Top 20 Apps Similar to Frases de Nietzsche

Frases Célebres 1.1
Roque Rueda
La sabiduría de los sabios y la experienciadelos siglos pueden ser conservadas con las citas.Es por esto la creación de la aplicación “Frases” en la cualserealizó una extensa recopilación de frases célebres lascualesesperamos que sean de su agrado.The wisdom of the wiseandthe experience of ages may be preserved by quotations.That is why the creation of the application "phrases" in whichhemade an extensive collection of quotations which we hope youenjoythem.
Frases celebres 9.0.0
Frases seleccionadas cuidadosamente delosescritores, filósofos y gente famosa que a inspirado a muchagente.Siéntete identificado con cualquiera de estas frases ycompártelacon tus amigos o familiares. ¡Completamente enespañol!Phrases carefullyselectedwriters, philosophers and famous people that inspiredpeople. Feelidentified with any of these phrases and share themwith friends orfamily. Entirely in Spanish!
Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes Pro 1.0.0
Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes Pro
FlipApp FamousQuotes Hungarian 1.0.1
FlipApp FamousQuotes Hungarian givesyouaccessto more than 6000 citations in Hungarian over 400famousauthorsfrom all around the world and famous people inhistory.Get inspired with quotes from writers,thinkers,scientists,philosophers, men and women of history. Findthe quotethat helpsyou at all times, centuries of wisdom condensedinto aapp.You see plenty of phrases, simply swipping your fingeracrossthescreen. You will not be able to stop reading them ...Features:-General list with all the phrases and famous quotations.-Fast progress bar to discover new phrases.-Filter by category, to access the citations includedwithinthedifferent.-Filter by author.-Your favorite quotes list.-Search for phrases.-Search and present information about the authors.-Phrases can share with your friends through:facebook, twitter, google +, etc..whatsapp, Joyn, sms, facebook messenger, etc.-Selection of different widgets, which will present thequoteofthe day on your home screen. From the widget you can shareoraddphrases to your list of favorite quotes.If you want phrases and famous quotations inmorelanguages​​,download the version of FlipApp Quotes for thelanguageyouwant.
Nietzsche-ThusSpakeZarathustra 1.1
Friedrich Nietzsche"ThusSpakeZarathustra".Series: World classics.Does not require an internet connection. All the dataisstoredlocally.Very efficient – runs fast, and uses little memory.---DISCLAIMER----All Books are out of copyright and in public domain.This is an unofficial free fan app. Any content not ownedbythisdeveloper belongs to their respective owners.If there is an issue with this app contact us via theemailaddressand we will remove it.All material in this app shall only be usedforpersonal,non-commercial purposes.
Famous Quotes Spanish
FlipApp Quotes Spanish gives you access tomorethan 4000 citations in Spanish over 250 famous authors fromallaround the world and famous people in history.Get inspired with quotes from writers, thinkers,scientists,philosophers, men and women of history. Find the quotethat helpsyou at all times, centuries of wisdom condensed into aapp.You see plenty of phrases, simply swipping your finger acrossthescreen. You will not be able to stop reading them ...Features:-General list with all the phrases and famous quotations.-Fast progress bar to discover new phrases.-Filter by category, to access the citations included withinthedifferent.-Filter by author.-Your favorite quotes list.-Search for phrases.-Search and present information about the authors.-Phrases can share with your friends through:facebook, twitter, google+, gmail, instagram, picasa,telegram,line, hangouts, linkedin, skype,whatsapp, sms, facebook messenger, etc-Selection of different widgets, which will present the quote oftheday on your home screen. From the widgetyou can share or addphrasesto your list of favorite quotes.If you want phrases and famous quotations in morelanguages​​,download the version of FlipApp Quotes for the languageyouwant.
