with various topics,anddynamicallybuilds a proficiency map on what a user does anddoesnot know.This proficiency map is used to generatepersonalizedquizzes tohelp them build mastery. This whole processis 100%automated basedon the neuroscience-based technique ofretrievalpractice. The moreyou engage with the app, the moretailored thequizzes will be!Play today to help keep your ACLSknowledge top ofmind.
Advanced Trauma Life Support 1.10
Advanced Trauma Life Support allows you to testyourdecision-makingskills in simulated trauma cases. TraumaLifeSupport Features:Primary Survey and ResuscitationAirwayMaintenance Secondary Surveyand Management Airway andVentilatoryManagement OropharyngealAirway Insertion NasopharyngealAirwayInsertion Adult OrotrachealIntubation Laryngeal MaskAirwayInsertion Laryngeal Tube AirwayInsertion InfantEndotrachealIntubation Needle CricothyroidotomySurgicalCricothyroidotomyShock Femoral Venipuncture: SeldingerSubclavianVenipunctureInternal Jugular VenipunctureIntraosseousPuncture/Infusion VenousCutdown Thoracic Trauma PrimarySurveySecondary Survey NeedleThoracentesis Chest TubeInsertionPericardiocentesis Chest X-RayReview Abdominal and PelvicTraumaFocused Assessment SonographyTrauma DiagnosticPeritonealLavage—Open Diagnostic PeritonealLavage—ClosedApplication of aPelvic Binder Techniques to ReducePelvic FracturesHead TraumaMinor Brain Injury Moderate BrainInjury Severe BrainInjury HelmetRemoval Evaluation of Head CTScans Spine and SpinalCord TraumaScreening for Cervical SpineInjury SuspectedThoracolumbar SpineInjury Cervical Spine X-RayAssessmentAtlanto-Occipital JointAssessment Assessing SpineInjuries Thoracicand Lumbar X-RayAssessment MusculoskeletalTrauma AssessmentExtremityImmobilization Realignment of DeformedExtremities TractionSplintApplication Compartment SyndromeIdentification of ArterialInjuryBurn Injuries Pediatric TraumaTrauma During Pregnancy Pleasereviewthe screen images beforedownloading.
ECG Basics - Full 2.0.0
Get introduced to one of the most important and challengingsubjectof medicine.
CardioSmart Heart Explorer
This app enhances clinician/patient relationships at the pointofcare.
CardioExpert II 2.3.341
Tools for cardiologists.
RheumaHelper 4.5.1
Modra Jagoda
RheumaHelper — mobile rheumatology assistant
ACLS Mastery Test Practice 8.04.6340
14000+ ACLS test-takers! ACLS, BLS, Resuscitation Skills..100%PASSRATE
InSimu Patient - Diagnose Virt 7.0.0
Practice real-world diagnostic decision-making on virtual patients.
Eko: Digital Stethoscope + ECG 4.0.2
Eko Devices
Capture Heart Sounds & Rhythms
Medicos Medicine: Clinical Approach to medicine 1.5
“Medicos Medicine” is an internal medicine app based onthecollection of Student's Note. Completely free for all, thisappwill allow any physician, resident or medical student toaccessup-to-date medical information and guidelines quicklyandefficiently.It is is a handy and useful tool to learnproperhistory taking and clinical examination for learningmedicalstudents, nurses and practicing doctors embedded with textwrittenin easy language for students, attractive and high qualityimagesand videos related to respective topics there is no otherplatformbetter than this to improve your clinical skills onmedicine. appincludes everything from the beginning form propercommunicationtechniques for students while having bedside classesto teachinginternationally accepted format of general historytaking andclinical examination techniques for students and doctorsalsoprovides skills and reference to measure and interpret vitalsignsuch as temperature, pulse, blood pressure and respiratoryrateswith attractive figures and useful video related to the topicsithas a BMI calculator, pack per year calculator andcagequestionnaires for alcohol consumption making it easy forstudentswhile examination of patients the app also has a referencerange ofnormal value of most common indicators such as ureaandelectrolyte, ABG arterial blood gas analysis, hormone invenousblood, common analytes in urine, CSF, faeces,haematologicalvalues, blood glucose level and many others afterhistory takingand vitals the app also provides a step to step guideto do generalexamination of patients including pallor jaundice/icterus lymphnode examination cyanosis clubbing oedema/ edemadehydration theapp teaches us how to access them and understandthem with the helpof text images and videos after generalexamination app alsoprovides system wise history taking andexamination process