Top 33 Apps Similar to Schlager Radio Complete

SchlagerPlanet Radio 4.8.5
Schlager radio, alarm clock Star News, Star Update - everything ataglance!
Schlagerparadies 1.0.2
Willkommen im Schlagerparadies, demSchlagerRadio im deutschsprachigen Raum - hier fuehl ich mich wohl!Bei unsgibts die besten Schlager der letzten 40 Jahre rund um dieUhr -auf DAB+, Satellit ASTRA 1L, in vielen Kabelnetzen undnatuerlichim Internet, denn der Schlager lebt......Welcome to hitParadise,the hit radio in German-speaking countries - here I feelgood! Withus there the best hits of the last 40 years, around theclock - onDAB +, satellite ASTRA 1L, in many cable systems and ofcourse theInternet, because the hit lives ......
Schlager Radio Paloma - 100% Deutscher Schlager 3.4.3
» Gefällt Ihnen die App? Wir freuen uns über jede 5*-Bewertung«WerSchlager liebt, hört Radio Paloma! Denn hier ist derSchlagerzuHause. Radio Paloma hat sich der ganzen VielfaltdesSchlagersverschrieben. Auf sechs Kanälen gibt es dieBandbreitederSchlagermusik zu hören: Ob Kultschlager,Partyschlager,Volksmusikoder die neue Generation des Pop-Schlagers- es ist fürjedenSchlagerfan etwas dabei! DIE RADIO PALOMA APPLaden Siesichkostenlos die Radio Paloma App herunter und gelangenSie indienächste Schlagerdimension! » Genießen Sie immer undüberalldasRadio Paloma Live-Programm sowie eine VielzahlvonweiterenKanälen, von Hand für Sie selektiert. » Unterwegs imAuto?UnsereApp unterstützt Google Auto! » Informieren Sie sichüberdieneuesten Schlager-News und folgen Sie unserenunterhaltsamenundinformativen Beiträgen und Videos auf Instagramund Facebook.»Einen Titel verpasst? Kein Problem! In der TitellistefindenSiedie Playlisten der letzten 7 Tage.»Star-Interviews,Schlager-Marathon oder unsere Expertenbeiträge–alles zumNachhören im Podcast. » Seien Sie aktiv amProgrammbeteiligt undkontaktieren Sie uns per Text- oderSprachnachricht,Foto oderVideo. » Einschlafprobleme? DieSleep-Funktion wiegt siein denSchlaf. » Sparsam auf derDatenautobahn unterwegs: Wir setzenaufTechnologie, die Datenvolumenspart und trotzdem bedingungslosgutklingt. Sie verbrauchen proStunde nur 21MB. » Radio PalomaistStreamOn-Partner der Telekom undVodafone Pass Partner!GenießenSie mit diesen Tarifen grenzenlosRadio Paloma ohne, dasses aufihr Datenvolumen angerechnet wird.RADIO PALOMA – LIVE VondenKult-Hits der 70er bis zu den neuestendeutschen Schlagern –hiergibt es 100% Deutschen Schlager zu hören,samt Einblicken indasLeben der Schlagerstars, tagesaktuellenInformationen undBeiträgenzu Themen, die das Leben schöner machen.Radio Palomabegleitet Siemit guter Laune und bester Schlagermusikdurch jedenTag der Woche!RADIO PALOMA – PARTYSCHLAGER Tanzen biszum Umfallen:ObBallermann-Hits, Kultschlager oder die bestenSchlager-Remixe -aufRadio Paloma Partyschlager steigt dieSchlagerparty rund umdieUhr! RADIO PALOMA – VOLKSMUSIK Dieschönsten Perlen derVolkmusikund absolute Gaudi-Stimmung gibt esauf Radio PalomaVolksmusik.RADIO PALOMA – KULTSCHLAGER Das goldeneZeitalter desdeutschenSchlagers in einem Sender: Alle Kult-Hits aufRadioPalomaKultschlager! Das Paradies für alle LiebhaberderaltenSchlager-Schule! RADIO PALOMA – FRESH Frisch,Frischer,RadioPaloma Fresh - Die neuen und neusten deutschenSchlagerundPop-Schlager gibt’s hier aufs Ohr! RADIO PALOMA–KUSCHELSCHLAGERDie schönsten Balladen und sinnlichstenLiebesliederderSchlagerwelt: Radio Paloma Kuschelschlager feiertdie Liebeundsorgt für gemeinsame romantische Momente! RADIO PALOMA– XMAS/WEIHNACHTSSCHLAGER Das Radio Paloma Weihnachtsradiomitdenschönsten Schlager-Weihnachtshits unddenbeliebtestenWeihnachtsliedern. Die perfekte Weihnachtsmusikfüreinbesinnliches Weihnachtsfest! NACHHÖREN /PODCASTAlleStar-Interviews und unsere Expertentipps finden Siehierliebevollzusammengestellt zum Nachhören. Die Radio PalomaPodcastssinddarüber hinaus über Spotify, iTunes, Google oderdieRadioPaloma-Website hörbar. EMPFANG Radio Paloma ist zwarnichtlokalüber UKW empfangbar, dafür aberdeutschlandweitüberVodafone-Kabel, Astra-Satellit und weltweit überdie App.DesWeiteren ist Radio Paloma mit allen Kanälen,, und mit SmartSpeakernwieAmazon Alexa (Skill vornhanden), Google Assistant &AppleSiriempfangbar. Hörerinnen und Hörern in Berlin undBrandenburgstehtdas Programm auch im Digitalradio (DAB+) zurVerfügung. AlleInfoszu den Empfangsmöglichkeiten finden Sie aufderRadioPaloma-Website unter „Empfang“.
Oldies Music Radio 1.3
Introducing the best Oldies Music RadioAppwith live up-to the minute radio station streams from aroundtheworld. This Oldies Music Radio app has 500+ of the top"AlwaysLive" radio stations arranged by the station’s uptimepercentage soyou always get a "Live Radio Feed". We have alsointegrated a1-Click YouTube search feature that lets you watchvideos of anysong that is playing on live radio. This Oldies MusicRadio appalso shows you information about what song is currentlyplaying onany particular radio stream & allows you to shareradio stationlinks with your friends and family that will work onany mobilebrowser without having to download our App. This OldiesMusic RadioApp also allows you to search any radio stations byname. We haveworked very hard to build this beautiful Radio Appwith all thebest design practices which will provide you with thebest userexperience & hours of entertainment.Awesome Oldies Music Radio App Features:*Radio Stations aggregated from only the best sources arrangedby“Station’s Up-Time” percentage.*Music Stations with the Highest Quality Stream.*1-click YouTube Search of any Song Playing on Live Radio.*Shows Each Station’s Category & Information about what SongorContent is currently playing.*Search Feature that will search locally within the categoryorability to search our website which has an index of 30,000+RadioStations.*Easy sharable links that work on mobile browsers without havingtodownload the app.*Works Flawlessly in Background Mode.*Tablet compatible.*Best UI/UX practices.
