Top 15 Apps Similar to Temple Isaiah

NaWallet - Pure accounting software 6.7.0
Provide individuals with a lightweight billingproduct.Theapplication developed by the individual began tobeself-use.Later, I felt that some people like me, like simpleandpureaccounting methods, so they were released. Leteveryonekeepaccounts in an easy way, not all-inclusive, personalaccountingisnot necessary for specialization. There arenounnecessarypermissions, no advertisements, no user system,nouserinformation, just simply record the income and expenditure,dosomeclear statistics, and establish a good spending habitbyclearlyunderstanding where the money is spent..[Chargingcharacteristics] Quick billing: multiple directbillingmethodsCustom: Customize revenue and expenditureclassification,billingtime, modify at any timeMulti-dimensionalstatistics:multi-dimensional statistical revenueand expenditureflow Budgetfunction: control consumption and reduceexpenses Cloudbackup:local backup/cloud backup data to ensure datais not lostAssetManagement: Rational management of assetaccountsMulti-theme:support night mode and multi-topic color
JustLogin 1.5.2
An HR Cloud app with great employee experience starts hereinJustLogin.
Wahed Invest 2.1.15
Wahed Inc.
Thousands of clients from over 55 countries havestartedtheirjourney with us. You too can put your money to work.Wahed istheeasiest way to invest your money in an Ethical mannerwhereveryouare. You can start with just $100 with nolong-termcommitmentswhatsoever. You can place a deposit orwithdrawalrequest atanytime. Here’s how it works: 1. Get arecommendedportfolio basedon your risk profile 2. Open your accountanddeposit seamlessly 3.Monitor your performance, we’ll buytheinvestments for youautomatically Start saving for your futurewiththis award winningand revolutionary digital Ethicalinvestmentplatform - your phonebecomes an investment portfoliomanagementtool. Wahed’srobo-advisor custom tailors recommendationsbased on asimple riskassessment questionnaire with one mainpurpose: findingthe rightinvestment strategy for you! Your moneywill be investedindifferent funds such as global stocks, emergingmarketstocks,Sukuk, and gold. Commitment to Ethical investing: •Ourinvestmentsare carefully screened for the presence of interest,aswellsecurities with excessive debt ratios • We do notinvestinimpermissible industries including alcohol, gambling,armsandtobacco, among others • Our company and portfolioshavebeencertified as Shariah Compliant by AAOIFI standards by ourfulltimeShariah Review Board Signing up is easy. Download our app,taketherisk assessment questionnaire and make your deposittojointhousands of clients who are investing for their future.
Dilemma Game 3.5.0
Discuss dilemma’s related to integrity and professionalisminresearch.
HSA Bank Mobile 9.1.0
Webster Bank
HSA Bank Mobile – Health Savings in the Palm ofYourHand!DISCLAIMER: The HSA Bank mobile app is currentlyavailableonly tomembers on the new technology system. Our intent isto offerthehighest quality health accounts and a convenientmemberexperience.While it is still possible for anyone to installthemobile app,HSA Bank will communicate directly with members astowhen themobile app is fully functional for them. HSA BankMobileHSA BankMobile is all about giving you the tools to takecontrol ofandbetter manage your health accounts. Safe and secure,HSABankMobile offers real-time access for all your account needs,24hoursa day, seven days a week. It’s simple, intuitive,andconvenient.Save time and hassles while making the most of yourHSA,HRA, andFSA health benefit accounts by quickly checkingyourbalances anddetails. Our secure app makes managing yourhealthbenefits easythrough real-time access and intuitivenavigation toall yourimportant account information on the go!Powerful featuresof theapp include: Easy, Convenient & Secure •Simply login totheintuitive app using your same health benefitswebsite usernameandpassword (or follow alternative instructions ifprovided) •Nosensitive account information is ever stored on yourmobiledeviceConnects You with the Details • Quickly checkavailablebalances24/7 • View charts summarizing account(s) • Viewclaimsrequiringreceipts • Click to call or email CustomerServiceProvidesAdditional Time-Saving Options (if supported orapplicableto youraccount(s)) • File a claim towards your medicalFSA and HRA• Takeor upload a picture of a receipt and submit for anew orexistingclaim • Pay bills from any account and add a payee •UsingtheDashboard, enter medical expense informationandsupportingdocumentation • Retrieve your forgot username/password•Report adebit card as lost or stolen Powered by WEX Health®
InvestingNote - Stock Community, Portfolio, Charts 3.0.0
InvestingNote is Singapore’s first and largest social networkthatempowers investors and traders to share, learn and connectwithbetter investors. This works similar to a traditional stockforum –presented in modern, engaging and Facebook-style live feed.Soyou'd know exactly what's Hot and what's not in the market asaninvestor! Especially in Singapore(SG)! Harness the powerofthousands of investors and experience first-hand how it can helpaninvestor like yourself - whether you’re a veteran with yearsofinvesting experience or total newbie. Tap on the wisdom ofthecrowd for better investing and trading outcomes. Theirknowledge,Your gain! Join InvestingNote to keep yourself updatedwith themarket and stay connected to a very welcoming communityofinvestors! A Strong & Vibrant Community for Both InvestorsandTraders • The platform with the largest community of investorsandtraders in Singapore. Thousands of investors are givingtheirinvesting ideas about the latest trends in the stock marketdaily.See what’s the next big investing idea other investors arelookingat today and act on it fast! • Users gain reputation andrankingthrough the contribution of quality content and engagement.Seewhat other investors are saying and learn from the best!•Professional investors & verified institutions are part ofthecommunity. Never worry about credibility again - identify thembytheir verified badges! • Know the social sentiments of astock’sprice by looking at estimations – see whether otherinvestors arebullish or bearish on your favourite stock! ActualStock Data •Real-time Stock Prices • Key Fundamental ratios such asEPS, P/E,P/B • Corporate calendar for every listed stock – use thisto knowwhen earnings results/dividends are released • Multiplemarkets:SG, US, HK, Thailand, Australia, Indonesia AdvancedTechnicalCharting • Advanced technical charting are free, withallindicators and drawing tools • Do your own charting and shareitwith other community members Live News, Announcements andResearch• The most updated news and information to keep you intouch withthe market. The latest research reports are shared forevery stock.Get news on what’s happening in the world, its impacton the stockmarket and see how other investors are reacting. Beamongst thefirst to anticipate changes. Marketplace • Accesspremium andexclusive analysis and insights from veteran andprofessionalinvestors. Follow and learn the way they pick theirstocks! Virtualportfolio and watchlist • Create your own watchlistand track themseamlessly • Track your own virtual portfolio thatdoes not requireany funds. Say goodbye to troublesome ibankingOTPs! • Followstocks news and monitor price actions closely • WatchSGX stockslike Capitaland(C31), SIA(C6L), Singtel(Z74), DBS(D05),etc. •S&P 500 stocks like Facebook Inc. (FB), Apple Inc.(AAPL),Tesla (TSLA), Nike (NKE), Netflix (NFLX), etc.
Cigna Envoy 10.12
The Cigna Envoy® app is designed for Cigna Global HealthBenefits®customers.
