Top 18 Apps Similar to 微博HD

微博 13.11.3
Follow celebrity hotspots, learn about news, watch livevideobroadcasts, and discover new things anytime, anywhere
Fuubo微博客户端 Fuubo_4
对不起!我们来晚了!全新的微博客户端Fuubo来了,除了原本备受好评的离线发送微博、定时发送微博等功能,新加入了微博浏览功能,华丽变身为一款功能完整的微博客户端。由设计师倾心打造,界面依旧大气简约,再加上工程师细致优化,轻、快、爽的体验一触便知。Fuubo,一触,动我心I'm sorry! We're late!Thenew microblogging client Fuubo come, in addition to theoriginalaward-winning offline Send microblogging, microbloggingand otherfunctions regularly sent the newly joined microbloggingbrowsing,gorgeous transform into a full-featured Twitter client.By designercordial, the interface is still simple atmosphere,coupled withcareful optimization engineers, light, fast, cooltouch experience aglance.Fuubo, a touch, move my heart
四次元(新浪微博客户端) 0.5.0beta8
Sina Weibo Appreport bug: code:
weibo contact 2.0.2
[What's Youlu?]Weibo Addressbook is a free tool which provides one touchcontactimporting, smart dialing, contact location andcontactsynchronization.[Why Youlu?]1. Support sina weibo contact Photo importing directly, makeadifferent and intimate address book2. Support wechat’s friends synchronization, by which youcouldchat directly with phone contacts in wechat.3. Smart dialing: quick search, smart match, fingertipsglancefind the one you're looking for;4. Contacts Synchronization: provides the mostcomprehensiveway to backup, safe and convenient.5. More Practical features: automatic IP dialing, numberattributiontracking, duplicate contacts merging, etc.6. Smart Garbage phone blocking, which keeps your contactlistclear.
自由微博 1.9
欢迎来到自由微博。 我们提供匿名和不受屏蔽的新浪微博搜索。我们不受相关法律法规和政策的约束。其他免翻墙镜像网址见
QQ HD(平板专用,Pad也能视频通话、语音对讲!) 3.0.1
QQHD是腾讯公司专为AndroidPad设计开发的一款即时通信软件,让您在平板电脑上获得功能丰富的畅聊体验。QQHD适合分辨率大于1024*600的机型使用,例如华硕eeepad、三星7500/7510、三星7300/7310、MOTOXOOM。大屏高清的体验带给您简洁清新的聊天环境。视频会话互通让您和QQ好友之间即刻相见,语音对讲让你从此解放繁琐输入的双手,QQ空间、QQ音乐、QQ浏览器、QQ阅读、QQ邮箱、腾讯微博、腾讯新闻的整合让您充分享受一站式互联网服务,图片涂鸦、换肤、自定义表情让您的聊天充满乐趣。QQ音乐、QQ阅读等应用的整合让你的平板更加多彩,让您的指尖在平板上滑出从未遇见的QQ!QQ HD 3.01、支持与PCQQ同时在线,支持QQ HD在线状态2、高清动态趣味表情3、支持群消息记录漫游4、空间支持照片上传5、支持更换QQ头像6、全新的夜间模式,支持亮度调节7、支持多终端在线状态管理8、天气资讯城市选择增加自动定位9、支持图片转发10、程序流畅性以及稳定性优化QQ HD 2.11. 全新登录界面2. 程序主界面视觉风格优化调整3. 