Volks Music Radio Complete 3.0
Ready to listen Volks Music Radio? Installnow!!! Quick play, simple and fast buffer!Features:1. More than 25 Radio stations!2. You can Favorite it, you like the station!3. Filter by Radio Name, Genre and Place!4. If your station is playing, you will be get title of song andyoucan tap it, you will be directed to search lyrics...5. Run in Background, so you can playing it while open someotherapps.5. You can give feedback to us, like add a radio or reportproblemif the station take long to buffer.6. Easy to use!List Of Volks Music Radio:1. Bayerwaldradio2. BR Heimat3. BRF 24. JankoHrasko Radio5. ORF Kaernten 97.86. ORF Radio Niederoesterreich7. ORF Radio Oberoesterreich 95.28. ORF Radio Tirol9. ORF Salzburg 94.810. ORF Steiermark 95.411. Radio Almrausch Volksmusik12. Radio Dechovka13. Radio Eviva14. Radio Heimatmelodie15. Radio Jodlerwirt16. Radio Melodie17. Radio Melodie18. Radio Paloma19. Radio Schwabenwelle20. Radio Tell21. Radio U122. SchlagerPlanet Radio - 100% Volksmusik23. Schwany 1 - Volksmusik24. Schwany 3 - Echte Volksmusik25. Schwany 4 - Blasmusik26. Schwany 5 - Oberkrain Radio27. SRF MusikwelleFor more stations, Just Download Now!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE:*** If you like this apps, dont forget to SHARE and RATE 5US!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some country that have used this application are:Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium,Bolivia,Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, CzechRepublic,Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador,Estonia,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, HongKong,Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan,Jordan,Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon,Lithuania,Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand,Nicaragua,Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines,Poland,Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia,Singapore,Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland,Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United ArabEmirates, UnitedKingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan,Venezuela AndVietnam.
Deutschland Radio FM 5.1.0
DAB+ Radio, Internet radio, online radio, web radio, FM radio
Schlager Radio 1.2.2
SB TeamBerlin
You love hit? Then download the "Schlager Radio" app on yourmobilephone.
Mali Radio Complete 3.0
Ready to listen Mali Radio? Install now!!!Quick play, simple and fast buffer!Features:1. More than 12 Radio stations!2. You can Favorite it, you like the station!3. Filter by Radio Name, Genre and Place!4. If your station is playing, you will be get title of song andyoucan tap it, you will be directed to search lyrics...5. Run in Background, so you can playing it while open someotherapps.5. You can give feedback to us, like add a radio or reportproblemif the station take long to buffer.6. Easy to use!List of Mali Radio:1. Radio Madjoura Touba2. Radio Guintan3. Jekafo Radio4. Radio Rurale de Kayes5. International Radio BEFO6. RADIO EL MOUHADJIRINA FM7. RADIO MALIKOUNKAN FM8. RADIO AL HIKMAH FM9. Radio Bamakan10. RADIO AL HAQ FM11. RADIO KANKELENTIGUI FM12. Radio Kayira Bamako13. RADIO ORANGE MALI14. RADIO LE DEVOIR D'INFORMER15. Radio MalijetFor more stations, Just Download Now!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE:*** If you like this apps, dont forget to SHARE and RATE 5US!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some country that have used this application are:Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium,Bolivia,Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, CzechRepublic,Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador,Estonia,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, HongKong,Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan,Jordan,Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon,Lithuania,Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand,Nicaragua,Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines,Poland,Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia,Singapore,Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland,Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United ArabEmirates, UnitedKingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan,Venezuela AndVietnam.
Anime Radio Complete 3.0
Anime Radio Complete is the one culturefromjapanese music, you can hear it in "ONE APPS", ENJOYIT!!!Whats New v2.0:1. Minor Bug fixes2. Added Button Pause when buffer take to long3. Change Style Menu Bar, to Simple4. Show title when yo're playing and you can click it forgetlyric------------------- Feature ---------------------------1. Bookmark2. Filter by Title, Place and Genre3. Play in Background4. Send Report5. Add Radio Station6. You will get information when you press back7. Buffer and Playing Notification----------------- List Of Stations ---------------1 - AnimeNfo Radio2 - Radio Openings Animes3 - Anime Classics Radio 14 - Mundo Anime5 - animefm6 - Anime Thai Radio7 - Animextream Radio8 - Anime Radionet9 - Radio Expreso - Animecol Radio10 - Anime Layer Radio11 - Extreme Anime Radio12 - Radio Animes Z13 - Anime Radio Tenshi14 - FAN WORLD ANIME RADIO15 - Animes Station16 - Radio AnimeSun17 - Radio Anime 2418 - Anime Radio UK19 - Anime Gold20 - Radio-Animes21 - Anime Today22 - Russian Anime Radio23 - AnimeAMAZE24 - Asia Is One - Animes Station25 - DD Animes26 - Radio Anime F Sei27 - Anime Web Radio28 - Anime UME Radio Station29 - Anime2u - just a Playlist!30 - Anime-DESUstation31 - Anime Fandom Radio32 - Animega33 - Anime Classics Radio MOE34 - Manganime Radio35 - Vocaloid Radio36 - Radio Rakuen37 - Retro PC GAME Music Radio38 - Japanimradio39 - A3K Radio40 - Subarashii Radio Manga41 - KAWAii Radio42 - BaKaRadio43 - Yggdrasil Radio44 - Japan-A-Radio45 - Anison.FM46 - chiru.no47 - Touhou Radio48 - RDV-Radio Dobre Vibracije49 - ACR II50 - Radio Vallée 97.5 FM51 - Otaku no Radio52 - Armitage's Dimension53 - Radio GMX54 - Otaku Music Radio55 - 91.8 The Fan56 - Ongaku Radio57 - Matsuri Radio58 - Gero Gero Radio!59 - Soyotaku Radio60 - EX261 - Radio Elfen-Tchat62 - Blaze No Radio63 - Rádio J-Hero64 - Radio Visionotaku65 - Otaku Radio66 - Kohina Radio67 - NRK Super68 - Animusique Radio69 - Shinsen Radio70 - Teikoku Radio71 - Radio Otakus Dream72 - Mc Radio73 - AniRadio - Jcore74 - kpop replay75 - Portal Otaku Radio76 - Radio Whirlwind: Pokemon Music Radio77 - Radio ATO78 - Radio Speedy Gonzales79 - PianetaB WebRadio80 - NSW-LiVE81 - GTOradio82 - Radio-Neochu83 - AFGTRadio84 - Sacra Corona Unita Radio85 - Alukard999 Radio86 - Radio Branime87 - GF Radio88 - Onda Gominola89 - Generi Kids Radio90 - Kids Radio91 - Allzic Radio ENFANT 7/12 ANS92 - Allzic Radio ENFANT 4/7 ANS93 - GamerSound94 - J-Pop Powerplay Kawaii95 - u-meradio96 - purepure97 - Radio Easy98 - Swift Dead Cat Online Radio99 - The Sports Animal - KNML100 - Sports Animal 920 - KARN101 - Radio Animati102 - Alimentos CDF Radio103 - Aniterasu Radio104 - Radio Animix105 - Anim'stationThe station will be update if we get new station, so checkitfrequently... LINSTEN ANYWHERE BROOO!----------------------------------------------------If You Like Our App ---> Please Rate and Share it!--------------------------------------------------------------Some country that have used this application are:Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium,Bolivia,Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, CzechRepublic,Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador,Estonia,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, HongKong,Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan,Jordan,Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon,Lithuania,Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand,Nicaragua,Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines,Poland,Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia,Singapore,Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland,Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United ArabEmirates, UnitedKingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan,Venezuela AndVietnam.
