Top 18 Apps Similar to Seismograph ultrasensible

Seismometer 10.0
earthquake detector
Vibration Meter 1.6.16
Measure phone's vibration and the earthquake with your phone.
Perfect Vibration Meter 2.0
Measure the vibration with Best Vibration Meter!
Vibration Meter 1.2
Gamma Play
Measure vibrations or earthquakes with your device.
Hamm Seismograph
Hamm Seismograph visualizes vibrations similar to a seismometer.
Sound Meter Pro 2.6.8
Measure and save environmental noise and vibration with yourdevice.
Seismos 1.1.2
A simple seismogram generator that shows 3 components (x, y, z)atthe same time
Toolbox - Handy Pro Tools 2.6.1
Measure length, height, distance, angle, direction, sound levelwithyour device
Quake Oracle 2.2
This is an earthquake predictionapplicationthat turns your android device into a seismographcombined with amagnetometer using built-in sensors.The detection is based on early magnetic impulses followedbyseismic P- and S-waves. The P-wave is the fastest wave andprecedesdestructive surface waves. The time interval between theP-wave andsurface waves ranges from several seconds to minutesdepending onyour location from the epicenter of the earthquake. Incontrast,magnetic activity alerts several minutes or hours(sometimes days)before a relatively strong earthquake.The magnetic background noise may change on a daily bases andvariesfrom location to location, so make sure to adjust itssensitivityfrom the menu of this application for betterperformance. Music orother sound playback also may result todevice sensitivity.You can disable sound notifications from the sensitivity viewformagnetic and acceleration detection. Setting the deviceonvibration or silent mode does not affect onsoundnotifications.WARNING! this application is not a professional tool,thereforedoes not guaranty correct prediction and also may givefalsealerts.Application data correctness depends on the calibration ofyourdevice and its positioning. Put the phone face up on a flatsurfaceand keep it in a static state, away from sources ofmagneticvibrations and metals before running the application.If you turn on/off either magnetic or acceleration sensor fromthemenu, the application will start monitoring the activesensor(s)and start notifying about detections (if any) only after 3secondsto neglect initializing errors. Both sensors will bedeactivated onan incoming call and reactivated back (if they wereactive) afterthe call.The application (sensors) will remain active withsoundnotifications even in background and when the device screengoesoff.
Sismographe 1.0
Ce Sismographe pour mobiles android vouspermetde relever toute traces de mouvement que votre mobile subit,et cesur les trois axes X, Y, et Z!Elle utilise l’accéléromètre de votre mobile, et vous traceraendirect la courbe des variation de ce dernier. DE plus vouspouvezrégler l’intervalle de relevé des valeurs et l’échelle detemps(secondes) en t/div.This Seismographmobileandroid allows you to identify any traces of movement thatyourmobile suffered, and that the three axes X, Y, and Z!It uses the accelerometer of your mobile, and you live willtracethe curve of variation of the latter. FOR more you can setthemeasuring interval values ​​and the time scale (seconds) in t/div.
Seismometer 6th 1.0.0
Taking advantage of the built-inaccelerometerin your device, Seismometer 6th detects and visualizesanyvibrations and moves of the device. So, why not usingthisexcellent feature to help your device self-protected like acarwhen combined with an alarm? Or another great application istotest how smooth the car is on a test drive. And of course, whynotearthquake detection as well? This must-have tool ishighlightedwith a polished design and many superior features whichaseismometer ever needs.Features- Export data via email- Measure vibrations in x-, y-, z-direction or the combinationofthose at the same time- Selectable sample rates from 20Hz to 100Hz- Linear and logarithmic graph scales- Alarm function with 3 levels of sensitivities- Customizable alarm sounds- Show/hide time-lines- Lock and unlock modesVisit for more information and products-- SPECIAL NOTE --Seismometer 6th is the 6th tool among many otherprofessionaltools in our app "Multi Measures". Check it out FREE onthestore.
SeismoCloud 4.0.3
Contribute to earthquake early warnings. You will be notifiedinreal time.
Vibration Meter
Vibration Meter, also known as seismograph,seismometermeasuresvibrations using your Android’s sensors andshows referencetoearthquake vibrations as classified by Mercalliintensityscale.Vibrations are shown in all directions: X, Y, Zindifferentcolors. Place your device on stable surface andmeasurevibrations.Mercalli intensity scale I. Instrumental - Notfelt.Recorded byseismographs. II. Weak - Rarely felt, usually onlyontop floors ofhigh buildings. III. Slight - Felt indoors, likeapassing lighttruck. IV. Moderate - Windows, dishes, doorsrattle.Like passingtrain. V. Rather Strong - Felt by all. Smallobjectsupset. VI.Strong - Books off shelves. Trees shake. Isolateddamage.VII. VeryStrong - Difficult to stand. Many poor buildingsdamaged.VIII.Destructive - Significant damage. Branches broken fromtrees.IX.Violent - General panic. Serious damage. Groundcracking.X.Intense - Most buildings destroyed. Rails bentslightly.XI.Extreme - Rails bent greatly. Pipelinesdestroyed.XII.Catastrophic - Near total damage. Objects thrown intothe air.
