Top 19 Apps Similar to SendHub - Business SMS

Business On Tapp 2.4.6
Business On Tapp is a community of startupsandentrepreneurs sharing awesome ideas around advertising,marketing,videos, blogs, content, social media, sales, strategy,productivity,ecommerce, technology, websites, design, searchengine optimizationand more. You'll be able to connect with otherbusiness owners, askbusiness questions, take short businesscourses, learn from shortbusiness videos and get daily businesstips right to your phone.Features:1) Business Insights - Tapp in for small business,website,productivity tools, legal, marketing, SEO, blogging andfinanceideas every day. You'll get practical how-to's and trendsfortoday’s ever-changing business world.2) Instant Answers - Ask questions of other entrepreneurs andgetspecific answer when you need, now.3) Digital Business Card - As a member of our exclusive club(nocharge), you’ll be able to create a On Tapp Profile, includingyourcustom-designed digital business card. With that card, you'llbeable to benchmark, discover fellow CEOs and innovators so youcanshare war stories, ideas, and winning strategies that’ll helpyourbusiness grow.4) Entrepreneur Polls - Instantly capture small businesssales,employment and sentiment trends of your region with ourmonthlyTapp-In Business Sentiment Polls.5) Tapp Radar - Discover other business owners by zip codeandinterests with our latest feature. Follow them, check outtheirinterests, benchmark yourself, and share business ideas.6) Mini MBA - Take our short businesses courses and skillstrainingsto increase your learning, status and level within thecommunity -(coming soon).The Why:Running your own business feels great, until you run intoaproblem you never saw coming. So don’t go it alone. Tapp in!It’severything you need to raise your business game.About Us:Business On Tapp was created by The EnduranceInternationalGroup, one of the world’s largest small business webpresencecompanies. At Endurance we know that starting and growing asmallbusiness isn’t easy, we’ve lived it (check out our So we invite you to work smarter bytappinginto the collective genius of other small businesses likeyou.
Google My Business
Google Inc.
Show the world you are open for businessonGoogle Search and Maps. With Google My Business, you canverifyyour business information, manage customer reviews, getcustominsights on how customers are interacting with yourbusinessonline, and build your brand.- Update business name, address, and hours- Upload photos of your business- Manage and respond to customer reviews- Custom insights on where and how many people are searchingforyou- Notifications when customers are talking about yourbusiness- Manage multiple locations from one dashboard, and invite otherstomanage your listingPermission Notice- Location: Needed to use your current location as yourbusinesslocation- Contacts: Needed to auto-complete email addresses wheninvitingothers to manage your listing- Storage: Needed to access photos taken at yourbusinesslocation
Small Business: Accounting Invoices CRM Inventory 5.3.1
Complete, professional business solution: Accounting&Invoices,CRM, Inventory control, Organizer, B2B: Messages&Docs,Banking/Income/Expenses, time management;comprehensiveReporting.Multiple currencies. or companies Range:sole contractor(standaloneapp) - small retail chain (several appslinked)Functionality of thefree and premium versions, prices ofthepremium versions anddiscounts depend upon the country andarespecified inside theapplication. Use either as astandaloneBusiness app with thefacility to upload generated data&documents to Google Drive orDropbox storage, or link to one ofourPC APPLICATIONs: can bedownloadedfrom,replicate,instantly email Quotes of your products orservices (withimages ifneeded). Record and instantly email Invoices&Receipts, updatestatus of Estimates/Sales; record(partial)payments, issuemultiple receipts with outstanding amounts,edit,print deliverynotes, update status or cancel sales RecordBills,Purchases &Purchase Orders, categorize and keep trackofexpenses. (Save &upload to PC photos of your receipts)Controlbudgets for expenses.Notify about bill payments InstantlyprocessCredit Card Paymentswith linked Square POS app Keep track ofyourbank accounts &money display account balances,transactions,expenses andrevenues, profits, assets, loans withpayment schedule,etc. datasorted by the categories for selectedperiods. Recorddeposits,withdrawals, transfers. keep record of yourtransactionscreate pdf(csv) reports: print or save