Top 18 Games Similar to 疯狂猜成语

成语大挑战 (简体版) 17.0
Small Factory
☆TOP1 GooglePlay「最新发布」排行榜单冠军!☆上架首月下载20万次☆10万笔评价,6万个五颗星评比☆国语日报、巴哈姆特电玩疯、自由时报等多家媒体热烈报导☆☆☆☆成语大挑战故事背景☆☆☆☆相传在中国古代各大名书院中,除了丰厚的藏书之外,亦堆着非常丰富的宝藏,古代智者为了不让外人觊觎,把这些珍宝以俗语「书中自有黄金屋」的比喻包装掉,意图将现实的宝藏意象淡化,企图引人不去妄想贪图,当然书中本身蕴含的深层知识是无形宝物,但有形的实体宝藏却真实存在于这些书院某些角落中……有一天,我们发现了这些书院的秘密,我们想设法取得这些珍宝进一步的讯息,但挡在宝物前的重重关卡,是一道又一道的成语谜题……☆☆☆☆ 成语大挑战游戏说明☆☆☆☆成语大挑战是「小小工厂」所开发的一款休闲益智的猜成语游戏,利用幽默的图像来解释中国各种传统的成语,不会像啃读课本、死背诗经那样的枯燥乏味,利用趣味的图形与文字组合,让玩家可以动动脑、猜猜谜,亦可和身边的朋友互相讨论解答,让你疯狂猜成语。不用长时间一定要打到破关,您可以在公车上、捷运上、吃饭时、睡觉前、上厕所时、等车时、无聊时……就开起来猜一下成语,本游戏以最佳化的效能,制作出最简单的玩法,我们将带给你惊喜,让大家知道原来成语知识也可以这样获取喔。☆☆☆☆ 成语大挑战游戏特色☆☆☆☆★每天登入,元宝不足300都会补充元宝喔!★可爱卡哇依到不行的各种题库图画,让人爱不释手。★猜猜猜,你是否能从图片上的含意,猜出正确的成语?★超过数百道成语题目,活像成语辞典,充满趣味和挑战。★看图猜成语,动动脑和身边朋友互相讨论,乐趣无穷。★Line群求救、脸书发文询问,解答不孤单。★每天分享,元宝不足300还可以免费领元宝。★猜题免费玩,辅助功能消除、提示、换题,帮你轻松闯关。★关卡推图,有闯关的趣味和数百道关卡的层层挑战★答题正确可获得元宝回馈,答对越多拿越多喔!若您在游戏上有任何的建议,欢迎到小小工厂粉丝团交流
1+1猜猜猜2 11.0
Small Factory
1+1猜猜猜2代推出囉!!更具有聯想力、更加趣味的題目!這是一款看圖片猜謎遊戲,題目由兩張圖片構成,玩家可依照圖片給與的提示或雙關語等去猜答案,趕緊來動動腦筋吧。遊戲特色:★ 完全免費玩!不花錢也可以享受動腦樂趣★ 更多豐富的梗,新鮮趣味不枯燥★ 親和的美術風格,最貼近大眾化的娛樂★ 請把你的聯想能力發揮到極致吧,題庫設計由淺而深,難易適中★ 題目逗趣、圖片可愛,不定期會更新擴充新題目★ 超過20種類的題目類型,變化多端,除了聯想還要具備觀察力★ 精心規劃在地化主題,更多好玩的梗等你來發現
學習成語 讓你知書達禮使用成語 讓你學以致用活用成語 讓你能言善道套用成語 讓你出口成章《成語100》結合益智與遊戲老少咸宜 寓教於樂闔家歡樂 愛不釋手《成語100》會有100關陸續推出共有960組成語與詩詞100句讓你閒暇之餘 舒緩壓力
成语消消乐 7.1
成语消消乐是一款精致的文字益智游戏,规则很简单:按顺序选出一个四字成语即可消除。我们加入了大量动画和趣味元素,使得游戏生动耐玩。100关逐步增加难度的关卡,等你来赏玩和挑战。不管你是学生,还是上班族,在放松的同时,你一定能学到些什么。我们的目标是做最好的中国文字益智游戏,希望得到您的反馈,我们将会做得更好。Diminshing music idiomisa fine word puzzle game, the rules are simple: in order to electafour-character idioms can be removed. We have added a lotofanimation and fun elements, makes the game playable vivid. 100offgradually increasing levels of difficulty, waiting for youtocrumble and challenges. Whether you are a student or officeworker,at the same time relaxing, you will be able to learnsomething.Our goal is to do the best Chinese word puzzle game, hope togetyour feedback, we will do better.