Sports Radio Complete 3.0
Ready to listen Sports Genres Radio?Installnow !!! Quick play, simple and fast buffer!Features:1. More than 50 Radio stations!2. You can Favorite it, you like the station!3. Filter by Radio Name, Genre and Place!4. If your station is playing, you will be get title of song andyoucan tap it, you will be directed to search lyrics...5. Run in Background, so you can playing it while open someotherapps.5. You can give feedback to us, like add a radio or reportproblemif the station take long to buffer.6. Easy to use!List Of Sports Genres Radio:1. 96FM2. Atalaya 680 AM3. Bahia Blanca LU2 840 AM4. BBC 5 Live5. CFAC - The Fan 960 AM6. CFRN - TSN 1260 AM7. CKST - Team 1040 AM8. Cre 560 AM9. El Espectador 810 AM10. KDUS 1060 AM11. KHTK 1140 AM12. KMND AM ESPN Radio 1510 KMND13. KNBR 680 AM14. KNBR FM 680 KNBR15. KNML 610 AM The Sports Animal16. KQTM 101.7 FM The Team17. KTCK AM 1310 The Ticket18. KTCT AM 1050 KNBR19. KTEM AM 1400 News Radio 1420. KTOP AM 1490 ESPN Radio21. KUJZ FM 95.3 The Score22. KVEN AM 1450 Sportsradio23. MeinSportRadio24. Metropolis 95.525. Radio Marca26. Radio Sucre 700 AM27. RPP Noticias 97.1 FM28. RPR1 Sport29. SBS Radio 330. SBS Radio 431. Sen 1116 AM Sports Radio32. SEN Sportsentral33. Sonorama FM34. Sport 927 AM Radio35. Talk Sport36. TalkSport Radio37. W Radio 106.1 FM38. WCNN 680 The Fan 680 AM39. WDUZ FM 107.5 The Fan40. WEEI 850 AM41. WEFL-AM ESPN 106.342. WFAN 660 AM43. WJXY FM 93.9 The Team44. WLQR AM 1470 The Ticket45. WMSP AM Sports Radio 74046. WQYK 1010 AM47. WTEM ESPN 980 AM48. WWBU FM Sports 101.749. WWFN FM 100.1 The Fan50. WWLS The Sports Animal51. WXYT 1270 AMFor more stations, Just Download Now!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE:*** If you like this apps, dont forget to SHARE and RATE 5US!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some country that have used this application are:Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium,Bolivia,Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, CzechRepublic,Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador,Estonia,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, HongKong,Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan,Jordan,Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon,Lithuania,Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand,Nicaragua,Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines,Poland,Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia,Singapore,Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland,Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United ArabEmirates, UnitedKingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan,Venezuela AndVietnam.
mehrPSR - die RADIO PSR App 3.8.5
All RADIO PSR streams, service and comedy in one app!
80s Radio Complete 2.0
Ready to listen 80s Radio? Install now!!!Quick play, simple and fast buffer!Features:1. More than 60Radio stations!2. You can Favorite it, you like the station!3. Filter by Radio Name, Genre and Place!4. If your station is playing, you will be get title of song andyoucan tap it, you will be directed to search lyrics...5. Run in Background, so you can playing it while open someotherapps.5. You can give feedback to us, like add a radio or reportproblemif the station take long to buffer.6. Easy to use!List of 80s Radio:1. (ROCKRADIO.COM) 80s Alternative2. (ROCKRADIO.COM) 80s Rock3. 1.FM - 80s & 90s4. Diskoteka 805. 80's HairBand's6. Awesome 80's7. Lite 80's8. 1980s.FM9. 1A 80er Hits10. 80s Pop Hits - AddictedtoRadio11. 80s80s Bundesweit12. 80s80s David Bowie13. 80s80s Depeche Mode14. 80s80s Hamburg meine Stadt15. Absolom 8016. Antenne Bayern - 80er Kulthits17. Antenne Niedersachsen 80er18. Antenne Thueringen 80er19. Avto Radio 90.3 FM Moscow20. B4B Dance21. Berliner Rundfunk 91.422. Cafe 80s FM23. Cherie 80s24. Cien Radios - 80s Internacional25. Cien Radios - 80s Nacional26. Classic New Wave 80s - AddictedtoRadio27. DELUXE 80s EXTREME28. DIE NEUE 107.7 - 80er RADIO29. Free Radio 80s30. GFM 80s31. Golden Radio32. Hair Voltage - AddictedtoRadio33. Imagina 88.1 FM34. M2 8035. NORA 80er Webstream36. Nostalgie 80's37. NRJ-CH 80s38. Ochentera Radio39. QMR 80s40. R.SH 80er41. Radio 11242. Radio 8043. Radio 80 FM The 80s decade44. Radio Brocken 80er45. Radio Nostalgie 80s46. RADIO PSR 80er47. Radio SCOOP 100% 80's48. Radio Scoop 8049. Radio Stad Den Haag 97,2 FM50. Radio ZET Gold 8051. RMC 8052. RMI 80s Gold53. RMI Italo Disco Classic54. RMI Italo Disco New Generation55. RMI Italo Euro Disco Instrumental Versions56. RMI Italo Euro In The Mix57. RPR1 80er58. RPR1 Kim Wilde 80's Show59. SAw 80er60. Star 107.9 FM61. STAR*SAT RADIO62. Universo 93.7 FM63. Velvet FM64. VIENNA.AT - 80er65. VIRGIN ROCK 80For more stations, Just Download Now!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE:*** If you like this apps, dont forget to SHARE and RATE 5US!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some country that have used this application are:Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium,Bolivia,Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, CzechRepublic,Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador,Estonia,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, HongKong,Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan,Jordan,Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon,Lithuania,Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand,Nicaragua,Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines,Poland,Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia,Singapore,Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland,Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United ArabEmirates, UnitedKingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan,Venezuela AndVietnam.
Ethiopia Radio Complete 3.0
Ready to listen Ethiopia Radio? Install now!!!Quick play, simple and fast buffer!Features:1. More than 3 Radio stations!2. You can Favorite it, you like the station!3. Filter by Radio Name, Genre and Place!4. If your station is playing, you will be get title of song andyoucan tap it, you will be directed to search lyrics...5. Run in Background, so you can playing it while open someotherapps.5. You can give feedback to us, like add a radio or reportproblemif the station take long to buffer.6. Easy to use!List of Ethiopia Radio:1. DireTube Radio2. Radio Xoriyo3. Sheger 102.1 FM4. Zami 90.7 FMFor more stations, Just Download Now!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE:*** If you like this apps, dont forget to SHARE and RATE 5US!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some country that have used this application are:Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium,Bolivia,Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, CzechRepublic,Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador,Estonia,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, HongKong,Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan,Jordan,Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon,Lithuania,Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand,Nicaragua,Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines,Poland,Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia,Singapore,Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland,Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United ArabEmirates, UnitedKingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan,Venezuela AndVietnam.
Schlager Charts & Radio - Germ 3.2.5
Are you a German Schlager fan? Schlager music on the radio orfordownload
German Music Radio 1.2
Introducing the best German Music RadioAppwith live up-to the minute radio station streams from aroundtheworld. This German Music Radio app has 500+ of the top"AlwaysLive" radio stations arranged by the station’s uptimepercentage soyou always get a "Live Radio Feed". We have alsointegrated a1-Click YouTube search feature that lets you watchvideos of anysong that is playing on live radio. This German MusicRadio appalso shows you information about what song is currentlyplaying onany particular radio stream & allows you to shareradio stationlinks with your friends and family that will work onany mobilebrowser without having to download our App. This GermanMusic RadioApp also allows you to search any radio stations byname. We haveworked very hard to build this beautiful Radio Appwith all thebest design practices which will provide you with thebest userexperience & hours of entertainment.Awesome German Music Radio App Features:*Radio Stations aggregated from only the best sources arrangedby“Station’s Up-Time” percentage.*Music Stations with the Highest Quality Stream.*1-click YouTube Search of any Song Playing on Live Radio.*Shows Each Station’s Category & Information about what SongorContent is currently playing.*Search Feature that will search locally within the categoryorability to search our website which has an index of 30,000+RadioStations.*Easy sharable links that work on mobile browsers without havingtodownload the app.*Works Flawlessly in Background Mode.*Tablet compatible.*Best UI/UX practices.
Schlager Radio Deutschland 3.0.0
Free access to a large selection of German pop stations.
Schlager-Radio 2.5.45
Finally an app with which you can hear a lot of pop radio for free.