to Dropbox orGoogle DriveFullyconfigurable pdf documents for Quotes, Invoices,Receipts,PurchaseOrders etc. instantly email to your customers orvendors(the textof email pre-configured), print or upload toDropbox or GDserver.Pdf for the Quotes may include the images ofthe products.Use 8different templates * 20 background textures fordocuments;insertyour own logo, letterhead or texture, recorddifferent typesofspecial information, payment options, displayvendor's bar codeoninvoice, choose date format and much more.Invoice can beprintedin all major European languages, as well asChinese,Japanese,Korean and Arabic Organize & keep businesscontacts inoneplace; record calendar events, tasks, notes(multipleimages),prepare and send to the customers accountstatements, showtheirlocation on the map, link tasks and notes tocustomers:instantlysend emails and SMS messages. Link phone logswithdescription ofconversation to contact records Manageinventory:multiple prices,costs, photos, amounts; pdf files withdescriptionof stock (imagesincluded): print or instantly email;linked toBarCode scanner Usestock control the inventory amountsareautomatically changed whensale or purchase is delivered. Iftheamount falls below thethreshold the alert records arecreated:Automatically createpurchase orders for stock. Servicerecords canbe processed in thesimilar fashion, except stock controlisdisabled Use the fulldouble entry accounting application onyourtablet (phone),Generate pdf and csv files with informationrecordedin the system(Sales, Purchases, Contacts, Stock, etc.);Conduct allbasicaccounting operations, including recording GLaccounts andjournals& create reports: Balance Sheet, ProfitLoss, TrialBalance,Journals, Sales per Month, Sales per Customer,Tax etc.(~40reports types): print, email, upload. Link severalAndroiddevicesto one of our PC Business applications. Configureyour ownnetworkwith different users access permissions. Keep yourdata onAndroiddevice, PC, or internet storage (Dropbox. GD).
Entrepreneur Business Ideas - Tools & Tutorials 1.1.10
This app contains articles on getting businessideas,protectingbusiness ideas, and how to generally think aboutbusinessideas. Inaddition to the articles, there is a list of 100businessideas. Inaddition to that, there is a tool to help youbeginplanning yourown business - all on this one app!! All the tipsonbusiness ideasfor entrepreneurs are tips and suggestions camefromour experiencegrowing our business plan app. That business planappnow has over100,000 downloads and over 20,000 business plans. Soifyou are anentrepreneur who is looking to start a business, theappsbased onmany entrepreneurs just like you. This app focusesonbusinessideas. It contains articles on these businessentrepreneurtopics:1) How to get business ideas 2) Psychology ofbeing asmallbusiness owner and an entrepreneur 3) Evolution of abusinessideaand how they change over time. This is what happens toyourideaafter you get your business ideas. 4) What to do if youhavetoomany business ideas and how to choose the best out ofthoseideas5) Common business idea mistakes 6) Protecting businessideasafteryou get the business ideas, and whether you shouldprotectthem atall In addition to these articles, there are also100businessideas you can try. And if that wasn't enough, there isalsoasoftware tool on the app which helps you create asmallbusinessplan for of your business idea. It is a good idea tocreatea smallbusiness plan just for yourself to help you organizeyourideas.And if you feel you would like more guidance and helpinmakingyour business idea a reality, you can get help fromanexperiencedentrepreneur by trying our premium business ideasandbusiness planapps. Get expert help from a real person andbeginmaking greatprogress on your business idea today. For techsupportoradditional business idea article requests,[email protected]
Business Card Maker 3.1.6
Unified Apps
