Top 5 Apps Similar to БГ Думи

БГ Срички 1.5
Приложението "БГ Срички" е предназначенозадеца които вече знаят буквите от азбуката.Целта е да се научат да образуват думи от срички.Състои се от два раздела:--- "Срички" е екран съставен от различни срички, коитосепроизнасят при натискане. Препоръчваме първоначално децата дабъдатоставени свободно да се забавляват както пожелаят. Така щедобиятинтуитивен усет за сричките и ще се възбуди интересътим.Тук се развива способноста им както за цветови и редовиасоциаций,така и за нестандартно мислене.--- "Напиши дума" е игра, в която се произнася дума и тятрябвада се напише като се натискат наличните срички.Това е подходящ начин за формиране на умения за писане на целидумиот срички.Уважаеми родители, баби, дядовци, възпитатели, надяваме сетазиигра да бъде ваш помощник, но тя не може да ви замести.Вашетовнимание, време, търпение и добро отношение са решаващивобучението на детето.Предназначено е за деца от 2 до 6 години.****Без реклами и други добавки****Application "BGSyllables"is designed for children who already know the letters ofthealphabet.The goal is to learn to form words by syllables.It consists of two sections: --- "Syllables" screen is composed of differentsyllablesare pronounced when pressed. We recommend that childreninitiallybe left free to enjoy themselves as they wish. This willgain anintuitive sense of syllables and excite theirinterest. It develops their ability to both color and rowtheAssociation and the lateral thinking. --- "Write the word" is a game in which pronounced thewordand it must be implemented by pushing existingsyllables.This is an appropriate way of developing skills to write wholewordsby syllables.Dear parents, grandparents, educators, hopefully this game tobeyour assistant, but it can not replace you. Your attention,time,patience and a good attitude are crucial in achild'seducation.Designed for children 2 to 6 years.No **** ads and other additives ****
Learn French - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
1001 words 2.8
This is an educational application whichallowschildren to learn vocabulary in French and English (US)(more than300 words at all). There is more than just nouns. Youwill find alsoverbs, feelings and prepositions used for everydaylife. There aretwo modes : "learning" and "playing". The formerallows to learnwords of a specific screen and the latter is as agame to find thewords just learned. Voices are for real and comefrom students ofInternal French School of Manila.It is perfect for kids up to 10 years old. Words are alsospelledfor kids who can read and the results are recorded so youcan seethe progress of your children.Today, two languages voices are provided by studentsthroughout23 screens. Language switch can be done at anytime whiletouchingthe flag. Depending on inquiries and success of the app, Iwill addmore languages and screens. 4 screens are randomly unlockedeachtime you start the app and you can purchase the app to be abletoaccess all screens at all times. Once purchased, this app canbeinstalled for free on any device with the same google accountandads will disappear.Important : to retrieve old purchase while installing the apponanother device please provide an internet connection and clickon"Buy 1001 words". All screens will be unlock automaticallyGreetings:Sounds :
Learn Turkish Words Free 3.1.0
Free Vocabulary Trainer & Turkish travel phrases,slang,business language...
Learn Czech Vocabulary Free 3.1.0
Free Vocabulary Trainer & Czech travel phrases, slang,businesslanguage...