Так говорил Заратустра Ницше 3.0
New Apps Land
Философский роман «Так говорил Заратустра. Книга для всех и нидлякого» - известнейшее произведение Фридриха Ницше, один изстолповего славы и признания, впервые изданный в 1885 году.Творениеталантливое и страшное, высокое и вдохновенное, онопосвященоформированию и сути "истинного сверхчеловека" - в егопредставлениисамим философом в начале прошлого века. "Так говорилЗаратустра " -наиболее известное и широко читаемое произведениеНицше. Для самогоНицше "Заратустра" - главное произведение жизни,поделившее еготворческую биографию на периоды "до" и "после".Отношение философак этой работе было исключительным. "Я открыл мой"Новый свет", окотором еще не знал никто", - писал Ницше. Книганесет в себеэнергетику столь исключительную, что ее ощутили на себемногиепоколения его читателей. Эта книга - ключ к пониманию всехтекстоввеликого философа, недаром именно ее часто называютницшевскойБиблией. Разработчик приложений New Apps Land ставитперед собойцель популяризации произведений классической русской изарубежнойлитературы среди нового поколения читателей. Чтобысоздать упользователей впечатление чтения реальной книги вприложении созданэффект перелистывания страниц. Приложения от NewApps Land являютсябесплатными. Приложения не запрашивают упользователей отправку SMSс мобильных телефонов на платные номера атакже не отслеживаютличную информацию пользователя. Как небольшаякомпенсация за трудсоздателя приложений в приложение встроенрекламный модуль AdmobЕсли данное приложение Вам понравилось -оставьте, пожалуйста,отзыв.
Beyond Good and Evil 1.0
"Beyond Good and Evil" is Nietzsche athisbest. In the book the philosopher attempts to systematically sumuphis philosophy through a collection of 296 aphorisms groupedintonine different chapters based on their common theme. For thereaderwho has yet to discover Nietzsche in this translation byHelenZimmern will be found a fabulous introduction. For those whohavealready discovered Nietzsche here you will find the opportunitytounderstand the whole of Nietzsche's philosophy.
Oxford Philosophy Dictionary 11.1.544
The most comprehensive dictionary of philosophy in English.
Friedrich Nietzsche 1.0
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (15 October1844–25 August 1900) was a German philologist,philosopher,culturalcritic, poet and composer. He wrote severalcritical textsonreligion, morality, contemporary culture,philosophy andscience,displaying a fondness for metaphor, irony andaphorism.Find everything you want to know about FriedrichNietzcscheinform of BIOGRAPHY and FACTS or enjoy QUOTES andGALLERY.This app is part of our History Apps collection(availableforfreeon Google Play).If you like our apps or want to find out more about usgoto:, if you have any complaints or notice any bugs send usane-mailon: [email protected] app is released under a Creative Commons AttributionShareAlike3.0 International licence (CC-BY-SA).See licence here: source: Wikipedia (
Socrates Quotes 1.3
Socrates (469 BC–399 BC) was a Classical Greekphilosopher.Creditedas one of the founders of Western philosophy.Enjoy histhoughtsabout life, politics, science, love ... -IntuitiveUI-Next/Previousquotes -Random quotes -Email/SMS Note1 Adsupported!Note2 If youhave more Socrates quotes, then please mailus.
Philosophical Ebooks 1.0
The app will satisfy your quench to readsomeof the best philosophical books. You can downloadthisphilosophical ebooks app to grab the best e books available inthephilosophical category thereby giving yourself a hold of someofthe best books. To help you read them easily, the app has thebestuser experience, you can think of.By downloading this philosophical ebook app you will be abletoread some great books absolutely free. Books like On toHigherGround, Butterflies Are Free To Fly, How To Be Merry etc area partof this amazing app. All you need to do this go ahead locatethebook you want to read on the shelf and tap on it tobeginreading.Using this philosophical ebook application you will be abletochange the font size, swipe to the next page, choose from a listofmultiple books, change colors, manage brightness and a lotmore.So, just download this app and enjoy the best time readingthesebooks.Features of the app:1. Enjoy reading your book anywhere2. You can skip to the next chapter in the book3. Easily swipe to next page and navigate within the appDisclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy reading ebooks thatarefamous and give you all the information that you might needaboutcertain varied topics. If you have any issues with the app, orhaveany suggestions drop me a mail at [email protected]
Frases LifeDer 1.0.5