California Radio Complete 3.0
Ready to listen California Radio? Installnow!!! Quick play, simple and fast buffer!Features:1. More than 65 Radio stations!2. You can Favorite it, you like the station!3. Filter by Radio Name, Genre and Place!4. If your station is playing, you will be get title of song andyoucan tap it, you will be directed to search lyrics...5. Run in Background, so you can playing it while open someotherapps.5. You can give feedback to us, like add a radio or reportproblemif the station take long to buffer.6. Easy to use!List of California Radio:1. Bob FM 92.7 FM2. CRDC Classic Rock Deep Cuts3. KABC 790 AM4. KABL Radio5. KALW Information Radio6. KALX 90.7 FM7. KATM Kat Country 1038. KBAY9. KBBY FM B-95.110. KBIG My 104.311. KCBS 93.1 Jack FM12. KCEA 89.1 FM13. KCHO 91.7 FM14. KCRW 89.9 FM15. KCSB16. KCSM Jazz 9117. KDAY-FM – 93.5 KDAY18. KDFC Classical 102.1 FM19. KDIA The Light 1640 AM20. KDLD - Jose FM 103.121. KERN22. KEZR Mix 106.523. KFOG 104.5 FM24. KFSR25. KFWB Desi 980 FM26. KKDV 92.1 FM27. KKFS 105.5 The Fish28. KKLA 99.5 FM29. KKSF 103.7 FM30. KLAX-FM 97.9 La Raza31. KLIV 1590 AM32. KLOS 95.5 FM33. KNBR FM 680 KNBR34. KNCO AM35. KNCO FM MyStarRadio36. KOKO 94.3 FM37. KPFA 94.1 FM38. KPFK 90.7 FM39. KPOO FM 89.540. KPRZ 1210 AM41. KQCM - KQ9242. KQED 88.5 FM43. KROQ 106.7 FM44. KRQQ45. KRRF Nash 106.3 FM46. KRTY 95.3 FM47. KSDS 88.3 - Jazz88.348. KSEG Eagle 96.949. KSEQ Q9750. KSJO Nash FM 92.3For more stations, Just Download Now!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE:*** If you like this apps, dont forget to SHARE and RATE 5US!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some country that have used this application are:Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium,Bolivia,Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, CzechRepublic,Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador,Estonia,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, HongKong,Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan,Jordan,Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon,Lithuania,Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand,Nicaragua,Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines,Poland,Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia,Singapore,Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland,Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United ArabEmirates, UnitedKingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan,Venezuela AndVietnam.
Schlager Music Radio 1.6
Are you looking for an application withwhichyou can enjoy the hottest Schlager music radio stations? Ifso,you’ve found just the application you were looking for!In this application, only the best radio stationsbroadcastingSchlager music have been selected just for you, forfree, 24 hoursa day and ad-free. Ideal for enjoy this wonderfulmusic style andspend unforgettable moments by yourself or with thecompany offamily and friends.We have selected just for you the hottest Schlager musicradiosthat’ll bring your spirits up as you listen to the music youmostenjoy.What are you waiting for…? Click DOWNLOAD and enjoy thebestSchlager music radios for free.Features:- It’s completely free- It requires no registration- User-friendly, intuitive interface- You can use any Internet connection – Wi-Fi & 3G- Offers links to the live radio stations with perfectaudioquality
89.0 RTL 2.3.0
Brand new design, more streams and new cool features for you!
PELIONE.FM - Just Urban Black Beatz!YournewInternet radio, your personal number one radio stream.Everydayand every night brings PELIONE.FM the best andthelatestdevelopments relating to hip hop, soul, RnB and rapdirectlyintoyour Internet radio, computer or mobile phone.PELIONE.FM isthesoundtrack of the metropolis and accompanied yourlife in theUrbanJungle. PELIONE.FM is the source for the beat ofthe city,livefrom the heart of Europe live from Berlin Berlin.PELIONE.FMsendsUrban Black Beatz for you!
Deutsch Radio Musik News Sport 1.1
Mit dieser App können SieDeutschlandRadiohören! Mehr als Radiostationen mit verschiedenenSportNewsMusikrichtungen. Zusätzlich gibt es Sender mitFußballBundesligaÜbertragung.Verfügbaren Radiosender:Antenne BayernHit Radio FFHSWR3WDR 1LiveNDR 2Big FM104.6 RTLRock AntenneWDR 2Bayern 3N-Joy RadioKlassik RadioDLF - DeutschlandfunkBayern 1FFH Digital Loungesunshine liveYOU FMRadio PalomaSWR1 BWRadio ffnRBB FritzJam FM Black 'n' DanceDASDINGAntenne Bayern ChilloutFFH Digital Die 80-erWDR 4NDR 1 Niedersachsen 95.8WDR 2 RuhrgebietRadio 7 Ulm 101.8FFH Digital SchlagerkultWDR 1LIVE Diggihr3 105.7Deutschlandradio Kultur 91.5Classical 102SchlagerparadiesOstseewelle Hit-Radio 105.6RPR 1Radio RegenbogenGAYFMRadio KölnRadio Schleswig Holstein 102.4Ballerman RadioMDR JUMP LivestreamNRJ EnergyOldiestarSAW 100.1Radio HeimatmelodieRadio Westfalica 95.7Classic Rock RadioRadio BrockenBayern 2B5 aktuellHirschmilch ChilloutNDR 1 Welle Nord 90.9Planet more music radioWDR 5Radioeins vom rbb 95.1SWR4 BWhr 1BR-KlassikCountry 108NDR 1 Radio MV 92.8Lounge44TechnoBase.FMHitradio OhrAntenne Bayern 80er KulthitsRock Antenne Heavy MetalFluxFM Berlin 100.6NDR Info 96.4Trancemission.FM - New Age, Ambient and ClassicCoolradio JazzBremen VierBremen EinsRadio Russkij Berlin 97.2Kiss FMJazzRadio 101.9NRJ Energy Stuttgart 102.6MDR InfoRadio Kiepenkerl 88.2Antenne Niedersachsen 103.8 - Top40egoFMSport1.fmpure fm 97.2WDR Funkhaus EuropaRadio Gütersloh 107.5Harmony FMRadio Teddy 102.9Radio NORA 97.0Antenne Bayern Classic Rock Livealster radio 106.8SWR1 RPFFH Digital Top 40hr-iNFOMDR JUMP In The Mix ChannelHitradio RTL Sachsen1055 Spreeradio917xfm 91.7Star FM Berlin 87.9Radio 105.4Radio Leipzig 91.3Hit-Radio ANTENNE 1Antenne Bayern Oldies butAntenne Bayern SchlagerNDR Kultur 98.8Antenne Bayern Top 40NRJ EnergyRadio Ennepe Ruhr 91.5RadioBERLIN 88,8 vom rbb 88.8Antenne Brandenburg vom rbb 99.7Defjay Radiodelta radio 100.4SWR4 RPRADIO PARADISO 98.2Metropol FM 94.8Rock Antenne AlternativeRadio Arabella 105.2BlackBeats.FMRadio Neandertal 97.6RBB Radio EinsHamburg ZweiNRJ Energy Bremen 89.894.3 rs2Fantasy Dance FMRadio 91.2top100stationAntenne ThüringenCharivari 95.5LandesWelle Thueringen 104.2WDR 3WDR 2 Rhein und RuhrHitradio RT1 Suedschwaben 88.1Radio PSRRadio Duisburg 92.2Radio Galaxy Ingolstadt 107.9Club Dance OnlyRadio Gong 106.9MDR INFO 101.8Antenne Bayern LovesongsRadio Beograd 1SWRinfoSWR2FFH Digital SoundtrackRauteMusik HouseJazz Radio KarnevalRadio Top 40Antenne MünsterRauteMusik MetalRauteMusik TranceRauteMusik RockCharivarifresh80sRMNrelaxRadio Salü 101.7housetime.fmMDR FIGARO 87.9NRJ Energy München 93.3die neue welle 101.8Radio AlpenwelleRauteMusik SchlagerRaggae141.comDeutschlandRadio