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PocketExam 1.0.8
Har du KTN, PU, Medisinforikke-medisinere,ITGK, Exphil eller MMI? Da passer denne appenmidti blinken fordeg. Har du ikke disse fagene kan du allikevellastened appen ogse hvilke fag som kommer ut snart.PocketExam er ment som et ekstra verktøy der du kan velgedittfagog teste deg i det, veldig enkelt. PocketExam er ennå ibetaversjon& du må ha tilgang til internett for åhentespørsmålene fradatabasen. Typisk vil spørsmålene værefratidligere eksamener, mendet vil også være noen andrerelevantespørsmål. I appen kan du holdeoversikt over hvor bra duhar gjortdet i de forskjellige fagene. Itillegg vil du få karakterfor hverquiz/eksamen du gjennomfører.Dermed kan du konkurrere motdeg selveller venner om å få så mangeA-er som mulig!Karaktersystemet erbasert på NTNU sitt.Litt om oss:Vi er en gruppe på tre andreårsstudenter som går Datateknikk,ogvarmed i AppLab i år. Dette er et prosjekt vi har jobbet medidetsiste. Det er en beta-versjon, dvs at den ikke er heltbug-fri,menvi ville allikevel gi den ut før eksamen slik at DUfårmulighetentil å øve deg opp. Om du opplever noen problemerellernoe du ikkeliker med appen, gjerne kontakt oss(viaemail:[email protected], eller fra appen). Vi kommertilåoppdatere appen så ofte som mulig.Lykke til med puggingen! :)Med denne appen kan du ta deg en rask test når detpasser,detvære seg når du venter på bussen eller sitter på do. Såenkelterdet!Med denne fantastiske appen får du:*Tilgang til 6 fag, mange flere kommer!*Kan gå gjennom tester i Multiple Choice form og Flash Cards*Oversikt over statistikk*Mulig å rapportere spørsmålHave youKTN,PU,​​Medicine for Non-Medical, ITGK, Exphil or MMI? When doesthisappspot for you. Do not these subjects can still download theappandsee what subjects coming out soon.PocketExam is intended as an additional tool where youcanselectyour subject and test you in it, very easy. PocketExamisstill inbeta and you need access to the Internet to retrievethequestionsdatabase. Typical questions will be from previousexams,but therewill also be some other relevant questions. In theappyou can keeptrack of how well you've done it indifferentsubjects. In addition,you will receive a grade for eachquiz /exam you are conducting. Soyou can compete against yourselforfriends to get as many A's aspossible! The grading is based ontheNTNU.About us:We are a group of three second-year students who gotocomputerscience, was involved in AppLabs year. This is aprojectwe've beenworking on lately. There is a beta version,meaning it isnotentirely bug-free, but we would still give it outbefore theexamso that YOU have the opportunity to train yourself.Ifyouexperience any problems or anything you do not like theapp,feelfree to contact us (via email: [email protected], orfromtheapp). We will update the app as often as possible.Good luck with memorizing! :)With this app, you can take a quick test when appropriate,beitwhen waiting for the bus or sitting on the toilet.It'sthatsimple!With this amazing app you get:* Access to 6 subjects, many more coming!* Can go through tests in Multiple Choice form and Flashcards* Summary of Statistics* Possible to report issues
Carmel School Bhagalpur 1.4.1
It was at the behest of Monsgr Mcgarry T.O.R, the PrefectApostolicof Bhagalpur that MOUNT CARMEL SCHOOL was founded. ThethenSuperior General Mother Sylvia favoured this proposal withherconsent and the Patna Women's college started this filialhouse,providing for all its initial requirements. Thus thepioneeringgroup arrived on the 10th june 1958.They had neitherhouse normoney, for the new school. Monsgr Mcgarry lent them asmall housethat was bought for Franciscan Ashram at Mount Assisi.There wasacute shortage of accommodation. The house served as aschoolduring the day and sister's quarter at night. MOUNT CARMELwas thusformally opened on 23rd June 1958 with 11 students. ByDecember thenumber went up to 70. Bus transport was arranged inorder to bringstudents from neighbourhood. However the school madevery littleprogress and there was acute shortage of funds andaccommodation.This led to the feeling that the school could not bemaintained andit was on the verge of being closed. A paying concertwas put up inhonour of the visiting Superior General MotherTheodosia A.C. Theparents were so impressed and so was thedistinguished visitor thatsanction was granted to purchase land andto construct the buildingbut the severe paucity of funds delayedthe work and the questioncame up once again whether to continue theschool at all. These arebut teething problems of any institutionand ours cannot beexempted. There dawned a new ray of hope and nomore negativefeelings of any sort. 1961 - The land where thepresent buildingstands was bought with the help of Mr. Roderick.Mr. T.F.Lal &Mr. Himmatsingka. 1962 - The foundation stone forthe presentschool on the new site was laid with the uniting effortsandselfless service of Sister Adella, Sister Roseline and alltheother A.C Sisters. 1964 - The new school was ready and thestrengthwent up to 400. 1965 - A boarding house was opened. 1966 -Firstbatch of students appeared for middle school boardexamination.1969 - First batch appeared for the matric examination.The resultswere gratifying and the number on roll went up.Seventies producednew challenges. A large and very impressiveextension was put up,so that CARMEL SCHOOL is now one of the bestaccommodating schoolin the district. 1975 - Bulbul and girls guideand school band wasintroduced. In mid 80's the strength of theschool increased whichcreated a severe shortage of space. Thus theadmission of boys wererestricted. It could be fairly said now thatthe school is fullyprepared for the young girls of Bhagalpur toface the educationalchallenges offered by the 21st century. All thedifficulties andobstacle faced by Mount Carmel during its earlieryears have becomea part of history and a stepping stone to success.From its veryinception MOUNT CARMEL could be likened to a mustardseed, thesmallest of all seeds, that has grown to enormousproportion dueto, no doubt fruits borne of the constant efforts ofthe efficientadministration, the staff and the parents/ guardiansof thisprestigious institution. CARMEL is a garden and all thebeautifulflowers that grew in it are spreading their fragrance allover theworld as doctors, lawyers, engineers,educationists,administrators, politicians and above all as honestcitizens imbuedwith the values of Carmel, true to the Carmel Motto"Through Loveto Peace".