Top 21 Apps Similar to 個人記帳小幫手PersonalAccount

Fastbook 1.0
★ Fastbook !! Just Say It !!☻-----✂--------------------------------------------✂---------------您有在記帳嗎?☹是否只想一目瞭然的知道,每個月大概花錢的方向就好☹是否只要不小心少記到支出,之後也想不起來錢花在哪☹是否看到介面複雜的記帳系統,就覺得好麻煩不想使用☹是否還在慢慢用手動輸入記帳,時間就是金錢不是嗎?☹是否也因此無法長久持續的記帳呢?我們聽到您的聲音了!!!!快讓「Fastbook」來解決你的所有問題吧!!!【✦方便迅速語音記帳,重要支出不遺漏✦】☛只需按順序說出 「分類 品項 金額」☛15秒內快速完成一項記錄【✦常用品項智慧分類,讓記帳更人性化✦】☛常用名詞只需按順序說出 「品項 金額」直接幫您正確分類【✦簡單可愛介面設計,輕鬆記帳好容易✦】☛不用點選太多沒用的分類,也能了解錢的去向☛年輕陽光的可愛介面設計,讓記帳不再無聊✿【✦"搖一搖",當月花錢流向一覽無遺✦】☛每月花在 食衣住行樂 哪類最多 一目了然☛讓您省錢更有方向【✦預算設定 ,輕鬆控制花費額度✦】☛可自行設定預算,並透過可愛的圖示提醒超支【✦記帳提醒,讓你記帳不間斷✦】☛兩日沒記帳會跳通知提醒您快點來記帳╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╯您只需要"說"Fastbook快速幫你記下錢的流向!!!讓您晉升成為省錢達人!!!!★ Fastbook!! JustSayIt!!☻----- ✂--------------------------------------------✂---------------Do you have in the account?☹ glance just want to know whether, like the directionofmoneyevery month☹ less if they do not remember to be careful spending moneythencannot remember where☹ you see the interface of complex accounting system, do notwanttofeel good trouble☹ is still slowly manually enter billing, time is money,isnotit?☹ whether the billing therefore do not last long?We hear your voice! ! ! !Just let 'Fastbook "to solve all of your problems now!!!【✦ easily and quickly voice accounting, expenditures donotmissimportant ✦]☛ simply in order to say "classified items Amount"☛ 15 seconds to quickly complete a record【✦ regular supplies items wisdom classification, sothatbillingmore humane ✦]☛ common nouns simply in order to say "items Amount"directlyhelpyou correct classification【✦ pretty simple interface design, easy billing withgreatdifficulty✦]☛ do not click too many useless classification, butalsounderstandthe money goes☛ Young cute sun interface design, so that billing isnolongerboring ✿[✦ "Shake", the month money flow at a glance ✦]☛ maximum monthly spend Letting a glance what kind of music☛ allow you to save money more direction【✦ budget setting easily control the spending limits ✦]☛ can set their own budget and cost overruns through thelovelyiconsalert【✦ billing reminders, make your billing uninterrupted ✦]☛ the 2nd billing will not remind you to quickly jump tothebillingnotice╭ ('▽ `) ╭ (' ▽`) ╭ ('▽ `) ╯You only need to "say"Fastbook quickly help you down the money flow! ! !Allows you to save money of people promoted to become!!!!
記帳專家 1.1.1
JPH Studio
Let billing is not only accounting, but also a way of life withtherecord.
極簡黑記帳本 1.0
完全免費!!! 極致功能的設計! 簡單易用的操作! 黑底白線的介面!如果您在尋求一個極致有型,操作簡單,功能齊全的記帳本極簡黑記帳本是您最好的選擇
Feather Diary 2.0.1
Feather Hsu
This APP is mainly used to record daily expense
Speaking charge 5.0
Using microphone to help you record your income and expense.
簡易生活-記帳 1.3
不用輸入太多 點選記帳
一秒記帳 1.2
一個頁面就能完成記帳動作 最簡單快速地記帳 可設定每月消費目標 簡單明暸的消費明細
Keep Acounts 5.02
---------------------------------------------------------- It'sasimple app, and our goal is let everyone can easily use it.Therewould be a cute pig shows up when the first time you open thisapp.This pig is a little helper, it can help you to insertyouraccounts quickly. If you don't like it, you can drop it intothetrash can, then it would disappear. if you want the pig showsupagain, Setting -> Add Shortcut on TheDesk.----------------------------------------------------------
金錢管理記帳本 1.0
此款app專為新住民朋友所設計,介紹新台幣的種類與幣值觀念,結合AR擴增實境的創意設計,可以手持式裝置,掃瞄實體新台幣紙鈔,就會出現擴增的影像,從互動中感受更多學習的樂趣,深化學習印象,並有即時換算多國幣值的功能,幫助建立幣值概念,並認知如何分辨真假鈔的技巧。內容介紹:幣值換算 - 掃描100/500/1000新台幣正面,即可將幣值轉換為越南盾、泰銖、印尼幣、緬元。動鈔票 - 掃描新台幣出現有趣的小動畫,紙鈔上的人物會動起來出現好玩互動。觀看反面 - 帶領使用者認識鈔票反面圖案的知識。分辨真假 - 介紹紙鈔上的特殊印刷線索,帶您辨別紙鈔真偽。
Expense Manager: budget, money 1.0.138
Budget control with multiple accounts, spending by category,balanceand charts.