KulturDiscofox HimmelHit Radio N1DRadio WissenRauteMusik LoungeBestes RadioRadio PirmasensMDR KLASSIK LivestreamRadio Bonn - Rhein-Sieg 99.9Radio SeefunkVibes FM 97.0Inforadio vom rbb 87.7Antenne Bayern Hits fur KidsFritzNRJ Energy Sachsen 87.6HR2 KulturRPR1 80erhr 412punks.FM - Punk Rock RadioNDR N-JOY Soundfiles AlternativeRadio GongHit-Radio Antenne 103.8FFH Digital EurodanceSR 1 - KlassikerERF Radio 1539Rockland Sachsen-AnhaltWacken Radio by RauteMusik.FMRadio 90.1 MönchengladbachDeutschlandradio KulturStar FM Nürnberg 107.8SR3 Saarlandwelle 95.5Radio ReeperbahnMDR 1 Radio Sachsen 92.2MDR 1 Radio Sachsen-Anhalt 94.6WDR 2 Bergisches LandRocky FMRadio ArabellaRMN SchlagerhoelleMDR 1 Radio Thüringen 92.5Die Neue 107,7RauteMusik ClubHIT 104 FMRauteMusik TechHouseElectro Swing Revolution RadioRauteMusik GoldiesWith this appyoucanlisten to the radio Germany! Over the radio stationswithvarioussports news genres. In addition, there are stationswithFootballBundesliga transfer.Available radio stations:antenne BayernHit Radio FFHSWR3WDR 1LiveNDR 2Big FM104.6 RTLRockantenneWDR 2Bayern 3N-Joy RadioKlassik RadioDLF - Germany FunkBayern 1FFH Digital Loungesunshine liveYOU FMRadio PalomaSWR1 BWRadio fFNRBB FritzJam FM Black 'n' DanceTHE THINGAntenne Bayern ChilloutFFH Digital The 80thWDR 4NDR 1 Niedersachsen 95.8WDR 2 RuhrgebietRadio 7 Ulm 101.8FFH Digital Pop CultWDR 1LIVE DiggihR3 105.7Germany Kultur 91.5Classical 102Schlager paradiseOstseewelle Hit Radio 105.6RPR 1Radio RegenbogenGAYFMRadio CologneRadio Schleswig Holstein 102.4Ballerman RadioMDR JUMP LivestreamNRJ EnergyOldie StarSAW 100.1Radio HeimatmelodieRadio Westfalica 95.7Classic Rock RadioRadio BrockenBayern 2B5 aktuellHirsch ChilloutNDR 1 Welle Nord 90.9Planet more music radioWDR 5Radio Eins by rbb 95.1SWR4 BWhr 1BR-KlassikCountry 108NDR 1 Radio MV 92.8Lounge44TechnoBase.FMHitradio OhrAntenne Bayern 80er KulthitsRockantenne Heavy MetalFluxFM Berlin 100.6NDR Info 96.4Trancemission.FM - New Age, Ambient and ClassicCool Jazz RadioBremen VierBremen EinsRadio Russkij Berlin 97.2Kiss FMJazz Radio 101.9NRJ Energy Stuttgart 102.6MDR InfoRadio Kiepenkerl 88.2Antenne Niedersachsen 103.8 - Top40egoFMSport1.fmpure fm 97.2WDR Funkhaus EuropaRadio Gütersloh 107.5Harmony FMRadio Teddy 102.9Radio NORA 97.0Antenne Bayern Classic Rock Livealster radio 106.8SWR1 RPFFH Digital Top 40hr-iNFOJUMP In The Mix ChannelHitradio RTL Sachsen1055 Spreeradio917xfm 91.7Star FM Berlin 87.9Radio 105.4Radio Leipzig 91.3Hit-Radio ANTENNE 1Antenne Bayern Oldies butAntenne Bayern SchlagerNDR Kultur 98.8Antenne Bayern Top 40NRJ EnergyRadio Ennepe Ruhr 91.5Radio Berlin 88.8 from 88.8 rbbAntenne Brandenburg by rbb 99.7DEFJAY Radiodelta radio 100.4SWR4 RPRADIO PARADISO 98.2Metropol FM 94.8Rockantenne AlternativeRadio Arabella 105.2BlackBeats.FMRadio Neandertal 97.6RBB RadioeinsHamburg TwoNRJ Energy Bremen 89.894.3 rs2Fantasy Dance FMRadio 91.2Top100Stationantenne ThüringenCharivari 95.5LandesWelle Thueringen 104.2WDR 3WDR 2 Rhine and RuhrHitradio RT1 Suedschwaben 88.1Radio PSRRadio Duisburg 92.2Radio Galaxy Ingolstadt 107.9Club Dance OnlyRadio Gong 106.9MDR INFO 101.8Antenne Bayern LovesongsRadio Beograd 1SWRinfoSWR2FFH Digital SoundtrackRauteMusik HouseJazz Radio CarnivalRadio Top 40antenne MünsterRauteMusik MetalRauteMusik TranceRauteMusik rockCharivarifresh80sRMNrelaxRadio Salut 101.7housetime.fmMDR FIGARO 87.9NRJ Energy München 93.3the new wave 101.8Radio AlpenwelleRauteMusik SchlagerRaggae141.comGermany KulturDiscofox skyHit Radio N1DRadio knowledgeRauteMusik LoungeBest RadioRadio PirmasensMDR KLASSIK LivestreamRadio Bonn - Rhein-Sieg 99.9Radio Marine RadioVibes FM 97.0Info Radio by rbb 87.7Antenne Bayern Hits for KidsFritzNRJ Energy Saxony 87.6HR2 CultureRPR1 80hr 412punks.FM - Punk Rock RadioNDR N-JOY Soundfiles AlternativeRadio GongHit-Radio Antenne 103.8FFH Digital Euro DanceSR 1 - ClassicERF Radio 1539Rockland Sachsen-AnhaltWacken Radio by RauteMusik.FMRadio 90.1 MoenchengladbachGermany KulturStar FM Nürnberg 107.8SR3 Saarlandwelle 95.5Radio ReeperbahnMDR 1 Radio Saxony 92.2MDR 1 Radio Sachsen-Anhalt 94.6WDR 2 Bergisches LandRocky FMRadio ArabellaRMN SchlagerhoelleMDR 1 Radio Thüringen 92.5The New 107.7RauteMusik ClubHIT 104 FMRauteMusik TechHouseElectro Swing Revolution RadioRauteMusik Goldies
European Radio 1.0
European Radio ***** Listen to the bestradiostream available. We have gathered the best radio stationsfrom theweb. This radio app is loaded with numerous European Radiostationsplaying the best European songs from all around the world.Listento your favorite music now from everywhere on your androiddevice.Radio Player Features:1) Stream Music In The Background2) Stable Streaming3) Social Networking4) Song InfoRadioPlus radio apps are constantly updated! EnjoyListening;)******************** ALSO AVAILABLE ONTABLETS********************Due to all the different android devices, it is verychallengingproviding support for every single device. If you haveanytechnical difficulties or questions then please don't hesitatetocontact the RadioPlus team before posting any negative feedbackinthe comments. Thanks for your continued support!If you like the radio app, please leave us a review! Thanksinadvance!Over 40 European Radio Stations:1. Ballermann Radio2. Schlagerparadies3. Radio Carsija Melli4. Radio NL5.Radio Banovina Croatia6. 100 Top Schlager7. Radio Pink Beograd8. Radio109 Die Schnsten Schlager9. Radio Pingvin10. Angels Fox Radio Discofox Party11. Radio Viciana12. EU Rock and Roll13. FM Latina14. Desetka Radio Beograd Zabavna15. Radio Polskastacja HOT 10016. ZaM Radio Stanice17. Radio Morava Jagodina18. Party Radio24 Schlager19. Radio Funky Manele Romania20. Radio Petrecaretzu21. Top Albania Radio22. Gigant FM23. Radio NOE24. Radio Ne Bun Ya Manele25. Radio Vorarlberg26. Disco Polo Radio Polskie27. Radio Gurbeti Ju Ben Per Veti28. Radio Gangsta Manele Romania29. Radio Gosen Romania30. Amor Latino Radio Bachata31. Polskie Radio Londyn32. Schwany 4 Blasmusik33. Radio Lipova Romania34. Radio Altstadtwelle35. Radio 1 Manele Romania37. Discofox2438. Taziki's Radio39. Radio Amra Channel One40. Radio Terra41. Radio Dzair Izuran42. Terra 24
Andrea Berg - Songs 1.0
Andrea Berg (born 28 January 1966) isaGermansinger in the schlager genre. She sold over 10millionrecords inher career.Top Songs:1. Du hast mich 1000 mal belogen2. Ich werde lächeln wenn Du gehst3. Diese Nacht ist jede Sünde wert4. Wenn du mich willst5. Die Gefühle haben Schweigepflicht6. Du hast mich tausendmal belogen7. Ich sterbe nicht nochmal8. Kilimandscharo9. Ich liebe das Leben10. Seelenbeben11. Das hat die Welt noch nie gesehen12. Ein Tag mit dir im Paradies13. Ein Schiff wird kommen.