程序竖屏界面结构优化调整4. 程序设置项优化调整5. 程序在七寸设备上的字体大小优化6. 修复天气预报窗口无法关闭问题7. 修复点击天气插件引起的程序崩溃问题8. 修复QQ邮箱无法打开问题9. 修复图片保存后无法实时通过系统图库查看的问题10. 提供全新的五张壁纸QQ HD 2.01 支持空间加密相册查看2 支持好友空间留言3 完善天气资讯4 对程序界面进行优化QQ HD 1.9.8 plus 此版本修复了1.9.8版本在部分机型上过暗、过亮和无法调整亮度的问题QQ HD 1.9.8性能优化版,新增8项功能,多达30项更新1. 新增插件自定义模块,还您一个简洁界面;2. 新增离开状态时自动回复;3. 新增自定义回复内容;4. 新增夜间模式;5. 新增群消息接收/屏蔽集中管理模块;6. 新增登录界面设置是否接收群消息;7. 新增程序缓存图片删除;8. 新增分享桌面功能;9. 优化图片查看界面按钮排版;10. 优化多图连续查看过程中进度指示;11. 优化好友列表协议,拉取速度更快;12. 优化Wifi下聊天窗口内图片接收机制,更快体验更流畅;13. 优化3G下图片接收策略,节省更多流量;14. 优化程序升级模块;15. 优化程序设置功能项排版,更简洁更实用;16. 优化群资料卡消息接收/屏蔽设置;17. 优化从群成员列表中添加好友的流程;18. 优化群成员昵称显示策略,直接显示群名片;19. 优化聊天窗口界面视觉效果;20. 优化群列表显示,已屏蔽的群位于列表底部,未屏蔽的群位于列表上部;21. 优化聊天窗口内涂鸦发送机制,大大降低误操作概率;22. 优化聊天窗口消息显示机制;23. 优化Qzone详情页评论、转发和分享按钮;24. 优化好友列表视觉效果;25. 优化内置浏览器兼容性;26. 优化QQmail兼容性;27. 优化程序刷新机制,更加省电;28. 优化网络环境变换时登录策略,Wifi/3G下自动切换;29. 优化图片工具栏交互动画;30. 优化最近联系人列表显示,按时间分类;31. 优化涂鸦机制,降低涂鸦造成程序崩溃的概率;32. 优化意见反馈功能;33. 优化好友分组人数显示;34. 优化程序在android 4.1.1系统下的适配性;35. 优化由离线状态到离开状态的上线过程;36. 优化程序登录后界面;37. 解决程序后台运行时任务栏消息提示数不准确的问题;38. 解决在部分三星Note/i9220/N7000机型上程序崩溃的问题;1.9更新特性1、自定义皮肤,DIY个性QQ HD2、临时会话,陌生人之间轻松畅谈3、找群加群,找到属于你的组织4、细节持续优化1.8修复版非常抱歉1.8版本在部分平板设备上后台使用时会引起程序崩溃,目前这一问题已经被修复,大家可更新1.8修复版。对此给您带来的不便,希望您能谅解,QQHD依然需要您的支持。如果对于版本有什么建议或问题,欢迎反馈。可通过以下途径:1、关注QQ HD腾讯微博,直接@QQ_HD进行问题反馈2、程序内意见反馈渠道,设置-〉关于QQ HD -〉意见反馈1.8版本更新特性1、程序内聊天窗口、Qzone、新闻等场景图片可连续查看2、聊天记录导出,留住精彩回忆3、内置应用宝,精品平板应用触手可得4、增加去市场评价功能,喜欢QQ HD就推荐给好友吧1.7版本更新特性1、空间好友主页全新升级,好友动态尽在掌握2、新增自定义表情模块,让聊天更加生动3、图片查看功能继续强化,可分享图片至空间或微博4、Android 4.0系统适配,5、程序性能优化QQ HD 1.6贺岁版更新时间:2012-01-09主要功能:1、QQ好友资料卡全新呈现2、支持图片多点触控任意查看3、根据Pad特点,优化了QQ HD性能和细节体验QQ HD 1.6更新时间:2011-12-23主要功能:1、增加QQ阅读模块2、视频通话体验优化(支持pc、pad、手机之间互通)3、文件传输体验优化(支持pc、pad、手机之间互通)4、根据Pad特点,优化了QQ HD性能和细节体验QQ HD 1.5更新时间:2011-11-24主要功能:1、整合腾讯视频(QQlive)2、加入语音对讲功能3、视频会话时可多方聊QQ4、实现最近联系人漫游5、支持隐身登录6、根据Pad特点,优化了QQ HD性能和细节体验QQ HD 1.4更新时间:2011-11-01主要功能:1、支持横竖屏切换2、新增涂鸦功能3、gif动态图片支持4、增加新闻频道分类5、其他功能细节优化6、根据Pad特点,优化了QQ HD性能和细节体验QQ HD 1.3更新时间:2011-09-15主要功能:1、全新操作体验2、QQ空间信息浏览3、更多资讯获取4、QQ音乐随心而听5、贴心天气关怀6、多种皮肤更换7、根据Pad特点,优化了QQ HD性能和细节体验QQ HD 1.2更新时间:2011-08-1主要功能:1. 视频、语音会话(支持pc、pad、手机之间互通)2. 文件传输(支持pc、pad、手机之间互通)3. QQ好友、QQ群图片接收与发送4. 拍照分享5. 随便听听QQ音乐6. 未读QQ消息盒子7. 