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Think and Grow Rich 1.0
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich isamotivational personal development and self-help book writtenbyNapoleon Hill and inspired by a suggestion fromScottish-Americanbusinessman Andrew Carnegie. While the titleimplies that this bookdeals only with how to get rich, the authorexplains that thephilosophy taught in the book can be used to helppeople succeed inall lines of work and to do or be almost anythingthey want. Forinstance, Jim Murray (sportswriter) wrote that Thinkand Grow Richwas credited for Ken Norton's boxing upset of MuhammadAli in 1973.The Reverend Charles Stanley writes "I began to applytheprinciples of (Think and Grow Rich) to my endeavors as apastor,and I discovered they worked!" The book was first publishedin 1937during the Great Depression. At the time of Hill's death in1970,Think and Grow Rich had sold 20 million copies.[7] It remainsthebiggest seller of Napoleon Hill's books - a perennialbest-sellerafter 70 years (BusinessWeek Magazine's Best-Seller ListrankedThink and Grow Rich as the sixth best-selling paperbackbusinessbook 70 years after it was first published). Think and GrowRich islisted in John C. Maxwell's A Lifetime "Must Read" BooksList.Napoleon Hill (October 26, 1883 – November 8, 1970) was anAmericanauthor in the area of the new thought movement who was oneof theearliest producers of the modern genre ofpersonal-successliterature. He is widely considered to be one ofthe great writerson success. His most famous work, Think and GrowRich (1937), isone of the best-selling books of all time (at thetime of Hill'sdeath in 1970, Think and Grow Rich had sold 20million copies).Hill's works examined the power of personalbeliefs, and the rolethey play in personal success. He became anadvisor to PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt from 1933 to 1936. "Whatthe mind of man canconceive and believe, it can achieve" is one ofHill's hallmarkexpressions. How achievement actually occurs, and aformula for itthat puts success in reach of the average person,were the focalpoints of Hill's books. Think and Grow Rich remainsthe top sellerof Napoleon Hill's books – a perennial best-sellerafter 70 years(Business Week Magazine's Best-Seller List rankedThink and GrowRich as the sixth best-selling paperback businessbook 70 yearsafter it was first published). Think and Grow Rich islisted inJohn C. Maxwell's A Lifetime "Must Read" Books List.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind 2.7
AJ Educators
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind (1963) asserts that ourouterworld is a reflection of our subconscious mind. The bookprovidespractical insights on the workings of the subconscious mindas wellas on how to focus and redirect its energies. The author,Dr.Joseph Murphy (1898 – 1981) was a writer, minister and one ofthekey proponents of the ‘New Thought’ movement. The Conscious&the Subconscious Mind “There are two levels of yourmind—theconscious (rational) and the subconscious (irrational). Youthinkwith your conscious mind, and whatever you habitually thinksinksdown into your subconscious mind, which creates according tothenature of your thoughts. ” “Once the subconscious mind acceptsanidea, it begins to execute it. It is an interesting andsubtletruth that the law of the subconscious mind works for goodand badideas alike.” “You will get a reaction or response fromyoursubconscious mind according to the nature of the thought orideayou hold in your conscious mind.” “You must remember that thesearenot two minds. They are merely two spheres of activity withinonemind. Your conscious mind is the reasoning mind. It is thatphaseof mind, which chooses. For example, you choose your books,yourhome, and your partner in life. You make all your decisionswithyour conscious mind.” “On the other hand, without anyconsciouschoice on your part, your heart is kept functioningautomatically,and the process of digestion, circulation, andbreathing arecarried on by your subconscious mind through processesindependentof your conscious control.” “Your subconscious mindaccepts what isimpressed upon it or what you consciously believe.It does notreason things out like your conscious mind, and it doesnot arguewith you… it responds according to the nature of yourthoughts orsuggestions. ” . . . The Captain and His Ship Theconscious mind islike the navigator or captain at the bridge of aship… he directsthe ship and signals orders to men in the engineroom, who in turncontrol all the boilers, instruments, gauges,etc.” “The men in theengine room do not know where they are going;they follow orders.They would go on the rocks if the man on thebridge issued faultyor wrong instructions based on his findingswith the compass,sextant, or other instruments. ” “The men in theengine room obeyhim because he is in charge and issues orders,which areautomatically obeyed. Members of the crew do not talk backto thecaptain; they simply carry out orders. The captain is themaster ofhis ship, and his decrees are carried out. ” “Likewise,yourconscious mind is the captain and the master of your ship,whichrepresents your body, environment, and all your affairs.Yoursubconscious mind takes the orders you give it based upon whatyourconscious mind believes and accepts as true. ” . . . The PowerofSuggestion ‘One of the basic laws of the mind: Your subconsciousisamenable to suggestion.’ “A suggestion is the act or instanceofputting something into one’s mind, the mental process by whichthethought or idea suggested is entertained, accepted, or putintoeffect.” “Different people will react in different ways to thesamesuggestion because of their subconscious conditioning orbelief.”“…your conscious mind has the power to reject thesuggestiongiven.” “The suggestions of others in themselves haveabsolutely nopower over you except the power that you give themthrough your ownthoughts. You have to give your mental con-sent;you have toentertain the thought. Then, it becomes your thought,and you dothe thinking. Remember, you have the capacity to choose.”
I Can't Wake Up! 3.6.1
Kog Creations
Alarm clock that stimulates you in the morning and can't beeasilyskipped