Business Card Maker It is the business application whichmakesyourbusiness card in a minute!!! The best businesscardapplicationused by thousands of people. Business CardMakercreatesprofessional digital business cards for your business.Youcancreate, save and share your business card. You canalsocreatecustom business card according to your need. 4 typeofbusinesscards you can create - Standard Business Card:ThisBusiness Cardsare very easy to create in no time. You canchangefonts and colorsaccording to your choice. We have somegreatcollection ofHorizontal Business Cards with a single anddoubleside. - VerticalBusiness Card: Vertical Business Card looksveryelegant anddifferentiate you from other people. This appincludesan awesomecollection of this type of business card, checkthem out.- SquareBusiness Card: Square Business Cards are the newone andintroducedin this version of the app. Such type of cards isbestfor digitalmarketing and for sharing online. - CustomBusinessCard: You cancreate highly customizable card according toyour ownneed, we havecreated a unified interface which provideseasy cardcreation andupdating in just a minute! We have providedmany cardtemplates,fonts, symbols, colors and many more. WithBusiness CardMaker, youexperience following cool features - CreateBusinessCard: You cancreate the different type of business cardsfrom thecollection ofHorizontal Business Cards, Vertical BusinessCards,Square BusinessCards and Custom Business Card according toyour ownneed. - EditBusiness Card: Now you can edit any businesscardcreated from thisapp! This is the new feature introduced inthelatest version. -Manage Profiles: You can create profiles ofusersfor whom you wantto create Business Card. you can also easilyeditand delete userprofiles at any time. This will help you tocreatebusiness cardinstantly! - View Created Business Cards: Youcanaccess yourcreated Business Card anytime in Saved Cardssection.You also canedit them or share them with your friends andbusinessgroups. Howto create a custom business card? - Choose anycard fromgiventemplate, color as background or pick image of yourchoicefrom thegallery - Add texts like your name, company name,mobilenumber,email address, website, company location, etc - Addsomepredefinedsymbol like mobile, email, website, location,facebook,twitter,linkedin, etc - Add your image or company logofrom thegallery -Save your business card to the gallery or share toyourbusinessnetworks - Add shadow, stroke and other effects toyourtexts -Apply crop, rotation, flip, etc. operation on yourimageThis appcan help you to create a digital business card foryourbusinessnetworks. You can also use them as your digitalidentityande-card. You can not find such functionality in anyotherbusinesscard creator app. So take 5 minutes from your busyscheduleand trythis app and do not forget to rate us if you likethe app.For anyfeedback or queries, please contact [email protected] can also join us on ourfacebookpage
Business Dictionary
BusinessDictionary is a free easy-to-useFREEbusiness glossary with over 30,000 definitions that spanacrosscritical business-related topics includingentrepreneurship,management, small business, economics, humanresources, recruiting,and corporate strategy. It's concise, clear,andcomprehensive.- Learn about related definitions, popular business definitions,andhow to use business dictionary terms in a sentence- Access definition offline and on-the-go- Create and share flashcards to brush up on yourbusinessvocabulary
37 Business Idea in Hindi 1.0
37 Innovative business idea, work from home, Ideas on how tostartbusiness, etc
Startup Business Planner 1.1.7
Startup Business planner application enableyouto prepare the cost estimation for new business plan orstartupventure. Use it to get the brief information on theprocessesrequired for company registration and cost associated witheachprocess. It give the clear clear idea on the processinvolved,associated financial capital cost and assets to set-upthebusiness.The app considers almost all the steps needed to start withnewstart-up and the costs associated with each execution ofprocess.This helps you to get the information on financial costs atanypoint, be it infrastructure requirements, staff hiring orbusinessmarketing. All major corporate processes are coveredlikeregistrations fees, set up costs, legal and account feesandrunning costs.Furthermore the main expenses are divided intooperationalselections that includes installation, accounting andlegalprofessionals fees, the vehicles and equipment lease costsandrunning cost, advertising and promotions, staff salaries,employeehealth insurance, ongoing office rent, bank and lenderfees.User can use it for the approximated quotation for any kindofindustry (Manufacture, Auto mobile, IT, Retail, smallscaleindustry or any start up project which may or may not berequiremanpower, equipments and office space). You can set theapproximatetime required in months for the business to generatefirst revenueafter all operating expenses. Considering these entirefactors itprovide you the approx money needed to build and run thenewbusiness successfully. The detailed reports with all inputs canbedownloaded any time in CSV format for references. You cancreateand download the live estimations at any point of time andcomparethem for different scenarios. The reset option blank allfields andenable the user to start with new plan.Key functions and features✔ Step by Step cost calculation for the set-up andinstallation,legal and accounting fees.