9188记账 1.7.1
Qidong Liu
应用介绍】9188记账是彩亿集团旗下的独立品牌,专注为您提供更便捷专业的记账功能,采用时间轴的记账方式,记录你的财务生活。【轻简萌趣的UI界面】各类精美有趣可编辑的收支图标,还有边缘场景的暖心处理,让你在记一笔账的同时,完美体验它的流畅与贴心。【预算控制开销】设置每周、每月的预算目标,时刻防范间歇性冲动的你超支败家。【个性化记账】照片、备注和自动周期记账,满足您的个性所需,支持离线记账,即使断网也可随性记。【汇总分析收支】用饼图展现各类支出、收入与结余,汇总年份月份收支比例,让你心里更有底。【资金管理一账通】现金、储蓄卡、信用卡、支付宝和股票等资金账户一手掌握,为您自动核算每个资金账户的收支,让你的资产管理愈加灵活。IntroductionofApplication]9188 Year Group's accounting is color independent brand,dedicatedtoprovide you with a more convenient andprofessionalaccountingfunctions, using the timeline bookkeepingway, recordyourfinancial life.[Light Jane Meng interesting UI interface]All kinds of beautiful editable fun icon payments, aswellasheart-warming scene treated the edge, so you remember anaccountatthe same time, it is perfectly smoothandintimateexperience.[Overhead] budget controlSet up a weekly, monthly budget target, constantlyguardintermittentimpulses Prodigal you overspend.[Accounting] PersonalizationPhotos, notes, and automatic billing cycle, personalized tomeetyourneeds, support for offline billing, even if the networkcan bebrokenwith the nature of mind.[] Meta-analysis of the balance of paymentsA pie chart to show the various types of expenditure,incomeandbalances, the proportion of the year summary monthpayments,letyour heart more at the end.[Funds] One Account ManagementCash, debit card, credit card, Alipay and stock funds accountinonehand, your automated accounting balance of eachcapitalaccount,allowing you to become more flexibleassetmanagement.
花哪儿记账 2.3
花哪儿是一款专注记账的工具无广告、无后台、无启动页、无隐私权限【个人账单】一拉一点,3.5 秒轻松记账以极度克制的功能,并在界面和交互方式上化繁为简,让每一次使用都不费吹灰之力【多人账单】大家一起用,记录在同一个账单内实时统计消费、自动 AA 计算用于情侣同居、室友合租、同事轮流点餐、驴友出行游玩等毫不克制的- 支持账单云同步- 支持 2K 分辨率设备- 支持 Ticwatch 手表记账- 支持 One Step 一步记账- 支持 Android7.0 Shortcuts【联系我们】在使用过程中如有问题,可直接发邮件到[email protected],我们无比期待你的声音。
統一發票 Qrcode
Lucky co.
GUI voice Qrcode automatic award Stored Uninvoiced Mobile Barcode
Easy Wallet 悠遊付 3.0.77_release_654
Easy Wallet-You Wallet's e-wallet with exclusive beep ride andnewelectronic payment applications
记账本 1.0
这是一个帮助人么记录和管理个人日常财务的一个工具This is a tool tohelpaperson what to record and manage the daily personalfinance
Gambling Note 1.4.3
Are you tired of using the “phonenote”torecord the result of gambling and the money that youborroworlend?Are you tired of using the” tradition pen and paper “ towritedownthe result of gambling and the money that you borroworlend?“Gambling Note” is simple , clear , clear images, allowinguserstomanage “gambling” and “ debt” easily , additionality,“EncryptionPassword” and “ DROPBOX link “ allowing users toeasilyrecord anddo not worry about your phone or traditionalbilling thistime goneor the information will be lost, aso do notneed to worryaboutbilling records will be seen by others.Gambling – Add data : clearly record the date,project,amount,currency, and name.(people who had a new projectwillautomaticallybe add)Total : it can follow the day, week, month, year, namesearchanddisplay the sum of accounts "Calendar : Open Calendar display can know what dayofgamblingresultsProject Analysis: according to various "projects"displayitemanalysis of gambling know win or lose variousitemsEdit: Results can be entered at any time after the datetoenableediting changes, the project, the amount, or the name.Debt – Add data : clearly record the money that you borrow orlend,also record the date, name and the reason.List: The amount of borrowing or lending will show.Paid : showing the money that been paidNot paid : showing the money that not been paid yet.Settings – Turn on the password function.- Backup to DROP BOX- Common name, project currency settings
iPASS一卡通 4.4.6
“iPASS APP” is officially launched by iPASS corporation. WiththisAPP
元照商事法規(體驗版) 1.0.1
開枱啦 - 港式麻雀計番記帳器 1.26
Philip Cheung
智生活 3.33.2
Community service for more than 20 years, 6,000 communitiesinTaiwan, 1.3 million residents love to use, integratecommunitytools, home services needed for life, and only one APP canbecompleted, creating a better life at your fingertips!
簡約經理 記帳 14.1
Living facilities