Banking Grawe Bankengruppe 9.3.19
Mit der Banking App der GRAWE Bankengruppe (BankBurgenland,CapitalBank) haben Sie alle Funktionen des Bankings auchauf demSmartphoneund Tablet zur Verfügung, um so bequemIhreBankgeschäfte zu regeln.Diese App bietet eine volleundeinwandfreie Funktionalität beihöchstem Komfort. DiewichtigstenFunktionen im Überblick:Quickcheck für einen raschenÜberblicküber die Girokonten,Sparkonten, Kreditkarten und soweiterSchnelles Login: Anmeldungper Short-PIN (4-stelliger Code)oderTouch-ID (Fingerprint) DieFinanzen auf einen Blick:Girokonten,Sparkonten und so weiter aufeinen Klick. In derFinanzübersichtwird der aktuelle Finanzstatusangezeigt und Siehaben Zugriff aufalle Ihre Girokonten, Sparkontenund Kreditkarten.Ergänzt wird dieÜbersicht durch grafischeVerlaufsdarstellungen desVermögens undder Umsätze. Kategorisierungder Umsätze: Dieautomatischebeziehungsweise manuelle Zuordnung derUmsätze zuKategorien undgrafische Darstellung der Ein- undAusgängeerleichtert dieFinanzplanung. Überweisen einfach undschnellmittelsQR-Code-Scanning: Sie können bereits verwendeteundgespeicherteEmpfängerdaten für eine smarte Auftragserfassungnutzenoder sichdie Eingabe der RechnungsdetailsmittelsderQR-Code-Scanning-Funktion sparen. Benachrichtigungen:DieFinanzenimmer im Blick. Auf Wunsch gibt esMitteilungenperPush-Nachrichten direkt auf das Smartphone oderTablet.MittelsSMS, E-Mail oder Push-Mitteilung so werden SieautomatischüberKonto-Ein- und -Ausgänge, Nachrichten und dieEntwicklungderSparziele informiert. Bei der Entwicklung der neuenBankingAppwurde auf einfache Menüführung, SicherheitundÜbersichtlichkeitgeachtet. So finden Sie neben den InformationenzuTransaktionenauf ihren Konten viele neue Funktionen, diedastäglicheBankgeschäft erleichtern.
SprinkleBit - Learn How to Invest in Stocks
Take your first step to successful investing with Sprinklebit,afree stock market simulator app. Learn how to trade stocksonlineand get hands-on trading experience based on real-time quotesGet5,000 play money and invest them into real stocks. Boostyourvirtual portfolio, monitor the latest market news and watchthebest traders in action. With SprinkleBit, you can: 💵 Trade inrealstock market with play money 🔥 Find the best stocks andtradersusing our unique algorithm 💼 Follow top investors 💪 Competewithfriends and share your success 🎓 Learn how to tradesuccessfullyusing SprinkleBit education resources In addition,SprinkleBitoffers tons of other smart features to help you tradethe rightstocks at the right time. ⚽ ACTIVITY follow other users’posts,trades and other activities see what’s trending in themarketreceive tailored news on stocks in your portfolio andwatchlistmake friends and chat with other investors solve quizzeson tradingand finance 🔬INVESTMENT TOOLS discover the top gainersand losersof the day see the orders made by other members of theSprinkleBitcommunity Identify over and undervalued stocks 📯NOTIFICATIONS getalerts on stocks reaching a certain value getalerts on yourfavourite user’s trades stay posted about all socialmediainteractions 💳 When you gain more confidence and skill intrading,you can switch to investing real money by simply linkingyourprofile to SprinkleBrokerage. See for yourself what otherbrokersare buying, or selling, and why. Watch them, compete withthem andcopy their successful trades in a single click. SprinkleBitis astock market training app, made to teach you how the marketworks.FEATURED IN: ★ Techcrunch ★ "When the market is going well,it’sall about greed, and any platform will make money … Now, whenyouhave to actually know which stocks are going to go up, you needatool like this." ★ The Huffington Post ★ "Millennialsareoverlooking, that they belong to a "do-it-yourself" demographicwhowon't have Social Security to fund a portion of theirretirement.SprinkleBit has taken this mistake and created anopportunity." ★VentureBeat ★ "SprinkleBit uses crowdsourcing toprovide assistancewith the nitty-gritty aspects of trading. Theyshow investors howto turn their investments into a souffle - thatrises, and rises."Start putting together your own portfolio today!Investing hasnever been this easy. © Brought to you by SprinkleGroup. We’rebuilding a holistic borderless investment experience.PrivacyPolicy and Terms of Use: includes:Investing, Game, Stocks, Finance, Trading, SocialInvesting, MoneyTips, Financial News
CIMB Clicks Singapore 5.0.22
"Time to enjoy the security and convenience of banking onthemove"CIMB Clicks on Mobile App offers a quick and easy waytoaccessyour account using the same log in details as CIMBClicksInternetBanking. It enables you to: * Transfer using FAST:Allowsyou totransfer funds to other banks almost instantly *Transfer tolocalbanks * Inquire on your account: Check on youraccount balanceorrecent transactions * Pay Bills: Save time and payyour billsonthe move * Check on your chances for the FastSaverTravel Draw*Current promotions: Be kept up to date on CIMBBank'sexistingpromotions * Contact information
Hinge Health 1.127.0
Hinge Health is your digital clinic for joint and muscle pain.