根据Pad特点,优化了QQ HD性能和细节体验QQ HD 1.1.2更新时间:2011-05-1主要功能:1. 清新界面和全新交互2. 接收和发送图片3. 快速定位QQ好友、发起聊天4. 未读QQ消息便捷处理5. 视频会话(支持pc、pad、手机之间互通)6. 根据Pad特点,优化了QQ HD性能和细节体验QQ HD 1.0 Beta1更新时间:2011-1-18主要功能:1. 支持QQ好友聊天和QQ群聊天2. 查找QQ好友、添加QQ好友、删除QQ好友3. 查看QQ好友资料和QQ群资料4. QQ群消息接收与屏蔽设置5. 一键查看QQ空间和腾讯微博关键词Qqhd qq hd pad padqq pad qq for pad HD qq hd1.4qqhdminihdmini平板电脑QQ qqmini 平板qq 平板电脑 高清 MSN QQ浏览器 腾讯 uc浏览器 手机微博QQ农场 QQ牧场QQ偷菜 手机QQ mobile QQ QQ音乐 QQ阅读 QQ空间 Qzone QQ输入法 通讯录 QQ通讯录QQ安全助手ucweb 天天浏览器 遨游浏览器 Opera迷你浏览器 QQ浏览器 天天 微信 人人 地图 音乐 空间 腾讯微博新浪微博 客户端平板应用 HD软件 邮箱 QQ邮箱 腾讯新闻 QQ新闻 QQ输入法 自定义皮肤 聊天软件 即时通讯 微信 米聊 社交交友 视频聊天视频软件 视频互通 语音通话 mobile qq mobile qq hd mobileqq mobileqqhd高清平板
WeChat 8.0.42
"Much better, much more popular, muchmoreuser-friendly” - USA Today"Simple enough that anyone can use it, versatile enoughthateveryone has some use for it" - WiredWeChat is a messaging and calling app that allows you toeasilyconnect with family and friends across countries. It'stheall-in-one communications app for text (SMS/MMS), voice andvideocalls, Moments, photo sharing, and games.WHY USE WECHAT:• MULTIMEDIA MESSAGING: Send video, photo, text, andvoicemessages.• GROUP CHAT & CALLS: Create group chats with up to 500peopleand group video calls up to 9 people.• FREE VOICE & VIDEO CALLS: High-quality free calls toanywherein the world.• WECHAT OUT CALLS: Make calls to landlines and mobile aroundtheglobe at low rates (in certain regions only).• STICKER GALLERY: Hundreds of free, fun, animated stickerstoexpress your feelings from some of your favorite cartoonsandmovies.• MOMENTS: Share your best moments on your personalphotostream.• BETTER PRIVACY: WeChat gives you the highest level of controloveryour privacy. It's the only messaging app to be certifiedbyTRUSTe.• MEET NEW FRIENDS: Use “Friend Radar”, “People Nearby” and“Shake”to meet others.• REALTIME LOCATION: Instead of having to tell others where youare,just use real-time location sharing.• LANGUAGE SUPPORT: Localized in 20 different languages andcantranslate messages to any language.• AND MORE: Desktop app, custom wallpapers, customnotifications,and Official Accounts.
新浪博客 1.2.1
微博通 2.0.1
知乎 9.8.0
Zhihu Inc.