Polka Music Radio Stations 3.0.0
TOP FREE hand picked Netherlands Polka & PiratenhitsRadioStations.
Deutsche Radios Live 1.6
Herzlich Willkommen bei der App"DeutscheRadio's Live"!Du kannst mit der App viele Deutsche Radio Sender kostenlosüberdein Smartphone anhören.Alle Streams werden über das Internet geladen,also benötigst du KEINE Kopfhörer die früher als Antennegedienthaben.Eine Internetverbindung wird für die fehlerfreie Verwendung derAppvorausgesetzt!!Sollte ein Radio in der Sender liste fehlen, kannst du unseinfachper Email kontaktierenund wir schauen ob wir es in der App einbinden können.Features:★ Premium-Paket (Es wird keine Werbung angezeigt und du hastmehrFeatures)★ Einstellungen (Hier hast du verschiedene OptionenzurAuswahl)★ Autostart (Wähle ein Favorit und er wird abgespielt sobald dudieApp öffnest)★ Schlafmodus (Wenn der Schlafmodus aktiviert ist, wird die Appnacheiner Stunde beendet)★ Nachtmodus (Schau dir die App im Nachtmodus an)★ Design (Verpasse der App einen neuen Look)★ Menü (Per Klick oder Fingerbewegung von Links nach Rechtsöffnetsich das Menü)★ Sender/ Player/ Einstellungen Wechsel (Per Klick im MenüoderFingerbewegung am rechten Bildschirmrand von RechtsnachLinks)★ Mehr Apps (Link zu anderen Apps von NMD im GooglePlaystore)★ Sender (Verfügbare Radios in einer Liste)★ Player (Radioplayer mit Informationen zum ausgewählten Senderundvieles mehr)★ Favorit (Wähle dein Lieblingsradio als Favorit aus)★ Sender Wunsch (Dir fehlt ein Sender? Dann klick in der Appaufdiesen Button und trage ihn als Wunsch ein)★ Statistik (Erhalte Infos zu deiner aktuellen Spielzeitundmehr)★ Kontakt (Hier findest du Kontakinformationen)★ Hilfe (Hier findest du viele Antworten auf deine Fragen)Verfügbare Sender:Antenne Bayern, Antenne Düsseldorf, Antenne Idar-Oberstein,AntenneFrankfurt, Antenne Koblenz, Antenne Mainz, AntenneThüringen,Antenne Unna, Antenne Zweibrücken, B5 aktuell,,Bayern 1,Bayern 2, Bayern 3, Bayern plus, BR Heimat, BR-Klassik,BerlinerRundfunk, BigFM, Bremen Eins, Bremen Vier, DasDing, DeluxeMusicRadio, Die Neue 107.7, Die Neue Welle,Deutschlandfunk,Deutschlandradio Kultur, DRadio Wissen, Donau 3 FM,egoFM, EnergyBerlin, Energy Bremen, Energy Hamburg, EnergyNürnberg, EnergySachsen, Energy Stuttgart, ERF Plus, Fritz rbb,Hitradio Ohr,Hitradio RTL Sachsen, hr1, hr2, hr3, hr4, hr-info,Kiss FM, KlassikRadio, Kölncampus, MDR Aktuell, MDR 1 RadioSachsen, MDRSachsen-Anhalt, MDR Thüringen, MDR Jump, MDR Kultur,MDRSchlagerwelt, MDR Sputnik, Metropol FM, N-Joy Radio, NDR 90.3,NDRBlue, NDR Info, NDR Kultur, NDR 1 Radio MV, NDR 1Niedersachsen,NDR 1 Welle Nord, NDR 2, Nordwestradio, OldenburgEins, Radio Bob,Radio Oldtimer, Radio PSR, Radio Regenbogen, RadioSaarbrücken,Radio Sauerland, Radio Schlageraradies, Radio Seefunk,RockAntenne, R.SA, SR 1 Europawelle, SR 2 Kulturradio, SR3Saarlandwelle, Sunshine Live, Sorbischer Rundfunk, Sport1.FM,SWR1BW, SWR1 RP, SWR2, SWR3, SWR4 BW, SWR4 RP, SWRinfo, WDR 1LIVE,WDR1LIVE Diggi, WDR 2, WDR 3, WDR 4, You FM, Antenne MV, ApolloRadio,Burn FM, Classic Rock Radio, Harmony FM, Antenne Neunkirchen,ByteFM, Defjay Radio, Hellweg Radio, Gong 96.3, LandeswelleThüringen,RTL Radio, Hope Channel. ERF Pop, Fantasy Dance FMViel Spaß mit der kostenlosen Nutzung der App wünscht dirdas Team von NMD ©2017Welcome to the app"GermanRadio's Live"!You can listen on your smartphone for free with the app manyGermanradio stations.All streams are downloaded from the Internet,So you need NO Headphone who formerly served as an antenna.An Internet connection is required for the correct use of theapp!!If a radio station in the list is missing, you can simply send usanEmail Contactand we see if we can include it in the app.features:★ Premium Package (There is no advertising displayed and youhavemore features)★ Settings (Here you have several options to choose)★ Autostart (Choose a favorite and it will be played as soon asyouopen the app)★ Sleep Mode (If the sleep mode is activated, the app after anhouris terminated)★ Night mode (See the app in night mode)★ Design (Miss the app a new look)★ menu (by clicking or finger movement from left to right toopenthe menu)★ Transmitter / Player / settings change (Clicking on the menuorfinger movement on the right of the screen from righttoleft)★ More Apps (link to other apps of NMD in the GooglePlayGoals)★ Transmitter (available radios in a list)★ Player (Radio Player with information about the selectedstation,and more)★ favorite (Choose your favorite radio favorites from)★ Transmitter desire (you missing a transmitter, then click intheapp on this button and wear it as a request)★ Statistics (Get information about your current seasonandmore)★ Contact (Choose Kontakinformationen)★ Help (Here's where you'll find many answers toyourquestions)Available stations:Antenne Bayern, antenna Dusseldorf, antenna Idar-Oberstein,antennaFrankfurt, antenna Koblenz, antenna Mainz, AntenneThüringen,antenna Unna, antenna Zweibrücken, B5 aktuell,,Bayern 1,Bayern 2 Bayern 3 Bayern plus, BR home , BR-Klassik,BerlinerRundfunk, BigFM, Bremen Eins, Bremen Vier, DasDing, DeluxeMusicRadio, The New 107.7, The Last wave, Germany Funk, GermanyKultur,DRadio knowledge Donau 3 FM, egoFM, Energy Berlin, EnergyBremen,Energy Hamburg, Energy Nuremberg, Energy Sachsen, EnergyStuttgart,ERF Plus, Fritz rbb, Hitradio Ohr, Hitradio RTL Sachsen,hR1, hr2,hR3, hr4, hr-info, Kiss FM, Classic Radio, Kölncampus,MDRCurrently, MDR 1 Radio Sachsen, MDR Sachsen-Anhalt, MDRThüringen,MDR Jump, MDR culture MDR Schlagerwelt, MDR Sputnik,Metropol FM,N-Joy Radio, NDR 90.3, NDR Blue, NDR Info, NDR Kultur,NDR 1 RadioMV, NDR 1 Niedersachsen, NDR 1 Welle Nord, NDR 2,Nordwestradio,Oldenburg One, Radio Bob, Radio Oldtimer, Radio PSR,RadioRegenbogen, Radio Saarbrücken, Radio Sauerland,RadioSchlageraradies, Radio Marine Radio, rock Antenne, R.SA, SR1European wave SR 2 culture radio, SR 3 Saarland wave,SunshineLive, Sorbischer Broadcasting, Sport1.FM, SWR1 BW, SWR1 RP,SWR2,SWR3, SWR4 BW, SWR4 RP, SWRinfo, WDR 1LIVE, WDR 1LIVE Diggi,WDR 2,WDR 3, WDR 4, You FM, antenna MV Apollo radio, Burn FM,Classicrock Radio, Harmony FM, antenna Neunkirchen, byte FM, RadioDEFJAY,Hellweg Radio, Gong 96.3, Landes Thüringen, RTL Radio,Hopechannel. ERF Pop, Fantasy Dance FMEnjoy free use of the app you wantthe team of NMD © 2017
