Top 2 Games Similar to How many words do you know?

Musical: Quiz 1.2
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iWhovian - Doctor Who Quiz 2.01
Peter Nobbs
The ultimate Doctor Who Trivia app...AreyouaTRUE WHOVIAN?!?This app is will test your knowledge of Doctor Who, Doyoureallyknow as much as you think you do?Test yourself by answering questions about Doctor Whooverthelast 52 years*This is the only Doctor Who Quiz which containsover3600different possible questions**You have 3 Regenerations (lives), for each incorrectansweryouwill lose a regeneration. How many questions canyouanswercorrectly before you lose the capacity to regenerate?Like us on Facebook: foruptodate news and exclusive information about upcoming updates.More Doctors, Quizzes & Questions cominginfutureupdates...*PLEASE NOTE: The Classic Doctors need to be unlockedusingin-appcurrency which can be earned within the gameorpurchased.**Total number of questions (1st --> 12th Doctor)This application is neither endorsed or associated withtheBBC.Doctor Who is copyright © British BroadcastingCorporation(BBC)1963, 2015.No infringement of this copyright is either implied orintended.