Top 9 Apps Similar to MeterApp

mySchneider 14.4
Connect to Schneider Electric’s digital hub.
Meter Selector 2.1
Meter Selector helps you to maketherightchoice of power meter to meet your energy requirements.WithMeterSelector, you have the flexibility to find the rightpowermeteringproduct based on either applicationorfeatures/specifications.Once you find a power meter thatmatchesyour needs, the appprovides you with complete details ontheproduct including itstechnical datasheet.Whether you’re looking to meet energy legislationsorstandards(such as ISO50001) or looking to meet GreenBuildingratings (suchas BREEAM, LEED, DGNB and CASBEE), MeterSelectorprovides you withlinks to our support team for moreinformationonpricing/quotation, technical support and generalsupport.
Acti 9 Konfigurator 1.02
Acti 9 ist das neue System fürmodulareInstallationsgeräte. Mithilfe des KomlettsystemKonfigurators fürReiheneinbaugeräte finden Sie das passendeProdukt(Leitungsschutzschalter, Fehlerstromschutzschalter,FI/LS-Schalter)inklusive dem wichtigsten Zubehör und können eseinfach auf derMerkliste bis zur nächsten Bestellung hinterlegen!Konfigurieren Sie sich die Leitungs- oder FI-SchutzschalternachIhren technischen Anforderungen. Wählen Sie die Eigenschaften(z.B.Ausschaltvermögen, Polzahl usw.) die Sie benötigen und findenSiedas passende Produkt.Inklusive Umstellhilfe Multi 9 -> Acti9. DieUmstellhilfeliefert Ihnen das passende Acti 9 Produkt zu Ihrerbekannten Multi9 Artikelnummer!Acti 9 is the newsystemfor modular installation devices. Using theconfiguratorKomlettsystem for modular devices you find the rightproduct(circuit breaker, residual current circuit breaker, FI /MCB)including the most important accessory and can deposit on thelistuntil the next order it!Configure the management or GFCI according to yourtechnicalrequirements. Select the properties (eg breaking, poles,etc.) thatyou need and find the right product.Including Migration Manual Multi 9 -> Acti9. TheMigrationManual provides you with the right Acti 9 product to theknownmulti 9 Model!
Easy Quote 1.2.4
Electricians: You have better things todotonight than your quotations!Now you have the app to easily generate your bill of materialsandshare your quotations for all your residential projects.Easily generate your bills of materials and quotations• Including the distribution board and wiring devices• Organized by room and function• Including prices and documentation• Fully compliant with standards and local installation rulesDiscover EasyQuote, step by Step1) Define the scope of the quotation: complete new installationorrenovation; Selecting ‘Wiring devices’ only or ‘Wiring devicesanddistribution board’.2) Describe the requirements, such as surface area, geyser,heating,and so on, to automatically generate the electricalinstallationlayout.3) Select the name of the rooms; Select the products, quantityandfunction.4) Gather the functions to optimize the gang arrangement5) Change the style of all the devices room by room or fortheentire installation with a single click.6) Select retailers from your list: name, location and contact;tohelp your customers buy the components.7) Export your bills of materials to Excel (.xls).8) Send professional quotations organized per function and perroomas .pdf to your customers.Settings and customization• Add product references (including products fromotherbrands)• Add your own labour costs• Change the product pricesDon’t make your customers wait longer. You can keep your promiseandquickly send them your quotations.EasyQuote is free to download and free to use. We areregularlyadding new features and functionality to improveyourexperience.Recommend EasyQuote to your colleagues!If you have any difficulties or feedback, please contactyourConsumer Care Center.Download the customer care app by SchneiderElectric: = http://www.schneider-electric.comElectrician portal = http://partner.schneider-electric.comAssistance=
Control Panel Technical Guide 1.151221.02
How to define the right outdoor solutionandoptimize its durability.
Solemesl. Calculo inst. PV. 1.3
Soleme S.L.