Florida Radio Complete 3.0
Ready to listen Florida Radio? Install now!!!Quick play, simple and fast buffer!Features:1. More than 32 Radio stations!2. You can Favorite it, you like the station!3. Filter by Radio Name, Genre and Place!4. If your station is playing, you will be get title of song andyoucan tap it, you will be directed to search lyrics...5. Run in Background, so you can playing it while open someotherapps.5. You can give feedback to us, like add a radio or reportproblemif the station take long to buffer.6. Easy to use!List of Florida Radio:1. WAIL FM2. WAOA FM 107.1 A One A3. WAVS 1170 AM4. WCOA AM 1370 Pensacolas 1st Radio Station5. WCTH FM Thunder 100.36. WEAT Sunny 107.9 FM7. WEOW 92.78. WFIT 89.5 FM9. WFTW AM NewsTalk 126010. WHKR FM 102.7 The Hitkicker11. WINT AM 1560 The True Oldies Channel12. WJLU 89.7 FM13. WKSM FM 99.5 99 Rock14. WKTK15. WMNF 88.5 FM16. WNCN 88.1 The River17. WNCV FM Coast 93.318. WOKV 690 AM19. WOKV News 105.5 FM20. WQYK 99.5 FM21. WRHC Radio Harbor Country22. WRMB Moody Radio 89.3 FM23. WRMF24. WRRX FM 106.1 Pensacola Classic Soul and R&B25. WSJF-DB Smooth Jazz Florid26. WUFT Classic 8927. WUWF 88.1 FM28. WWRZ Max 98.329. WWUS US-1 Radio 104.1 FM30. WXDJ El Zol 106.7 FM31. WXJZ Party 100.9 FM32. WXKB B103.933. WYUU Maxima FM 92.534. WYYX 97X New Rock35. WYZB FM The Wolf, Country 105For more stations, Just Download Now!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE:*** If you like this apps, dont forget to SHARE and RATE 5US!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some country that have used this application are:Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium,Bolivia,Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, CzechRepublic,Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador,Estonia,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, HongKong,Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan,Jordan,Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon,Lithuania,Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand,Nicaragua,Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines,Poland,Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia,Singapore,Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland,Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United ArabEmirates, UnitedKingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan,Venezuela AndVietnam.
Mexico Radio Complete 2.0
Ready to listen Mexico Radio? Install now!!!Quick play, simple and fast buffer!Features:1. More than 800 Radio stations!2. You can Favorite it, you like the station!3. Filter by Radio Name, Genre and Place!4. If your station is playing, you will be get title of song andyoucan tap it, you will be directed to search lyrics...5. Run in Background, so you can playing it while open someotherapps.5. You can give feedback to us, like add a radio or reportproblemif the station take long to buffer.6. Easy to use!List of Mexico Radio:1. La Ranchera de Monterrey2. Cumbias Inmortales3. Instrumental Hits Radio4. Radio Extremo Guila5. Café Romántico Radio6. Super Stereo 967. La T Grande - XET8. San Nicolas de Bari Radio9. Radio Recuerdo10. La Buena Onda11. AW Inolvidable12. La Grande13. La Dorada FM14. El Fonógrafo15. La Rancherita Consentida16. Radio San Miguel17. RTV RadiomasFor more stations, Just Download Now!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE:*** If you like this apps, dont forget to SHARE and RATE 5US!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
India Radio Complete 3.0
Ready to listen India Radio? Install now!!!Quick play, simple and fast buffer!Features:1. More than 140 Radio stations!2. You can Favorite it, you like the station!3. Filter by Radio Name, Genre and Place!4. If your station is playing, you will be get title of song andyoucan tap it, you will be directed to search lyrics...5. Run in Background, so you can playing it while open someotherapps.5. You can give feedback to us, like add a radio or reportproblemif the station take long to buffer.6. Easy to use!List of India Radio:1. Radio City 91.1 FM2. Hindi Desi Bollywood Evergreen Hits3. Bollywood Hindi Hits4. Kripalu Bhakti Dhara Radio5. Ama Radio6. Radio Mirchi - FM 98.37. Red FM 93.58. Hits Of Bollywood9. Sada Bahar Music Radio10. Bhajan Radio11. Radio Schizoid - Progressive Psychedelic Trance12. Timepass Radio13. Bombay Hott Radio14. Sayaji FM15. Radio Srinagar16. Radio Bolly FM17. Radio Afsana18. Cutefm19. Famous Music Radio20. Indian Echoes FM21. Radio Sindhi HD22. Bollywood Hungama Radio23. The Movement Radio India24. Radio Masala25. Ilayaraja Radio26. Bangalore Christian Radio27. Confident Group CGradio28. Mohd Rafi Radio29. Rangilo Gujarat FM Radio30. Radio Udaan31. Geetham Tamil Radio32. Radio4India.com33. Club Asia Radio34. Online Malayalam Radio35. Vaanmalar FM36. Tambura RJB37. Illayarajavin Thevitatha Padalgal!38. Kannada Radio 31639. Gurdwara Dukh Niwaran Sahib Ludhiana40. Astrology Radio41. Satsahib Radio42. Radio Malankara Malayalam43. Kera Radio44. Hi 2 World Tamil FM45. Sunnah Channel46. Sai Bhakti Radio47. Radio Souparnika48. Thambura Online Radio Tamil49. Telangana Radio50. Chill FM For TamilsFor more stations, Just Download Now!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE:*** If you like this apps, dont forget to SHARE and RATE 5US!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some country that have used this application are:Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium,Bolivia,Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, CzechRepublic,Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador,Estonia,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, HongKong,Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan,Jordan,Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon,Lithuania,Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand,Nicaragua,Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines,Poland,Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia,Singapore,Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland,Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United ArabEmirates, UnitedKingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan,Venezuela AndVietnam.