✔ Consider the time needed to make the start up profitable.✔ Helps you to identify and missing categories and costs whichcancost you a lot in future.✔ Identify the major costs with interactive visualization.✔ Optimized for tablet and higher resolution devices.✔ Displays currencies as per the device locale.✔ Gives the summary along with amount required on start up✔ Graphical view with summary and details to getbetterinsight.✔ Interactive and easy to use sliders to adjust values anddisplaysthe results in easy to visualize in chart or graphformat.✔ Allow to choose and easily switching the values usingslidercontrols.✔ Rate and share options.✔ Compact and easy to use design.✔ Organized lists for cost models at various stages.✔ Covers almost all the generic costs required to establishabusiness.✔ Download options for detailed business plan costs.✔ Reset option to restart from scratch to create uniqueplans.✔ Step by step costs and timeliness from planning to startingyourbusiness to first revenue.✔ Country selection and support for many world currencies.
BORN2INVEST - Business News
M6 Ltd.
The best business and finance news fromthemost trusted sources in 80 words or less.Updated throughout the day, Born2Invest is a professionallycurateddigest of business and finance news summaries from themostreputable news organizations around the world.TOPICS COVERED BY OUR BUSINESS NEWS DIGEST:Prepared by an in-house team of journalists, Born2Invest coversawide spectrum of topics, such as investing, economies andglobalmarkets, trending business news, as well as industry updatesontech, real estate, media, and personal finance. Born2Investalsoprovides in-depth coverage on precious metals and mining(e.g.silver, gold, nickel) as well as luxury goods and services(e.g.collectibles, travel, auto). Finally, we also offer agrowingselection of targeted business videos.Stay on top of the latest news and financial affairs of theworld.Digest features include news by category, fluid navigation,elegantinterface, easy bookmarking, and localized appversions.Want to read news only about specific topics? Just selectthecategories you are interested in. You can also read businessinover 20 native languages, all from within the sameapplication.Just switch your language inside the settings, that'sit!Born2Invest – the best business and finance news in yourpocket!Enjoy.
Skype for Business for Android
Skype for Business, formerly Lync 2013,forAndroid extends the power of Lync and Skype to your favoritemobiledevice: voice & video over wireless, rich presence,instantmessaging, conferencing, and calling features from asingle,easy-to-use interface.Key Features:-Initiate a group IM or video conversation and inviteadditionalparticipants-Join, rejoin and initiate a Skype for Business Meetingtocommunicate and collaborate on amazing ideas-Share your video and view speaker's video during aconference-Control the meeting (mute or remove attendees) and know moreaboutparticipants’ modalities-Look at your upcoming meetings and join via one click-Find your recent conversations and pick them up from whereyouleft-Search your contacts by name, email, or phone number-Enhanced security via Active Directory AuthenticationLibrary(ADAL)Anyone can use the Skype for Business Mobile app when invited toaSkype for Business or Lync 2013 meeting. However, you must haveaSkype for Business or Lync account in order to use (and enjoy)thefull capability of the Skype for Business Mobile app. Also,somefunctionality might require an update to Lync or Skype forBusinessServer or might not be available to all users. If you’renot sureabout your account status, please contact your ITdepartmentIMPORTANT: THIS SOFTWARE REQUIRES CONNECTIVITY TO VALIDLYLICENSEDCOPIES OF MICROSOFT LYNC OR SKYPE FOR BUSINESS SERVER OROFFICE 365/ LYNC ONLINE / SKYPE FOR BUSINESS ONLINE AND WILL NOTWORK WITHOUTIT. UPDATES TO MICROSOFT LYNC SERVER OR SKYPE FORBUSINESS MAY BEREQUIRED FOR PROPER PERFORMANCE. SOME FUNCTIONALITYMAY NOT BEAVAILABLE IN ALL COUNTRIES. IF YOU ARE UNSURE ABOUT YOURCOMPANY’SLICENSE TO AND/OR DEPLOYMENT OF LYNC OR SKYPE FORBUSINESS, PLEASECONTACT YOUR IT DEPARTMENT. SKYPE FOR BUSINESS APPIS ONLYAVAILABLE FOR Android 4.0 OR GREATER.