瘋狂猜謎語 v1.2
What's the Brand 1.1
Words Mobile
COME ON DOWN! Take a trip back to memorylaneto guess the brand in the world's #1 logo quiz game.The concept of What's the Brand is very simple, can you guessthebrands based on part of the logos shown on the screen?Game Features:- A visual Trivia game for your family and kids with allyourfavorite brands- Innovative touchscreen controls, stunning graphics, and richemojisound effects make replay irresistible- Unlimited Fun: 1,000+ of brands to guess and more to comeLots of Help Options:- Use hints to guess the brand based on the company/productsummaryof the brand- Expose a letter of the brand or remove some wrong letters- Finally, use our 'Show Logo' feature to clear the coveringwhitetiles in case you get really stuck!
聰明達人 1.8.0
ling app
【聰明達人】是一款整合【國文、英文、數學、科學、歷史、地理、記憶、邏輯、撲克牌、消消樂、拼圖】的遊戲,不同類型有不同關卡與過關條件,動動你的腦筋,破解所有關卡,你就是聰明達人。另外,知識六大類除了【自我挑戰模式】外,還有【閱讀學習模式】,可以用看的,也可以用聽的,讓你輕鬆學習無負擔喔。遊戲特色:★★ 知識六大類 ★★● 國文:有【成語、近義詞、反義詞、這字怎麼念、三字經、弟子規、論語、中庸、大學、唐詩三百首】。● 英文:有【中翻英(單字)、英翻中(單字)、中英對照(句)、看字猜圖、聽力測驗】。● 數學:有【加減乘除、面積體積、對稱圖、旋轉圖、找缺角】。● 科學:有【人物篇、地球、太陽系、星座、元素週期表】。● 地理:有【台灣景點、世界景點、世界之最、湖泊之最、河流之最、山峰之最、各國首都、各國國旗】。● 歷史:有【台灣歷史、中國歷史、世界歷史】。★★ 益智五大類 ★★● 記憶力:有【記數字、左左右右、配對消去】。● 邏輯力:有【猜數字1A2B、數獨】。● 撲克牌:有【排七、大老二、撿紅點、九九、抽烏龜、吹牛、接龍】。● 消消樂:有【積木消除、象棋大吃小】。● 拼圖:有【圖片拼圖、象棋滑塊、字母滑塊、圖片滑塊】。感謝各位用戶的肯定與鼓勵,以及良好的建議,這也是開發者持續讓這款 App 越來越好的動力。[People] is acleverintegration [Chinese, English, mathematics, science,history,geography, memory, logic, playing cards, Diminshing music,puzzlegames],Different types have different levels of clearanceconditions,Move your brains, to break all the barriers, you are wise uptopeople. In addition, knowledge in addition to the six categoriesofself-challenge mode [], there [mode] learning to read, can see,canalso be used to listen to, let you easily learn without theburdenoh. The game features:★★ ★★ six categories of knowledge● Chinese: there [idioms, synonyms, antonyms, word it how toread,Three Character Classic, disciples regulations, The AnalectsofConfucius, moderation, universities, Tang Poems]. ● English: There [The English translation (word), the Britishturned(word), bilingual (sentence), see Figure guess the word,hearingtests]. ● mathematics: [Math there, volume area, FIG symmetry,rotationalFIG find cutaway]. ● Science: There [People Series, the Earth, the solarsystem,constellations, periodic table]. ● Geography: There [Taiwan attractions, world attractions, mostofthe world, most lakes, rivers most, most of themountains,capitals, countries flags]. ● History: There [in Taiwan's history, Chinese history,worldhistory]. ★★ ★★ Puzzle five categories● Memory: There are [remember numbers, from side to side,pairedelimination]. ● logic power: there [Guess 1A2B, Sudoku]. ● poker: There are [row seven Big Two, pick up the red dot,ninety,pumping turtle, bragging, Solitaire]. ● Diminshing music: there is [building blocks to eliminate,eatsmall chess]. ● puzzle: there [picture puzzles, chess slider, sliderletters,photographs slider]. Thank you for user recognition and encouragement and goodadvice,which is the developer continued to make this App better andbetterpower.