Ireland Radio Complete 2.0
Ready to listen Ireland Radio? Installnow!!!Quick play, simple and fast buffer!Features:1. More than 140 Radio stations!2. You can Favorite it, you like the station!3. Filter by Radio Name, Genre and Place!4. If your station is playing, you will be get title of songandyoucan tap it, you will be directed to search lyrics...5. Run in Background, so you can playing it while opensomeotherapps.5. You can give feedback to us, like add a radio or reportproblemifthe station take long to buffer.6. Easy to use!List of Ireland Radio:1. Zenith Classic Rock2. Irish Pub Radio3. Irish Country Music Radio4. DDM Radio5. ABC 50's6. RTÉ Radio 17. Sunshine 106.8 FM8. KISS Country9. Hot FM10. Today FM11. SPIN South West12. RTÉ Gold13. Energy 9414. Midwest Radio15. Newstalk16. RTÉ Lyric FM17. Highland Radio18. Red FM19. URADIO20. TrancePulse FM Dublin21. TXFM22. Z1 Ireland23. Pure Classic24. FM104 Radio25. Annestown Community Radio26. All 80s27. Triplag Radio Chill Out28. Galway Bay FM29. NLR Roots Radio30. Flirt FM31. Live 95 FM32. Tipperary Mid West Radio33. Dublin City FM34. Radio Nova35. Kiss Jazz36. Storm North East37. Room 10138. Contemporary Celtic39. RTÉ Junior40. Limerick City Community Radio41. Life FM42. The 90s Network43. Ballinrobe Community Radio44. ABC Memories Ireland45. Raidió Rí-Rá46. ABC 60's47. IFusion Radio48. Pond Radio49. Dublin South50. Liffey Sound FM51. KCLR52. Redrock Country53. IRadio Northeast & Midlands54. Ballina Community Radio55. Clare FM56. SPIN 103857. Near Radio58. Klubb FM59. Ocean FM60. Ashbourne Radio 96.7 FM61. Zen Radio62. 8Radio.com63. Northern Sound64. Live Ireland65. Irish Radio International66. RTÉ 2fm67. ULFM68. Open Your Mind Radio69. Spirit Radio70. RTÉ Radio 1 Extra71. DeepStyleHouse72. Easy Radio73. Beat 102-103 FM74. Athlone Community Radio75. RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta76. Birdhill Radio77. YAG FM78. Western Waves Community Radio79. South East Radio80. Charityradio.ie81. KISS FM Hits82. Kiss FM83. PC Radio84. UDMI85. TRUE 80s Music86. Dublin's ABC87. Phoenix FM88. Ireland's ABC Christmas89. Heartbeat FM90. Healing Radio91. Claremorris Community92. Wired FM93. All Irish Radio94. Christmas FM95. 1 Club 4 Radio96. Classix97. OpenTempo FM98. Non Stop Storm FM99. Radio Vera100. The Foundry FMFor more stations, Just Download Now!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE:*** If you like this apps, dont forget to SHARE and RATE 5US!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some country that have used this application are:Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus,Belgium,Bolivia,Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,CzechRepublic,Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, ElSalvador,Estonia,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala,Honduras, HongKong,Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy,Japan,Jordan,Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia,Lebanon,Lithuania,Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, NewZealand,Nicaragua,Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru,Philippines,Poland,Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, SaudiArabia,Singapore,Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, UnitedArabEmirates, UnitedKingdom, United States, Uruguay,Uzbekistan,Venezuela AndVietnam.
Israel Radio Complete 2.0
Ready to listen Israel Radio? Install now!!!Quick play, simple and fast buffer!Features:1. More than 65 Radio stations!2. You can Favorite it, you like the station!3. Filter by Radio Name, Genre and Place!4. If your station is playing, you will be get title of song andyoucan tap it, you will be directed to search lyrics...5. Run in Background, so you can playing it while open someotherapps.5. You can give feedback to us, like add a radio or reportproblemif the station take long to buffer.6. Easy to use!List of Israel Radio:1. Joint Radio2. Beat FM3. 109FM Israel4. radioDANCE5. Radio Orenu6. Israel News Talk Radio7. Smooth Jazz8. Radio B.B Bukharian Jewish Music9. Kiss FM Middle East10. TSHUVAfm11. Kabbalah TV12. Radio 102FM13. GalGalatz14. Radio Mevaser Tov15. Radio Hamesh16. Agape17. kzradio18. Koomy Radio19. Radio Briza20. Radio Lelo Hafsaka21. Radio Lev Hamedina22. Radio Breslov Karmiel23. IDC Radio24. Arutz Sheva Radio25. Kol Ramat Hasharon26. Fun-Music radio27. Kol Haemet28. Kol HaCampus29. RADIO ILIOS30. RADIO 531. Kol Rega32. 100FM Radius33. TLV134. Noshmim Mizrahit35. Radio 200036. Kol Galim37. Mt. Scopus Radio38. Omemo Radio39. The Voice of Peace40. Contrive-M41. Radio SOL42. Radio Yasoo43. Kol-Barama44. Geula FM45. Kahol Yavan46. FM 10247. Radio Haifa48. RadioezOrit49. Radio Kol Yizrael50. Jlm.fmFor more stations, Just Download Now!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE:*** If you like this apps, dont forget to SHARE and RATE 5US!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some country that have used this application are:Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium,Bolivia,Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, CzechRepublic,Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador,Estonia,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, HongKong,Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan,Jordan,Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon,Lithuania,Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand,Nicaragua,Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines,Poland,Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia,Singapore,Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland,Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United ArabEmirates, UnitedKingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan,Venezuela AndVietnam.
Czech Radio Complete 3.0
Ready to listen Czech Republic? Install now!!!Quick play, simple and fast buffer!Features:1. More than 85 Radio stations!2. You can Favorite it, you like the station!3. Filter by Radio Name, Genre and Place!4. If your station is playing, you will be get title of song andyoucan tap it, you will be directed to search lyrics...5. Run in Background, so you can playing it while open someotherapps.5. You can give feedback to us, like add a radio or reportproblemif the station take long to buffer.6. Easy to use!List of Czech Republic Radio:1. Radio Blanik2. Helax3. Radio Click & Country4. Dance Radio5. Radio Gothic6. Radio Retro Znovu897. Radio R8. Radio Petrov9. Radio Rubi10. Český rozhlas Sever11. Radio Bomba12. E-RÁDIO JAZZINEC13. Cesky Impuls14. Cesky Rozhlas 615. Radio 6616. Český rozhlas České Budějovice17. Radio Expres18. Prague Show Radio19. Český rozhlas Region - Praha a střední Čechy20. Radio23.cz21. Rock Rádio22. Radio Svit23. Radio Contact24. Kiss Hády25. Club Radio26. Radio Černá Hora27. RÁDIO POVÍDKA28. Hitrádio FM29. ROCK MAX Radio30. Radio Applaus31. Český rozhlas Brno32. RadioTop33. Classic Praha34. AB Radio Humor35. RADIO BEST OF ROCK36. Radio Farda37. Český rozhlas Hradec Králové38. Free Radio39. Rádio Krokodýl FM40. Oldies Radio41. Český rozhlas Ostrava42. Radio Čas Rock43. Rozhlasu archivu44. Radio Zlin45. Halloradio Hultschin46. Frekvence 147. Radio Jih48. Radio Dechovka49. Český rozhlas Jazz50. Radio Kiss Jump Galaxia51. Radio Wave52. Hard Radio FM53. Chilltime Radio54. Radio SoundWave55. Radio CasFor more stations, Just Download Now!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE:*** If you like this apps, dont forget to SHARE and RATE 5US!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some country that have used this application are:Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium,Bolivia,Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, CzechRepublic,Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador,Estonia,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, HongKong,Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan,Jordan,Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon,Lithuania,Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand,Nicaragua,Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines,Poland,Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia,Singapore,Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland,Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United ArabEmirates, UnitedKingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan,Venezuela AndVietnam.