If there is a question, there will be an answer
街旁 - Jiepang
Jiepang – city life, friends, food,travel,music, movies, events, weibo, blog, journalJiepang 5.0 is here, check out how we’re redefining thecheckin!With our brand new version of Jiepang, you can check in notonlyyour location, but all the moments that are worth rememberingandsharing. Whether you're a foodie, jet setter, music lover,moviecritic, or selfie pro, you can use Jiepang’s moment tags and“with”feature to tell your own story by posting each chapter ofyourpersonality. The new Jiepang introduces a whole new way tomeetpeople who share your interests through moment tags likefood,travel, music and movies; explore interesting content andmakefriends.Jiepang can help you easily share your moments to yoursocialnetworks, including WeChat, Weibo, Renren, Douban andQzone.
LINE: Free Calls & Messages
LINE reshapes communication around theglobe,allowing you to enjoy not only messaging but also free voiceandvideo calls wherever you find yourself.Download LINE and discover the reasons for its global popularityandnumber one ranking in 52 countries.LINE's latest features★ Intimate conversations or large round tables can happenanywherewith group video callsChat with up to 200 friends in your group simultaneously! Enjoyfaceto face video chats with friends as well!★ Use polls to quickly see what your friends thinkFrom where to meet to what to eat, avoid lengthy discussionsandmake decisions easily by creating a poll.LINE's main features★ Free voice and video calls anywhere, anytimeEnjoy great quality calls at no charge, no matter where youare.Even international calls with up to 200 people at the same timearecompletely free! Use effects and filters for even more funduringvideo calls. (Note that this feature may not be availableoncertain devices.)★ Convenient chats where anything is possibleShare messages, photos, videos, stickers, voice messages,andlocations easily with friends.★ Fun and easy-to-use social networking featuresFrom messages and photos to videos and locations, share yourdailymoments with friends on Timeline!★ Find the world's most popular characters at the StickerShopBrowse hundreds of popular free stickers plus adorable stickersofthe world's favorite characters! Choose from a variety ofLINEsticker sets to liven up your messages in your ownuniqueway.★ Auto-sync your device and PCWhether on the go with the mobile version or connected tothedesktop version using your PC or Mac, your LINE chats arealwaysup-to-date and synced automatically across allversions.★ Your own personal storage space: KeepStore messages, photos, videos, and more in Keep where youcaneasily share them with friends.★ Stay informed with LINE official accountsConnect directly with your favorite celebrities and companiesbyfriending their official accounts.★ Get connected to new appsLINE provides a gateway to entertainment and lifestyle appsthatwill keep you entertained and bring new convenience toyourlife.★ Make international calls with LINE OutPlace international calls to mobile phones and landlines atlowrates. You can even call friends who aren't on LINE.Plus, enjoy free calls after watching ads with LINE Out Free.■ We recommend using a data plan or connecting to Wi-Fi as youmayincur data usage fees otherwise.■ Please also use LINE with Android OS versions 4.1 and abovetoenjoy LINE to the fullest extent.**********If your network speed is too slow or you don't have enoughdevicestorage, LINE may not install properly.If this happens, please check your connection and try again.**********
网易微博 2.4.0
网易微博官方客户端*随时随地发微博,记录生活点点滴滴*上传图片,分享生活精彩瞬间*评论、转发微博,发现新鲜事*关注、查找感兴趣的朋友,零距离互动交流*节省流量,比手机网页版节约80%以上*优化信息加载,发布浏览操作更流畅*界面清爽,享受舒适的阅读体验Neteasemicroblogging official client.* Anytime hair microblogging record bits and pieces oflife* Upload pictures, share moments of lifeThe * comments forwarding microblogging found nothing new* Concern, find interested friends, up close and interact* Save traffic, saving more than 80% than the mobilewebversion* Optimized loading a browse operation more smoothly* Interface refreshing, enjoy a comfortable reading experience
We Heart It 9.3.2(21916)
We Heart It
Get lost in what you love. With WHIyoucan:• Be inspired: Explore images, videos and GIFs about quotes,art,fashion, travel, fitness, makeup, music, wallpapers andmore• Curate Your Canvas: Heart, Collect and Share the thingsthatrepresent you• Join a Channel: Customize your experience by letting us knowthethings you love the most and discover people who shareyourinterests• Watch videos: Engaging content from your favoriteinfluencers,YouTube, YouNow, stars and brands• Share your content to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,Tumblr,WhatsApp, and more• Send messages: Communicate with your followers with imagesortext• Find a wallpaper: Background and lockscreens for anydevice,iPhone, iPad, and more• Find a project: Crafts, remodeling, redesigns, home decor,andother DIY ideas• Discover quotes: Every mood, theme, and aesthetic• Immerse yourself in fandoms: Doctor Who, Supernatural,HarryPotter, Teen Wolf, American Horror Story, Pretty LittleLiars,Vampire Diaries, Game of Thrones, and more• Explore the best photos, galleries and GIFs: Cities,travel,anime, food, fashion, nails, and musicians like OneDirection andJustin Bieber
MiTalk Messenger 7.3.32
Xiaomi Inc.