Lleva tu vida a otro nivel:¡La mejor appdefrases y citas!¿Tienes falta de motivación o necesitas inspiración? ¿Ysipudieras aprender de las personas más exitosas todos losdías?# Aprende y motívate con las personas más exitosas delahistoria.# Envía tus frases favoritas por redes sociales.# Más de 100 autores: Albert Einstein, Gandhi, Buda,NelsonMandela, Dalai Lama, Confucio, Frida Kahlo, Groucho Marx,MarkTwain, Rumi, Voltaire, Walt Disney y muchos más…# Más de 40 categorías: Motivación, Amor, Felicidad,Sabiduría,Actitud, Libertad, Justicia, Amistad, Confianza,Autoestima,Sueños, Optimismo, Familia, Paciencia, Educación,Perseverancia ymuchos más…# Mejora tu motivación con citas diarias.# Establece la hora a la que quieres una fraseparainspirarte.¡Descárgala ya!Funciones:- Notificaciones: planifica la hora a la que quieras queunafrase aparezca en tu Smartphone.- Compartir: puedes compartir las frases en Facebook, InstagramyWhatsapp.- Favoritos: guarda en favoritos las frases que te gusten, motivenoinspiren.- Frase del día: todos los días una nueva frase.- Elige la hora a la que quieres que se renueve la "frasesdeldía".- Elige la opción de tener una frase todas las mañanas.- Selecciona la hora a la que quieres que se renueve la frasedeldía.- 6 tipos de letras y 5 tamaños.Take your life toanotherlevel: The best app of phrases and quotes!You have lack of motivation or need inspiration? What ifyoucould learn from the most successful people every day?# Learn and get motivated with the most successful peopleinhistory.# Tell your favorite social networks phrases.# More than 100 authors: Albert Einstein, Gandhi, Buddha,NelsonMandela, Dalai Lama, Confucius, Frida Kahlo, Groucho Marx,MarkTwain, Rumi, Voltaire, Walt Disney and many more ...# More than 40 categories: Motivation, Love, Happiness,Wisdom,Attitude, Freedom, Justice, Friendship, Trust, Esteem,Dreams,Optimism, Family, Patience, Education, Perseverance and manymore...# Enhance your motivation daily appointments.# Set the time you want a phrase to inspire.Download it now!Features:- Notifications: planning what time you want a phrase appearsonyour Smartphone.- Share: You can share the phrases in Facebook, InstagramandWhatsapp.- Favorites: Save favorite phrases that you like, motivateorinspire.- Quote of the day: every day a new phrase.- Choose the time you want the "phrase of the day" isrenewed.- Choose the option of having a phrase each morning.- Select the time you want the phrase of the day is renewed.- 6 types of letters and 5 sizes.
Todo Citas (Free)
- Thousands of quotes, sayings, proverbsinSpanish- It works offline- Add to favourites, share them on Facebook, by email or sms- Search by theme, keyword or author- Themes: Art, science, literature, books, scientists,society,time, imperfections, virtues, future, past, mathematics,physics,food, war, games ... and more topics- Ads versionNEW!- Check the donation version!! Create and share yourownquotes!!!
A Nietzsche Reader 1.0
This App Contains:All Too HumanEcce HomoHomer's CompetitionNietzsche on ParmenidesNietzsche on ThalesOn Music and Words and RhetoricOn the Geneology of MoralsOn Truth and LiesPhilosophy During the Tragic AgeThe AntichristThe Case of WagnerThe DawnThe Fate of Our Educational InstitutionsThe Gay ScienceThe Greek StateThe Greek WomanThe Twilight of the IdolsNietzsche was a German philosopher, essayist, andculturalcritic. His writings on truth, morality, language,aesthetics,cultural theory, history, nihilism, power,consciousness, and themeaning of existence have exerted an enormousinfluence on Westernphilosophy and intellectual history.Nietzsche spoke of "the death of God," and foresawthedissolution of traditional religion and metaphysics.Someinterpreters of Nietzsche believe he embraced nihilism,rejectedphilosophical reasoning, and promoted a literaryexploration of thehuman condition, while not being concerned withgaining truth andknowledge in the traditional sense of those terms.However, otherinterpreters of Nietzsche say that in attempting tocounteract thepredicted rise of nihilism, he was engaged in apositive program toreaffirm life, and so he called for a radical,naturalisticrethinking of the nature of human existence, knowledge,andmorality. On either interpretation, it is agreed that hesuggesteda plan for “becoming what one is” through the cultivationofinstincts and various cognitive faculties, a plan thatrequiresconstant struggle with one’s psychological andintellectualinheritances.Nietzsche claimed the exemplary human being must crafthis/herown identity through self-realization and do so withoutrelying onanything transcending that life—such as God or a soul.This way ofliving should be affirmed even were one to adopt,mostproblematically, a radical vision of eternity, one suggestingthe"eternal recurrence" of all events. According to somecommentators,Nietzsche advanced a cosmological theory of “will topower.” Butothers interpret him as not being overly concerned withworking outa general cosmology. Questions regarding the coherenceofNietzsche's views--questions such as whether these views couldallbe taken together without contradiction, whether readersshoulddiscredit any particular view if proven incoherent orincompatiblewith others, and the like--continue to draw theattention ofcontemporary intellectual historians andphilosophers.
