Top 16 Apps Similar to Numerology

Sky Raptor: Space Shooter 2.4.2
Alien shooters are invading. Join Sky Raptor to save the Galaxy!
Numerology 8.5
Daily, Weekly, and Yearly Numerology 2023 Predictions onNumerologyapp
Numerology 1.3
Mario Salai
This is a small app that uses HansDecozNumerology system which is one of the best numerology systemever.Numerology can help you in understanding yourself on deeperlevelso you can see clearly who you really are and what areyourstrengths, talents or weaknesses.Calculate Relationship compatibility, Life Path,Expression,Personality, Karmic Lesson, Birth Day and Hearth'sDesire numbersand find out more about yourself for free.No adds, no banners, just pure information for you tolearn,explore and evolve.
Numerology Vedic Free 1.4
Numerology App with predictions based on Modern / ancientVedicNumerology.
Numerology Reading 2016 1.1
Numerology Calculator and Reading gives youafree reading and a look at your numbers and helps you learnwhatthey forecast about your future.This Free Numerology Calculator generates numerology chartsforindividuals based on the name and the date of Birth Provided bytheuser.The app also provides your accurate reading on thefollowing:Your Lifepath Number and explainationYour Destiny / Expression NumberYour BirthDay NumberYour Soul Urge / Heart's Desire NumberYour Inner Dreams / Personality NumberYour Challenge Numbers areYour Attitude NumberYour Karmic Lessons NumberYour Karmic Debt NumberYour Personal YearYour Personal DayYour Personal MonthYour Balance NumberYour Realization / Maturity NumberYour Hidden Passion Number.Your Rational Thought NumberYour Subconscious Self NumberYour Personal AspectYour Personal Aspect is towards EmotionalYour Current LifePath Period NumberYour Capstone NumberYour Cornerstone NumberYour First Vowel NumberYour L / E Bridge NumberYour H / P Bridge NumberMinor Heart Desire NumberMinor Personality NumberMinor Personality Number
Numerology guru 1.2
This application will allow our users toknowabout their psychology,destiny,relationship,best suitedprofession,specific karmic advice for them,their health,luckynumbers for themetc using date of birth.This also has a feature i.e a person can check compatibilitywithanother person by providing date of birth and name.This application is powered by Waispro Technologies Pvt Ltd.Developers:-Sargam,Mandip and DeepakUpdated By sargam
Soulmate Numerology 1.1
Unlike the olden days, choosing a spouse or a life partnerhasbecome simple, thanks to the advancements made by themodernscience. But to find the most suitable and compatible partnerisstill a far cry! Not going into the complexities of the humanmindand its craving for an ideal soulmate in life, we present hereanNumerology App which will help our readers to choose therightpartner. Using the methods that are unique, simple andinvented bythe author after analysing hundreds of cases, this Appwill helppeople who are in search of ideal marital or conjugal orloverelations, ensuring compatibility and long lastingrelationship.Marriages may be made in Heaven, but they should notlead us tohell! Well, go ahead with our Soulmate App and enjoy itsheavenlybliss!
iZofy - Numerology 1.9
iZofy, the most exceptional Numerology appforandroid offers you many knowledgeable and all informingpredictionsbased on the ruling numbers. Thus, it is regarded as theone of thebest numerological applications ever.Numerology helps people knowing themselves and inmost levelsothat they can see clearly who they really are and whattheirtalents, weaknesses and strengths are.The online marketplace, iZofy provides various onlineastrologyservices on – Numerology, Palmistry, Tarot, Astrology,Vastu,Psychic and Spiritual Healing. iZofy connects people withAstrologyExperts conveniently. We describe Numerology and IndianVedicAstrology in the easiest language to the users. Opt forfreeNumerology reading with the use of different freeNumerologyCalculators provided by iZofy like Car Number Calculator,Baby NameNumerology Calculator, Name Numerology Calculator,TravelCalculator, Match Making Calculator, Lucky Number Calculator,LuckyStone Calculator and Love Calculator.In this particular unique application, you will know thebenefitsof Numerology and how these numbers give impact on yourluck by someupgraded features. They include:1. Post a Problem Tool – Now at an affordable cost gettheremedies of your problems. Your problems will be solvedthroughAstrology, Name Numerology, Numerology, Tarot reading,andSpiritual Healing. We offer you Instant Solution Provider togiveyou instant solution of your every problem.2. Avail iZofy’s provided Free Daily Zodiac, Free DailyHoroscopeand Free Daily Numerology.3. You will get solution instantly by talking to theTopAstrologer and Numerologist on Real Time. Get remedies foryourCareer Problems, Financial Problems, Relationship Problems,MatchMaking and some other problems immediately from theTopNumerologists and Astrologers of India.4. Read daily Unique Articles provided by iZofy from theTopNumerologists and Astrologers which help you to solve theproblemsof your daily life.5. Some unique iZofy News are also explained in thisappregarding the current affairs in Numerology andAstrologylanguage.6. Now you can choose from hundreds of Astrologers, TarotCardReaders, Numerologists, Vastu Consultants, Psychic Readers,andSpiritual Healers.7. iZofy provides Free Astrology and Numerology Calculatorswhichhas been already mentioned. So, now you can check your namewith theexclusive Free Name Numerology calculator.8. Now you can get the information regarding your LuckyDay,Unlucky Day, Lucky Numbers, Unlucky Numbers, Lucky Stone,NameNumber, Lucky Color and Unlucky Color. The Free Numeropedia ofallyour Numerology Numbers is now in one screen ofyoursmartphone.This Astrology and Numerology app is exclusively designed tokeepimmediate calculations and flexibility in mind. As an example,whilemoving anywhere, you can immediately know your DailyHoroscope orRuling Planet. You do not require carrying anyparticular items withyou.There is no app like iZofy which offers so many featuresonNumerology and Indian Vedic Astrology. However, you just needtokeep your internet connection active and the solutions ofyourproblems will reach you instantly.