FSM Mobile - UT & Mutual Funds
Invest globally and profitablywithFundsupermart’s mobile application!With over a decade of experience serving investors withanaward-winning funds platform, Fundsupermart is widely recognizedasa leading funds and investment services distributor inSingapore,Hong Kong and Malaysia.With this mobile application, being a mutual funds and unittrustsspecialist has never been easier! Packed with easy-to-useandinteractive tools, and numerous analyses on mutual funds /unittrusts, you can stay on top of the latest developments intheglobal markets and funds industry.Take charge of your finances now! Download the FREEFundsupermartmobile application!Features include:★ IdeasIdea of the week: This popular weekly article gives you ideasandinvestment tips on how you can position your mutual funds /unittrusts portfolio wisely, amidst rapid changes and developmentsinthe global markets and the funds industry.Research: Leverage on the independent analyses by our researchteamon markets, mutual funds / unit trusts, portfolios andmuchmore.Funds and Personal Finance: Get investment insights fromouranalyses on funds and our interviews with fund managers andotherinvestment experts.Webcast: Hear straight from the fund managers and industryexpertsfrom around the world as we interview them on their strategyinmanaging their mutual funds / unit trusts, and their take onthelatest global market developments.★ MarketsFSMI (Fundsupermart Fund Indices): The FSMI are uniqueproprietaryindices created by Fundsupermart to track theperformance of mutualfunds / unit trusts across asset classes,markets, sectors andregions. With the FSMI, you can make an easycomparison of a fund’sperformance versus its peers in the samerelevant category.Market Indices: Get the latest information on the globalstockmarkets, including key valuation metrics, which give you anidea ontheir earnings growth potential and their Price Earnings(PE) level(an indicator to evaluate a market’sattractiveness).★ Portfolio SimulatorCreate a portfolio with the different Fundsupermart FundIndices(FSMI) invested across different asset classes and markets.Withthis interactive tool, you can change the weight age tothedifferent FSMI and see the historical performance of theportfolioyou have created.★ FundsFund Watch: This popular funds tracker tool lets you addyourfavorite funds into fund watchlist, and track their daily price/NAV data.Top Volume Funds: Find out what other investors are interestedin,with data on the more popular mutual funds / unit trusts byvolumeover the past one week/ month.Top Gainers and Top Losers: All the information you need on thebestand worst performing mutual funds / unit trusts over differenttimeperiods (from as recent as one week to as long as 5 years) canbefound here.Fund Finder: This feature makes the search for a fund basedondifferent search criteria, e.g. by Fund House or by AssetClass,easy and fast!★ HoldingsSimply log in with your Fundsupermart account details to viewyourmutual funds / unit trusts holdings, based on the latestdailyprice / NAV data.★Chart Center:Chart the performance of funds over different time frames, fromasshort-term as 1 month to as long-term as 10 yearsBy using this application, you are deemed to have read andacceptedour legal information.
MY OPD :လူနာကြည့်ချိန် 2.0
The app you can find the local hospitals' OPD time in your hand.
Mednefits 2.1.32
Mednefits makes it simple and easy for you to enjoy youremployeebenefits.
My EAP 5.0
My EAP can help