Nietzsche : Oeuvres complètes 1.3
Deschard dba Arvensa Editions
Application des œuvres de Friedrich Nietzsche traduitesenfrançaispar Henri Albert, enrichie de centaines denotesexplicatives,d'introductions, de notices, d'annexesbiographiqueset critiques,de gravures originales, pour un total deplus de 24titres.Caractéristiques : - 24 titres, soit la totalitédes oeuvresdeNietzsche et plus de 4 000 pages de lecture ! -Système intégrédesauvegarde de notes. - Possibilité de partager lesnotes.-Possibilité d'ajouter des signets afin desauvegarderdesemplacements. - Système intégré de recherche de motsou phrases-Navigation aisée et ergonomique grâce aux tablesdesmatièresintégrées. - Sauvegarde automatique du dernieremplacementdelecture. - Possibilité d'augmenter ou réduire lataille delapolice. A PROPOS DE L'ÉDITEUR : Les éditions Arvensasontlesleaders de la littérature classique numérique. Leur objectifestdevous faire connaître les oeuvres des grands auteursdelalittérature classique en langue française à un prixabordabletouten vous fournissant la meilleure expérience de lecturesurvotreliseuse. Tous les titres sont produits avec le plusgrandsoin. Leservice qualité s’engage à vous répondre dans les48h.Retrouvezles actualités et tous les titres des éditions Arvensasurleursite.
Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes 1.2.0
This application contains hundredsofquotesfrom the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Thequotesaredisplayed randomly and you can view all quotes too.Theapplicationprovides a search engine.
Странник и его тень.Ницше. 0.0.3
Javlon Juraev
Тень: Это хорошо, что мыодинаковоснисходительны друг к другу, пока молчит рассудок; так небудем жедосаждать друг друга, не станем теснить друг друга, когдасловапротивника будут непонятны. Если не знаешь, что ответить, тоговорихоть что-нибудь. Под этим скромным условием, я всегда говорюскаждым. При слишком длинной беседе и самый мудрый бываетоднаждыдураком и трижды простаком. ...Мы предлагаем Вам самые отборные произведения мировойлитературы.Читайте и познавайте.Не забудьте оценить и оставить отзыв :)Shadow: It is good thatweare equally forgiving each other, until the mind is silent; Letusnot annoy each other, we will not close to each other, whenthewords of the enemy will not understand. If you do not know whattosay, then say anything. Under these modest circumstances, Ialwayssay to anyone. When you talk too long, and the wisest foolhappensonce and three times a simpleton. ...We offer you the choicest works of world literature. Readandlearn.Do not forget to rate and leave feedback :)
Frases e Pensamentos 4.5.1
Frases e Pensamentos: A melhor coleção de citações! Maisde200citações de autores e personalidades famosas. Aproveite!
FlipApp Famous Quotes English 1.0.3
FlipApp Quotes English gives you access to more than 2500citationsin English over 300 famous authors from all around theworld andfamous people in history. Get inspired with quotes fromwriters,thinkers, scientists, philosophers, men and women ofhistory. Findthe quote that helps you at all times, centuries ofwisdomcondensed into a app. You see plenty of phrases, simplyswippingyour finger across the screen. You will not be able to stopreadingthem ... Features: -General list with all the phrases andfamousquotations. -Fast progress bar to discover new phrases.-Filter bycategory, to access the citations included within thedifferent.-Filter by author. -Your favorite quotes list. -Searchfor phrases.-Search and present information about the authors.-Phrases canshare with your friends through: facebook, twitter,google +, etc..whatsapp, Joyn, sms, facebook messenger, etc.-Selection ofdifferent widgets, which will present the quote of theday on yourhome screen. From the widget you can share or addphrases to yourlist of favorite quotes. If you want phrases andfamous quotationsin more languages​​, download the version ofFlipApp Quotes for thelanguage you want.