MiTalk Messenger is the fastest and one ofthemost popular mobile social applications in the market. Itistotally free and cross-platform! It currently supports EnglishandChinese (simplified and traditional).Its fully packed features include:-Group Chat: MiTalk Messenger supports group discussions withupto 500 people. The more the merrier!-Instant Feedback: You know right away if othershavereceived/read your messages.-MiCall: Call your MiTalk friends through MiTalk! It's free!-Video Messaging: Share what you see, just press a button andyoucan send it as a instant message!-Voice Messaging: New feature supports voice messages.Leavevoice mark anywhere you want!-Rich Media: More than text, MiTalk Messenger supportsrichemoticons, photos, voice, location share, handwriting andgraffiti,and more!-MiMotions: Emoticons can not express your feelings? Well,wehave large stickers that make moves!-Lots of friends: MiTalk Messenger helps you to easily findandconnect with families, friends and colleagues, no matter wheretheyare in the world!-Low power/Low data flow: Push messagesupport(pop-upnotification), real-time messaging, low powerconsumption and lowdata transmission.-Absolutely FREE: MiTalk Messenger is completely free, as longasyour phone can connect to the Internet (3G/GPRS/Wifi).-Multi-platform support: MiTalk Messenger supports SymbianS60(chinese version only), Android (English, Chinese), WindowsPhone(English and Chinese), Windows 8 (English and Chinese), andiPhone(English and Chinese) platforms.WE LOVE YOUR FEEDBACK! YOU CAN REACH US HERE:Email us via [email protected] us at http://www.mitalk.comFollow us on Twitter: us on Facebook:
Firefox for Android Beta 120.0b9
Help refine and polish the newestfeaturesalmost ready for prime time. With Firefox Beta, you get totest thelatest performance, customization and security enhancementsbeforethey make it to our next version.Have an impact by helping to put the finishing touches onfeaturesand functionality.**We need your help testing Intel x86 Atom based devices! Ifyouhave an Intel x86 Atom based device, download Firefox Beta andtellus what you think.**Find a bug? Report it at to know more about the permissions Firefoxrequests? our list of supported devices and latest minimumsystemrequirementsat MOZILLAMozilla is a proudly non-profit organization dedicated tokeepingthe power of the Web in people's hands.We're a global community of users, contributors anddevelopersworking to innovate on your behalf.When you use Firefox, you become a part of that community,helpingus build a brighter future for the Web.Learn more at
IM+ supports simultaneously major IMservices,including Google Talk, Twitter DMs, Yahoo!, AIM/iChat,ICQ, Jabber(and Slack through Jabber), and many others.Below is thelist ofother IM+ features:- UI is optimized for both smartphones and tablet computers- Send text messages, photos, and voice notes- Group chats in AIM, ICQ- Chat history- Multiple accounts per service- Create personal and geo status messages- Customize your IM+ experience with different soundnotificationsand emoticons- Typing notifications- Option to set Master Password- Off-The-Record (OTR) messagingFollow @implus on Twitter and LikeonFacebook to get thelatestupdates from IM+ team
地图微博 1.0
No English VersionEnglishV0.1.201109261.显示当前用户所在的地图位置2.可以对所在位置进行调整(双击地图上的某点)3.可以发送微博信息分享数据4.请将您宝贵的意见发送至:[email protected]备注:1.当前只针对新浪微博2.暂时只支持中国移动手机用户3.建议android系统版本是2.3.3以上