Top 23 Apps Similar to Jewish Siddur Pocket iSiddur

RustyBrick Siddur - סידור 3.13.2
The Famous RustyBrick Siddur ComestoAndroid!Take your weekday siddur with you with this feature-packedJewishprayer book. You'll get Ashkenaz, Sefard, Sefardi MizrachiandNusach Ari (Chabad*) versions of davening, includingweekdayShacharis, Mincha, Maariv, standard Brachos and more. RealtimeZmanim will give you the prayer times for each day based onyourlocation determined with the device's GPS. A Minyanim databasewillhelp you find nearest shul. A Luach or Jewish Calendar will aidyouin your prayer services.Features:* Weekday prayer texts with easy and quick navigation* Nussach for Ashkenaz, Sfrard and Sefarad Mizrachi* Zmanim Calculator based on your location (with override)* Minyanim database, finds nearest shul to your location* Luach or Jewish Calendar* More brachos, Chanukah, and much more* Setting feature to store your preferred Nusach* Great for travel or on the go* Texts currently in Hebrew only* English Translations are Available as PAID upgrades* Internet Access Not Required* Mizrach Compass* Tefillin MirrorThe Siddur is one of the most popular Jewish apps here and itisRusty Brick's flagship product. We constantly update it,almostevery week. Make sure to follow us on Twitter @iSiddur andkeep upto date.* Chabad version has Shacharis, Mincha and Maariv for weekday.Doesnot have Mussaf, Hallel, and other tefillot outside of thenormalweekday prayers. An upgrade is available to have alltheseprayers.
ArtScroll Smart Siddur סדור 7.3.2
ArtScroll Smart Siddur סדור - Ashkenaz and Sefard EditionsWeekdayZmanim Luach
Smart Siddur 7.5.279
Karri Apps
An automatic Siddur that gives you exactly what you need, onlywhenyou need it
Siddur Tehillat Hashem 3.1.11
Your daily "Tehillat Hashem" Siddur!* All the weekly prayers in your pocket.* Prayers are auto-adjusted to your date & time.* A "Davening Direction" screen.
Siddur One 7.6.4
The only free siddur in beautiful Material Design thatcontainsallof weekday davening in nusach Ashkenaz, Sfard andEdotHaMizrach.The siddur contains all the text you would expect inaregularprint siddur. It knows what day it is and deliversthespecifictefilos for that day. This becomes especially powerfulonfast dayswhen it can deliver the appropriate selichos atshacharisand kriaat mincha. It also includes a luach zmanim. Nowyou canchoosebetween five different fonts, change the text size andsetanappearance theme. You can also set the siddur tosilenceyourdevice while davening. When you're done, exit with abackpresstoreset your device's volume. Includes: -All dailyprayersinAshkenaz, Sfar, and Edot HaMizrach -Daily luachzmanim-Prayercompass -Special zmanim (candle lighting, fast times,biurchometzetc.) -Silence device option -Musaf for Rosh ChodeshandCholHaMoed -Kria for Mondays/Thursdays, Fast DaysandHolidays-Selichos for Taanis Tzibur -Hoshanos (smartHoshanos!)-Bentching(including at Bris, Sheva Brochos and holidayinserts)-Vidui YomKippur (mincha erev YK and in shonos) -MegilasEsther,Eicha, ShirHaShirim, Rus and Koheles -Bedikas Chometz-Chanukacandle lighting-Hatavas Chalom -Tefilas Havineinu-HafrashasTerumos, Maasoros andChalah -Havdala -Krias Shma AlHamita-LekuteiBrochos -Font andtext size options -Tashlich -Kaparos-Ushpizin andmore.
iSiddur Jewish Siddur Lite 1.2
This holy hi-tech Siddur includes prayersforthe following traditions (nusachim):*Ashkenaz*Sefarad*Nusach Ari*Edut Hamizrach.It contains:*Shacharit*Mincha*Maariv*Birkat Hamazon.It is very convenient and easy to use, since it has alltheprayers outlined for easy access.We invested many hours working to make this valuable product atareasonable price so that everyone can enjoy it! all theproceedswill be used to upgrade current version, a big mitzvah tobuy anduse daily.The siddur is in Hebrew, we will be releasing an englishandspanish version soon.Additional faeatures:* Chumash* Tehillim* Mizrach Compass (East and Jerusalem methods).* Tefillim mirror.Make your holy prayers always available!