Numerology : Ank Jyotish 14
Know about yourself with Numerology in Hindi
Life Path Number Numerology 1.0
Life Path Number Numerology reveals a lotaboutyour personality and your life.
Numerology of Names 2.0
Know whether your name spelling is accurate as perNumerologicalCalculations.
Tamil Numerology 1.5
Just enter Name and Date of Birth, see the present, past andfuturelife
Universal Numerology 1.2.1
Universal Numerology is first andforemostanumerological research tool. The goal is to enable you tousetheSystem of Universal Numerology on your own. So you havetolearnand devote some time and effort. Don't expect thecookbookstyledelineations to be true, however you can find themalso.Why Universal Numerology?Because this numerology system is independent of anycalendarsanddoes not rely on the notion of time. Rather, theconcept liesininformation, so it can be used in every culture.Please report any bugs and crashes either throughcrashreporter,or via email. If possible and applicable, pleasealsosupply thedata you worked with (no names required), and whatyoudid.NEW IN VERSION 1.3- Re-added Comparison module. It's now possible to compare upto10events with each other- Updated database schema (hopefully this won't case crashes).Ifthedates for previously saved data disappear, it's not a bug.Ifyousave them again, or if you save new data, the dateswillre-appear,and you will also be able to search for dates inthedatabase, notjust names.- Added two new examples- Added description about Chosen Numbers- Minor GUI changesNEW IN VERSION 1.2.1- Re-wrote the behavior of Dynamics- A half circle gesture (from right to left) on the grid canbeusedto quickly undo dynamics- Recorded a short demo videoNEW IN VERSION 1.2- Major redesign. Pending features will be implemented onceIhavethe time.
Psychic Numerology 1.1
Psychic Numerology App will helpyouexploreyour future and help you make some great decisions inyourlife. Wewill provide you with the best experts in the fieldofastrology,psychic readings, zodiac signs and numerology.Our experts will be at your service every day and will openyoureyesabout anything you want. They are highly qualifiedforpsychicreadings and they also helped a lot of people aroundtheworld.Psychic Numerology App will give you dailyhoroscope.Horoscopesare easy to understand, even for those who havenot dealtwithastrology before - you needn't know any of thescientificjargoninvolved to be able to profit from our horoscopereadings. Ifweare lucky, though, your interest in this fascinatingsubjectmatterhas been awakened by one of our short texts. Thisshortonlineintroduction can help make you familiar with mostoftheastrological techniques and give you a basic understandingofhowit's all done.Astrology sees mankind as being not only influencedbyhereditaryfactors and the environment, but also by the stateofour solarsystem at the moment of birth. The planets areregardedas basiclife-forces, the tools we live by as well as thebasis ofour verysubstance. These planetary forces take on differentforms,dependingon their zodiacal position and on the way theyrelate tooneanother. The aspects formed between the planetsdescribetheserelationships, the positions of the planets inrelation totheplace of birth tell us of their expression in thespheres oflifedepicted by the astrological houses. By interpretingthe rolesofthese players (the planets) and their qualities(theelements,signs and houses) and creating a synthesis, astrologyisable topresent a complete and comprehensive picture of thepersonand hispotential, based on the natal horoscope.Have you ever looked up at a clear night sky, felt the magicofsomany twinkling bright stars, and wondered whether thereisanyspecial meaning in the patterns they make?Peoplethroughouthistory have looked up at the night sky and feltthat itcontaineda fascinating mystery. Long before maninventedtelescopes, orunderstood what the stars really are, hethought theywereimportant to him in some way. He felt the starswere magicaland sobeautiful that they must have some specialmessage.Man's curiosity about the stars was the beginning ofthescienceof astrology. Archaeologists have found records of thestudyofastrology in the ruins of almost every ancientcivilization,fromGreece to Babylon, from China to Rome. It is theoldest scienceinthe world.Astrologers observed that most stars seemed to move roundtheskytogether. But they also noticed that a few bright stars intheskymoved quite independently of the rest. They calledthesemovingstars "wanderers". Today we call them planets. Our ownEarthis aplanet, and each planet moves in a circle, called anorbit,roundthe Sun, which is a true star. The Sun and its familyofplanetsmake up our Solar System. The astrologersidentifiedfive"wanderers", and these planets are still known bytheirancientnames: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Thesearethenames of gods, which is what the ancient astrologersbelievedtheplanets to be. Three more planets have been discoveredduringthelast two hundred years, to which modern astronomers havegiventhenames of other ancient gods: Uranus, Neptune andPluto.Someastronomers believe there is another planet in theSolarSystemstill to be discovered. Psychic Numerology readings willhelpyouunderstand more about astrology.A psychic reading can be a powerful andlife-changingexperience.That’s why thousands of people every dayturn to onlinepsychics foranswers to life’s biggest questions.Whether you wantto know ifyou’ll ever find true love or just wantto know what thefutureholds for you, a psychic reader can give youthe insightyouneed.
Numerology - Western Free 1.3
Online Numerology App with accuracy based on Modern Numerology.
Zodiac and Numerology 2.0.0
Curious about yourself? Find out more with this app.