Invoice2go: Easy Invoice Maker
All-in-one tool to run your business: invoicing, payments,reportingand more.
IndiaMART: Online Marketplace of Indian Exporters 12.9.1
🏆‘Best Business App’ at Drivers of Digital Summit &Awards,2018IndiaMART: Search for Products, VerifiedExporters,Sellers,Resellers, Wholesalers, Manufacturers &Retailers inIndia Withthe IndiaMART App, millions of buyers &sellers canconnectwith each other to fulfill their businessrequirements.Browsethrough India's 🇮🇳 largest online B2Bmarketplace &explore thewidest range of 63 Mn products,services & 5.9 MngenuineSuppliers for your sourcingrequirements. IndiaMART bringstogetherleading manufacturers,exporters, verified sellers &supplierslooking for an easy wayto widen their reach manifold.TheIndiaMART App comes loaded withfeatures that make it easytoconnect to & find new onlineshopping opportunitiesanytime,anywhere. 🏆IndiaMART Crowned Award: *Most PromisingCompany of theYear at the CNBC Awaaz CEO Awards 2019* ManthanAward * RedHerring Award Get in touch with verifiedIndianexporters, sellers,manufactures, retailers & wholesalersfromour top sellingonline shopping categories: 1. Electronics&Electrical Goods& Services 2. Building &ConstructionMaterial 3.Industrial Plants & Machinery 4. ApparelClothing&Garments And Thousands More... Why switch to IndiaMARTApp?ForBuyers: 1. Search for Products & Services, 24x7 neartoyourlocation. 2. Post Requirements & Send Enquiries tosellersinOffline Mode as well. 3. Compare Quotes frommultiplesuppliers& get the best prices. 4. Chat with sellers onthe go- foryour requirement & price negotiation. 5. PaywithIndiamart -Secure & Instant Payment mode. You say, wehear:Permissionrequested: READ_SMS: To read and auto fill the OTPforBankTransactions. CALL_PHONE: To initiate a direct call frombuyerstosellers and sellers to buyers to fulfill the requirements.Foranyqueries, you can call our dedicated customer carehelplinenumber 📞09696969696 or write to us [email protected]"
Fundraising & Make Money Tools & Tutorials 2.0.1
All suggestions, articles and tips come from the experienceofthe100,000+ entrepreneurs on our business plan app. Weunderstandthatoften what people want is simply to make money, andin this appweshare many tips on how you can make money byworking,startingprojects or businesses, or raising money for yourbusiness.The apphelps you understand how to make money in a numberof ways.Thereare tutorials on how to: - Make money by starting asmallbusinessand growing it - Make money by raising money for aprojectorbusiness - Make money by applying to full-time orpart-timejobsThe app also features tools to help you planvariousfundraisingefforts. You can plan how to make money privatelyor byinvitingfriends or business partners and planning together.Thereis alsoour YouTube channel that covers topics like how tomakemoney bystarting a business, how to promote your business,andvariousfundraising techniques. The app is split up in afewsections. Thefirst section is about how to make money bystartingany of the 100common business ideas on the list that wehave puttogether. Theideas there are common business ideas thatmost peoplecan do. Thenext section of the app is about how to makemoney byactuallyraising money for a business or a project bygetting moneyvialoans, investors, donations or getting aninvestment. Andofcourse, you can always make money by taking parttime work orfulltime work and saving the money that you earn there.The otherwayto make money is to start a bigger kind of a business.Insidetheapp we have links to our free business ideas andbusinessplanningapps so that you can learn how to get businessideas onyour own,and learn to plan your business. Both of thoseapps arefree. Youcan also watch videos about how to make moneyright on theapp. Wehave added our YouTube channel which coverstopics likestarting abusiness, raising and getting money, promotingyourbusiness, andother topics about getting money or making money.Fortech support,please email: [email protected]
QuickBooks Online Accounting 27.57.0+1
Intuit Inc
Create invoices, manage expenses & view your smallbusinessfinances with ease.