Quake Oracle Demo 2.2
Quake Oracle is anearthquakepredictionapplication that turns your android device intoaseismographcombined with a magnetometer using built-in sensors.This is the demo version of the app "Quake Oracle" andwillcloseitself after 10 minutes from start.The detection is based on early magnetic impulsesfollowedbyseismic P- and S-waves. The P-wave is the fastest waveandprecedesdestructive surface waves. The time interval betweentheP-wave andsurface waves ranges from several seconds tominutesdepending onyour location from the epicenter of theearthquake. Incontrast,magnetic activity alerts several minutes orhours(sometimes days)before a relatively strong earthquake.The magnetic background noise may change on a daily basesandvariesfrom location to location, so make sure to adjustitssensitivityfrom the menu of this application forbetterperformance. Music orother sound playback also may resulttodevice sensitivity.You can disable sound notifications from the sensitivityviewformagnetic and acceleration detection. Setting thedeviceonvibration or silent mode does not affectonsoundnotifications.WARNING! this application is not a professionaltool,thereforedoes not guaranty correct prediction and also maygivefalsealerts.Application data correctness depends on the calibrationofyourdevice and its positioning. Put the phone face up on aflatsurfaceand keep it in a static state, away from sourcesofmagneticvibrations and metals before running theapplication.If you turn on/off either magnetic or acceleration sensorfromthemenu, the application will start monitoring theactivesensor(s)and start notifying about detections (if any) onlyafter 3secondsto neglect initializing errors. Both sensors willbedeactivated onan incoming call and reactivated back (if theywereactive) afterthe call.The application (sensors) will remain active withsoundnotificationseven in background and when the device screengoesoff.
Aplikasi ini membantu penggunaagardapatmengetahui gempa bumi terkini yg terjadi. Informasigempabumiterkini meliputi skala gempa, lokasi gempa, potensitsunamidanbeberapa informasi lain. Dapat dilihat juga daftargempabumiterbaru yang terjadi di seluruh indonesiaThisapplicationhelpsusers to be aware of the latest earthquakehappened. Thelatestearthquake information includes scaleearthquake, thelocation ofthe earthquake, tsunami potential andsome otherinformation. Wealso see a list of recent earthquakes thatoccurredthroughoutIndonesia
Vibration Alarm 16.02.9
Mobile Tools
Android devices have a vibration sensor - accelerometer. Itisasensitive sensor that reports the device vibrations. Thistoolispowerful vibration meter tool. It has the followingfeatures:-shows vibrations in real time - saves vibration data intoSD card-provides configurable sound alarm that may be used to: -detecttheearthquakes when you sleep - detect if somebody opens thedoorwhenyou sleep It is recommended to use the battery chargerwhenitworks for a long time. If you want to recommend thealarmfeaturethat mayrecognizeearthquake use this facebook page to keep you informed abouttheworkprogress and current activities and plans for thefuture.Thisapplication comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. Notice:There isaproblem that occurs on some devices. Some devices maynotprovidethe data when from the vibration sensor when the screenisoff.This is an Android error. We are trying to find agoodworkaround.Send us the information if the application doesnotwork, pleaseVery deeptechnicalinformation
Sismos Nicaragua 6.2
Sismos Nicaragua es una aplicación quetemuestra fácilmente en tu celular los últimos sismos quehanocurrido en el país. Permite ver la lista de sismos, suprofundidady magnitud. También el epicentro por medio de un mapa,en el cualse pueden ver uno o todos los sismos que han ocurrido enel país ypermite compartir en tus redes sociales imágenes de laubicación deestos en el mapa.Version 4:Añadida opción para notificar luego de un temblor.Versión 3:Mejora con la conexión. Agregada opción para compartir en lasredessociales imagen de mapa de los sismos.Versión 2:Guarda la última actualización correcta con los datosdeINETER.Earthquakes Nicaraguaisan application that displays on your phone you torecentearthquakes that have occurred in the country. View the listofearthquakes, depth and magnitude. Also the epicenter by a mapwhereyou can see one or all of the earthquakes that have occurredin thecountry and sharing on your social networks images of thelocationof these on the map.Version 4:Added option to notify after an earthquake.Release 3Improving the connection. Added option to share on socialmediaimage map of earthquakes.Version 2:Save the last successful update with informationofseismometers.
3D Compass and Magnetometer 1.2
First realtime Vector Magnetometer, Gravitometer in 3D onAndroidfor free.