跳跳反應王 1.3.2
由前「唯舞獨尊」製作人所創辦的Aurora歐洛拉團隊所研發,曾開發過「ZombieXSnake僵屍下樓梯」等多款休閒手機遊戲,這回帶來了益智類手機遊戲「跳跳反應王」人的大腦有著許多無限可能,但不管有著多麼先天的優勢,也需透過鍛鍊才能使其發揮最大功能。「跳跳反應王」比快比準比反應!想成為極限反應王嗎?跳跳反應王將是你最好的選擇!透過遊戲讓你邊休閒邊鍛鍊,讓你神經上的電流快速奔馳吧!@發掘人體極限,比快、比準、比反應!對於自己的動態視力極有信心?常感覺自己有過人的手速?擁有著異於常人的反應速度?快來跳跳反應王挑戰各路高手!@技能升級獎金輕鬆拿「一技在手 終生不愁 一絲之差 優劣分家」技能升級讓你輕鬆獲勝拿獎金!@Facebook連線,尋找好友So Easy!FB連線邀請分享拿鑽石~與好友一起同樂超簡單!@達成成就~逗趣可愛人物跟隨你僅須完成成就,多樣角色任君挑選!收集角色,可獲得更多遊戲加成唷~
Chinese Idiom Meets Idiom 1 2.15
Chinese Idiom is the Chinese intelligence! Better language,memory& do better!
瘋狂猜對聯 v1.0
猜對聯是根據上聯和下聯來猜橫批,對聯有趣,可玩性很高。是壹款益智解謎遊戲,遊戲類似于: 瘋狂猜成語 瘋狂猜圖 天天愛猜圖 猜謎語等益智解謎遊戲的玩法 。在24個淩亂的文字中,選擇出橫批,猜中了可以直接進入下壹關。既是考驗自己的知識面,同時也是挑戰自己的好友!壹旦有題目卡住,可以向妳身邊朋友求助,如分享到朋友圈,大家壹起想辦法來猜答案。當然也可以通過金幣來提示答案或者去除錯誤選項來降低遊戲難度,金幣可以通過遊戲來獲取!Guess couplet is basedonthe joint and the second line to guess Streamer,coupletinteresting, easy to play.One section is a puzzle puzzle games, games like: Crazy Crazyidiomguess guess guess love every diagram in Figure riddles andotherpuzzle puzzle gameplay.In 24 messy text, select the scroll reads, you can go directlytothe next guessed One Off.Both a test of their knowledge, but also challengetheirfriends!One has a title once stuck, you can Xiangni her friends forhelp,such as sharing to a circle of friends, we want to play Oneway toguess the answer.Of course, gold can also be prompted to answer the wrong optiontoreduce or remove the difficulty of the game, gold can getthroughthe game!