Business Manager 10.5
Super easy to use to store your customers, send paymentlinks,manage expenses.
Square Point of Sale - POS
Square, Inc.
Square Point of Sale (formerly Register) isthefree Android point-of-sale app that gives you everything youneed totake payments and run your business. Accept card paymentswith aSquare Reader or Square Stand. Funds are deposited fast—seemoney inyour bank account in one to two business days. UseSquare’s AndroidPOS app to keep track of sales and inventory inreal time, manageitems and employees, and view analytics aboutyour business. Thereare no long-term contracts, no commitments,and no surprisefees.FEATURESSquare Point of Sale (formerly Register) has everything you needtostart, run, and grow your business from your Androidpoint-of-saledevice. Get the latest processing features for yourmerchantterminal with regular app updates.- Accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express- Customers pay, tip, and sign right on your device- Record cash, gift cards, and other forms of tender- Send and track invoices from your device- Customize your products with photos, names, and prices- Send receipts via email or text message- Apply discounts and issue refunds- Access real-time sales data and complete sales history- Track inventory in real time- Use with Square Reader, the card reader for Android- Connect a receipt printer, kitchen ticket printer, barcodescanner, and cash drawerSQUARE DASHBOARDSign in to your web dashboard and view live sales data fromyourAndroid POS app in seconds. You can access powerful analyticsandeasy tools to help you track and improve your business.-----------------------------2.75% PER SWIPE IN THE U.SCharge $100, see $97.25 in your bank account. AcceptVisa,MasterCard, Discover, and American Express cards all at thesamerate.NEXT-DAY DEPOSITSGet your money fast. Square deposits payments taken with theAndroidPOS app into your bank account in one to two businessdays.FREE MOBILE CREDIT CARD READER FOR ANDROIDRequest your free Square card reader for Android at sign-up.Creditcard information is encrypted from start to finish.FREE POINT OF SALE FOR ANDROIDDownload Square Point of Sale free and seamlessly take paymentswithSquare Reader, the cube-shaped card reader you canuseanywhere.
CamCard Free - Business Card R
No. 1 business card app, loved by 100millionusers* Top Developer on Google Play* Must-Have Apps for Salespeople –* Bringing Order to the Chaos of Business Cards - The NewYorkTimes* The business cards just jump into your phones – CBS TVCamCard is the easiest app to manage and exchange businesscards,the perfect fit for sales people, entrepreneurs,businessdevelopers or marketing experts, and anyone who want tobeone.Features* Scan and store your business cards, never miss a card* Exchange e-cards with people nearby* Add notes & reminders to contacts* Get contact updates. Be the first one to say congrats* Enrich your profile to tell people more about yourself* Search contacts’ company news to start a good conversation* Navigate to contact addresses in Map* Access contact information across multiple devices* Manage contacts from all over the world with 17recognitionlanguages*Free version: You can scan up to 200 cards in free versionRecognition languages: Traditional Chinese, SimplifiedChinese,Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Korean, Norwegian, Japanese,English,French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Italian,Swedish,and Russian.Brother appCamScanner – Document scanning and sharing app.Contact us at [email protected] us on Facebook | Twitter | Google+: CamCard
eVoice — Business Phone Line 4.13.0