Soleme pone a su disposición estaherramientadiseñada para instaladores de energía solar PV(fotovoltaica) conla que podrán presupuestar al instanteinstalaciones PV aisladas(en un futuro también de auto-consumo) yguardarlas o enviarlas poremail al cliente.También dispone de herramientas básicas como brújula paracolocartus paneles solares e inclinómetro para una inclinaciónadecuada detus módulos solares, y un completo catálogo deproductos. Con lacalculadora solar podrás saber cuanto te costaratu instalación.Podras encontrar productos como Inversores: Victron,Xantrex,Schneider, Voltronic, Poweramp, baterias solalares como:VRbatteries iguales o mejores que tudor exide, MidacHawker,Hoppecke, Tab etc. Tambien en autoconsumo tendremosinversorescomo: SMA, Fronius, Kostal, etcSOLEME offers thistooldesigned for installers of solar PV (photovoltaic) withwhichbudget will instantly isolated PV installations (in the futurealsofor self-consumption) and save or send by email tothecustomer.It also has basic tools such as compass to place your solarpanelsand inclinometer for proper tilt your solar modules, and acompletecatalog of products. With solar calculator you can find outhowmuch it will cost you your installation. You can find productsandInvestors: Victron, Xantrex, Schneider, Voltronic,Poweramp,solalares batteries as VR equal or better batteries exidetudor,Midac Hawker, Hoppecke, Tab etc. Also in consumption willhaveinvestors as: SMA, Fronius, Kostal, etc
ElectriDIAG 1.0.1
Bienvenido a ElectriDIAG•¿Sabes si actualmente existe refaccionamiento para tusequiposeléctricos de potencia?•¿Conoces las opciones de modernización para tusequiposeléctricos?•¿Necesitas entrenamiento para obtener el mejor desempeño detusequipos eléctricos?•¿Conoces las opciones que tienes para incrementar la seguridadentus tableros eléctricos?•¿Sabes cómo puedes alargar la vida útil de tusequiposeléctricos?•¿Conoces las herramientas de diagnostico avanzado paradeterminarel estado real de tu instalación eléctrica?•¿Sabes cómo optimizar el desempeño de tu instalacióneléctrica?Con una sencilla captura de los equipos de tuinstalación,encontraras respuesta a estas preguntas y muchas más,hallarás unaamplia galería de imágenes para identificar tus equiposeléctricos,o bien, puedes acceder al motor de búsqueda por marca ymodelo; omejor aún, solo toma una foto de tu equipo y nosotrosteasesoraremos.Además podrás contactar a nuestros Expertos de SchneiderElectricpara que rápidamente puedan darte un diagnóstico masespecificosobre tu instalación eléctrica.Welcome to ElectriDIAG• Do you know if there is currently retrofit for yourelectricpower equipment?• Know the options for upgrading your electrical equipment?• Need training to get the best performance from yourelectricalequipment?• Know the options you have to increase the security inyourelectrical panels?• Do you know how you can extend the life of yourelectricalequipment?• Do you know the advanced diagnostic tools to determine theactualstatus of your electrical system?• Do you know how to optimize the performance of yourelectricalinstallation?With a simple capture computers in your installation, youwillfind answers to these questions and many more, you will findagallery of images for you to identify your electric orequipment,you can access the search engine make and model, orbetter yet,just take a photo of your team and we will adviseyou.You can also contact our Schneider Electric experts toquicklycan give you a more specific diagnosis of yourelectricalinstallation.
homeLYnk Remote 3.1.50
Stay connected to your home viewingandcontrolling, in real time, from your smartphone or yourcomputer,your home automation system.The "homeLYnk Remote" allows you to control your system locallyandremotely, that is to say, according to theproductsavailable:- Control your lighting- Control your shutters- Control your heating- Check the ambiance informations- Configure your calendar for managing your heating eg- View the status of your energy consumption- Follow the quality of your indoor air (CO2, humidity,temperature...), and its evolution (curves)- Keep track of your energy consumption.To use this application, your home should be equipped with theKNXsystem and homeLYnk controller from Schneider Electric.The application can be used in your home, even without aninternetconnection (WiFi router must be installed). The applicationallowsremote management of your installation, after creating anaccountand link your homeLYnk to your account to ensuremaximumsafety.Thank you for your confidence,KNX team of Schneider Electric.
Power Device
One app to operate protection relays and circuit breakers in MV,LVapplications