挑戰金頭腦 1.10.0
全球首款!真人對戰《挑戰金頭腦》-測試你的腦力極限隨點隨玩,躺著玩,坐著玩,工作玩,老板不在和同事玩!以下事項請注意:【挑戰金頭腦】測試你的友情極限,因為我們來真的!真人即時對戰,好友列表打開立即PK!《挑戰金頭腦》要你一玩上癮,貼心提醒請勿過度沉迷遊戲外出釘鈎支,勞心又勞累,鬥陣來尬腦,一秒見輸贏!【全球首創真人即時對戰】不要再跟電腦打了!打開好友列表,立即PK管他班上第一名,對戰馬上見真章!【首創圖片式題庫,眼明手要快】你記得唐伯虎的春樹秋霜圖嗎?看到LOGO你確定你認識它?各種KUSO圖片都入題!首創圖片式入題,眼明手要快!【騙了你幾十年的冷知識!】你知道在攝氏幾度下,蛋會在馬路上被煎熟嗎?為什麼泡麵要等3分鐘?啤酒瓶蓋的鋸齒數量有幾個?衝擊你的認知,打開你的視野!【驚,開拓你不知道的世界!】眼鏡男:覺得迷妹好難理解時髦女:宅男才奇怪!誰說的!互相了解才是愛~各領域正妹都在玩,你還沒加入?The world's first!Realwar "Challenge Golden Brain" - test your mental limitsWith the point with playing, lying down play, sit andplay,Work to play, not the boss and colleagues to play!Please note the following:[Challenge] test your gold mind the limits of friendship, becausewecome true!Instant real battle, buddy list opens immediately PK!"Challenge Golden Brain" a play addicted to you, donotover-indulging in the game intimate reminderOut nail hook sticks, painstaking and tiring,Fight to embarrassed brain, one second to see win or lose!The world's first real battle [Instant]Do not tell the computer to play it!Open the buddy list, immediately PKPipe first in his class, the war immediately pinpointing![First picture type exam, hand eye out faster]Do you remember Flirting Haruki akishimo map?See LOGO Are you sure you know it?KUSO pictures are into all kinds of questions!The first type into the title picture, hand eye out faster![Cold knowledge you lied for decades! ]You know that in a few degrees Celsius, eggs will be cooked ontheroad it?Why wait three minutes of instant noodles?Number of jagged beer bottle a few?Impact your perception, open your horizons![Scared, you do not know to open up the world! ]Glasses Male: think fans good sister difficult to understandFashionable women: otaku was strange!Who said that! Understanding each other is love ~Various fields working girl are playing, you have notjoined?
Загадки Планеты с друзьями 2.0
"Загадки Планеты" - познавательная играоттелеканала "Моя Планета" . Отгадайте, что изображено наспрятаннойфотографии. Открывайте ее по частям, зарабатывайте бонусыискачивайте новые категории. Соревнуйтесь с другими игрокамионлайнили приглашайте друзей.Для онлайн игры потребуется интернет соединение.- Соревнуйтесь с другими игроками. Проверьте знания, полученныеводиночной игре.- Около 600 ярких фотографий с интересными фактами.- Множество категорий по географии, животному миру, искусствуиистории.- Интересные факты и возможность делиться ими с друзьями.- Регулярное обновление категорий."Mysteries of thePlanet"- an informative game on TV channel "My Planet." Guess whatisshown on the hidden pictures. Open it in pieces, earn bonusesanddownload new categories. Compete with other players online,orinvite your friends.Internet connection required for online play.- Compete with other players. Check the knowledge gained inasingle game.- About 600 striking photos with interesting facts.- Many categories of geography, fauna, art and history.- Interesting facts and the ability to share themwithfriends.- Regular updating of categories.
FEO Media AB
《QuiZ對壘》是一個機智互動的問答對戰遊戲,讓你挑戰好友及江湖對手的百科知識-同時讓你每天知識多一些!*2015 年夏季隆重登場*・2 種《QuiZ對壘》對戰模式-基本和戰略模式帶來不同的遊戲體驗!・超過 20,000 條由《QuiZ對壘》團隊及玩家撰寫的精選文字與圖片題目,分佈多個類別,遍及不同範疇。・登上最強排行榜-與其他玩家較量比拼百科知識。・發表自創題目,作出貢獻之餘又可獲得獎賞。・透過社交網絡賬戶邀請好友對戰。・設計與眾不同的個人頭像。・永不落伍的《QuiZ對壘》每天加入最新文字與圖片題目,與時並進!立刻挑戰自己及別人的百科知識!www.feomedia.comFacebook: QuiZ對壘"QuiZ confront" is awittyinteractive quiz battle game that lets you challenge friendsandrivals in the political arena encyclopedic knowledge - andknowledgemake you more every day!* 2015 summer grand debut *• Two "QuiZ confront" Battle Mode - basic and strategic modelbringsa different gaming experience!