The eVoice® app offers you a better way to connect! Addasecondphone number for business or personal use – withoutthehassle orneed to buy a second device. Discover the freedomofhaving yourbusiness phone number accessible from yoursmartphone.Make,receive, and automatically forward calls, send& receivetexts,access your phone contacts, and more—withoutheadachesorrestrictions. The eVoice app is a full-featuredphoneservicewithin a phone. It’s simple to use and has all ofyourneedscovered. • eVoice is ideal forentrepreneurs,freelancers,consultants and anyone else who needs tostay connectedwith theirbusiness. • Sign up for an eVoice virtualphone numberwith a freemonth trial* • No long-term contracts. Nohidden costs.• Upgradeat any time for more features and minutes asyou needthem. eVoice®is the perfect mobile phone solution for yoursmallbusiness: •Make and receive calls from your business phonenumber.• Have yourvoicemails transcribed to text and emailed toyou. •Send andreceive text messages (extra fees may apply) •Separateyour workand personal voicemails. • Create speed dialshortcuts. •Save andreview call logs. • Access your phone contactsfrom withinthe app.• Call screening to help manage calls. • Showyour eVoicenumberfor your outbound calls to ensure that everyoneyou call seesaunified caller ID stamp regardless of where in theworldyou’recalling from. The eVoice calling app – free withaneVoicesubscription, works with your smartphone. If youdon’talready havean eVoice account, start your free month trial*anddiscover howeVoice turns your phone into a powerful mobilebusinesssolution.The eVoice app cannot be used for emergency calls(911). *Freemonth trial signup is offered through the app in theUSA only.Ifyou reside outside the US, please visit the eVoicewebsite formoreoptions. We’re excited to hear what you think abouteVoice!Pleasesend us your thoughts, concerns [email protected].
Tiny Scanner - PDF Scanner App 5.5.2
Beesoft Apps
Tiny Scanner is a little scanner app that turns android deviceintoa portable document scanner and scans everything as images orPDFs.With this pdf document scanner app you can scan documents,photos,receipts, reports, or just about anything. This pdfdocumentscanner app is lightning fast and gorgeously designed forbothphone and tablet. IS THAT A SCANNER IN YOUR POCKET? TinyScanner isa pdf document scanner app that turns your mobile into aportablescanner. Scans are saved to your device as images or PDFs.Name andorganize your scans into folders, or share them by: - Email- Wifidirectly to your computer - Dropbox, Evernote, GoogleDrive,OneDrive or Box This document scanner app has all the BIGfeaturesyou need: * Scan in color, grayscale, or black & white* AIPowered OCR(different languages, editing results,handwritingsrecognition, copying, sharing or saving as txt,word,etc.)(Available in subscription mode) * Can be used inoffice,school, home and anywhere else you want * Page edges aredetectedautomatically * 5 levels of contrast for crisp monochrometexts *Set page sizes for PDF (Letter, Legal, A4, and more) *Thumbnail orlist view, sort scans by date or title * Tiny Scanneris optimizedto run very fast. * Quick search by document title *Protect yourdocuments with a passcode * Add signature to scanneddocs *Universal – a single app that works on phone and tablet too!Thefree version is an ad-supported version and has somefunctionrestrictions, we also offer an ad-free version with nofunctionrestrictions which is available as in-app purchase. AllPremiumFeatures: - Scan documents unlimitedly - AI PoweredOCR(differentlanguages, editing results, handwritings recognition,copying,sharing or saving as txt, etc. 200 pages per month) - Allsharingoptions - Ads free Payment models for Premium Subscription:-$3.99/month - $19.99/year Please note the subscriptionisautomatically renewed unless you choose to cancel thesubscriptionat least 24 hours before the end of the current periodinSubscriptions on Google Play. Permissions Used in Tiny Scanner:1.Storage: Tiny Scanner needs this permission to read photosfromGallery when you choose to import images from local storage,saveimages to Gallery needs this permission too. 2. Camera:TinyScanner needs this permission to use camera to scan docs.GOTQUESTIONS? CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO SOMETHING? We're glad tohearyour feedback. If you have any problem about this scannerappplease email us at [email protected], and we’ll helpyoufigure it out.