Appinclude Almost Complete system of human bodyand Especially Focuseson The Examination of system such as :respiratory systemcardiovascular system gastrointestinal systemendocrine systemcentral nervous system motor system renal andgenital genitourinarysystem This might help Medical student duringrevision and wardvisit.The whole description and images are basedon the commonlypracticed clinical examination methods all aroundthe world. —FEATURES — • Concise: edited to be useful at thebedside. • Fast:advanced catch eye description • Direct link to thereferences onyoutube. • BMI calculator and pack year calculator isadded •Perfect for studying for board exams! We hope that this apphelpsto make the educational process both fun and learning.As theskillsrequired of a physician and medical student cannot be learnedfromany single source, We encourage User to make use of as manyotherreferences as possible. A LICENSED MEDICAL PROFESSIONALISRESPONSIBLE FOR INDEPENDENTLY REACHING ANY MEDICAL JUDGMENT,ANDFOR ANY RESULTING DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENTS, NOT WITHSTANDINGANYUSE OF THE CONTENT BY SUCH MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. BY USE OFTHISAPPS YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THE INFORMATION ON THISAPPSMAY CONTAIN INACCURACIES AND OTHER ERRORS. Practitionersandresearchers must always rely on their own experience andknowledgein evaluating and using any information, methods,compounds orexperiments described herein. Because of rapid advancesin themedical sciences, in particular, independent verificationofdiagnoses and drug dosages should be made. To the fullest extentofthe law, no responsibility is assumed by the app for anyinjuryand/or damage to persons or property as a matter ofproductsliability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use oroperation ofany methods, products, instructions, or ideas containedin thematerial herein.
ACLS Pretest
Become a first rate ACLS provider with ACLS Pretest! ACLSPretestisan innovative tool in mobile learning and exampreparationthatallows you to study anywhere, anytime, right fromyourmobiledevice. We strive to make studying more efficientbyredefining howyou prepare for the ACLS exam. ACLS Pretest hasover500 learningexperiences including practice questionswithrationale,life-saving algorithms, megacode simulations, andmore.*Thecontent in this app is based on the latestemergencycardiovascularcare (ECC) guidelines as published by theAmericanHeartAssociation (AHA) and determined in conjunctionwiththeInternational Liaison Committee on Resuscitation(ILCOR).*Nonetwork connection required! ACLS Pretest wasdevelopedbyphysicians, nurses, and paramedics. Thesemedicalprofessionalshave actually performed codes; they know whatit feelslike toperform chest compressions, push epinephrine, anduseshockpaddles. ACLS Pretest has the content you need tobeconfidentduring a code. Content and Features: • 350+practicequestions withrationale; immediate feedback to help youlearn • 20+algorithmstell you the best course of action so youalways knowwhat to donext • Megacode simulators test your knowledgeof thematerial inreal-world scenarios • Accurate definitions forthe 100key termsmost often used in advanced critical careandresuscitation • Fulllength ACLS, BLS, and PALS providermanualsbased on AHA guidelines• Progress tracking dashboard tellsyou whatyou’ve mastered andwhere to improve Don’t simply pass theACLSexam. Let the ACLSPretest app help you become more confidentduringa code and learnhow to provide lifesaving care when itmatters.Need help? OurCustomer Success team is available from 8amto 6pmCST,Monday-Friday. Contact us through the app’s supportsection foraresponse within 24 hours.
5-Minute Clinical Consult 2.8.17
2023 Edition with Bonus Features
Cardiac diagnosis-heart rate 25
Cardiac Diagnosis measures heart rate, arrhythmia, tachycardia,andbradycardia.
CardioMez - Heart Rate Workout 1.2.3
Simple, effective heart rate monitoring for your workouts.
Multi-Profile Medical Records 2.0.10
Keep your and family medical records on your mobile devicelocallyand securely.
Medical ID (premium) 7.16.4
Enables quick access to medical data and contacts in caseofemergency (ICE)
ACLS Rhythm Tutor 2.2.0
Learn to interpret ECG rhythms as the waveform sweeps acrossthescreen.
Healee 5.41.0
Expert medical help. Wherever you are.
Health Diary by MedM 3.0.61
MedM Inc
Family health log: blood pressure, weight, temperature,glucose,activity, sleep