· More than 20,000 by the "QuiZ confront" writing team andtheplayer's selection of text and image problems, distributedmorethan one category, throughout different areas.· Mount strongest Chart - Competition with otherplayersencyclopedic knowledge contest.I · Leave own problems, and available to contribute tothereward.Invite a friend to play against using socialnetworkingaccounts.• Design unique Avatar.· Timeless "QuiZ confront" the latest addition to the title textandpictures every day, with the times!Challenge yourself and others immediatelyencyclopedicknowledge!www.feomedia.comFacebook: QuiZ confront
Hi Guess the Place: World Quiz 1.3.2
Which famous cities and countries have you been to? Startthisamazing trivia quiz and try to guess all the places in thepicture.Let’s travel the world with beautiful place puzzles.If you are boring with playing the ordinary logo game, whydon'tyou come to try our newly designed guess game - Hi Guess thePlace.It is different from those trivia quiz games which only showbrandlogos or icons in the picture. This is a great quiz game thatletyou test your knowledge about countries, cities and cultures.Andit is full of famous buildings, beautiful scenery,traditionalperformance, typical food or drinks etc. It containshundreds ofimages from all over the world, like Eiffel Tower,Sydney OperaHouse, Statue of Liberty, Big Ben, Fujiyama, Pyramid& Sphinx,Colosseum etc. Travel the world with these famoushistoric andcultural sites, imagine the taste of drinks anddelicious food,enjoy the amazing performance... What a fabulousexperience!Countless funny puzzles from easy to hard are waiting foryou!New puzzles will be added continuously for endless fun! It'seasyto start and simple to play. See the image and guess the cityorthe country. Challenge and test if you know all the citiesandcountries in the pictures! Or you can share this wonderfulquizgame to your friends to figure out who knows more places or whocanguess them faster.Stuck? Don't worry, you can use hints to solve puzzles thatyoucan't figure out or even reach out to your friends usingFacebookto ask for help. Or you also can tap the “Reveal Letter”button toshow a random correct letter, the “Remove Letters”function willhelp you to remove the incorrect letters. And if youwant to getthe answer and access the next puzzle directly, you cantap thebutton of “Reveal the Answer”. Besides, if you already runout ofthe hints, you can get more free ones by rating us.This is not only a geography landmark quiz, but also is aculturetest. If you love traveling, you must love this game!Travel thebeautiful world immediately and imagine the taste of thedeliciousfood with the game! Come on, download it now!Features:Easy to start, have fun immediately!Free, no registration required. Download and enjoy the endlessfunnow! Simple to play for everyone.New puzzles will be added continuously for endless fun!We will update the game and add more amazing puzzlescontinuously!No ending fun is waiting for you!Most addictive trivia quiz!Can you recognize all the places (cities or countries) inthepictures? How many places have you travelled? I believe thatyoucan't help solving the puzzles once you start it!Funny and sophisticated graphics make you feel relax!The perfect color match and well-designed interface offer youanawesome visual experience.Various help & hints options!You can use the free hints (Reveal Letter, Remove Letters andRevealthe Answer) to help you, or you also can share the puzzleyou can'tsolve to friends to ask for help. If you run out of thefree hints,you can rate us to get more free ones or buy some.