Siddur Ashkenaz (Free Version) 29.0
Powered by RobertRVery lightweight application (only about 300 KB).Includes:* Shaharit* Minha* Arvit* Kriat Shema Al HaMitta* Birkat HaMazon* Birkat Meein Shalosh* Boreh Nefashot* Tfilat HaDerech* Hanukkah (in the paid version)* "Move to SD Card" option (in the paid version)* Allows you to save all settings and customize every screen.(inthe paid version)האפליקציה פותחה ע"י רוברט.ראפליקציה קלה מאוד השוקלת 300 קילו-בית בלבדאפליקצית הסידור כוללת:* שחרית* מנחה* ערבית* קריאת שמע על המיטה* ברכת המזון* ברכת מעין שלוש* בורא נפשות* תפילת הדרך
AndDaaven Siddur 0.3.11
S Popper
An easy to use siddur application that minimizes distractionintefilla.
Elegant Siddur (Ashkenaz) 0.0.1
Allen Abraham
Simple Siddur App with a elegant touchIncludes- Shachris - שחרית- Mincha - מנחה- Maariv - ערבית-Bircas Hamazon - ברכת המזון
Easy Siddur 1.2
Simple siddur, no shacrit
Siddur & Tehilim סידור ותהילים
Complete siddur with all the prayers and Tehilim.
Daily Chumash Rambam Chitas 1.2
**Opens automatically to each Day'sTorahPortion, or browse using Table of Contents.**Includes a Siddur, Chumash Rashi, Tehillim, Rambam 1Chapter,Rambam 3 Chapters, Sefer Hamitzvos, Tanya, LekuteiTorah.**For all users including those who cannot understand orreadHebrew.*Displays only Hebrew, or only English, or both together.*Difficult words could be translated individually usingthedictionary.Additional features: Searchable text, bookmarks, notes, TableofContents, change font size.We are hoping soon to create a Gemara Daf Yomi appwithtranslations Talmud words. We also intend to add more HebrewandJewish English Seforim.Report bugs and suggestions to [email protected] Support FAQ:Q: Pages won't scroll (Can't go to next page):Possible solution:Read the help file. Scroll pages by swiping finger right/leftoverthe screen (NOT up/down).If you are using a slow phone - swipe finger left/right andwaituntil page changes. (Do not re-attempt to scroll again or itwillfurther delay)Q: Books are all Blank White without any text.Possible Solution:This may be caused by a previous installationofthis app, or an update.The following solution may help:----Settings----Apps----Daily Torah----Delete all the Cache and all the Data from the app.Open app and wait 30 seconds after opening book the first time.If this does not work - Delete and Reinstall App.If problem persists please contact us and provide yourdevicemodel.Q: I always get message "Please select new date".Possible Solution: Be sure that your device is set to thecorrectdate.
Hebr-Eng Siddur Keter Shelomo
Free Sidur Linear Hebrew-English Interactive ScrollingDetailedMenusSephardic
ArtScroll Digital Library 7.2.8
The ArtScroll Scottenstein Talmud, Smart Siddur, Kitzur ,Seforimand eBooks
Siddur Nosach Sfarad (Free) 29.0
Powered by RobertR Very lightweight application (only about 300KB)Includes: * Shaharit * Minha * Arvit * Kriat Shema Al HaMitta*Birkat HaMazon * Birkat Meein Shalosh * Boreh Nefashot *TfilatHaDerech * Hanukkah (in the paid version) * "Move to SDCard"option (in the paid version) * Allows you to save all settingsandcustomize every screen. (in the paid version) האפליקציה פותחהע"ירוברט.ר אפליקציה קלה מאוד השוקלת 300 קילו-בית בלבד אפליקציתהסידורכוללת: * שחרית * מנחה * ערבית * קריאת שמע על המיטה * ברכתהמזון *ברכת מעין שלוש * בורא נפשות * תפילת הדרך
Siddur Sfaradi (Free Version) 29.0
Powered by RobertR Very lightweight application (only about300KB)Includes: * Shaharit * Minha * Arvit * Kriat Shema AlHaMitta*Birkat HaMazon * Birkat Meein Shalosh * Boreh Nefashot*TfilatHaDerech * Hanukkah (in the paid version) * "Move toSDCard"option (in the paid version) * Allows you to save allsettingsandcustomize every screen. (in the paid version) האפליקציהפותחהע"ירוברט.ר אפליקציה קלה מאוד השוקלת 300 קילו-בית בלבדאפליקציתהסידורכוללת: * שחרית * מנחה * ערבית * קריאת שמע על המיטה *ברכתהמזון *ברכת מעין שלוש * בורא נפשות * תפילת הדרך