Fantasy App
●簡潔的遊戲畫面●單人多人各種玩法● concise pictureofthegame● Single various multiplayer gameplay
사자성어 퀴즈 2 - 네글자시리즈 1.62
사자성어 공부하기 어려우셨나요? 재미있는 게임을 통해 고사성어를 자연스럽게 공부할 수 있는 즐거운사자성어퀴즈입니다.일반/학생/취준생/공무원시험 준비생은 물론 아이들도 자연스럽게 공부할 수 있도록 구성하였습니다. 하루10분투자로 한자실력을 배양하고 고사성어 상식도 넓힐 수 있는 사자성어 퀴즈 앱입니다. * 특징 - 2,300여개의주옥같은사자성어 -수능을 준비하는 학생을 위한 사자성어 기출 문제 및 EBS 연계 한자성어 수록 (퀴즈에서[수능]이라고표기됩니다.) -각종 공무원 시험에 출제된 기출 문제 수록 (퀴즈에서 [공무원 기출]이라고 표기됩니다.) -암기하고싶은 사자성어는따로 [내 한자모음]에 저장할 수 있습니다. - 앱을 이용하는 사용자는 물론 페이스 북을 통해친구들과도순위경쟁을 할수 있습니다. (저희 앱은 사용자의 페이스북 담벼락에 절대 글을 남기지 않습니다!) - 통계기능을통해서갈수록 향상되는고사성어 실력을 점검해보세요~ - 고사성어 한자의 음,훈을 함께 보여주어 사자성어는 물론 한자공부에도도움이 되도록하였습니다. * 게임 방법 - 제시된 사자성어의 뜻을 보면서 하단의 글자 버튼을 순서대로 누르면됩니다. -이미 누른글자 다시 누르면 해당 글자는 취소가 되어 원상태로 돌아옵니다. - 주어진 시간에 모든 글자를 알맞은순서대로누르면다음문제로 넘어갑니다. - 틀렸을 경우에는 문제를 다시 풀어야 하며 글자 순서는 다시 섞이게 됩니다. -주어진시간내에최대한 많은 사자성어 문제를 풀면 됩니다. [4글자 씨리즈]를 통해서 즐거우면서 유익한 퀴즈게임을선보이도록하겠습니다. 감사합니다. *2015/09/22 신규 업데이트 안내 [레벨을 선택해서 퀴즈를 즐길수있습니다.]- 랜덤(난이도에 상관없이 무작위로 추출된 사자성어가 출제됩니다.) - 기초 (한자급수 1~3등급수준의고사성어가출제됩니다.) - 초급 (한자급수 1~6등급 수준) - 중급 (한자급수 1~8등급 수준) - 고급 (한자급수1~13등급 수준) - 수능 (수능 기출 문제 및 EBS 연계 고사성어) - 공무원 (각 공무원 시험 기출 고사성어)-상식(일반 생활에서 많이 접하는 사자성어) [랭킹도 각 레벨별 순위를 확인할 수 있습니다.] ---- 개발자연락처:A-404 SamWhan-Hipex BD, 240 Pangyoyeok-ro,BundnagguSeongnam-si,Gyeonggi-do, Korea +82-31-698-2886
Riddle Me That - Guess Riddle
Riddle Me That! Do you like guessingriddlesand playing riddle quiz game? Can you guess theseriddles?Riddle of the day:What do you call a dog that sweats so much?What falls but never breaks?Try this "Riddle Me That!" game! It's the best riddle quiz game,andIt's free!For every riddle, you will have 12 or 14 mixed lettersforcandidate, and you will be shown the number of letters foranswers.These are already the hints for you, so it's easierthantraditional riddles.There will be lots of levels for you to unlock if you answerenoughriddles, so you can guess futher riddles without having toguessthe current one like other riddle games.Go Go Go! So now let's begin this riddle game - Riddle MeThat!Riddle me this, riddle me that, Riddle Me Brains!The answers of two questions: hotdog and night.Don't try to search the riddles and answers online, since itwillreduce the fun!
Icon Game: Guess the Pic
Mari Apps
★★★Icon Game★★★Icon Game is easy, lots of fun, and family friendly!Solve popular icons of Famous People, Movies,TVShows, Characters, Places, and Brandswiththe ultimate Icon Game. Icon Game is a free game that has auniquecollection of world icons!Challenge your friends to see who can solve the most icons.Yourgame progress will be synced with Facebook and Google Plus, soyoucan play on all of your different devices.Icon Game Features:★ More than 2000 icons organized in over60packs.★ Hints are awarded to help you figure out the answer!★ The more icons you unlock, the harder the icons will betosolve.★ Helpful clues! Each icon rewards 2 hints!★ Swipe screen to switch between icons.★ High quality graphics.★ Scoreboard where you can compare your ranking with friends.★ Log in with Facebook or Google Plus to sync your score andcompetewith your friends!★ Ask your Facebook friends for help when stuck!★ Game progress is synced with Facebook and Google Plus, so youcanplay on all of your different devices.★ Frequent application updates!Over 2000 Icons!Compare your answers with your friends!Challenge them to see who knows more puzzles!New packs coming soon.Check for updates!