BetaMidrash 2.01
We've teamed up with Sefaria to buildastate-of-the-art app for learning Torah. Since we will no longerbeupdating BetaMidrash, please download the new Sefaria appat all the latest texts, translations and features!-----BetaMidrash is revolutionizing the mobile Torah learningexperienceand has one of largest libraries of Torah and Jewishtexts on amobile device, with tens of thousands of Englishtranslations, andhalf a million connections between the texts. Witha user friendlydesign, easy jumping between connected sources, andadvancedsearching to help you find what you're looking for quickly,it isthe best places to study Torah on the go.Our library is from, with slightmodifications.Sefaria is breaking grounds in the world of digitizedJewish texts.It is an open source library, so if you want to addtranslations orbooks, the power is in your hands. They check theaccuracy of thecontent, making have the most accurate Talmud textfreely availableon the internet, using the Vilna shas as thestandard. One of thethings that makes Sefaria so unique is that alltheir texts arecopyright free and open for anyone to use for anypurpose.BetaMidrash isn't part of the Sefaria project, butSefaria'sopenness enables us to use the Torah.BetaMidrash contains millions of Jewish texts, and hundredsofthousands of connections between them. BetaMidrash contains oneof(if not the) largest libraries of Jewish texts available onamobile device also containing many many translations includingfulltranslation of Tanach and Mishna. Some of the textsinclude:Tanach (Torah, Neviim, Kesuvim)Commentaries include: Rashi, Ramban, Eban Ezra, Rashbam,Radak,Sforno... (many more)MishnahToseftaTamludMidrashHalakhahKabbalahTefillah (Siddur for Ashkenaz, Edot HaMizrach, and Sefard)PhilosophyChasidutMussarResponsaPlus many many more!!תנך - תורה, נביאים, כתוביםרש''י, רמב"ן, עבן עזרא, רשב"ם, רד"ק, ספורנו...והרבה עודמשנהתוספתאתלמודמדרשהלכהקבלהתפילה - אשכנז, ספרד, עדת המזרחמחשבהחסידותמוסרשו"תועוד!BetaMidrash is created and owned by JoshHerzberg,[email protected], and NoahSantacruz,[email protected] any bugs, problems, or suggestions please feel free toemailus. If you enjoy BetaMidrash, don't forget to rate it on theplaystore. You can also help support the project by going toourwebsite, also created
SiddurDroid 1.0
SiddurDroid è un marchioregistrato.Lariproduzione è vietata. Tutti i diritti sonoriservati.App ideata e creata da David SalSiddur Italiano secondo il Minhag di Roma. Applicazione infasedisviluppo e di aggiornamentoSiddurDroid isaregisteredtrademark. Reproduction is prohibited. All rightsarereserved.App designed and created by David SalItalian siddur according to the minhag of Rome.Applicationindevelopment and updating
Kol Yaakob Siddur 1.0
Kol Yaakob Siddur -The official Sephardic Prayer Book
Sidur 1.0.8
Book of Jewish prayers. Siddur weekly Sephardic translatedandtransliterated.
Siddur and Tehilim 1.3.7
New!!! Hebrew watch face, now you can get jewish date onyourwearable device! Handy jewish prayer book that contains: 1.Siddurfor both Ashkenaz & Sfarad community 2. Tehilim 3. Tanah4.Slihot The application is eye friendly! the font can get biggerandbigger so reading the morning prayer never been that easyandconfort (better than the common Siddur you have!). Lookingforspecial blessing? for special chapter? no problem, just hitthesearch and find it in no time. Inside you can find: Slihot,Hanuka,Hagada pesah , kadish and more We will give you usefulinformationabout the upcomming Shabat (Parashat Hashavua and moreto come....)Include hebrew calendar.